
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Rated Z

If Benjamin Franklin had a time machine and saw what the United States has become, he'd go back to 1776 and ax murder George Washington.  

I haven't made a study of it, or even given it meaningful thought.  But if virtually any movie from the past few decades were to fall back in time to the '60s, it would be rated X, or prior to MPAA ratings, unreleasable.  

The Motion Picture Association of America dropped the "of America" a few years back. I'd say because there was no more america, but it was just business, like cancelling is just business, the tithe paid to the Church of the Great aWokening.  Goddess bless america, tranzgoddess.

It's not emirica, not amerikkka,  It's just nothing at all.  Canada-south, Mexico-north, not hot or cold, and not even tepid.  Ameriblah, AmeriBLaMe.  Blah blm blame.  

The Crime of Masculinity is, no, not rape, or violence -- same thing.  Being a man, that's the crime, an existential crime, like original sin.  Unforgivable save through repudiation, inexpugnable save through surgery.  Born again, through genital bleeding, into the right body.

Maleness, so penetrative, male, man, masculine.  Not equivalents, as we certainly must know by now.  That's why they prefer to tell us how much they hate white males, rather than white men.  Men are human.  Males are animals.  

As for masculine, that's never a good thing, alone.  It needs to be balanced.   

It's only yesterday maybe that I heard about "deadnaming", via twitter's cancelling of its cancelling policy, for using deadnames -- which would be a tranny's biological sex-name.  Bruce for Caitlyn, or Chastity for Chaz.  We all have the right to change our names.  (That's the spelling he chose, for Caitlyn.  Seems overly elaborate.  But young girls dot their "i"s with hearts, so ... something about his own private puberty.)  My father changed his name some number of times, or multiple names at the same time.  It's complicated.  It would be a matter of freedom, then, the civil liberty of free speech, for someone to be rude enough to use the old, deadname.  

Rudeness is a right.  So is blacklisting, or as it's now called, cancelling.  Boycotting, witch hunting ... as long as our purity is not puritanical, or our rightness is not righteousness -- it's only hypocritical if you don't do it too.  

Orwell would have called it unpersoning, if his imagination had been depraved enough to conceive a need for such a term in a constitutional system.  It was Winston's job in 1984 to revise the news, rewrite or excise the past.  Orwell based the book on the Soviet propaganda machine, erasing disfavored apparatchiks from photos etc.  

This is only the normal amount of hatred we would expect.  It's likely the Romans did not salt the fields of Carthage, but it is believable, true or not.  Cato ended all his Senate perorations with Carthago delenda est, Carthage must be destroyed.  Hating the enemy is normal.  That's right, I said it.  

We all have our priorities.  Ours, as a culture, as a generation, is to destroy the past.  Like the Soviets.  We hate reality.  We know reality by remembering what happens. 

Sadly for me, I do not forget.  It's not a trait that contributes to happiness.  But there it is, whatever it is, hanging like a corpse on a gibbet, stinking and rotting and causing oppression and fear.  The past is always with us, festering, suppurating, until it is faced.  We cannot be facing backwards, angel, but sometimes we must.  Courage to face psychic annihilation, disintegration, or to survive, to thrive, courage to forgive, accept, embrace, be touched.  

I'm not bothering to develop these ideas, here, now.  Each sentence could be an essay.  I expect the diligent reader to contribute to this very one-sided conversation.  You contribute nothing. Silence has its virtues, but passive silence doesn't.  You have the duty of faithfulness.  By now you should have recognized my worth.  Your obligation is to understand that hardly anything I inscribe is actually farce.  So flesh it out.  Case in point: do you suppose this was a digression?  Flesh is out.

Hey.  Jack.  Jack H.  Jack Haych.  Chill dude.  Or are you doing it again, that thing you do, being meta about being meta.  It's sort of hard to take you seriously, with all the games you play.  You just undercut yourself all the time.  Or is it us you're cutting, cutting down, base, base court, down court, down king, come, go.  Oh see, I did it again, I mean you did it.  Or is it me.  Us, we?  Pronoun trouble, again.  That's all folks.  But not.   

The disintegration of his mind is accelerating.  Is there anything we can do, doctor?

But it's another, yet another of their miscalculations.  It's laziness from them of course, and disrespect to you, if it is disrespect.  If you do not deserve respect, you can't really be disrespected.  My distinction is debatable, but I'd say disrespect is an injustice, and if you deserve it, it's appropriate.  So you decide if their laziness is really a problem:

Deadnaming.  Suicide, manslaughter -- homicide, to be used only after the Latin root, "man" -- Homo sapiens; Greek, "same" -- homosexual.  The deadnamee killed the "man", indeed, the homo.  It's a dramatic term, we might say histrionic, deadnaming -- although certainly not hysterical, hystera, "uterus".  But it's more reflexive than illuminating.  

Tranzreformation is not an affirmation, but an execution.  That thing, that dead thing that was so hated, it's dead now, along with its hated name.  

Not a butterfly, metamorphosis, or even a mutant -- mutilation, like a teenager cutting herself with a razor -- is that more a boy or a girl thing.  Which ever, whatever, what ever it was that I was not, am not, and am now, or not.  

The thing that they were, that gender, that sex, that self -- they never were that, and it's dead now anyway, with a dead name, hated, hated enough to slash it to death, rated X for graphic violence and misgendering.  They deny invalidate repudiate kill the past.  As they suppose.  Trying to kill it, kill it dead.  Kill kill kill kill kill kill.  All they have to fear is a prolapse, like a zombie pushing out of its grave.  

It's the same relationship, inverted though, that necromancy would be to resurrection.  Religious ideas, both, the way condemnation has something to do with redemption.  The way degeneration has to do with abortion.  

Penis.  Rosebud.  


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