
Showing posts with label biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biden. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2023

*Thoughts on Hell


God doesn't care about feelings of guilt.  He cares about repentance.

The purpose of Hell is not punishment, but isolation.  It's a quarantine.  

Hegel, Spengler, Toynbee.   

The presidents elected in 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940 and 1960 died in office.  The only presidents who died in office were elected in these multiple-of-20 years.  Reagan and Bush II survived, 1980 and 2000.  

Both President Nixon, and his Vice-President Agnew, resigned in office, Agnew because of tax fraud, and bribery issues.  He had been governor of New Jersey, which, like Delaware, has been infamously corrupt.  Small states, like fiefdoms.  California, my native state, is corrupt like Imperial China in its corruptions, and ancien régime France.  Imperial California.  The Califate.

Nixon/Agnew.  It is possible for a presidential term to end with an entirely different cast.  Ford/Rockerfeller.

Harris is corrupt in her character, reportedly abusive to staff, like Hillary.  Powerful, or super-entitled, women need not be vicious.  It's a choice, in as much as character is a choice.  Character is a choice in that discipline is a choice, which forms habits, which shapes character.  The word character derives from the symbols deliberately impressed into hard objects, pot sherds, bone, ultimately from the Greek, kharrax, 'pointed stake' -- for scratching.   

Biden was elected in 2020.  FDR should not have sought that 4th term.  He knew he was gravely ill.  Super-entitled egotism corrupted his judgement.  He was most certainly not the indispensable man, most certainly at that time.  History proves this, in that he was dispensed with, and albeit that history always vacillates between tragedy and farce, the nightmare of the 20th century was worse in its first half than in its second ... geopolitically speaking.  

We're no longer allowed to harbor a contrary opinion about gay marriage.  It's a sacred institution.  Abortionism is still debatable, somehow -- not sure if it's the Trotsky or the Stalin wing ... probably Stalin, what with those as-few-as 61,911,000 deliberate Soviet deaths.  

Fun fact: The American abortionism rite was chosen 63,459,781 times in the 48 years between 1973 and  2021!  (The American flag had 48 stars for 47 years.)  We win!  In your face, Marxist-Leninist Bureaucracy!   American ingenuity gets the job done!  Fewer baby people, less Global Warming!  Nazis used ovens -- we use eco-friendly vacuum suction!  Saving the Planet one choice at a time!  Respect the science, denier!

But, the above considered, it is well that I qualified that thing about the first half of the 20th century, "geopolitically".  The first half and the last quarter -- somehow about equal in savagery.  Add this most recent quarter century to that preceding ... well, as half-centuries go, we win the Caligula Prize, and a grant from the Vlad the Impaler Endowment for the Humanities as well.  I'm unable to think of the correct synonym, unmatched, incomparable.  

It is the depravity of our delusions, not the fact of them, that is so dangerous.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

*"...unable to discharge..."

Reagan went alzheimeric well after his retirement.  Always a human tragedy.  But our current situation is simply bizarre.  

Politics will always be questionable, in that it will always be questioned.  But in the absence of even hypocritical integrity, the pretense, it will always be warlords, mafia dons, one-party thuggery, third-world dicpotato scum.  

A picture is worth a thousand years.

Looking at THIS, after 15 years, sent me looking at THIS.  It is, of course, what we should expect.  In an analysis from 15 years ago, CNN noted that Republican presidential nominee John McCain "walks with a stiff gait. Fairly or unfairly, he doesn't always give the appearance of energy and vigor that voters tend to seek in a president."  This gait was of course "due to his war-related injuries."  This is a badge of honor.  America, 15 years ago, was too shallow, too callow, too selfish, self-involved, short-sighted, too stupid to see it this way.  Better to elect, well, you know what you did. 

Not naming any names here. But look at what BO said, in his scramble after the office he came to occupy.  In a general context about his opponent, BO stated that McCain, age 71, had "lost his bearings."  Hm.  Dogwhistle, anyone?  

Failed presidential candidate and BO supporter Sen John Kerry said McCain was "unbelievably out of touch", which "is really becoming more crystal clear ... McCain simply doesn't understand [the Iraq conflict]. He confuses who [sic] Iran is training, he confuses what the makeup of al Qaeda is, [and] he confuses the history ... of what has happened between Sunni and Shia."  

Susan Rice, of BO's inner circle, said McCain demonstrated a "pattern of confusing the basic facts and reality that pertain to Iraq." 

It's what they do.  Dems slobbered all over the fact that in 1980 Reagan was 69, and Dole was 74 when he ran in 1996.  Sooooo oooooold.  

And McCain, he was confused, so very very very confused.  What ever could be the cause of the murkiness of his crystally-clear befuddlement?  Is it that he was just not all that smart?  Hm, well that too, maybe. 

But it's that he was so very very very old.  Not the youthful 46 springtimes of BO.  Doddering shambling shuffling stammering slurring aged 71.  Frankly, embarrassing, looking like that.  Disgraceful.  This, I'm editorializing, was the Dhem position re McCain's highly advanced age c. autumn of 2008.

Were they lying then, or are they lying now.  Trick question.  They are using words, therefore they are lying.  Breathing is a lie, with them.  The way their hearts beat is a lie.  We cannot speak of brain function, here. 

CNN informed us that Reagan's second term might have been an "example of the hazards of age. A number of political commentators questioned Reagan's mental fitness and stamina during his final years in office."  I posit the testable hypothesis that this "number" of "political commentators" where Democrat-affiliated or ‑friendly or ‑adjacent.  

It's not about the history lesson.  This is current events.  biden, age 80.  With his capped teeth, his hair plugs, his face lift, his contacts, his sunlamp or spray-on tan.  The steroids, HGH, testosterone injections they will certainly be giving him.  The pep pills, certainly and carefully doctor-prescribed.  I cannot be the first to inquire if he wears a hearing aid.  google is substantively silent on this, as is bing, yahoo, brave and duckduckgo.  I don't know how to access the dark web.

He is clearly, crystal clearly unfit.  The bad optics is just unfortunate -- he hobbles, shuffles, stumbles, trips, tips, sprawls, lurches, gets disoriented, reaches for someone who is not quite there, walks off in the wrong direction, has to be lead by the elbow.  This is just happenstance, and need not be substantive.  

He slurs, rambles, appears to babble, misreads and switches words, names, countries.  This too may simply be the stress of office and the inevitable result of always being on camera when in public.  

The extremism of his positions re "gender" "identity", anti-white bigotry (basically, we're all "white" "supremacists"), demonization of the opposition (any who disagree, all those ultra maga fascists) and so on, that's just bigoted leftist hack politics, odious but, in the free-marketplace of ideas, it is tolerable free speech.  

The illegalities, though.  They are high crimes and misdemeanors.  Race-based preferences and appointments -- that's institutional racism.  Not allowed, not legal.  Unequal application of law -- lawless. Weaponizing government agencies -- FBI, IRS, "Justice" Department -- these are crimes.  

Sadly, we don't care about law anymore.  There is no public decency.  We have no community standards.  Only parents, it seems, have some concern, and that's just at schoolboard meetings, and perhaps locally effective but not at all, generally.  

Because there is only power, now, with no real check or balance, there is nothing to be done.  Even the Dems would have removed a biden from office, in 1974 -- cf Nixon, he of the one crime.  The current brief of biden's iniquities, indictments, would be more weighty than anything real or imagined against Trump.  

But the Harris Paradox baffles us.  Even if he is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," biden cannot be removed, per the 25th Amendment, because what lurks in the near background is, somehow yet truly, worse.  More shamefully, biden cannot be removed, because the political will, not to say integrity, is not there.  

That Dem elites are lying scum I know full well -- it's self-evident.  That Republicans are lying scum as well, I do not know, because if there are lies, I don't recognized them.  I will always say that an egregious liar is scum, when I know the lie.  

There are any number of worthless generations.  Those that promote decadence.  Those that stand by silently while evil prospers. Worthless generations, but more tragically, people, worthless people.  

Any problem without a solution is not a problem.  If there is a solution, then if a problem remains, it is a choice, and a preference.  There is no solution to the 2021 to 2025 biden problem.  So it's not a problem, it's a choice.  You, stupid stupid stupid americans, did this.  But unlike your tranzgender bottom surgery, there is a solution to the upcoming biden problem (almost identical to your own) -- of getting back your balls.  You just have to wait a couple of years, and make the less-stupid choice.  It will be as if balls could grow back. 

Stop lying about your balls.  You don't have any, but you're not a woman.  Stop pretending to believe liars.  You know they're lying -- you just don't bother to think about it.  Orwell called it "double think".  Attempt to be crystal clear in your thinking, with integrity.  Problem solved.

I do not believe in assassination.  Julius Caesar, Lincoln, Kennedy -- tragedies that led to disasters.  The solution?  Let God do it.  

The prayer of the righteous availeth much.