Barack H. Obama, super genius of incredible oratorical superlative nonpareil masterfulness, converted a hostile crowd of arch conservatives to his enlightened progressive polices through the unmatched power of his persuasive forensic puissance. In perhaps the most brilliant verbal trope ever employed in history, President Obama launched a devastating neologism at his right-wing neo-con reactionary woman-hating opponent, Mitt Romney.
Said the leader of the free world, Romney is "forgetting what his own positions are, and he’s betting that you will, too.
I mean, he he’s changing up so much and backtracking and sidestepping [hoots and laughter] -- we’ve gotta eh we we gotta we gotta name this condition that he’s going through. I think aa aach aa ah it’s called “Romnesia.” [uproarious laughter and unrestrained applause.]
Well, maybe I might have overstated Obama's genius a little bit, although the transcript has been corrected to represent what was actually said. Maybe some White House staffer or other government paycheck collector spent several tens of millions of dollars conducting a study to come up with that bit of wit. On the other hand, maybe it was just scribbled down on a napkin and then hacked together into a shoddy ad hominem stump speech, unproofed and unrehearsed, because, after all, Obama's speeches are directed, all of them, at adoring teenagers, self-loathing America/capitalism/male-hating Leftists, blacks, unionists, parasites, and withered hippies.
So I took precisely three seconds and created an equally incisiveness retort. Obandonment. "Uh um er, eh, maybe maybe uh maybe Mr Obama um er has forgotten h-his duty to er uh his um office and cuh cuh cuh country. Huh eh acq hah but I mean er eh I I I uh Achq mean he he hehe haahaa has Obandoned..." And there follows a long list of just a few of Obama's countless failures to fulfill virtual all of the actually serious obligations of the office his considers himself sufficient to continue to hold.
I can't be bothered to make a (long) list. I was disappointed by Hugh Hewitt's book, "The Brief Against Obama." One of the few political books I've bought recently, and I found it slight. He stated positions rather than evidence. Not much of an indictment. Disappointing. Maybe Medved's book is better, but I'm not that interested.
But a list isn't hard to make. Obama's hostility to American oil (shutting down the Gulf, the Keystone Pipeline, increased regulation on oil, gas and coal, rather than a loosening in this critical time), compared to his devotion to foreign oil -- 'we'll be Brazil's best customer.' His dereliction re terrorism -- drone-bombing al-Queda leaders must be matched by protecting ambassadors and labeling their murderers as terrorists, and killing said terrorists. His Obandoment of American sovereignty -- the Law of the Sea, UN internet tax, UN billionaire's tax (what tax, once introduced, continues to apply only to the original limited target group? -- the income tax originally applied only to American millionaires.) Etc. It just goes on. He'll have more flexibility with the Russians once he's re-elected. Say what?
America is decadent and on the decline. Consider the profoundly unamerican situation, that a citizen cannot work without government permission, via Social Security licensure. I ran into that fact some years ago when I need to produce a SS card, and didn't have one -- it had been stolen, in Australia. Unable to work, until I got that permission. Say what? The more one thinks about that, the more offensive to the fundamentals of the American idea it becomes. Imagine what the framers of the Constitution would have thought. Unthinkable. Oh well, can't unring that antiliberty bell, but even so, Government is TOO BIG.
The beauty of the Federal system is that there's some other place to run to. If some state, say, California, succumbs to rampant socialism, productive tax payers can flee to a more American state, and leave the would-be Confiscator to collapse under its own corruption. That's the theory. From many, one -- but still many. Big government is the opposite of that. I won't elaborate. It's obvious.
I am displeased. America is the hope of the world, but it is unmanning itself. Thus do the righteous fall, succumbing to temptation after perhaps a productive and honorable career of humanitarianism. Pigs beg to be slept with -- what is a prodigal to do? But there is repentance as well, and a return home, to first principles, discipline and self-sacrifice. That after all is the definition of patriotism. Not just a love of country, but sacrifice for it.
The latest "Town Hall" "debate" -- Obama aided of course by the "moderator" -- called to mind a previous such episode, when some typical American, female, thought herself clever and showed herself smug by asking of a candidate, "What can you do for me?" I will refrain from any sexually-charged abusive comment on her intelligence. It would have been too much to hope that the candidate recall JFK's phrase, "Ask not what your country can do for you..." -- perhaps to continue the idea with something like, "Let us both, you and I, and all of us in this hall and throughout the nation, stand up, step forward and resume that most noble, most American task, of promoting freedom, personal responsibility, generosity, opportunity, freedom." Etc. The words are easy. How beautiful the idea. What a sweet moment that would have been.
Please, please, America, you dumb bitch, please understand the severity of these times, the sword tip hard into our belly and unabashed enemies surrounding us, foreign and domestic. This is not a time for humility. It is a time for pride. Pride works hard and takes responsibility. It accepts charity only to save loved ones. Our loved ones are our progeny. We must not squander their future, bestowing charity upon ourselves, charity stolen from our children. This is a time for sacrifice. It is time, finally, after these several generations of un-self-critical indulgence, to man up.
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
On the Menu
Romney put his dog on the car roof some decades ago, and man oh man is that a big scandal to the lefty Dehmocraps. Explosive diarrhea from the beast, so options were limited ... dad should have just cancelled the road trip. The kids could stay home, play in the backyard, see Walley World next year. So there's that.
The Repug sithlords are striking back, pointing out that Obama ate dogmeat. Not dog food, like Alpo say, which is horse; no, he ate actual dog. As a child, in Indonesia. Savory dogmeat, tough snakemeat, and crunchy grasshopper, roasted. Sounds like ingredients of Lucky Charms.
It's all very stupid. No dogs were harmed in the making of Romney's roadtrip. Dogs were harmed in the preparation of the Indonesian consumables, but that is the order of things, our narrow Western mores not withstanding. If there is a scandal in boy Obama eating dog (which is unlikely to have been anyone's pet), it would lie in the fact that Obama actually wrote about it in his book ... being so completely tonedeaf that he didn't see that Americans, some, might be repulsed by the action. America, I, future President Obama, ate dog meat, isn't that interesting? -- so buy my book and vote for me, cuz I'm fascinating and eloquent and nuanced.
I must return to that presiding theme, character. It's almost a mantra now with me, a long one. When Obama stepped up, pushed himself forward, for The Job, he was saying I'm The One for The Job. I can fix this. Give me the responsibility. Well you stupid Americans did just that, and either he was lying, or deluding himself, or profoundly ignorant, or all of the above. Because as soon as his first effort didn't fix the problem, he lapsed into what must be the habit of a lifetime, and blamed blamed blamed, which is exactly the opposite of taking responsibility.
The Big Oh can't be blamed for Secret Service agents being derelict -- bringing whores into the hotel they were supposed to be securing. That level of micromanagement must be reserved, in his administration, for the lives of religious Americans, and parents, and other malefactors, like conservatives. Of course. We need to be controlled. Otherwise we might emit carbon dioxide and shrink the now-growing glaciers of the Himalayas. End of Days! No, O can't be held to an unreasonable standard. O has full faith if not credit in the director of the Secret Service, who has decidedly NOT "acted stupidly", for all that the man does not look like Obmama's son.
Is there a culture of corruption? -- or just its appearance. Snake rots from the head down. It's unlikely to be a sort of corruption that takes actual monetary bribes. It is certainly the sort that bribes en mass, as with the free-wheeling million dollar Vegas junket that the governmental furniture-buyers awarded themselves. "What is your job title, Mr. Furniture-Buyer Director?" "I respectfully decline to answer based on my 5th Amendment rights." "What is 1 million dollars plus 1 million dollars?" "I respectfully decline to answer based on my 5th Amendment rights." It's not that he's brazen. He's terrified. His sins have found him out. If he has balls, they're so far indrawn they function as ovaries.
If O gets reelected -- and you are stupid enough to do that -- it will not be the end of America. A woman who gets beaten and raped need not be ruined. A woman who asks for it is already ruined, so it is not her end. There are psychotics, male and female, who ask for it. Maybe that's America. Or maybe we, you, have just been stupid, and need to really get effed up, before you smarten up? Sadly, the dog returneth to its vomit. Maybe it's a loyalty thing ... close to the opposite of blame. Maybe it's the Stockholm Syndrome. What I'd like to see is pragmatism. Cut your loses. Write Obama off as if he were a hippie commune experience. Something we learned from, but overall a waste of time. You did this, asked for it, and you got what you deserve. Does God need to send locusts to make you repent? Kumbaya, dumbass.
Do you smell rotting snakemeat? Tastes just like dog.
The Repug sithlords are striking back, pointing out that Obama ate dogmeat. Not dog food, like Alpo say, which is horse; no, he ate actual dog. As a child, in Indonesia. Savory dogmeat, tough snakemeat, and crunchy grasshopper, roasted. Sounds like ingredients of Lucky Charms.
It's all very stupid. No dogs were harmed in the making of Romney's roadtrip. Dogs were harmed in the preparation of the Indonesian consumables, but that is the order of things, our narrow Western mores not withstanding. If there is a scandal in boy Obama eating dog (which is unlikely to have been anyone's pet), it would lie in the fact that Obama actually wrote about it in his book ... being so completely tonedeaf that he didn't see that Americans, some, might be repulsed by the action. America, I, future President Obama, ate dog meat, isn't that interesting? -- so buy my book and vote for me, cuz I'm fascinating and eloquent and nuanced.
I must return to that presiding theme, character. It's almost a mantra now with me, a long one. When Obama stepped up, pushed himself forward, for The Job, he was saying I'm The One for The Job. I can fix this. Give me the responsibility. Well you stupid Americans did just that, and either he was lying, or deluding himself, or profoundly ignorant, or all of the above. Because as soon as his first effort didn't fix the problem, he lapsed into what must be the habit of a lifetime, and blamed blamed blamed, which is exactly the opposite of taking responsibility.
The Big Oh can't be blamed for Secret Service agents being derelict -- bringing whores into the hotel they were supposed to be securing. That level of micromanagement must be reserved, in his administration, for the lives of religious Americans, and parents, and other malefactors, like conservatives. Of course. We need to be controlled. Otherwise we might emit carbon dioxide and shrink the now-growing glaciers of the Himalayas. End of Days! No, O can't be held to an unreasonable standard. O has full faith if not credit in the director of the Secret Service, who has decidedly NOT "acted stupidly", for all that the man does not look like Obmama's son.
Is there a culture of corruption? -- or just its appearance. Snake rots from the head down. It's unlikely to be a sort of corruption that takes actual monetary bribes. It is certainly the sort that bribes en mass, as with the free-wheeling million dollar Vegas junket that the governmental furniture-buyers awarded themselves. "What is your job title, Mr. Furniture-Buyer Director?" "I respectfully decline to answer based on my 5th Amendment rights." "What is 1 million dollars plus 1 million dollars?" "I respectfully decline to answer based on my 5th Amendment rights." It's not that he's brazen. He's terrified. His sins have found him out. If he has balls, they're so far indrawn they function as ovaries.
If O gets reelected -- and you are stupid enough to do that -- it will not be the end of America. A woman who gets beaten and raped need not be ruined. A woman who asks for it is already ruined, so it is not her end. There are psychotics, male and female, who ask for it. Maybe that's America. Or maybe we, you, have just been stupid, and need to really get effed up, before you smarten up? Sadly, the dog returneth to its vomit. Maybe it's a loyalty thing ... close to the opposite of blame. Maybe it's the Stockholm Syndrome. What I'd like to see is pragmatism. Cut your loses. Write Obama off as if he were a hippie commune experience. Something we learned from, but overall a waste of time. You did this, asked for it, and you got what you deserve. Does God need to send locusts to make you repent? Kumbaya, dumbass.
Do you smell rotting snakemeat? Tastes just like dog.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
On the Point
Is it possible, does it even make sense, to announce unilaterally a "compromise"? That's what the Occupant of the United States has done. His "health" "care" diktat, that his Democrat Senate and Democrat House rammed down America's throat, requires all Americans to have access to abortion services, you know, just in case, like, I somehow get pregnant and need the services of abortion.
My own healthcare plan is focused around prevention, but maybe I'll be raped? Male, you say? -- I'm male? True, but nevertheless in our egalitarian society of fairness and indiscrimination, I am required to subsidize the possibility. We are all after all equal. No one is any better than anyone else. All equal in the eyes of the law and goddess. Just a matter of deciding who's human, and then we're set for life, cradle to grave if not womb to tomb. Those troublesome fœti, you see, with their irritating pond scum presence. Something should be done, and has been, thank you very much, Occupant, to eradicate those vermin. Babies indeed.
But I digress. What manner of "compromise" is it, where religious institutions are required to provide a service that is contrary to their conscience and convictions? I do not agree with Roman Catholic doctrine re contraception. To prevent conception seems to me like a non-religious issue. Whether through celibacy or Onanism or frottage or orality or interuptus or prophylactics or anality (I had not previously realized the variety!), I see no necessary connection between every ejaculation and the potential for conception. Any more than food must be correlated to nutrition. Sometimes it's just about taste. Until the Churchmen in question also pronounce an Edenic nutritional system ... the Vatican Diet ... The Papal Weight Loss System ... I shall continue to suppose that I see an inconsistency in the catechism. Purity of purpose must be more an angelic than a human attribute.
Understand, of course, since words have meaning, that contraception and birth control or two profoundly different things. No third-party life is involved in the former. The latter, like Pandora's box, hides a multitude of evils. But perhaps infanticide is not an evil? I haven't been keeping up with progressive thought on the matter. Birth control. Heartbeat, life, baby control.
But I digress. It is overtly unamerican to command someone else's conscience. This is exactly what O has done. Well, of course. And to call, declared, denominate, proclaim ... to call this a compromise is almost breathtaking in its cynicism and hack pol manipulation. With whom has O reached an agreement? His toadies? It feels like the kind of rape from which no conception could ever result ... you know what I'm saying, sugar ... the San Francisco kind, and I don't mean ramming it down the throat after the Democrat example of politics. But we're all equal, and our preferences and practices are all equal, and a vagina and an anus are equal, and marriage between one man and one woman and one or more man and/or woman more, it's all good, and equal, and anyone who dissents is a hater and refuses to compromise.
But I digress. That we have a "president" who poses himself in front of cameras and telepronounces his theories about all this free stuff that nobody has to pay for ... golly, why doesn't he just do that with the deficit? If just saying so makes something free, then let's be debt free. And he can fix the economy and cure AIDS and halt Global Warming too. What is not possible, when words are the same as reality? I knew about the Saul Alinsky influence ... I had not realized O was also a disciple of Aleister Crowley. We may have a Mormon in the White House. We do have a Magician there.
This is a character who is at core a dictator. He hates politics, because politics requires real compromise, rather than shoddy cynical ploys merely called by that word. This is a character who does not understand the ethical use of communication. Words are tools for the lowest sort of manipulation. Choose, Dear Reader, any hierarchical organisation of communication, and Obama's style will be at the lowest level. The man is a fœtus. One more example of this, and he will be demoted to the lower case. It is inevitable.
Fucking scum.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"We have lost our ambition, our imagination, and our willingness to do the things that built the Golden Gate Bridge." So says The Idiot.
First, when he says "we", you know he's not including himself, cuz he's the smartest guy in the room. So he means you. Why are you like that? Why are you so lazy and unimaginative and uncooperative? Tsk tsk. You're the reason America is not great, not that it ever was.
Second, he's not saying "We are losing..." -- nope, we have lost it. Past tense. Ship has sailed, then hit an iceberg, then a tidal wave flipped it upside down. And you know he means it, because he's so eloquent and skillful and nuanced. He couldn't not mean it. That would be gauche and boorish and incompetent and inarticulate and really breathtakingly poor leadership. We would NOT elect someone like that. So he means it. Sadly, the aforementioned incompetence applies if he does, which he does, mean it, and also if he does not mean it. A paradox then. We got into our time machine and killed our grandmother. We elected someone we could not have elected. Like Humpty Dumpty, BO is the master of his words, which mean whatever he wants them to mean.
Hey, moron: ambition for what? Building Golden Gate Bridges? Great Government Sponsored Five-Year Planned Projects? Y'ever hear of this thing called individualism? Cuz we haven't lost that ... it's just being highly demotivated by your eh-hole sophomoric masturbatory policies. I got yer too big to fail right here. Stimulate this. Sorry, yer highness ... I am unwilling to be a worker in your hive. Not a problem to imagine what that would be like.
So we've got another carter, giving another Malaise Speech. Hey, moron dumbass, "presidents" have this thing called "the bully pulpit" -- a phrase coined by a good president. Browbeating the country by telling us what "we" need to do isn't actually helpful. Leadership requires more than cheerleading. Cheerleadership? A phrase coined for a crap president. Tied with carter for second worst. Pierce was the worst, what with Kansas bleeding all over the place, but then again, BO could be reelected, and then he'd be the worst. Out carter carter, the highest superlative of naive arrogant incompetence.
Oh, it certainly could be worse. I could be on fire. That would be worse. But please, America, what we need to do is be willing to build some imagination with our ambition, envision a Golden Gate Bridge to Nowhere, for our children, and our children's children, and our children's children's children. Never mind why children are having children. My sex ed policies will eventually take effect, in just one generation beyond testable limits, and then Global Warming will be halted because all the body heat from these extra fetuses will quantitatively ease.
Thank you, thank me, and Allah bless The United States of Mexico. Good night.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Okay Kuhdaffy, let me be clear you BETTER not do anything, um and I do NOT mean eeay it! It is unacceptable, this huh thing er that I'm I I talking about, and we w-w-will definitely not put corpsemen on the ground with ... boots on! Got it? You better believe um that uh I want ... you to believe what I say! You KNOW what hmm "unacceptable" means, right? Let me be clear. It's when you offer me something ... ... and I ... say, "No thank you very much. Maybe later. But thank you." So I do NOT accept all that stuff you either did or said, I forget which. Uh, like, that thing with the ... airplane all that time ago when I was tokin a dooby in college or organizing a community or whatever. Dude, that was totally bogus. I mean it was entirely unacceptable. Um ... let me be clear about that. It is a well known statistic that 98% if all Middle East situations occur, despite all opposition to the contrary, in a manner that presupposes an understanding of the complex situation as posited by my State Department of the United States of America, and our children, and our children's children, while the seas continue to rise and my Secretary of Energy wants gas prices to match those of Europe, a continent, or rather peninsula hanging like a scrotum off of Asia -- and anyway Africa is much bigger than it looks on the map ... my father was Kenyan, you know? Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the children and their children's children and all the little growing flowers. And by "God" I mean Allah.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Review of the Weak
Do miracles have to be good?
My phone rang and some smartass said, "Bootie call." Well, I've said it myself, and first. I said, "No, that would be my other phone. And it's a hot salsa lick." The guy has a good sense of humor, at least. Usually we expect these gay-married dudes to be really uptight and intolerant. Of course there's something twisted in the boy. He goes to defcon 1 without warning.
Defcon 5 is the lowest level.
"Let me be very clear. We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the United States." Yes. I'm very glad I let him be clear. It's so eloquent to use words that way. Very eloquent. Let me be clear about that, and this too. We expect radiation that is not harmful not to reach the US. Uh, and even radiation that is harmful, we expect that also not to reach us. Or, to be more clearer, we do not expect radiation that is either harmful or not harmful to not reach us, in the sense that if it reaches us it will or would not be harmful, to us, as opposed to not reaching us yet being harmful, or reaching us and being harmful, or reaching us and not being, or being, harmful. And also let be be clear, as I speech-give slowly with careful pronunciation, about what harmful is, and is not, to us in the US or as is sometimes said, the United States, that you elected me president of. After all, what is it to be harmful? Harmful means many things to many people. And so, in conclusion, I have spoken to you slowly with good diction. Thank you and good night, to you, and to your children, and your children's children, and their children after them, because we will not be rendered sterilized by radiation, which does not exist here in the United States except that nuclear power is bad, and so is oil and coal. Wind, wind is my favorite. I love the wind, like when I walk on the beach, shirtless, so tall and lanky and lean like the girl from Ipanima. Thank you, may God bless you, and God bless the United States of America, a country in the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth, which is globally warming, along with the rising oceans which I have stopped, like King Canute, with my eloquence.
"Let me be very clear. We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the United States." Yes. I'm very glad I let him be clear. It's so eloquent to use words that way. Very eloquent. Let me be clear about that, and this too. We expect radiation that is not harmful not to reach the US. Uh, and even radiation that is harmful, we expect that also not to reach us. Or, to be more clearer, we do not expect radiation that is either harmful or not harmful to not reach us, in the sense that if it reaches us it will or would not be harmful, to us, as opposed to not reaching us yet being harmful, or reaching us and being harmful, or reaching us and not being, or being, harmful. And also let be be clear, as I speech-give slowly with careful pronunciation, about what harmful is, and is not, to us in the US or as is sometimes said, the United States, that you elected me president of. After all, what is it to be harmful? Harmful means many things to many people. And so, in conclusion, I have spoken to you slowly with good diction. Thank you and good night, to you, and to your children, and your children's children, and their children after them, because we will not be rendered sterilized by radiation, which does not exist here in the United States except that nuclear power is bad, and so is oil and coal. Wind, wind is my favorite. I love the wind, like when I walk on the beach, shirtless, so tall and lanky and lean like the girl from Ipanima. Thank you, may God bless you, and God bless the United States of America, a country in the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth, which is globally warming, along with the rising oceans which I have stopped, like King Canute, with my eloquence.
Someone said that Obama didn't make verbal gaffs the way W did. The police acted stupidly. Arugala. Clinging to their guns or religion. These are not gaffs. He means what he says. He speaks very clearly. Very. It's just that what he thinks is wrong.
So after a few weaks of dithering and waffling and being indecisive and eloquent ... oh, I mean weeks ... Obama has made it very clear to Kuhdaffy that we will not, repeat not be sending in soldiers. The situation is unacceptable, so the consequences must be, um, clear, about the thing that we won't be accepting any day soon now. So do not, repeat do NOT get that ice cream out of the fridge young man, or you will be in BIG trouble. The French are ON THE WAY! Is that CLEAR?!? I MEAN it.
I have a few extra bucks now. It's been a tight year, what with my sources of income having become constricted. Maybe I'll buy myself a new gi? -- with clover leafs embroidered all over it! Yeah! And I've been yearning for an electric razor. That's about it. I have humble needs. I stopped buying books, and cut out most supplements. I even went a while without omega-3. Haven't been training hard enough anyway, mostly, to suffer too much from the lack. Cat's claw, boswellia, hyaluronic acid -- effective but auxiliary. I learned a decade ago what it was to go through fire. In all things I am content ... no ... in most things I am fairly okay.
I put together some gymnastics rings. I have three designs, and variations on them, and have made one of them. Seems to work as desired. I'll make its variation, and take a vote. That's one of the reasons I get short of cash -- I spend it on projects. I don't see myself as generous. I take care of myself, first. But I have small needs, and then, when I have disposable funds, I tend to give people things, but only if I think they could use it. Never gifts for the sake of giving. Whereas I am very proud, and will accept gifts from only a very few people. Anyway, have some ideas about kettlebells as well. And I've been tinkering with adjustable straps. And thinking about building another kitchen and bathroom for my foolish mother. I don't see much of a difference between those projects. Do you? Rings, or a kitchen? Seems about the same to me. About a hundred dollars.
I haven't seen any of the earthquake or tsunami video. Send me some cool links, k?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
On Eradicating Imperfection in Our Lifetimes
George Will considers Obama's Nobel acceptance speech to be remarkable "for disavowing a competence no one suspected him of. ('I do not bring with me today a definitive solution to the problems of war.' Note the superfluous adjective.) And for an unnecessary notification. ('Evil does exist in the world.') And for delayed utopianism. ('We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes.' But in someone's.) And for solemnly announcing something undisputed. (There can be a just war.) And for intellectual applesauce that should get speechwriters fired and editors hired. ('We do not have to think that human nature is perfect for us to still believe that the human condition can be perfected.' If the human 'condition' can attain perfection anyway, human nature cannot be significantly imperfect.)"
We ignore the 38 appearances of the singular personal pronoun -- we're dealing with a politician after all. Even the vapidity of the sentiments might be overlooked -- glib is often mistaken for bright. Honestly, we must forgive it all. Not just the cheap rhetoric, which is to eloquence what tuneless whistling is to mathematics, but the pervading lack of substance. A sincere or even a good heart is an insufficient claim on the office Mr Obama holds. Being handsome and sonorous just will not cut it. I might say, damn the American people to their folly, for electing yet another empty suit. But I am American, and curses have substance.
Some of you have hated Bush. So be it. Hate, if you must. That page has turned, and now we must face current issues. I don't know if this really is the worst economy since the depression. I think the 70s were worse, what with interest rates at 21%, and unemployment comparable to today's, whether more or less. But at this time, of grave hardship, Obama racks up a crushing deficit. Who will pay it off -- even the interest? Isn't credit card debt, with its crushing interest, one of the ways we got into this mess? Does the government operate under different rules? Yes, because it prints the money. So inflation, then. A way of transferring wealth, from the poor and middle class, to the, uh, well, whoever's left. Haliburton? Point is, incompetent economic policies are incompetent.
You'd think competence would be the priority. But instead of focusing on the single essential, now that the war is lost per Reid and Murtha and Kerry and the Dhem Crew -- instead, I say, like the wayward passionate sinners of Hell's first circle, those of a certain description follow after Climate Change and Health Care. I throw up my hands. And dinner.
What. Fools.
So, Obama and his speechifying can be crowded onto the shelf that holds all the other bloviating self-important graspers who endlessly push themselves forward. Must not have gotten enough attention from Dad. It's human nature, and forgivable. A very very profoundly wise and eloquent wise did I say super savior once intimated that human nature is not perfect. Who am I, so lowly and humble, to quibble?
My quibble, if I had one, which I don't, like I just said, would be with you. Because you listened to his speeches, and thought they were good. And you elected him because of it. A well-spoken black man, imagine such a thing -- so let's elect him to prove finally that we, me, isn't racist. Brilliant. And you think that turns of cliche such as "our children and our children's children" are fresh and deep and beautiful.
We ignore the 38 appearances of the singular personal pronoun -- we're dealing with a politician after all. Even the vapidity of the sentiments might be overlooked -- glib is often mistaken for bright. Honestly, we must forgive it all. Not just the cheap rhetoric, which is to eloquence what tuneless whistling is to mathematics, but the pervading lack of substance. A sincere or even a good heart is an insufficient claim on the office Mr Obama holds. Being handsome and sonorous just will not cut it. I might say, damn the American people to their folly, for electing yet another empty suit. But I am American, and curses have substance.
Some of you have hated Bush. So be it. Hate, if you must. That page has turned, and now we must face current issues. I don't know if this really is the worst economy since the depression. I think the 70s were worse, what with interest rates at 21%, and unemployment comparable to today's, whether more or less. But at this time, of grave hardship, Obama racks up a crushing deficit. Who will pay it off -- even the interest? Isn't credit card debt, with its crushing interest, one of the ways we got into this mess? Does the government operate under different rules? Yes, because it prints the money. So inflation, then. A way of transferring wealth, from the poor and middle class, to the, uh, well, whoever's left. Haliburton? Point is, incompetent economic policies are incompetent.
You'd think competence would be the priority. But instead of focusing on the single essential, now that the war is lost per Reid and Murtha and Kerry and the Dhem Crew -- instead, I say, like the wayward passionate sinners of Hell's first circle, those of a certain description follow after Climate Change and Health Care. I throw up my hands. And dinner.
What. Fools.
So, Obama and his speechifying can be crowded onto the shelf that holds all the other bloviating self-important graspers who endlessly push themselves forward. Must not have gotten enough attention from Dad. It's human nature, and forgivable. A very very profoundly wise and eloquent wise did I say super savior once intimated that human nature is not perfect. Who am I, so lowly and humble, to quibble?
My quibble, if I had one, which I don't, like I just said, would be with you. Because you listened to his speeches, and thought they were good. And you elected him because of it. A well-spoken black man, imagine such a thing -- so let's elect him to prove finally that we, me, isn't racist. Brilliant. And you think that turns of cliche such as "our children and our children's children" are fresh and deep and beautiful.
Character is destiny. I just made that up. You should quote me. I don't know if America is Jacob or Esau -- a younger sibling that got for itself somehow a precious birthright, or one who was blessed with greatness, and proved unworthy. Doesn't really matter. It's everybody's story. We're all blessed, and most of us waste it.
Obama was blessed beyond his ability if not his ambition. Perhaps such speeches as he composes are the best he can do, and reflect the fullness of his therefore very mediocre intellect. Perhaps he just hacks this crap out for the sake of impression only, like adolescent poetry, all about the sound of the words. How are we to know. But we bought the snake oil. You did. Is it sweet? It turns my stomach.
Says Will, "A person can only be a novelty once, and only briefly, and charm, like any commodity, when used uneconomically becomes a wasting asset." Obama's 15 minutes are up. Even you are not infatuated with him anymore. Now he has to be faithful, rather than charming, and reliable rather than just full of grandiose pronouncements. His administration endlessly parrots the blame phrase of "the last eight years". One fourth of Obama's chance is gone. The most he can hope for now is a B minus.
Happy anniversary, FP. You are the best thing on the web. You channel the steams of Parnassus. You should be in the Bible.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dennis Prager says there are two parties, the Stupid Party and the Destructive Party. Obvious, but still amusing.

It's like being Christian. Most don't quite have it figured out. Well, it's not a gnosis. But always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. There are however many commandments we do not strictly adhere to. Alas, the handwavers are so much more public than the readers. Reading doesn't make for good television. They're not wrong, and human nature is what it is. Emotion seems to be easier for most people.
It's like testosterone. Cliches aside, there really can be too much. As with cholesterol, there's a healthy range. Too little T and a man is a hairless epicene doughboy. Too much and he's a reckless lockdown fool. That's really not a good thing. It's not masculine to be an uncontrolled violent overgrown boy. It's not spiritual to be a TV-weeping verse-quoter. An understanding heart includes the intellect.
I wonder why I'm talking about this. Feeling out of balance, maybe. It's an unsettled time for me. Slow season in terms of my mysterious sources of income, and I feel an obligation to assist my foolish, one might say stupid, mother. I've been paying for her various car repairs. Ah well. I don't need to buy books.

It's like being Christian. Most don't quite have it figured out. Well, it's not a gnosis. But always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. There are however many commandments we do not strictly adhere to. Alas, the handwavers are so much more public than the readers. Reading doesn't make for good television. They're not wrong, and human nature is what it is. Emotion seems to be easier for most people.
It's like testosterone. Cliches aside, there really can be too much. As with cholesterol, there's a healthy range. Too little T and a man is a hairless epicene doughboy. Too much and he's a reckless lockdown fool. That's really not a good thing. It's not masculine to be an uncontrolled violent overgrown boy. It's not spiritual to be a TV-weeping verse-quoter. An understanding heart includes the intellect.
I wonder why I'm talking about this. Feeling out of balance, maybe. It's an unsettled time for me. Slow season in terms of my mysterious sources of income, and I feel an obligation to assist my foolish, one might say stupid, mother. I've been paying for her various car repairs. Ah well. I don't need to buy books.
Every family should have a mechanic, a doctor, and a lawyer. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. The Indian chief is the politician, to rhyme with thief. But lawyer covers both anyway. We don't expect poetic density from nursery rhymes though. Every family should have a politician. Someone with power, to waive permits and fix tickets. What, you think it's about justice? Has your life taught you nothing? The Afghan warlords know the score. There is no loyalty. There is only a highest bidder.
Which brings us to Obama. When was the last time Chicago gave us a president? Kennedy? Well, that was cut short. The Machine, with its mechanics, is running full-bore now -- just down a peculiar road. Healthcare reform? Now? To whom is this a payoff? At this period in history, is healthcare reform really the burning issue? Leadership is about priorities. Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources.
Which brings us to Obama. When was the last time Chicago gave us a president? Kennedy? Well, that was cut short. The Machine, with its mechanics, is running full-bore now -- just down a peculiar road. Healthcare reform? Now? To whom is this a payoff? At this period in history, is healthcare reform really the burning issue? Leadership is about priorities. Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources.
It may be true that Bush was unqualified when he came into office. It may be true that he was not a true conservative. And I find that my passion for the war has ebbed, with the safe return of my son. It's only human. But Bush focused on the priority, for all that he miscued himself with other issues.
That huge government funding of pharmaceuticals. Well, I'm not a drug guy. All I know is, kill implacable foes. Here Obama is, pushing a government takeover of healthcare, worshiping at the altar of Climate Change, looking for a way to bug out from the war. The word unqualified springs to mind, and the word priorities.
A number of highschool students gang-raped a 15 year old late of an evening last week. Dozens of people knew about it while it was going on. No one called the police. Five have been arrested so far. The emotional tenor is, no remorse. California has a system of ranking schools, 1, lowest, to 10, highest. This highschool is a 1. More than half of its students are illegals.
California has the highest welfare roles -- fully one third of ALL welfare in the US. We have the highest proportional and absolute number of "homeless". We have the highest number of illegals. We have the highest deficit -- three times the sum of all other states. We have among the highest tax burdens. We have the most incompetent and perhaps the most corrupt state legislature. No wonder illegals are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Only Americans enjoy that privilege. Anything else would be racist. Yes, being illegal is a race.
It seems I'm in a dark mood. I'm feeling pretty good though, physically. Knee clicks in a disturbing way, but otherwise I'm solid. Bjj is going well. Gotta take my father to the doctor in a few days. Haven't seen my son for a month or two. Was it on my birthday? Once since then? Well, that's how I am. My computer has a virus I don't know how to fix.
Mindfulness is the state of being in the present. That's hard to do.
A number of highschool students gang-raped a 15 year old late of an evening last week. Dozens of people knew about it while it was going on. No one called the police. Five have been arrested so far. The emotional tenor is, no remorse. California has a system of ranking schools, 1, lowest, to 10, highest. This highschool is a 1. More than half of its students are illegals.
California has the highest welfare roles -- fully one third of ALL welfare in the US. We have the highest proportional and absolute number of "homeless". We have the highest number of illegals. We have the highest deficit -- three times the sum of all other states. We have among the highest tax burdens. We have the most incompetent and perhaps the most corrupt state legislature. No wonder illegals are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Only Americans enjoy that privilege. Anything else would be racist. Yes, being illegal is a race.
It seems I'm in a dark mood. I'm feeling pretty good though, physically. Knee clicks in a disturbing way, but otherwise I'm solid. Bjj is going well. Gotta take my father to the doctor in a few days. Haven't seen my son for a month or two. Was it on my birthday? Once since then? Well, that's how I am. My computer has a virus I don't know how to fix.
Mindfulness is the state of being in the present. That's hard to do.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
All I heard of Obama's speech to the kids was the maxim, "When you give up on yourself, you give up on your country." A snippet from the news. And I just had to shake my head. It's such a lame and obvious attempt to sound patriotic. Gotta drag country into this somehow, cuz I'm the prez. Giving up on yourself has nothing to do with country, except in a statistical way. Kids who give up on themselves don't have country in their frame of reference. Might as well pick any other abstract and insert it. They're giving up on capitalism, or the environment, or whatever.
And he gets the order wrong. Backwards. People who give up on their country give up on themselves. That's what a patriot would understand. Of course Obama gets it wrong. It's just words put in some order that sounds nice. I did it too, when I was a teenager. It's a phase we go through. Words are important in themselves, for a while. Then, later, when we're mature, principles matter. We learn words. We discover principles, through life experience. Why doesn't the president of the United States understand this.
I don't tend to listen to music anymore. I was a musician in my youth, but nowadays I have peculiar ideas about music. No matter. Talk radio, when I'm in the car. Not a lot right now. But one station has been playing a byte from Obama's Inaugural Address. "America," he says, "in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words; with hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come; let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
The "timeless words" are some reference to the hardships of the Revolutionary War. And I won't be needlessly harsh about the grandiloquent formulations -- it's the conclusion of the speech, and high-flown language is standard. But he calls us America. That seems odd. Is that normal? Sounds a little like "you people" to me. Sort of distant and impersonal and other-directed. There's me, and there's you all. Hm. The hope and virtue and braving of icy waters -- well, he's striking a pose. Children's children? Other presidents have used it. But, like, a hundred years ago.
Still, it's awfully poetical. Whoever wrote this is damn talented. He should write something for Barbra Streisand. Let me see if I can do it.
And he gets the order wrong. Backwards. People who give up on their country give up on themselves. That's what a patriot would understand. Of course Obama gets it wrong. It's just words put in some order that sounds nice. I did it too, when I was a teenager. It's a phase we go through. Words are important in themselves, for a while. Then, later, when we're mature, principles matter. We learn words. We discover principles, through life experience. Why doesn't the president of the United States understand this.
I don't tend to listen to music anymore. I was a musician in my youth, but nowadays I have peculiar ideas about music. No matter. Talk radio, when I'm in the car. Not a lot right now. But one station has been playing a byte from Obama's Inaugural Address. "America," he says, "in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words; with hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come; let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
The "timeless words" are some reference to the hardships of the Revolutionary War. And I won't be needlessly harsh about the grandiloquent formulations -- it's the conclusion of the speech, and high-flown language is standard. But he calls us America. That seems odd. Is that normal? Sounds a little like "you people" to me. Sort of distant and impersonal and other-directed. There's me, and there's you all. Hm. The hope and virtue and braving of icy waters -- well, he's striking a pose. Children's children? Other presidents have used it. But, like, a hundred years ago.
Still, it's awfully poetical. Whoever wrote this is damn talented. He should write something for Barbra Streisand. Let me see if I can do it.
Let us go forth then, into the glorious unknown of the future, firm in our conviction that no terror shall afflict our resolve, no hardship shall quench our virtue, no adversity shall prevail over our steadfast commitment to the path we firmly set for that great dream laid out before us by our fathers and our fathers' fathers, that our children, and our children's children, and our children's children's children, and our children's children's children's children, and our children's children's children's children's children -- or maybe that was one children's too many, let's see, five, so yeah, that was right -- and our children's children's children's children's children's children -- okay, I admit it, I'm just copying and pasting now, but isn't all this repetition poetical and rhetorically powerful? -- anyway, that all these children with their babies' mammas shall attain to that ancient promise handed down to us from of old, that all men, and women, and children, and children's children, and children's children's children, shall go forth into the bright and morning sunlight of tomorrow!
Man, I'm good. All that was just one sentence! I don't know why I'm not rich and famous, writing speeches for influential demagogues and living in sybaritic splendor on the miasmic banks of the Potomac. But I am just now starting a new business. Dog shaving. Global warming will be making the globe very warm, so it's a growth industry, get it? I was going to call it The Hot Dog Chop, then Hot Tofu Dogs, then VeggieBurgerPorium, then Jack H's Sensual Dog Massage and Vegan Taco Stand. But I couldn't get a permit from the city, so now I'm going door to door with a pinking sheers and a tub for housewives and shut-ins to soak their feet in. Like I say, it's a growth industry. And I offer backyard dog doo removal as well -- I've got a stick with a nail in it.
I have five blisters from tonight's workout. Two were just rips, and two are blisters under thick callouses. I thought I was a big dog, but under all this hair I turned out to be a vegan taco.
Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.
Let us go forth then, into the glorious unknown of the future, firm in our conviction that no terror shall afflict our resolve, no hardship shall quench our virtue, no adversity shall prevail over our steadfast commitment to the path we firmly set for that great dream laid out before us by our fathers and our fathers' fathers, that our children, and our children's children, and our children's children's children, and our children's children's children's children, and our children's children's children's children's children -- or maybe that was one children's too many, let's see, five, so yeah, that was right -- and our children's children's children's children's children's children -- okay, I admit it, I'm just copying and pasting now, but isn't all this repetition poetical and rhetorically powerful? -- anyway, that all these children with their babies' mammas shall attain to that ancient promise handed down to us from of old, that all men, and women, and children, and children's children, and children's children's children, shall go forth into the bright and morning sunlight of tomorrow!
Man, I'm good. All that was just one sentence! I don't know why I'm not rich and famous, writing speeches for influential demagogues and living in sybaritic splendor on the miasmic banks of the Potomac. But I am just now starting a new business. Dog shaving. Global warming will be making the globe very warm, so it's a growth industry, get it? I was going to call it The Hot Dog Chop, then Hot Tofu Dogs, then VeggieBurgerPorium, then Jack H's Sensual Dog Massage and Vegan Taco Stand. But I couldn't get a permit from the city, so now I'm going door to door with a pinking sheers and a tub for housewives and shut-ins to soak their feet in. Like I say, it's a growth industry. And I offer backyard dog doo removal as well -- I've got a stick with a nail in it.
I have five blisters from tonight's workout. Two were just rips, and two are blisters under thick callouses. I thought I was a big dog, but under all this hair I turned out to be a vegan taco.
Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Horse Trading
Which do you hate more, blame or hypocrisy? Because Obama is attempting to rehabilitate Carter, and we expect emulation will follow adulation. We do want, eventually, something more than self-confidence in those who push themselves forward claiming to have a vision. Marx had a vision. More than mysticism, we should opt for actual reality.
What are we to make of the man who clings steadfastly to his course, regardless of opposition or setbacks? Is it high character? Is it willfulness and delusion? If he turns out to be right, was it wisdom, or just coincidence -- the way a gambler keeps rolling the dice? Was he right to do so, or just lucky, if despite the odds he did get lucky.
In Obama's case, he is admirable in his self-assurance. It's his common sense that's the problem. The government, which cannot manage its own finances or departments, is set to absorb another huge segment of the economy? And this will be paid for by raising taxes? -- in a time of profound uncertainty? The government, which produces nothing, will take resources from the most productive citizens to underwrite the healthcare of those who, statistically, don't have the brains to take basic preventative measures? We should subsidize sickness? -- pay for it, so we can get more of it? As I say, it is a measure of common sense.
It is a silly thing to criticize oddities of style. That Obama is lauded as a master orator is inevitable after the inarticulate Bush years. Almost anyone would have been better, at speaking. The fact that Obama is not a great speaker, but rather a gifted speech giver -- well, in our entertainment-centered culture it takes only a few well-rehearsed performances to make a reputation. The ums and uhs are no less inelegant than the Bush malaprops and neologs, but Obama says the right things, and style is so much more important than substance, we'll all agree. In this case, the style is about the words, health and care. Who could be against such good words? They'd have to be monsters.
The good news is that abortion will be free. Oh, didn't you know? Yes, how could it not be, if health care is paid for by taxes. So that's good. I'm a bit worried about the favoritism toward women -- I mean, what comparable procedure could men have? Penis enlargements? How many times can I have that done? A woman can have an abortion every few months. That's unequal treatment, and I will not stand for it. Okay, here's the deal, I'll go for the abortion thing if they give me some more free penis enlargements, a scrotal tuck because I'm not so young anymore, a boatload of Viagra or its generic equivalent -- I'm not greedy -- and open ended roundtrip airfair to Costa Rica. And I want a tattoo removed from my face. For this I'll trade you unlimited abortions, a boob job, lip enhancement, which I will want too, and a pedicure for your poodle. And later, if the mood is right, perhaps over a carafe of chilled Chianti and some free government cheese, we'll discuss the anus bleaching.
I just can't wait to show off my gigantic penis and tiny scrotum, which funnily enough is what the tattoo on my face is. I'll be a veritable genital Ivan, all hyperdeveloped where it counts. Yeah!
What, I'm vulgar? No, hijacking 20% of the economy is vulgar. Hijacking so they can drive it off a cliff. Obscene.
What are we to make of the man who clings steadfastly to his course, regardless of opposition or setbacks? Is it high character? Is it willfulness and delusion? If he turns out to be right, was it wisdom, or just coincidence -- the way a gambler keeps rolling the dice? Was he right to do so, or just lucky, if despite the odds he did get lucky.
In Obama's case, he is admirable in his self-assurance. It's his common sense that's the problem. The government, which cannot manage its own finances or departments, is set to absorb another huge segment of the economy? And this will be paid for by raising taxes? -- in a time of profound uncertainty? The government, which produces nothing, will take resources from the most productive citizens to underwrite the healthcare of those who, statistically, don't have the brains to take basic preventative measures? We should subsidize sickness? -- pay for it, so we can get more of it? As I say, it is a measure of common sense.
It is a silly thing to criticize oddities of style. That Obama is lauded as a master orator is inevitable after the inarticulate Bush years. Almost anyone would have been better, at speaking. The fact that Obama is not a great speaker, but rather a gifted speech giver -- well, in our entertainment-centered culture it takes only a few well-rehearsed performances to make a reputation. The ums and uhs are no less inelegant than the Bush malaprops and neologs, but Obama says the right things, and style is so much more important than substance, we'll all agree. In this case, the style is about the words, health and care. Who could be against such good words? They'd have to be monsters.
The good news is that abortion will be free. Oh, didn't you know? Yes, how could it not be, if health care is paid for by taxes. So that's good. I'm a bit worried about the favoritism toward women -- I mean, what comparable procedure could men have? Penis enlargements? How many times can I have that done? A woman can have an abortion every few months. That's unequal treatment, and I will not stand for it. Okay, here's the deal, I'll go for the abortion thing if they give me some more free penis enlargements, a scrotal tuck because I'm not so young anymore, a boatload of Viagra or its generic equivalent -- I'm not greedy -- and open ended roundtrip airfair to Costa Rica. And I want a tattoo removed from my face. For this I'll trade you unlimited abortions, a boob job, lip enhancement, which I will want too, and a pedicure for your poodle. And later, if the mood is right, perhaps over a carafe of chilled Chianti and some free government cheese, we'll discuss the anus bleaching.
I just can't wait to show off my gigantic penis and tiny scrotum, which funnily enough is what the tattoo on my face is. I'll be a veritable genital Ivan, all hyperdeveloped where it counts. Yeah!
What, I'm vulgar? No, hijacking 20% of the economy is vulgar. Hijacking so they can drive it off a cliff. Obscene.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
President Obama
Might as well resign ourselves to the fact. It's unbecoming to deny reality. President Obama. I've removed myself in large part from current events, so I have to trust in the opinions of trustworthy people. Tony Blankley. I've never seen him be wrong. His take? There are four issues that Obama claimed were of the highest priority: "Cabinet selection, closing Gitmo, the stimulus package and bipartisanship." His handling of these matters?
Even I know that Obama said he "screwed up." How? Blankley asks: "Did he actively design the failed vetting process and actively assess the various negative pieces of information and fail to see their significance? Or did he 'screw up' by letting others design the failed system and assess the data inflow? The former would show poor substantive judgment. The latter would show he wasn't paying sufficient attention to a presumably vital matter. We don't know yet which kind of 'screw-up' it was."
First, that strikes me as very smart analysis by Blankley. And smart questions. Screwing up is one thing. The manner of the screw up is even more that one thing, when the guy's job is to get things done. That's what an executive does, after all -- see that things get done. So was he a poor organizer, or a poor supervisor, in this matter of high priority. It's not all about rhetoric, after all. Eventually people have to stop feeling and start doing.
As for Gitmo, Obama's "first public signing as president was that executive order to close it down. The central issue of Gitmo's closing was and is: What do we do with the dangerous inmates? President Bush kept it open primarily because his administration couldn't figure out an answer to that question." These are prisoners taken in battle, after all -- blood enemies in the literal sense. Can't just put them in county lockup. Parolees tend to find themselves back in the field, firing at Americans. Sup wit' dat? Moslems lie? Say it ain't so! But close Gitmo we must, so closed it will be. What of the prisoners? -- the very point of it all?
It "was breathtaking that at the signing ceremony, President Obama didn't know how -- or even whether -- his executive order was dealing with this central quandary.
"President Obama: 'And we then provide, uh, the process whereby Guantanamo will be closed, uh, no later than one year from now. We will be, uh. ... Is there a separate, uh, executive order, Greg, with respect to how we're going to dispose of the detainees? Is that, uh, written?'
"White House counsel Greg Craig: 'We'll set up a process.'"
Amazing. You recognize what it is, right? It's a guy who isn't used to making-decisions about something other than his next career move. When the goal isn't focused on himself, he has no sense of what needs to be done. "To be at the signing ceremony and not know what he was ordering done with the terrorist inmates is a level of ignorance about equivalent to being a groom at the altar in a wedding ceremony and asking who it is you are marrying."
Regarding the "stimulus", he took no effective part in designing the bill, as we know from his criticisms of it. Did he have no input? Did he think of objections only after he signed it? Did he trust Reid and Pelosi to get it right? Did he not dare risk their opposition? Does he hope others will expend their influence to effect changes, so that he himself doesn't have to use his own? Sadly, leadership requires risk. A "leader" who just talks is what is technically known as a blowhard.
As for bipartisanship, well. Inviting opposition pols to balls and parties is not bipartisanship. Including them in the decision-making process is. Obama "permitted his congressional allies to completely shut out (except for the three collaborators) all Senate Republicans and all House Republicans, including their leadership and the GOP's titular leader, Sen. John McCain, in the drafting of the bill and the final conference committee."
There comes a point when the disconnect between rhetoric and actions requires characterization. The word would be "liar." It would be, if we felt sure there was an intent to deceive. If Obama really does think that tickets to a Superbowl Party, whatever that is, constitutes bipartisanship, then he is in reality the idiot that the left claimed Bush was. Because intelligence in its most meaningful sense is gauged by how closely one's intellect matches up with the objective world. Yes, there are brilliant fantasists, but if they are moronic in their daily functioning, well -- they'd be like Obama, thinking that meaningless courtesy from a position of power is the same as bipartisanship.
Blankley lists "four possible explanations for this almost unprecedented presidential detachment from the decision making of policies the president publicly declared to be vital to the country and his presidency: 1) He is a very, very big-picture man, and he delegates decisions even on the central points of vital issues. 2) For tactical reasons, he decided these matters were not worth using up political chits. 3) He is either hesitant or unskilled at management, and he let matters drift until it seemed too late to intervene personally. 4) Or his personality type leaves him surprisingly uninterested in things that aren't personally about him."
Possible reasons need not be likely reasons. My low opinion of Obama is a little frightening to me. In this so-perilous time, we have the most manifestly unqualified leader ever. Bush had been a governor and a businessman -- not stellar recommendations, but sufficient -- and he was elected in a trivial era. Lincoln wouldn't have seemed like much, to the unattentive eye. But his qualities were there to see, and his mind was radiant. Go down the list. Point is, we knew, we knew that this was a moment of gravest crisis, and we elected a dilettante.
Lincoln? We read his words today, and they are poetry. Obama's speeches depend on his delivery. The words themselves contain hardly any meaning. Pathetic.
Regarding Obama's stated priorities, and the way he handled them, Blankley says that whatever "the reason, this level of presidential detachment from high policy decision making is dangerous in a White House that has so many czars and other senior players (the West Wing staff is reputed to be more than 130 -- about double the usual number) combined with emissaries and strong-willed Cabinet secretaries." At a time like this, we have a White House that functions as a circus clown-car. The purpose of a ringmaster is to maintain order. Do you see that happening?
Even I know that Obama said he "screwed up." How? Blankley asks: "Did he actively design the failed vetting process and actively assess the various negative pieces of information and fail to see their significance? Or did he 'screw up' by letting others design the failed system and assess the data inflow? The former would show poor substantive judgment. The latter would show he wasn't paying sufficient attention to a presumably vital matter. We don't know yet which kind of 'screw-up' it was."
First, that strikes me as very smart analysis by Blankley. And smart questions. Screwing up is one thing. The manner of the screw up is even more that one thing, when the guy's job is to get things done. That's what an executive does, after all -- see that things get done. So was he a poor organizer, or a poor supervisor, in this matter of high priority. It's not all about rhetoric, after all. Eventually people have to stop feeling and start doing.
As for Gitmo, Obama's "first public signing as president was that executive order to close it down. The central issue of Gitmo's closing was and is: What do we do with the dangerous inmates? President Bush kept it open primarily because his administration couldn't figure out an answer to that question." These are prisoners taken in battle, after all -- blood enemies in the literal sense. Can't just put them in county lockup. Parolees tend to find themselves back in the field, firing at Americans. Sup wit' dat? Moslems lie? Say it ain't so! But close Gitmo we must, so closed it will be. What of the prisoners? -- the very point of it all?
It "was breathtaking that at the signing ceremony, President Obama didn't know how -- or even whether -- his executive order was dealing with this central quandary.
"President Obama: 'And we then provide, uh, the process whereby Guantanamo will be closed, uh, no later than one year from now. We will be, uh. ... Is there a separate, uh, executive order, Greg, with respect to how we're going to dispose of the detainees? Is that, uh, written?'
"White House counsel Greg Craig: 'We'll set up a process.'"
Amazing. You recognize what it is, right? It's a guy who isn't used to making-decisions about something other than his next career move. When the goal isn't focused on himself, he has no sense of what needs to be done. "To be at the signing ceremony and not know what he was ordering done with the terrorist inmates is a level of ignorance about equivalent to being a groom at the altar in a wedding ceremony and asking who it is you are marrying."
Regarding the "stimulus", he took no effective part in designing the bill, as we know from his criticisms of it. Did he have no input? Did he think of objections only after he signed it? Did he trust Reid and Pelosi to get it right? Did he not dare risk their opposition? Does he hope others will expend their influence to effect changes, so that he himself doesn't have to use his own? Sadly, leadership requires risk. A "leader" who just talks is what is technically known as a blowhard.
As for bipartisanship, well. Inviting opposition pols to balls and parties is not bipartisanship. Including them in the decision-making process is. Obama "permitted his congressional allies to completely shut out (except for the three collaborators) all Senate Republicans and all House Republicans, including their leadership and the GOP's titular leader, Sen. John McCain, in the drafting of the bill and the final conference committee."
There comes a point when the disconnect between rhetoric and actions requires characterization. The word would be "liar." It would be, if we felt sure there was an intent to deceive. If Obama really does think that tickets to a Superbowl Party, whatever that is, constitutes bipartisanship, then he is in reality the idiot that the left claimed Bush was. Because intelligence in its most meaningful sense is gauged by how closely one's intellect matches up with the objective world. Yes, there are brilliant fantasists, but if they are moronic in their daily functioning, well -- they'd be like Obama, thinking that meaningless courtesy from a position of power is the same as bipartisanship.
Blankley lists "four possible explanations for this almost unprecedented presidential detachment from the decision making of policies the president publicly declared to be vital to the country and his presidency: 1) He is a very, very big-picture man, and he delegates decisions even on the central points of vital issues. 2) For tactical reasons, he decided these matters were not worth using up political chits. 3) He is either hesitant or unskilled at management, and he let matters drift until it seemed too late to intervene personally. 4) Or his personality type leaves him surprisingly uninterested in things that aren't personally about him."
Possible reasons need not be likely reasons. My low opinion of Obama is a little frightening to me. In this so-perilous time, we have the most manifestly unqualified leader ever. Bush had been a governor and a businessman -- not stellar recommendations, but sufficient -- and he was elected in a trivial era. Lincoln wouldn't have seemed like much, to the unattentive eye. But his qualities were there to see, and his mind was radiant. Go down the list. Point is, we knew, we knew that this was a moment of gravest crisis, and we elected a dilettante.
Lincoln? We read his words today, and they are poetry. Obama's speeches depend on his delivery. The words themselves contain hardly any meaning. Pathetic.
Regarding Obama's stated priorities, and the way he handled them, Blankley says that whatever "the reason, this level of presidential detachment from high policy decision making is dangerous in a White House that has so many czars and other senior players (the West Wing staff is reputed to be more than 130 -- about double the usual number) combined with emissaries and strong-willed Cabinet secretaries." At a time like this, we have a White House that functions as a circus clown-car. The purpose of a ringmaster is to maintain order. Do you see that happening?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
And now, with three or four hours of fitful sleep intervening between the collapse and a dispassionate survey of the ruins, what shall we say? That change will be purchased at the cost of hope? How dire. The Left did not conquer Congress, for all that it stormed the gates. We are Byzantium, then, besieged by the Youngish Turks, or Moors, or what have you. Alas, there is not even a Christian West remaining, to turn down our pleas for aid. America, alone, and turning its back on itself. How inverted.
But it's a new day, and we will find its sunlight. Bright spots may be found. Congress is not filibuster-proof. The idiot Republicans did not entirely sell their birthright. Gay marriage went down to the place where it belongs, although an appeal to the federal courts will of course be made, which will end up in Obama's Supreme Court. But that will take a few years, so the Decameron festivities are briefly separated from their concomitant plagues. What other good news? Obama himself is perhaps just a cynical pol, and not the actual gilded totem pole his worshipers contend.
Obama is an orphan. Abandoned on both sides. That will mark a man. He will strive for approval and acceptance. As a man of the left, he will be inclined to seek it from enemies rather than from those owed his actual loyalty, but perhaps his pragmatic nature, that guided him through the cesspool of Chicago politics, will provide some guidance that is coincidentally in line with patriotism. We shall see.
It the meantime, we console ourselves that something remains of the federal system, of separations of powers, of checks and balances. The American electorate has knelt in the forecourt of the Temple of Moloch, but not entered into its Holy of Holies. As for the rest of us, sometimes trials by fire are survived. Not every fiery furnace is fatal. That's good news, then -- it gives God another chance to demonstrate his grace and ability to work wonders.
But it's a new day, and we will find its sunlight. Bright spots may be found. Congress is not filibuster-proof. The idiot Republicans did not entirely sell their birthright. Gay marriage went down to the place where it belongs, although an appeal to the federal courts will of course be made, which will end up in Obama's Supreme Court. But that will take a few years, so the Decameron festivities are briefly separated from their concomitant plagues. What other good news? Obama himself is perhaps just a cynical pol, and not the actual gilded totem pole his worshipers contend.
Obama is an orphan. Abandoned on both sides. That will mark a man. He will strive for approval and acceptance. As a man of the left, he will be inclined to seek it from enemies rather than from those owed his actual loyalty, but perhaps his pragmatic nature, that guided him through the cesspool of Chicago politics, will provide some guidance that is coincidentally in line with patriotism. We shall see.
It the meantime, we console ourselves that something remains of the federal system, of separations of powers, of checks and balances. The American electorate has knelt in the forecourt of the Temple of Moloch, but not entered into its Holy of Holies. As for the rest of us, sometimes trials by fire are survived. Not every fiery furnace is fatal. That's good news, then -- it gives God another chance to demonstrate his grace and ability to work wonders.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I make a point of reading anything of Tony Blankley's that comes before my eyes. Clear writing with logical points. In his latest, he calls Obama to task for his general hubris. "...he who presumes to be the next president." In itself it's not actually a fair point. Anyone who runs for that office is presuming. Ego is required. Then, "It was made clear several months ago that mentioning his middle name is a forbidden act." But we have the right to state the manner by which we wish to be addressed. I have a first name that I have never used. My father tried for a time to use it, as an act of invalidation and control and self-justification. I corrected his error. Point is, Obama doesn't have to be called Hussain. It's his right, and no shame in its exercise.
The issue isn't Obama's ego or his sensitivity or his desire to control. It's not his arrogance alone ... 'all those OTHER presidents on the money.' It's the fact that he is unprepared for the job he wants. He thinks that organizing a community, say, getting basketballs for a public park, is on a par with leading a nation. He supposes that voting "present" in the Illinois Assembly represents some sort of public service. He imagines that his several years in the senate has prepared him for the national stage. Agreed, he knows how to perform under the lights. He has a face suited for stage makeup. None of this is leadership.
And Blankley is spot on when he notes that, "having nothing honorable to say, Obama warned his followers last week that Sen. McCain would try to scare voters by pointing to Obama's 'funny name' and the fact that 'he doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills.'" The Magic Negro can both read minds and tell the future. How very low. Far be it from your humble servant to confirm the fact that my opponent is scum.
Obama's name? Any of them? They are subject to mockery. My last name is a not-uncommon noun that occurs in some number of songs. How bothersome, on the schoolyard. My first name is increasingly common, but was unheard of when I was a child, and I have never related to it. The name I use here, Jack ... well, you can make your own joke, about jack. So Obama has the right to express his preference. He even has a right to complain. But to try to score points on this issue -- it doesn't indicate an intellect that I'd want on our side of a negotiation table.
Obama "has made it clear that the mere use of His name would be freighted with coded innuendoes of something too horrible to say straightforwardly." More racism on our part, you see. He don't look like no president on the money, see, cuz he's a nigra. An he gots that name, like that A-rab raghead dicktater we hung who wuz behind that Twin Towers thang in Jew York. Blankley goes on to suggest that Obama has a god-complex. Nothing new in that suggestion. God tells us what name to use -- I Am -- and so does Obama. In any case, Obama would be a pretty dictatorial god, who REQUIRES more than he could give.
So many thou shalt nots. Thou shalt not blaspheme His ineffable name. Thou shalt not mention His Consort, the Michelle, and thou shalt ignore the fact that Michelle took the public stage, made political speeches, works powerfully and actively to advance her and her husband's agendas. He REQUIRES so much of us. What does he give us? Hope? Change? Ability? So far it's all promises. The Obama religion is all about faith, and he didn't even create a universe, to demonstrate his power. He has created nothing but a movement, the way a tent creates a circus.
I used the sarcastic term, Magic Negro. It is unfair, except for this: Obama is where he is solely because of the fact that he has African blood. This makes him a symbol, rather than a man. He is the screen onto which liberals and people of naive goodwill project their hopes. This is human nature, and not to be scoffed at. Obama, though, buys into it himself. Such blindness. The light of his own radiance has dazzled him. This in itself disqualifies him from the office he covets.
Blankley sums it up: "It is repulsive to see such a mentality in a man who would be president." So beautiful. So repugnant. Like a serpent. Perhaps he is a god, of sorts.
The issue isn't Obama's ego or his sensitivity or his desire to control. It's not his arrogance alone ... 'all those OTHER presidents on the money.' It's the fact that he is unprepared for the job he wants. He thinks that organizing a community, say, getting basketballs for a public park, is on a par with leading a nation. He supposes that voting "present" in the Illinois Assembly represents some sort of public service. He imagines that his several years in the senate has prepared him for the national stage. Agreed, he knows how to perform under the lights. He has a face suited for stage makeup. None of this is leadership.
And Blankley is spot on when he notes that, "having nothing honorable to say, Obama warned his followers last week that Sen. McCain would try to scare voters by pointing to Obama's 'funny name' and the fact that 'he doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills.'" The Magic Negro can both read minds and tell the future. How very low. Far be it from your humble servant to confirm the fact that my opponent is scum.
Obama's name? Any of them? They are subject to mockery. My last name is a not-uncommon noun that occurs in some number of songs. How bothersome, on the schoolyard. My first name is increasingly common, but was unheard of when I was a child, and I have never related to it. The name I use here, Jack ... well, you can make your own joke, about jack. So Obama has the right to express his preference. He even has a right to complain. But to try to score points on this issue -- it doesn't indicate an intellect that I'd want on our side of a negotiation table.
Obama "has made it clear that the mere use of His name would be freighted with coded innuendoes of something too horrible to say straightforwardly." More racism on our part, you see. He don't look like no president on the money, see, cuz he's a nigra. An he gots that name, like that A-rab raghead dicktater we hung who wuz behind that Twin Towers thang in Jew York. Blankley goes on to suggest that Obama has a god-complex. Nothing new in that suggestion. God tells us what name to use -- I Am -- and so does Obama. In any case, Obama would be a pretty dictatorial god, who REQUIRES more than he could give.
So many thou shalt nots. Thou shalt not blaspheme His ineffable name. Thou shalt not mention His Consort, the Michelle, and thou shalt ignore the fact that Michelle took the public stage, made political speeches, works powerfully and actively to advance her and her husband's agendas. He REQUIRES so much of us. What does he give us? Hope? Change? Ability? So far it's all promises. The Obama religion is all about faith, and he didn't even create a universe, to demonstrate his power. He has created nothing but a movement, the way a tent creates a circus.
I used the sarcastic term, Magic Negro. It is unfair, except for this: Obama is where he is solely because of the fact that he has African blood. This makes him a symbol, rather than a man. He is the screen onto which liberals and people of naive goodwill project their hopes. This is human nature, and not to be scoffed at. Obama, though, buys into it himself. Such blindness. The light of his own radiance has dazzled him. This in itself disqualifies him from the office he covets.
Blankley sums it up: "It is repulsive to see such a mentality in a man who would be president." So beautiful. So repugnant. Like a serpent. Perhaps he is a god, of sorts.
Monday, July 28, 2008
What We'll Find Under Our Very Noses
The media have made no special note of the matter, but diligent observers have been startled to notice that prospective Democratic presidential nominee Barack H. Obama has returned from his trip to Berlin sporting a distinctive toothbrush mustache. He must have a lot of extra male hormones, to have managed the feat in so few days. So virile. Such a man, a mensch, so masterful, a leader of men, forward to the future, leading us onward ever onward to what grand destiny we dare not admit even to our secret selves, bare as we are before his probing, burning gaze, that cuts us to our souls, and he knows us as no one ever has, our needs, our hopes, leads us, leads us, our leader, our leader.
Berlin suits him.
I kid, of course. Obama isn't like Hitler. Thought is absurd. A mere coincidence of location and style. But isn't it odd, that a man of virtually no accomplishments should be so demanding? Have you noticed what his favorite word is? "Require".
"Eh huh well, you know … uh I think that there are … there are so many ... issues ... in which I am not an expert ... but REQUIRE ... you to be an expert uh that mm-mm the most important job that I will have as president is ... choosing ... excellent people tuh help to shape ... policy and provide me with a clear set of decisions."
"Barack Obama will REQUIRE you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism ... that you come out of your isolation. ... Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
"In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be REQUIRED to do more - not less. ... So history reminds us that walls can be torn down. But the task is never easy. True partnership and true progress REQUIRES constant work and sustained sacrifice. They REQUIRE sharing the burdens of development and diplomacy; of progress and peace. They REQUIRE allies who will listen to each other, learn from each other and, most of all, trust each other."
If listening to Obama has taught us anything, it's that when he uses the passive voice or an impersonal pronoun, he is still the subject. Obama requires us to do more, to work constantly and sacrifice unremittingly, to share burdens and listen to, learn from and most of all to trust, him.
Much has been made, by Obama's campaign workers and his adherents in the media, of his selflessness. I spelled that correctly, right? Yes, selflessness. It has two L's, and no H. Not selfeshness. No, not at all. That's not even a word. But here's the thing. Obama did indeed take a job as a ... community organizer. Some sort of pay cut might have been involved. Seems like such self-sacrifice, no? Alas. Look what he's doing with his "sacrifice". Flogging it. Using it. Selling himself on it. How then is it not just part of a long-term plan? A fleshing out of his CV?
It's not after all as if he was recruited for the job. He pushed himself forward. Me first. A few inquiries by Massachusetts Brahmans, are you available, and he launches himself from his Springfield office onto the national stage like Ester Williams plummeting from the springboard into her specially-built backlot pool. It takes a certain amount of self-esteem -- like, all of it -- to suppose oneself worthy of the highest office in the world, pace Benedict. We can't object to ego. But we'd like it to be backed up by something other than rhythmic intonations methodically punctuated by repeated formulaic phrases. We must -- we must -- we must -- that's why-- that's why -- that's why -- they require --they require -- they require ...
Yep. That mustache suits him. Even if it is only on the inside.
Berlin suits him.
I kid, of course. Obama isn't like Hitler. Thought is absurd. A mere coincidence of location and style. But isn't it odd, that a man of virtually no accomplishments should be so demanding? Have you noticed what his favorite word is? "Require".
"Eh huh well, you know … uh I think that there are … there are so many ... issues ... in which I am not an expert ... but REQUIRE ... you to be an expert uh that mm-mm the most important job that I will have as president is ... choosing ... excellent people tuh help to shape ... policy and provide me with a clear set of decisions."
"Barack Obama will REQUIRE you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism ... that you come out of your isolation. ... Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
"In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be REQUIRED to do more - not less. ... So history reminds us that walls can be torn down. But the task is never easy. True partnership and true progress REQUIRES constant work and sustained sacrifice. They REQUIRE sharing the burdens of development and diplomacy; of progress and peace. They REQUIRE allies who will listen to each other, learn from each other and, most of all, trust each other."
If listening to Obama has taught us anything, it's that when he uses the passive voice or an impersonal pronoun, he is still the subject. Obama requires us to do more, to work constantly and sacrifice unremittingly, to share burdens and listen to, learn from and most of all to trust, him.
Much has been made, by Obama's campaign workers and his adherents in the media, of his selflessness. I spelled that correctly, right? Yes, selflessness. It has two L's, and no H. Not selfeshness. No, not at all. That's not even a word. But here's the thing. Obama did indeed take a job as a ... community organizer. Some sort of pay cut might have been involved. Seems like such self-sacrifice, no? Alas. Look what he's doing with his "sacrifice". Flogging it. Using it. Selling himself on it. How then is it not just part of a long-term plan? A fleshing out of his CV?
It's not after all as if he was recruited for the job. He pushed himself forward. Me first. A few inquiries by Massachusetts Brahmans, are you available, and he launches himself from his Springfield office onto the national stage like Ester Williams plummeting from the springboard into her specially-built backlot pool. It takes a certain amount of self-esteem -- like, all of it -- to suppose oneself worthy of the highest office in the world, pace Benedict. We can't object to ego. But we'd like it to be backed up by something other than rhythmic intonations methodically punctuated by repeated formulaic phrases. We must -- we must -- we must -- that's why-- that's why -- that's why -- they require --they require -- they require ...
Yep. That mustache suits him. Even if it is only on the inside.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My Biggest Weakness
[[The first bit is a literal transcription of the interview. I did not change it ONE LITTLE BIT. The FP had to butt in. That's how FP is.]]
Obama: Well, er ah, you know, uh uh I … th-the last time I was asked a question what my biggest weakness was an uh I I said …
Couric: were disorganized...
Obama: …I was disorganized. Uh th-this ended up becoming a big political issue. You see … the uh 'we need somebody who's organized in the White House.' So, ah uh uh eh y'know, uh I …
Couric: But what area...
Obama: yeah
Couric: you feel least comfortable with?
Obama: Eh huh well, you know … uh I think that there are … there are so many ... issues ... in which I am not an expert ... but require ... you to be an expert uh that mm-mm the most important job that I will have as president is ... choosing ... excellent people tuh help to shape ... policy and provide me with a clear set of decisions. So I'll I'll give you eh a very clear example.
Uh ... I know ... quite a bit about healthcare, uh from a ... 4,000 ... 40,000-foot level. Uh but I'm not a doctor. I'm not uh ... a uh bio ... uh chemist. Uh ee oh if you ask me about the human genome, I can ... vaguely describe it to you, uh but I don't know all the possibilities and potentials. Uh there so so when I eh think about ... um, what I have to ... do as as a president ... uh my job is to be smart enough to choose ... really smart people in fact, not to be intimidated by having people who are smarter than me, uh around me to give me uh sound advice, uh and then be able to make those decisions but when it comes to foreign policy … uh, yo ... I ... feel confidence in my uh ability to apply good judgment to ... uh a broad set of problems that are out there. Uh it doesn't mean that I'm gonna be an expert ... on everything uh it means that ... I'm still gonna be consulting with people who have specialized in a particular area or particular region. But I think that I have a good feel for the nature of the problems that we have, the fact that ... the globe has gotten smaller, that we are all interconnected, uh but that we still have a whole host of ethnic divisions ... uh and rivalries … that there uh eh people are still steeped in history we sp started talking about uh the issues here in the Middle East obviously … um y'o ... ee er those yer long-standing grievances are not gonna go away immediately uh and that the United States one of the things that we can provide, uh is ... leadership based on sets of values and ideals that recognize the equality of people, recognize human rights, uh recognize the importance of ah opportunity for all. Uh I believe those are values that are applicable uh to a wide range of problems ent that's why I think it's so important for the U.S. to, return to ... uh the kind of leadership by example that … um... that has made us sp sp not only powerful, but also influential around the world.
FP: Excuse me, Katie, let me jump in ... I can call you Katie, right? So. Ah. I see. Huh. Uh, Senator Obama -- may I call you Barack? And I couldn't help but think, for that chaffing problem of yours? I hear great things about KY. So anyways, Barack, what again was the actual answer to the question? We'll shun the "biggest weakness" thing ... that turned out to be a political bombshell! Wowie! But, er uh eh um, what areas was it again that you feel 'least comfortable' with? I'm afraid I didn't quite follow your very clear example.
Obama: Well er ah mm, yo, my favorite ... color is .... blue, like my lips. And you I know so ... much about ... healthcare! But not the human genome weren't you listening? And uh er I I ... can git ... experts to tell me what they think and I'm not afraid of them I'll make them I require it! Just like I'm not afraid of Iraq or Iran or whichever, or Pahkahstahn. That's foreign policy that I have a good feel for this small globe called the Planet Earth that we live on here, or so the experts tell me, where people are steeped in history and ethnic studies. But uh er eh ee I lead by example, of humanity and ... equality for all, yes we can. Opportunity is ... a very good thing. It means many things to many people and that's why I think it's ... uh er important to ... lead by leadership that is not only powerful, but influential!
FP: That was so eloquent and helpful Sen Barack Obama. But just a final clarification. The area you're least ... comfortable with is er uh your ... 4 or 40,000 feet uh worth of huh um expertise in eh healthcare and consultations with ...foreign uh policy er experts.
Obama: Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Ramses the Great
Now that jackson has given us permission to use nigger freely, I feel there can be nothing denied to me. It's not a bad thing. It signifies a new age of freedom, understanding and good will. The race problem is over! It's our word, a gift to all humanity -- the secret name of names. All divisions have been unified! Along with the healing of the seas and other such wonders that Obama's anticipated presidency or Millennium or whatever it is will herald -- the Kingdom is nigh! -- jackson, His Prophet, has proclaimed the day of peace, the yearning of our hearts' desires.
Charles Krauthammer, heretic, peeps his insipid jeremiad, and we laugh him to derision. For She Who Must Be Obeyed, Michelle, the Pythoness of this New Age apotheosic black Apollo, has made her true and faithful utterance, and no need of priestly clarification. "Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism ... that you come out of your isolation. ... Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
And, how interesting. A slave driver of willing slaves -- we will take up our bondage from love, before such a wonder: Obama as both Moses and Pharaoh. He is messianic liberator, creator of hope, worker of change, who stills the rising waters and brings peace with his merest word; he is also taskmaster of an Ethiopian dynasty who will cause us to build his obelisks and sphinxes and colossi, his storehouse cities of the future, a New Jerusalem no doubt, or at least a Shining Babylon of sorts. No blood shall be spilled in his reign. It will be stored, each droplet, in chalices of silver, in golden bowls, and sealed and unsealed at his bidding to quench the thirst of the Ages! And the lamb shall lie down with the lion, Israel with Elam, and there shall be wonders in the heavens! -- blossoms of light and waves of radiance that will cleanse us to our very core.
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
...The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Charles Krauthammer, heretic, peeps his insipid jeremiad, and we laugh him to derision. For She Who Must Be Obeyed, Michelle, the Pythoness of this New Age apotheosic black Apollo, has made her true and faithful utterance, and no need of priestly clarification. "Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism ... that you come out of your isolation. ... Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
And, how interesting. A slave driver of willing slaves -- we will take up our bondage from love, before such a wonder: Obama as both Moses and Pharaoh. He is messianic liberator, creator of hope, worker of change, who stills the rising waters and brings peace with his merest word; he is also taskmaster of an Ethiopian dynasty who will cause us to build his obelisks and sphinxes and colossi, his storehouse cities of the future, a New Jerusalem no doubt, or at least a Shining Babylon of sorts. No blood shall be spilled in his reign. It will be stored, each droplet, in chalices of silver, in golden bowls, and sealed and unsealed at his bidding to quench the thirst of the Ages! And the lamb shall lie down with the lion, Israel with Elam, and there shall be wonders in the heavens! -- blossoms of light and waves of radiance that will cleanse us to our very core.
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
...The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tellin niggers how to behave. Tellin niggers how to behave. Niggers. Nigger nigger nigger. Nigger.
Quote: telling niggers how to behave; end quote.
"...talking down to black people ... telling niggers how to behave."
The reverend jesse jackson, renowned nigger community leader ... influential nigger and spokesman ... uh, a nigger of great prominence ... the reverend jesse jackson, protégé of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, slain nigger leader ...
Last week jackson was caught on tape saying he wanted to cut Barack Obama's nuts off. You know, castrate him, that time-honored punishment for uppity niggers. Obama, a nigger, has been talkin down to black people, y'see, telling niggers how to behave. Oh. Sorry. We didn't talk about that part, last week. It wasn't in the tape that was released. There were rumors, denied, and now confirmed. The rest of the story, or a part of the rest of it, is the quote listed and paraphrased and permutated and mined for its true meaning, above.
The commie faggot nigger lover website from which I take this story seems most outraged ... no, seems only outraged by the conduct and existence of Fox News.
I will not participate in the charade. Cunt is not a word reserved for the use solely of women, of themselves. It's not their word. Words that are used for rage and hatred and dehumanizing contempt are rendered harmless by neither the arrogance nor the ignorance of their users.
I'll just spell it out. jackson didn't call Obama a nigger. Not that we know of. He called black people niggers. What scum. Someone should tell that nigger how to behave.
Quote: telling niggers how to behave; end quote.
"...talking down to black people ... telling niggers how to behave."
The reverend jesse jackson, renowned nigger community leader ... influential nigger and spokesman ... uh, a nigger of great prominence ... the reverend jesse jackson, protégé of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, slain nigger leader ...
Last week jackson was caught on tape saying he wanted to cut Barack Obama's nuts off. You know, castrate him, that time-honored punishment for uppity niggers. Obama, a nigger, has been talkin down to black people, y'see, telling niggers how to behave. Oh. Sorry. We didn't talk about that part, last week. It wasn't in the tape that was released. There were rumors, denied, and now confirmed. The rest of the story, or a part of the rest of it, is the quote listed and paraphrased and permutated and mined for its true meaning, above.
The commie faggot nigger lover website from which I take this story seems most outraged ... no, seems only outraged by the conduct and existence of Fox News.
I will not participate in the charade. Cunt is not a word reserved for the use solely of women, of themselves. It's not their word. Words that are used for rage and hatred and dehumanizing contempt are rendered harmless by neither the arrogance nor the ignorance of their users.
I'll just spell it out. jackson didn't call Obama a nigger. Not that we know of. He called black people niggers. What scum. Someone should tell that nigger how to behave.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hot Mike
Waiting to go on air at the O'Reilly Factor, the reverend jesse jackson whispered to Reid Tuckson, a vp at United Health Group, "See Barack, been uh, --, --, talkin down to black people on this faith base -- I wanna cut his nuts off. Barack's -- talkin down to black people [ -- tellin niggers how to behave." -- Suppressed by Fox News, leaked the following week.] How do we know? Hot mike -- not the name of a porn star, but rather a further witness to the reverend's corruption.
Should O'Reilly have released the tape? Was there a presumption of privacy? Well, every such comment is meant to be private. Yet we hear them. Macaca was public, but irrelevant. It undid a senatorial campaign. jackson knew where he was. That's why he was whispering. His whisper was heard, is all. Should has nothing to do with it. This game isn't about rules, it's about winning. Boo hoo.--
The reverend's non-apology has no inherent interest. It's his view on tactics that's so revealing. "You know better than ... anyone, how hurtful words can be," says one of his questioners. My my. His reputation precedes him. He is the word-hurt policeman. He has expertise nonpereil in extracting offense from verbiage. So pay the devil his dues. The reporter then queries how jackson could not say that the words he used were not demeaning to Obama. Not actually a well-formed question, but no matter.
"Well they were hurtful, they're wrong, that's the whole point, and that when you ... make mistakes you should ... not equivocate, you should be quick to go on the offensive, and not try to be ... evasive. And if it was said ... to him ... personally or in some public forum it would have been even more hurtful. In this case ... my error was, responding to a question before a live mike, and so, when he does hear them they will not be ... helpful, they will be hurtful, but we have a relationship that can survive this."
Very clarifying. Thank you, reverend. You explained about taking the offensive when you make a mistake, and demonstrated it by boldly not evading or equivocating about whatever it was you were talking about. And you explained about how if you said something to him personally it would be even more hurtful than behind his back. Cuz then he'd find out about your real opinion, I guess. And you admitted in clear unequivocating nonevasive language that your error was in responding to a question before a live mike. Elsewhere the reverend characterized his nuts remark as "regretfully crude" but "very private". Not so private after all. And I cannot help but think that the regret has less to do with the crude than with the private.
So what. jackson cannot be mistaken for a hero of integrity. The greater issue is, what is it that set jackson off in the first place. Talkin down to black people about faith base. Make of that what you will. I think it's jackson thinking he owns black people, and doesn't want them reading. Too crude? He doesn't want them hearing different ideas, such as those Obama was mouthing, about fathers' responsibility to their children. Ugly, my take? Very. I think it's correct.
It is so strange, that moral instruction is seen as talking down. I will give it to Obama. He has no special quality that recommends him for highest office, but he seems to be a genuine family man, and he gives every appearance of being a responsible father. That is moral authority, in the particular. Blathering platitudes about hope and change and si se puada, it's verbal prostitution. There is a way that it is so beautiful, his Yes We Can. When we see it not as a political speech, but as free-form poetry. But leadership is about more than talking, as I repeatedly repeat.
Well. Here it is. If Obama wants to be president, he should be president of the black people. They need his kind of leadership, that sounds good and sometimes says good things, but most of all would replace the moral vacuity that is jesse jackson. Let him get some experience that way, and then step up for a position of something more than symbolic power.
Should O'Reilly have released the tape? Was there a presumption of privacy? Well, every such comment is meant to be private. Yet we hear them. Macaca was public, but irrelevant. It undid a senatorial campaign. jackson knew where he was. That's why he was whispering. His whisper was heard, is all. Should has nothing to do with it. This game isn't about rules, it's about winning. Boo hoo.--
The reverend's non-apology has no inherent interest. It's his view on tactics that's so revealing. "You know better than ... anyone, how hurtful words can be," says one of his questioners. My my. His reputation precedes him. He is the word-hurt policeman. He has expertise nonpereil in extracting offense from verbiage. So pay the devil his dues. The reporter then queries how jackson could not say that the words he used were not demeaning to Obama. Not actually a well-formed question, but no matter.
"Well they were hurtful, they're wrong, that's the whole point, and that when you ... make mistakes you should ... not equivocate, you should be quick to go on the offensive, and not try to be ... evasive. And if it was said ... to him ... personally or in some public forum it would have been even more hurtful. In this case ... my error was, responding to a question before a live mike, and so, when he does hear them they will not be ... helpful, they will be hurtful, but we have a relationship that can survive this."
Very clarifying. Thank you, reverend. You explained about taking the offensive when you make a mistake, and demonstrated it by boldly not evading or equivocating about whatever it was you were talking about. And you explained about how if you said something to him personally it would be even more hurtful than behind his back. Cuz then he'd find out about your real opinion, I guess. And you admitted in clear unequivocating nonevasive language that your error was in responding to a question before a live mike. Elsewhere the reverend characterized his nuts remark as "regretfully crude" but "very private". Not so private after all. And I cannot help but think that the regret has less to do with the crude than with the private.
So what. jackson cannot be mistaken for a hero of integrity. The greater issue is, what is it that set jackson off in the first place. Talkin down to black people about faith base. Make of that what you will. I think it's jackson thinking he owns black people, and doesn't want them reading. Too crude? He doesn't want them hearing different ideas, such as those Obama was mouthing, about fathers' responsibility to their children. Ugly, my take? Very. I think it's correct.
It is so strange, that moral instruction is seen as talking down. I will give it to Obama. He has no special quality that recommends him for highest office, but he seems to be a genuine family man, and he gives every appearance of being a responsible father. That is moral authority, in the particular. Blathering platitudes about hope and change and si se puada, it's verbal prostitution. There is a way that it is so beautiful, his Yes We Can. When we see it not as a political speech, but as free-form poetry. But leadership is about more than talking, as I repeatedly repeat.
Well. Here it is. If Obama wants to be president, he should be president of the black people. They need his kind of leadership, that sounds good and sometimes says good things, but most of all would replace the moral vacuity that is jesse jackson. Let him get some experience that way, and then step up for a position of something more than symbolic power.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sound Bites
I did a little further looking, about Obama's oratory from the other day. You know, where he says we need to make sure our child can speak Spanish. Cuz it's, like, the language of economic opportunity or something I guess. I'd heard the clip on the radio, but I went to Salon for the transcript, and cut and pasted it in. Then, later, I went and listened to the clip again. I'm gonna repeat it here, verbatim, from my own transcription, rather than the sanitized version the MSM is providing.
Can you imagine having to listen to that, for four years? Great with the teleprompter, but have him try to answer with words strung together while he's trying to think at the same time, and we have something less intelligible than George Bush's illegitimate child by Dan Quayle.
It can happen. But it will only be for four years. And the last two will be with an almost entirely Republican House and Senate. We outlasted Hitler. We can survive Obama.
Eh eh, I I don't understand ... when ... people are goin around worrying about, "We need to have English-only." Th-they want to pass a law, "We want just, uh, we want ... English-only." Now I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But ... but understand this. Instead of worrying about whether ... uh, immigrants can learn English -- they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish. [applause]Comes off a little different, don't it, the way he actually speaks, rather than the prettified version. Doesn't seem like he's really all that eloquent at all -- not so very well-spoken as we've been lead to believe. Turns out that the very thing that recommends him so very strongly, is no strength at all.
Yo, it's embarrassing ... it's embarrassing when, when, uh, Eu, when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe, and and eh uh uh all weez can say is, "Merci beaucoup." [laughter]
Can you imagine having to listen to that, for four years? Great with the teleprompter, but have him try to answer with words strung together while he's trying to think at the same time, and we have something less intelligible than George Bush's illegitimate child by Dan Quayle.
It can happen. But it will only be for four years. And the last two will be with an almost entirely Republican House and Senate. We outlasted Hitler. We can survive Obama.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Winging It
Yesterday morning in Powder Springs, Georgia, Obama made a few off-the-cuff comments. Well, no, not off-the-cuff -- that suggests some sort of note-taking, which would mean preparation and organization. Off the top of his head:
It's like Sharia law. Not allowed here. Y'see, when you pull of stakes and move to a distant land, you are losing more than a place of residence. You are giving up a significant part of the convenience and conventions of your culture. The man in North Carolina, I think it was, who honor killed his daughter. Pakistani. He did it to preserve the honor of his family. No. He left his islamic right to enforce family honor back in his home village. Here, he, and they, and we, must conform to the laws of this land. To its culture. No one can come here and expect otherwise. You cannot bring in your tuberculosis, your bird flu, your honor killing, your selling caged pigeons on streetcorners. You cannot turn America into a Third World country. A major tool in this is, English.
Some don't actually come here for freedom. They come here for money, which is a sort of freedom. But they just want to transfuse wealth into the corpse of their own custom, a sort of gilding of feces. The trade-off however isn't just selling labor for wages. It is also conforming to the minimal requirements of our culture. One requirement: don't honor kill your daughter. Another: if you exploit the infrastructure, do not expect it to conform to your backwardness. It's not only a commercial transaction; it's a social one, and you have obligations. English is one of them. Obligations, of course, are matters of courtesy, and depend on integrity. They fall short of responsibility -- so my hierarchy has it.
By framing it as he did, Obama slanders America. We do not wish to take anyone's language away. His grotesquely sloppy oratory strongly implies that we would. Bad old America.
He uses the word "immigrant." Liar. We have a department of immigration, through which "they" have not passed. They are not immigrants. Invaders, nomads, transients -- illegals.
"They'll learn English." Liar. Some will. Some won't. How do I know? I was a teacher for many years in East LA. Entirely Spanish-language background. Nothing wrong with that. All the kids I taught had English. I didn't of course teach ESL, or in Spanish. But the parents. You will not tell me. I will tell you. Many many parent-teacher conferences, conducted via a translator. Kids, bilingual. Parents, not. Liar.
" need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." Because there will come a day when there are no borders, Mr. Obama? Please acquaint yourself with the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
"We the People of the United States." An exclusionary phrase. Nationalistic. Selfish. "A more perfect Union." A Union is the opposite of the borderless utopia Mr. Obama secretly yearns for. "To ourselves and our Posterity." Not to Mexico.
"You need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." How utterly inept. What a fool. Bush's sound bytes were just about a mispronounced word. It's Obama's ideas, blurted out like he has Tourette's, only so much more vulgar because he means them. Barack, you need to make sure you take care of the business of an elected official serving in the Senate of the United States. You need to understand that a dictator orders citizens. A leader provides an example. Obama grew up speaking another language, common in Indonesia. Bully for him. Has he learned another? No? Then he should shut the hell up about what we need to do, and most especially about how we should raise our children. There are no government child-raising compounds quite yet. We'll exclude Head Start.
"You know, it's embarrassing ... and all we can say..." Cuz they're so good and we're so stupid, y'see. It's embarrassing. The poor Obamas, Mr. and Mrs., so so embarrassed, so unproud of this country. How can they even stand it? Never mind the fact that English is the language of "international business". Never mind that there is a major incentive to learn English, and only a personal one to learn some other language. Sorry to say it, but we already speak the language that everyone should speak. Obama doesn't get this, because he thinks we should all be speaking Spanish. At least something not-American.
"You know, no, I'm serious about this." Yes, there's no doubt about that. It's very clear. We have learned that it's what you say when you're off-script -- your eloquent, carefully crafted scripts -- that we can believe. The um-ing, the uh-ing, the stammering, the slow, slow, ponderous pronouncements when you have to actually think about what you're saying -- this it what the Dems have pushed to the front of the line -- a handsome, well-spoken black man who has no idea that is not already vetted by the leftists who pay for his campaign.
If he weren't black, he wouldn't be in the running. A token president. Lord. There are so many qualified black men, women. Why does it have to be this one? What does he think he will actually bring to the office? What relevant skill has he ever demonstrated? It's not all talking, sir. Good thing, too, because the more we hear, the more you're sounding like a community college associate professor of something easy, all about untestable theories. Philosophy, maybe, or ethnic studies.
Ah well. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Stressful day. Thanks for listening. Or should I say merci beaucoup.
Eh eh, I don't understand ... when ... people are goin around worrying about, "We need to have English-only." Th-they want to pass a law, "We want just, uh, we want ... English-only." Now I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But ... but understand this. Instead of worrying about whether ... uh, immigrants can learn English -- they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish. [You should be thinking about, how can your child become bilingual? We should have every child speaking more than one language.]Well. First. It's so sleazy. So sneaky. That is, if it's on purpose. If not, he is an utter fool. Otherwise, contemptible. Did you notice it? "English only." There is no reputable movement in the United States to "have English-only." Who would want such a thing. What we want is to have ballots in English. Only. Only citizens may vote, and the only citizens who should vote are those who are informed. They should be informed from many sources, but one of them must be that very mainstream media that is intelligible to all of us. People who vote, who have a stake in the culture and society, should actually be a part of that culture. Not of some other.
Yo, it's embarrassing ... it's embarrassing when, when, uh, Eu, when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe, and and eh uh uh all weez can say is, "Merci beaucoup." Right?
[You know, no, I'm serious about this. We should understand that our young people, if you have a foreign language, that is a powerful tool to get a job. You are so much more employable. You can be part of international business. ...]
It's like Sharia law. Not allowed here. Y'see, when you pull of stakes and move to a distant land, you are losing more than a place of residence. You are giving up a significant part of the convenience and conventions of your culture. The man in North Carolina, I think it was, who honor killed his daughter. Pakistani. He did it to preserve the honor of his family. No. He left his islamic right to enforce family honor back in his home village. Here, he, and they, and we, must conform to the laws of this land. To its culture. No one can come here and expect otherwise. You cannot bring in your tuberculosis, your bird flu, your honor killing, your selling caged pigeons on streetcorners. You cannot turn America into a Third World country. A major tool in this is, English.
Some don't actually come here for freedom. They come here for money, which is a sort of freedom. But they just want to transfuse wealth into the corpse of their own custom, a sort of gilding of feces. The trade-off however isn't just selling labor for wages. It is also conforming to the minimal requirements of our culture. One requirement: don't honor kill your daughter. Another: if you exploit the infrastructure, do not expect it to conform to your backwardness. It's not only a commercial transaction; it's a social one, and you have obligations. English is one of them. Obligations, of course, are matters of courtesy, and depend on integrity. They fall short of responsibility -- so my hierarchy has it.
By framing it as he did, Obama slanders America. We do not wish to take anyone's language away. His grotesquely sloppy oratory strongly implies that we would. Bad old America.
He uses the word "immigrant." Liar. We have a department of immigration, through which "they" have not passed. They are not immigrants. Invaders, nomads, transients -- illegals.
"They'll learn English." Liar. Some will. Some won't. How do I know? I was a teacher for many years in East LA. Entirely Spanish-language background. Nothing wrong with that. All the kids I taught had English. I didn't of course teach ESL, or in Spanish. But the parents. You will not tell me. I will tell you. Many many parent-teacher conferences, conducted via a translator. Kids, bilingual. Parents, not. Liar.
" need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." Because there will come a day when there are no borders, Mr. Obama? Please acquaint yourself with the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
"We the People of the United States." An exclusionary phrase. Nationalistic. Selfish. "A more perfect Union." A Union is the opposite of the borderless utopia Mr. Obama secretly yearns for. "To ourselves and our Posterity." Not to Mexico.
"You need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." How utterly inept. What a fool. Bush's sound bytes were just about a mispronounced word. It's Obama's ideas, blurted out like he has Tourette's, only so much more vulgar because he means them. Barack, you need to make sure you take care of the business of an elected official serving in the Senate of the United States. You need to understand that a dictator orders citizens. A leader provides an example. Obama grew up speaking another language, common in Indonesia. Bully for him. Has he learned another? No? Then he should shut the hell up about what we need to do, and most especially about how we should raise our children. There are no government child-raising compounds quite yet. We'll exclude Head Start.
"You know, it's embarrassing ... and all we can say..." Cuz they're so good and we're so stupid, y'see. It's embarrassing. The poor Obamas, Mr. and Mrs., so so embarrassed, so unproud of this country. How can they even stand it? Never mind the fact that English is the language of "international business". Never mind that there is a major incentive to learn English, and only a personal one to learn some other language. Sorry to say it, but we already speak the language that everyone should speak. Obama doesn't get this, because he thinks we should all be speaking Spanish. At least something not-American.
"You know, no, I'm serious about this." Yes, there's no doubt about that. It's very clear. We have learned that it's what you say when you're off-script -- your eloquent, carefully crafted scripts -- that we can believe. The um-ing, the uh-ing, the stammering, the slow, slow, ponderous pronouncements when you have to actually think about what you're saying -- this it what the Dems have pushed to the front of the line -- a handsome, well-spoken black man who has no idea that is not already vetted by the leftists who pay for his campaign.
If he weren't black, he wouldn't be in the running. A token president. Lord. There are so many qualified black men, women. Why does it have to be this one? What does he think he will actually bring to the office? What relevant skill has he ever demonstrated? It's not all talking, sir. Good thing, too, because the more we hear, the more you're sounding like a community college associate professor of something easy, all about untestable theories. Philosophy, maybe, or ethnic studies.
Ah well. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Stressful day. Thanks for listening. Or should I say merci beaucoup.
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