
Monday, October 7, 2024

Disney's "Snow Woke & the 7 Lgbt+ P.o.C.s"

Not a joke, I don't really get it. All this kerfuffle about Disney's "Snow White", and Rachel Zegler and her "rate" /race.  She's Polish?  So what. Are people still telling Polish jokes?  That was a thing when I was a kid, but it seems like such jokes were replaced by another hatful gobigtree joke, about the so-called "dumb blonde".   

Well, first of all, eff u u effing bees.  I'm blond, and sick of your redhat /hatred.  What you would have meant, if you knew what you meant, would be "dumb BLEACH blonde".  So I know, better than anyone, about being the victim of redhat and gobigtree /bigotry.  My phenotype is appropriated the way an abortionist (exterminator) loves infanticide (insecticide) -- casually.  

Why doesn't being INauthentically blond get you canceled? All this rabble of appropriating imposture "blackface" or rather "bleach blondes", same thing.  But I virtually NEVER see myself in media, never realgenetic blonds.  Where are MY reparations.   Hatful.  Hatful.  

Rachel Zegler was born in Hackensack, New Jersey. She was named after a character on the edgy and diverse '90s sitcom, "Friends" -- Rachel Karen Green.  Zegler's father is Craig.  One of her four -- that is, one-fourth of her grandparents immigrated from Colombia in the '60s -- but maybe this maternal grandmother was, um, mostly European? The info is weirdly sparse and weirdly inconsistent.  So maybe Rachel identifies as a colombio-quadroon, or maybe as an -octoroon?  How far back might it go, this tainting Europeanness.  Even the antebellum South didn't think to invent a word past "quintroon", to describe Rachel's possible dilutedness with disfavored and repudiated caucasian genes.  

Per Wikipedia, due "to her ethnicity, Zegler faced racial discrimination /racing Duecenbergs as a child."  Private schools in New Jersey in the obama Error really are well-known to have been viciously anti-Polish and anti-Colombian-quadroon thru quintroon/macaroon.

And yet Rachel is quite light-complected.  Fair olive, I'd suppose ppl, and not only ppl of color, would say, if they needed to say it, which they do, somehow.  In my Humble Opinion, Zegler could, well, *pass* for NON-Polish, if that's not a dog whistle, "pass".  But dogs cannot read or go online, and in any case how could anyone hear a whistle that's actually literally words?  Words are not whistles.  

...well, there's that whistling hunting language they have in Papua New Guinea, I think it is, but are YOU Papuan?  No, you are not.  And R2D2 is a whistler.  I admit that.  But is that really a language, made up like Klingon or Elvish?  Or Orcish ... is that right? - can this be right?!  "Black Speech"?!?  That is totally, totally ... but ...  I'll leave that for the Critically Racist Theoreticians. And the nerds.  I could not be bothered.  

But, come on, get a grip.  Have some common sense.  Sheesh.


In any tale or book that's made into a film, casting has very little to do with the written character.  Tiny little Tom Thumb, that is, Tom Cruise, pretending to be 6'5" Jack Reacher.  Weird, weird.  Denzel worked perfectly, in the "Equalizer" remake films -- originally an old TV Brit white guy, but I never saw the show.  No one cares. It's not about rates/race.  Cruise, no, because of an immutable physical characteristic, of massive size, inherent to the integrity of the Jack Reacher character.  Denzel, yes, because of the required gravitas. We do, all of us, have an expansiveness of soul and understanding that accommodates suspension of credulity, in our fiction amusements. But contradictions are no buenito.

So there's a lot of noise about "rate swiping" re Snow Zegler.  But Poland is in Europe. As for "color", Zegler is like George Zimmerman (that guy who shot Obama's son, Trayvon) ... CNN reported as a "white latino" ... a new idea.  Zegler and Zimmerman are stereotypical surnames for white latinos.  My point is, hardly anyone would have noticed Zegler's off-whiteness, were it not for this current torpid climate of "rate-swiping-as-jihad, as subversive-revolutionary-act.   That, and her fat yapping mouth.  Kull witty.  

The "Snow White" source material is twofold.  Tale 53 in the 1812 Bros Grimm, and Walt D, circa 1937.  But Cinderella sources go back to ancient Greece, and China, and Arabian Nights and therefore India, and certainly Egypt. The Jungian scholar Marie-Louise von Franz said the tale goes back to hunter-gatherer campfires.  It's archetypal.  As is Snow White.  

So our objection isn't the very slightly different skin tone.  If it mattered, snowwhiteness could be simulated, appropriated, with makeup.  White-face.  Do you need that?  I think not.  Indeed, it is a manifestly foolish point, some need for utter paleness.  Proof? Look at Walt's version.  She is the same color as the Prince, and just about every other character.  Was the witch green?  No, she was whiter than Snow.  QED.

Our objection is not to an actress per se.  A self-pitying, obnoxious, arrogant, ignorant actress, on the other hand....  But finally, after so many years, so late in the day, we are concerned about, and (like any victim of abuse) we are sensitized to, the rejection, reviling, the distortion, the appropriation and corruption of the story itself.  

This is not "Snow White", NOT because Rachel Zegler is a few very minor shades of OFF-white, but because she said that she knew she could be "the LEADER she knows she can be and the LEADER that her late father told her that she could be..."  The LEADER she knows she can be, because she BELIEVES, like the power of one, her power over two and over three and four and five and six, and over seven.  


She don't need no man to hold her down.  She dominates all over those tiny little men. She don't need no kiss, no hero on horseback, no hero.  She is her OWN heroin. 

Huh.  Sounds like a good story.  They should invent it, and tell it.  "Rose Red and the Apple of Destiny".  "The Powerful Polack and How She Dominatrixes the 7 Panamorous Miners".  Bitchin' pitch, dude.  Make a billion bucks. (I assert all intellectual rights ... contact me. (But I'll require script approval ... and that big puffy dress simply will not do.  How can she swordfight and do spin kicks, dressed like that.  Absurd.))

But until they do come up with something new, these ghouls slurping at Walt's frozen corpse, these Doctor Hackensteins and their Princess Zombies ... rather than self-pleasuring their neo-meta-post-modern genius for vandalism, they should stick to upfront parodies, skits and sketches and uncreative 3 minute construction-paper puppet shows uploaded onto whatever platform will support them.  Youtube -- it hates me, so it must love them.

This story, "Snow White", has lasted so many decades and centuries, millenia, because it is archetypal. It is imaged in our souls.   Like the first "Star Wars" -- nothing new, there.  It just told that same old good story, of becoming worthy of an adventure.  

So all these desperate, cluster-frick REshoots, of a REMAKE? -- trying to make it seem less odious than would suit the anti-patriarch, anti Walt, anti family anti childhood anti innocence AGENDA?  Well, no matter what mutation they finally splatter out, as a miscarried abomination -- this product, content, this consumer-item of a film, still, with all the reshoots and CGIing and, of all things, color changes, still it will not make a penny more than their woke original-remake version and vision. 

Hey.  Children.  Listen.  When you spend $500,000,000 (five hundred million simoleons) on a family film, you need to sell a lot of children's tickets, to make a profit, to pay for it. As Freebase Wailer Britch so authoritatively explained in her final film appearance, "It's called capitalism."

The film may never be released.  They'd lose on the tax write off, but to relea
se "Snow Zegler" into all this cultural resistance would even further damage the Disney brand, viciously.  Not that they care, except for Agenda.

 Partial list* of Youtube 

 proscribed/banned/censored words/ideas: 

     "hate", "bigot", "race", "quadroon" etc, "kill whitey"... 

                                                *inferred, implied and/or intuited

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