
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sexual Lobotomies

As it were.  The permanent removal of metabolic function, for the sake of emotion or convenience or expedience.  Unmanageable behavior, so lobotomy!  A societal cure for a personal issue.  Likewise genital glands — testes, ovaries.  Superficial characteristics as well — breasts, penes.  

Lobotomies, well, that was long ago, like, the 1950s in its heyday.  Here we are in '23 skidoo, and we're so past that.  Now we've got meds to handle emotions!  Tune in, turn on!  Enlightenment Now!

And people, generally young, who are confused about that very most basic of emotional issues, sex?  And confused about who they are ... "identity"?  Every teenager is moody, or questioning, or unsure.  Not every option in this existential questing is a solution.  Maturity is a solution.  That takes time, which a precipitous lobotomy precludes.  Robbed.  Likewise, orchiectomy — testicle removal.  

Sounds like something the mafia would be involved in.  Tony Soprano's Medical Waste & Bio-hazardous Material Removal Services — 'No refuse refused!'  Unwanted breasts are an Emotio-hazard, per conventional psychological politics.  Fetuses, testicles — remove whatever it is that the "healthcare" of wokism mandates.

The Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer was reportedly on meds.  Didn't help her emotions (in this case I would have supported a lobotomy).  What meds?  Well, first, "meds" should have the function of curing, or at least helping.  So, fail.  It was some variant of TESTOSTERONE.  

And there we have it, the mystery of the mysterious motive, solved.  Motive was only secondary.  Testosterone was the motivator.  

The news informs us of this Tennessee girl and young woman who never ever had to learn how to cope with male levels of male hormones.  No puberty or adolescence or adulthood of having to deal with the chemical instincts of masculinity — a man's hormones.  

Then, she was injected with massive doses of such conduct-altering ... drugs.  For which she had zero experience controlling.  Presumably she was dosed with T levels to match (or exceed) those of a young man in his mid-twenties.  That, if you do not know, is still a very dangerous age for young men.  That was me, once.  I was more stupid than dangerous, but stupid is dangerous.

Maybe they should have started her off at 80-year-old man levels.  Benjamin Button her into the tranz version of the man she aspired to be.  Weaning her off the, as it were, female whey, slowly introducing male solids.  But, bitesize, and mooshy.

Every man, and young man, and boy, and very little boy, has his lifetime of having to deal with levels of testosterone ten times higher than in females.  It varies with age, but ten is an order of magnitude.  We learn how to handle it.  It's very difficult.  That's why men are physically violent, so much more than women.  Our androgenic hormones are hard to deal with.  We deal with them as much as our character allows.  Practice.

This week's news has educated us as to how at least one female dealt with her male hormones.  

'Roid rage is a thing.  It is surpassingly ugly in men.  Now we've seen how it looks when it is made to be a female thing.  Beyond horror.

Alas, the noble and liberating cause of Transgenderism has been very slightly set back, by this unfortunate and unforeseeable occurrence.  This has also been a week notable for several tornadoes.  Christian school murders ... extreme weather phenomena — we can't ever really know the causes of such things.  Climate Change of course, and patriarchy...

Then again, the killer was under some "psychological" "professional" "caregiver".  That person is responsible for the "medications", and for the murders.  

Maybe some courageous DA will mount a case against him or her or they or them.  Maybe NY City will provide legal expertise.  Perhaps George Soros will contribute to the cause.  Cuz, no justice, no peace.  No justice!  No penis!  How dare those Christians exist, to tell us how to live.  

I seem to have lost my train of thought.  

Death to the intollerant.  Pass the ammunition, and the makeup.  


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