
Monday, April 17, 2023

See our beautiful trans-american highways while you can!

The chinese will of course take Taiwan.  Why not?  biden will tell us to look into his eyes so that we really know for sure that he means it when he talks tough, and they won't believe what's coming.  Ermf man oh man, achqhe believe me you me I mean you pardon me. I'm nah funny! Grrreuh I mean isht.  

But it's refreshing to see true patriotism.  Even if it is from the chinese.  Maybe biden is patriotic too, for the chinese.  BO was patriotic, if by patriot you mean matriotic except for her race, which he rejected.  

I was just looking at that 2000 election map, the tiny blue areas and all that big red empty space.  Population density correlates to politics.  Bread and circus in urban centers.  Solitary long-haul drives in the country.  

I thought, when whichever of our enemies picks its dirty-bomb target, it would be population centers, for the damage. 

Then I thought, no.  It's not damage they want, it's transformation, national castration and reassignment.  They'd want the blue cities to survive, if not multiply.  Because democrat voters will be ineffective and selfish.  No patriotism.  No resolve and self-sacrifice.  Just talk.  Understanding and apologies.  

So it will be economically important, but republican, targets.  Cripple both the economy and the will.  Not major cities then.  Mid-sized and industrial.  Is there any industry left?  Oil centers.  That would ruin us.  

Good plan.  I hope no one leaks this, my plan to destroy america.  You're not a gamer, are you?  

Without america, it will be like after WWI.  The fall of empires, and a division of the spoils for the winners.  Bigger if not new empires -- russian, chinese.  That didn't happen with WWII because there was an america.  No mad scramble.  Just a deal, fair-minded idiot america the sucker, with Stalin.  

The mouse that roared.  Please, america, beat us in a war so we can have prosperity.  Please do not let us win.  

The British empire just drifted away, but the British empire was the most benevolent human institution ever devised by the human mind, carelessness and complacency.  So its former colonies mostly are not the open sewers that the french left, or spain, or germany.

Of the 7 largest countries by area -- Russia Canada USA China Brazil Australia India -- three of them are outright empires.  India is still sane, but Russia and China are ruled, at last, by competent men.  They understand goals, and expansion.  Maybe Putin will be replaced, but he has unified his country -- Russia loves its strongmen. 

I am not a geopolitical strategeryist.  I was sounding the alarum, blowing my own horn in this blog many years ago.  It sounded dire then, with BOpen BOrders and hateful islamists.  I'm the frog that felt the water getting hotter, but that's every conservative.  Not all change is bad, although it may feel uncomfortable.  Growing pains, maybe.  Indeed, the sun's gonna shine. 

I'm rereading Frazer's The Golden Bough.  I don't trust the accuracy or overall theory (all that punitive folk-loathing about menstruation ... seems unsustainable).  But the details are interesting.  In other words, it might as well be the news.  Pick and choose the stories, and an impression gets built.  Frazer was working with his own googtube algorithm.  

We can't prove our worldview by the evidence other interests spoon-feed us.  Selective scepticism.  Like election results and voter fraud. Quite likely that Nixon won, in 1960.  He didn't gore it because that would be bad for the country.  Didn't work out so well for Kennedy -- but it got him remembered.  There would have been no missile crisis, if Nixon were in.  So, even very red and a little blue election-return maps are not clear.  They tell a story, which people might think is true.  

And did you know, the interstate highway system is 46,837 miles long!  


It's the largest public works project in history!  Bigger than the Egyptian pyramids!  Bigger than the Easter Island statues!  Bigger than the Great Walls of China!  Eisenhower built it for military purposes! 

Targets will have changed since then.  It's the borders that are important.  Our missile silos are not targets.  biden would not give the order.  It's the Permian Basin in Texas, and Bakken ND, and Prudhoe Bay.  So much for oil.  

Get america walking again.  Horses are good for the environment.  That's right, Mr and Mrs and Ms and Mx america!  For a limited time only!  The american way, and americanx!  




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