
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I hardly feel like trudging through this muck again -- it all seems so superfluous. But let's go through the motions. Obama and his comment over the weekend. Someone asked him about his feelings on abortion. Well, we know about that already. He has a 100% rating from the abortionist lobby ... you know, Planned Parenthood -- organized by Margaret Sanger to exterminate the black and other inferior races. You think I'm kidding? This stellar organization has since expanded its portfolio to be against all races ... well, no, not the animal races, just the human race. But I digress. PP is so very much in favor of Obama, since he is so in favor of them. They're the sugar in each other's coffee. We should write a song about it.

Anyways, Hugh Hewitt was going on about this sound byte. Some dude queried Obama on the matter, and he said, "Look, I got two daughters -- 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals. But -- if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age 16. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information."

Well, of course the thing to latch on to there is the idea of punishment. Mothers are punished with babies. You know, the way teenagers who have sex in slasher movies are punished ... only it's the babies who get slashed. Did you know that babies are a punishment? Obama's two daughters must be punishments. Could I be wrong? Unwanted babies are punishments, and wanted fetuses are babies. Or something. Anyway, the fetus has no intrinsic value. It's entirely optional. Like the humanity of, oh, say, Africans in the slave market. If they're on the block, not quite human. If holding the whip, human. Get it? Perfectly logical, if you accept the premise, of: humanity is debatable.

Babies are not punishments. Neither are they blessings. These are such arbitrary labels, after all. What babies are, universally, in the animal kingdom, are duties.

Obama is a bright guy, and he realized even as the words slipped from his lips what would be made of them. So he immediately clouded the issue with a non sequitur, conflating abortion with sex ed. The question wasn't about 'giving them information.' And, obviously, the link between abortion and STDs --  properly, VD -- the link is not as solid as glib consideration would make it seem. Both may result from intercourse, but it is as much as to say that air causes cancer -- living things need air, and may get cancer. Um, well, no? I could labor through the logic of it, but why bother. Upshot is, pregnancy is not a punishment. Put more poignantly, life is not a disease.

And then there's this idea of morals and values. Just what precisely, I wonder, is Obama going to teach his little girls about moralsandvalues? It's a tricky issue for me to talk about, because I don't want to go laying any heavy head trips on y'all. We will, all of us, fail to live up to our moralsandvalues, where ever we may have learned them. But what Obama must intend on teaching his little girls is that when they might slip and fall and make some mistake, one of their moralvalues is that the pregnancy may be terminated. That's his value, after all. And if that choice is included in his values, then teen pregnancy can't really be immoral. So why bring morality into the discussion of abortion? There is a public debate, but there wouldn't be a debate going on in Obama's own mind, or in his moral instructions to his children.

If that reasoning seems muddy, it's because Obama's thinking is muddy. Abortionists have muddy thinking on the matter. If you disagree, please, please tell me where I'm wrong. I'll be sarcastic with you only if you're sarcastic with me.

Ah well. I told you I didn't want to jump through these tiresome hoops. It's always the same old circus. Words are useless, and thinking is hard. But how else will anyone come to an understanding of the magnitude of this issue? We kill babies in America. Legally. I'm all for legal killing. Wars. Executions. You know, enemies. But babies? I don't think much about it. It would make me heartsick.

It must be a bit creepy, for Obama's daughters, though, when they finally realize that they were a choice, to which the answer could have been a bloody NO. How grateful these children should be, to have been allowed to be born. How generous the parents must be, to assume the pain of their existence. So noble.

My son was never a choice. He was always a person.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Roe v. Dred Scot

Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Day and National Abortion Commemoration Day are almost the same day. Isn’t that odd?

No, it isn’t. The Freakenomics guys pointed out a curious trend. Crime rates started to fall dramatically precisely one generation after abortion became wide-spread and legal in the United States.

Who is it that gets aborted? Or should I be politically correct, and say “what” is it? Mostly minorities. Minority babies. Or should I say minority “fetuses”.

What does such a factoid mean? That the socially conservative policies enacted during the Eighties -- three strikes and zero tolerance and suchlike -- were effective? Or that the criminals who would have been committing those absent crimes had been proactively executed, in the womb.

My vast conservative readership will already know it, but for the growing throng of liberals who flock to these pages out of their great craving for lucidity and gentleness, I will observe that the driving force behind the legalization of abortion was Margaret Sanger. And her major impetus, the reason for her social conscience, was eugenics. Eugenics, for my younger readers, is that school of social thought that would improve the general tone of mankind by killing its inferior representatives. Popular in the early Twentieth Century, reaching its highest expression during the Third Reich. Jews, Gypsies, criminals, homosexuals, mental defectives, syphilitics, Africans. You know, inferiors. This, per Hitler and Sanger.

There was a time when I had the statistics at my finger tips. Another decade. But it’s mostly black babies who get aborted. I have several times made the connection, here. Between abortion and slavery. Fetuses and blacks -- the two groups who aren’t human. Not fully human, if human at all. The Dred Scot decision formulated the idea: a black man has no rights that a white man is bound to honor. Roe v. Wade reiterated it. I don’t actually have a quote for it. It’s just that it’s okay to kill babies. You won’t remember Chief Justice Taney. Or even Chief Justice Warren. The two moral giants behind these two equivalent pieces of judicial legislation. But isn’t it funny, how it’s the blacks, again, who enjoy the full benefit of such decisions?

We might speculate what old time heroes JFK and King would make of what happened to their movements and parties. Kennedy would be a mainstream conservative Republican today. Lower taxes, strong national defense, compassion from government. King would not recognize the torchbearers of his legacy. The hideous reverend jesse jackson, with his extortions and self-seeking and policies of division, would have been an abomination to King. King was a Bible-based preacher, who viewed abortion as the killing of a baby. I suggest that if the great issue of his day were not civil rights -- let’s suppose equality had been achieved -- King would have marched for the unborn.

Whom did he side with, after all? The powerful? The privileged? Or with those who have no voice? Dogs and firehoses are bad enough. It is an affront to every honorable man to benefit from such conditions, silently. We must stand up and speak out and put ourselves in harms way if need be, to stop grotesque injustice. I speak as a hypocrite now. But King was not a hypocrite -- not so that we’d know it. He had his human failings and all, but we do not require perfection. We need courage. And he had that.

Where is our courage? Where is our hero? There are only victims. We stand, silently watching.

As for all those dead black babies who aren’t committing their crimes, Sanger was obviously correct. Society is better off. Who else can we kill early?

On the other hand, maybe if black families were actually families, like with a father, the way it used to be before government social programs destroyed the black community, maybe love rather than death would prove to be an effective preventative measure against crime.

But that's just too simplistic -- an unthinking, unsophisticated conservative answer that requires sacrifice and commitment. I must be wrong.

On an entirely unrelated note, famed liberal actor Heath Ledger was found today dead in his Manhattan apartment amid a scatter of pills. He had a tattoo on his back -- "Fuck the World."