
Tuesday, March 12, 2024



A few select quotes from President biden's 1924 Stay duv duh Yunyun Speesh.

The violence and evil and intolerance of the MAGA Republicans will be destroyed.  We will exterminate everything the haters love.  They have no idea what's coming, yeah, see?  Never again, MAGA!!!

A new glorious new age is here at hand.  Let us rise together, waft majestically across this broad green, green and windpower land, from Alaska to Myrtle Beach!  Let us stride heroically forward onward into the glorious sunshine of the radiant future and the solar powered sun!

Let us ... Create the United States Super Once More! CUSSOM!  We can rebuild it back better! We have the green technology! We can make it better than it was! Better, stronger, faster, um, newer!  Bigger!  Diversitier!  Possibly!  Come, yes, aha, be, with me, besides and ... CUSSOM! CUSSOM! CUSSOM!...  

-- JRB, Jr, on our 247th year as a nation on Earth 

biden thinks he's funny.  That has been my problem too.   One of the guys I am, is the exaggerated disgustingly vain persona -- because it's so  funny.  

But I'm too old for it to work, now.  Like Jerry Lewis being his monkey, at age 60, or 70 or 80 or 90.  It just didn't work. Young and skinny worked.  I'm not sure why my know-it-all vanity-guy doesn't work.  It doesn't feel right -- I still use it, accidentally, an unthoughtful laziness or a very old habit.  But I immediately notice and regret it.  A minor regret.

biden thinks he's funny.  The sotto voce whisper 

-- "I'm the President" -- "I'm the Commander in Chief".  Wow.  Just wow.  You know, absolutely know that he thinks he's funny.  That's why he so frequently informs us that he is NOT joking.  It usually seems to mean that he IS lying.  So, useful. 

There's a lot of silliness, pettiness, carping and picking at the other political side.  That's fine, people do it, and hopefully it's amusing for a bit. But it's just trivia, not really trying to convince or establish a point.  

President Ford was clumsy and said the Soviets did not dominate Eastern Europe.  President Carter was attacked by a rabbit and had been a peanut farmer.  Bush I was a wimp. Dukakis looked funny in a helmet in a tank. 

clinton, well, all that was true.  Bush II looked like a chimp.  Candidate Al Gore invented the internet. 

Candidate John Kerry wore a bunny suit and said Jangus Khan.  Obama ... but we don't dare say anything about him.  Trump was orange and a huckster, which was true, but not consequential.  

And now biden, for a few more months -- probably longer than he'll be alive, if you take my meaning. 

 Ford inherited the office, and did not win when he actually ran.  It will be the same with the Kamaltoe Harry  ssssSorry.  She will be pres for a few months, only.  

For biden, look, being old is fine, it's a good thing.  But let this be a warning. A lifetime in high political office should have an expiration date, a minimum, or maximum bar -- above or below which, no presidency for you.

Forty-nine years, now, minus Trump's four year interregnum -- biden's nearly 50 years is more than enough.

Thank your for your service.   Make it a general rule, the biden Bar. X number of public falls, Y number of miss-named leaders and countries and murder-victims, and years your son died …  XYZ and it's time to stop trying to recite the alphabet.  I'm telling you right now what I think of you.  

XY is the 

patriarchy, and why does tranZZZ come last, I'd like to know?!?!??



Goonight Joe. Goonight Joe. Goonight Joe. Goonight.  Ta ta. Goonight. 



Good night,


ladies, good night, sweet ladies,


good night, good night.  

Biden walks old, and off in the wrong direction -- it's just bad optics.  Verbal gaffs and misreads are regrettable, but fair-mindedness looks for the substance and the intended meaning of what people say.  It's just that there's something so unserious, so small about him.  So obvious, so insecure.  Partisan.  Petty. 

This isn't ad hominem.  It is about him, but politics is not my point.  The man himself.  The guy, the dude.  He doesn't have the discipline to stay on message, let alone on script.  He's so bad at the job -- yes, policies, but politics.  Always, always blaming.  His predecessor, a newcomer 

of a word, to him. He actually pronounced all for syllables, a fe times.  presebebe.

 Last years SOU  sow   speech was him just repeating "MAGA Republicans" -- The great number of Trump supporters are bad?  The hackness of it.  Joe Biden, president only of the ultra CUSSOM Democrats who agree with him. 

Honestly.  MAGA vs CUSSOM!  It's the clash of

 kaiju monster movies and the

 Lovecraft mythos: Mothra vs Chthulhu.  Or, no, make that 


Heh heh!!!  

Deep in the Stygian bowels of some oppressive magma chamber, the loathsome ichorous spawn of nameless chaos bestirs itself from a scathing torpor of roiling millennia and, hideously awokened, unutterably outraged, unreasonably triggered ... CUSSOM rises!!!  

Meanwhile, freed from the frigid bonds of deplorable boreal ice in the melting frost-bound farthest climate-changing climes of the north, slavering noisomely in its bloated greed and squamous intolerance ... MAGUMA creeps forth!!!  And so on.  Adjectival doom awaits us at the utmost adverb.

I do play this game -- say, my quandam obsession with  pronouns -- but I'm not a serious person. If I had great responsibility, I would train myself to never, never do my big ego guy.  It doesn't work at my age, and it wouldn't work in a position of authority.  

biden uses social tricks that he learned in the 1960s.  They will have been how, 50 years ago, he got elected to the Senate.  Dramatic or humorous stories about how interesting and admirable he is.  Glad-handing and backslapping.  Somehow, they got him this far.  But now, completely inappropriate.  

biden … Joe, find some other fake way to be.  You are the Commander in Chief.  Respect that.  A rookie officer has to learn command presence.  How much more, you.  You are President of the United States.  Have some gravitas.


Notice: CUSSOM hats are now available in aquamarine, gaslight, and stylish blue yonder!

Only $20.24 (plus 19.73 tax plus 49.99 shipping and handling, plus $246.42 cussoms duty -- other fees may apply)  at YeOldeWhiteHouseGiftShoppe. gov and the DisneyStoreOnline.  One size fits all.  Supply unlimited.  (Also available, Biden Balloons!  

Guaranteed large enough to meet all your transcontinental needs.  Forgivable FHA loans available.)  

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!

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