
Monday, March 27, 2023

Too Soon

Ho hum.  It's that time of the year again, or of the month, or of the news cycle.  What's old is new again.  Seems like I've covered this ground before.  Oh, yeah, yes, I have.  Virginia Tech, and this, which I don't even remember.  You're too young to remember.  

Now this girl -- Nashville, Christian school, nine-year-olds.  Very unusual, a girl being a school shooter.  And with our new awokeness about identity and shit, it's truly very confusing.  First, it seems like there should be a distinction between student school shooters, and adult school shooters.  They're totally different.  

And I just added to the confusion by calling her a girl.  She's 28, and a man.  But maybe I'm wrong about that.  Maybe she identifies ... identified as a nine-year-old boy?  I think she did -- that was the manifest focus of her interest. Michael Jackson would have been a healthier role model.  Peter Pan wasn't homocidal.

But even more confusing is that here I was, thinking I'd finally mastered the jargon.  When we say, say, trans women, "trans" means the thing they are not.  In reality they'd be men.  They want to be, they think they are, they're insisting with fierce vehemence and pretending with great vigor to be womenTrans is aspirational.  

So the preferred and required usage, the neo-orthodoxy (certainly not heterodoxy), the government-established religion, has it that she be identityified as "he" etc.  

But she's NOT being identityified that way!  They're not being inclusive and equityable, our leaders, rulers and overlords (pardon my gendered language -- I just did it with "mastered" too.  I am incorrigibly deplorable).  It's always "she", in the reportage.  This is outrageous.  So disrespectful.   After all the hard-fought battles we've fought -- yes, I've converted -- the blood, sweat and tears we've spilled, to be treated so insensitively by the ultra white extremist supremacist republican genocidal maga moslemophobic cacofemistic cisphallic fetophile equitimachist Jesus-lovers who should all be killed and exterminated like the evil haters they all are (point of order: they don't hate evil.  They are evil and haters).

See, stupid?  


It's right there, online, easy to find.  HE.  HIM.  Is that so incredibly hard for you to understand?  

He is NOT a trans "woman".  Idiots.  He IS a woman.  He is a trans MAN.  "Trans" means the thing you WANT to be.  Is that too hard for you to comprehend, in your pathetic peabrain?  Nothing to do with so-called biology.  A complete repudiation and negation of that pseudoscientific myth. 

See?  Are you blind?  Look!  Use your eyes, those jelly balls in the middle of your stupid face.  (Bonus: Beauty is found in symmetry of breadth, and not of depth or height (I've been reading Pascal). The top of a face should not match the bottom.  Unlike starfish, we favor bilateral symmetry.) 

Clearly, clearly she is a man.  She's not dressing like this for the fashion of it.  It's who she is(I have that same tie.)

But I jest.  

I have nothing to say about the grief.  I'm not even thinking about it.  There's no one for me to hold, and words, well they are why we're in this mess as it is.  Words are what we use to tell lies with.  

I'm somebody who makes jokes too soon.  It's what I do because I cannot throw my body between children and monsters.  I hate this goddamned world so much.


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