
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

* Class Cams


Climate religion, gender religion -- how widespread is the abuse?  Woke "teachers" indoctrinating children into a religion obnoxious to the parents?  Are any statistics available?  I won't even say I should think the number would be small.  I don't know.  Universities are toxic.  So why not elementary schools, up to high schools?  

It's been many years since I've been in a classroom.  Things were still under control in those days.  But in those days "gay marriage" wasn't even a topic for late night comedians.  

We've seen it before, we humans.  How teaching as a profession becomes revolutionary.  Soviet Union and Red China teachers were just an arm of the party.  And the point that I've been building to is this: teachers were the profession most represented in Nazi Party membership.  

There must be something about having huge influence on young minds that swells weak characters into monstrous and conscienceless egotists.  The former-principle and now-quaint notion of in loco parentis cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas, when the marketplace is a socialist or wokalist cooperative.  

We don't want your kind around here, parent! Your child?  Ha!  My child, in my classroom, under my values.  Now where did I leave those puberty blockers...

So an obvious necessity now is for classrooms to be equipped with cameras, with sound.  There have been objections about this, regarding privacy.  But whose privacy?  Not from parents -- we give our kids baths.  Not for teachers -- they are hirelings, like babysitters.  And in a public school there should be no secret curriculum, hidden agenda.

Student-teachers are not infrequently observed by mentors or administrators.  Department heads audit classrooms.  Teachers are observed for evaluation.  Parents sometimes sit in classrooms.  So...?  I find no substantive valid objection.  

Cameras then, accessible to parents.  Only parents, or appropriate administrators.  Etc.  Common sense.  

Bodycams for police are widely used now.  There was a lot of pushback originally, but my not very well informed impression is that a significant majority of officers support bodycams now.  My own opinion is that it is a superb idea, protecting officers and citizens alike.  Even criminals should benefit -- fewer lies is good for the soul.  

Hardly anyone nowadays is camera shy. Think of it as you staring in your instagram or tictoc or whatever page or account or channel or whatever. It's the future already, and everyone is a star.


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