
Saturday, April 1, 2023

My Thing

I am at last bowing to this unreasonable and completely overwhelming popular demand. I just don't want to handle the constant requests -- pleading, weedling, harassing. People are always making promises, and I'm tired of driving all over town to, uh, collect, and it always turns into a surreal nightmare. Lies lies lies.

So below, per your demands, I have posted some pix of my penis. Don't peek, because first I have some things to say, about specifically male beauty, and aging.  

 Errol Flynn.
Really, an Adonis.  

But then... 


Well yeah, sure, of course everyone ages. But he died at age 50. This is not aging, it's degeneration.

And Peter Lorre. As we'd expect, he played his character roles, 

but we look beyond that. 

You know, he's really quite handsome. 

But age 55

It must have been a hard 20 years. 

In Flynn's case his catastrophic aging was certainly due to alcohol abuse. Lorre had various health issues due to improper diet. Which is my point. Nutrition 

In terms of my personal life, nutrition is quite important. I've made jokes about it over the years, my health and fitness. The discerning reader will have seen the performance art of it, but behind the parody, it really is about health, which really is about nutrition. 

Very much of the craping and creasing of skin is that it's not getting the nutrients it needs to repair and maintain. Same with all the organs. There are no guarantees, no promises against tragedy. I should know. I got an autoimmune chronic pain issue some years ago. Incurable. It lasted six or eight years, but it's gone now.  I cured it. With lifestyle.  Stole my joy, changed my personality, but the pain I have now is not from that. 

That's meant to be inspirational. No joking, here. Eat for nutrition. So I'll give you one simple thing, and then add a few easy complications.  I have my berry smoothie, daily.  A pound of frozen blue black rasp straw berries. A scoop of protein powder.  A fair bit of flaxseed oil.  Water.  This is literally perfect nutrition.  Sip it, don't drink or guzzle.  It's not for thirst. 

To complicate it a bit -- and you should never start a new thing, complicated — I have, well, it's quite a list. Dried apple pear nectarine peach prune cherry coconut banana pineapple kiwi mango papaya date fig *deep inhale* goji mulberry gooseberry raisin currant … and a few things you haven't heard of. I've mixed these together into various containers, sort of by categories, and I add a scoopful from one of the "buckets" to the smoothie. I do a few other things with it, re probiotic/culturing and digestion, but we'll skip that.

A few years ago I noticed that I've finally started to age.  Some "fine lines" in the mirror. Again, despite my humorous persona, I'm not more vain than average. So I take my delayed aging as confirmation of lifestyle, a proof of concept, a validation of a theory. 

Skin is the largest organ of the body, and old-time, competent, doctors used it as an aid to diagnosis. The implication is that it's, oh, an early warning system about the rest of your organs. My cholesterol and bone density and hormone levels etc are youthful. My BP is the same as a hunter-gatherer's -- at the very low, and healthiest, end of "normal".  Again, these are not boasts. It's cause and effect. I operate from the "cause" side of things, and get a satisfactory effect. 

As I say, nutrition, and therefore health, and therefore fitness, is my thing. 

But, as I promised, and I know how much you want it, below are those pix you all have been begging for.  To be frank, I've never understood why there's been such a clamor for this. All the time, on and on, harping about how you all want to see these pix. It's just ridiculous. But   HERE   they are. Hope you're finally satisfied. 


1 comment:

Jack H said...

Oh, well I guess there was a typo somewhere in there. I'm guessing, from all the hate mail. But I can't find it, so...