
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Why I Am in Favor of Genocide

Come on.  You know it's true.  You'd agree with me if ... in fact you do agree, just not openly.  They are nothing but destructive.  Worthless.  You know what I mean.  Subhuman garbage.  Their contribution to history has been completely negative.  Vicious.  Tragic.  I mean look at them.  Weird and sickening.  I find them disgusting.  And what they do to your sense of smell.  Well I won't go on.  They should all be exterminated. Genocide is appropriate. The covid virus.  Or is it viruses.  I guess so, with the different strains, is it?  Omni-cron, per biden.  If Bush had said that, it would have been a strategeristic saturnalia for the party of white supremacy (Democrats).

Maybe genocide wasn't the right word.  Do viruses have genes, alleles?  DNA, yes.  And subhuman maybe wasn't the right word.  Isn't everything subhuman?  Or is that bigoted, speciocentric.  Broader, genus family order class phylum kingdom.  Animal kingdom.  Life itself, inclusive.  After kingdom would come world, seclorum, novus ordo.  Or universe.  

We'd have to narrow it to biological life, what with spirit beings and artificial intelligence, SBs and AIs.  BIAS.  A fair number of people would say human life is not at the top, with everything else being "sub".  Whales and dolphins, and bonobos -- the gigantic mind of hive insects.  All superior, in their unique ways.  

Unpatriotism is the highest form of diversity.  Disloyalty is the highest form of identity.  You may quote me.  I do not like assassins, or men of low character. 

Okay. That virus thing.  You thought it was race, some human 'race'.  Because you are trained that way. Conditioned, like WWII pigeons on an assembly line, pecking out defective-looking torpedo parts.  Honestly.  Why would you think that?  Does this

COVID-19 Isn't Caused by Bacteria -

look like a "race" to you?  Pitiful, the way you were educated.

The word "racism" was invented in the mid 20th century, as a way to cope with Hitler.  (How to cope with Hitler: early intervention.)  It's half the age of "telephone".  The word "genocide" was coined for the Armenian holocaust.  Old wine in new wine skins. 

Who knew — al Sultan, on a par with der Führer.  The Young Turks 

were prior to the Nazis.  

It's like the friendship between Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla: doesn't need to be surprising.  And yes, exactly the same.  

And there you were, your pro-virus offendedness held aloft like a bludgeon, cudgel, knout, you all wound up and ready to judge.  Sheesh.  

That's sheesh in the boomer sense, not genzee.  I just heard about that, yet another flurry of slangisms.  I'm still not comfortable with wack and rad and dis.  I sympathize now with the adults from when I was a kid, the preboomers.  They called our pants "hip huggers", because middle aged men still belted at the waist.  You see old movies, where they use kid slang like it's camel-toe.  Awkward but inevitable.  Can't be unseen, or unheard.  Groovy, daddy-o.  

Every gen needs a name?  Why gen z?  Zombies?  Not gen y, because they have no need to ask why.  They already know all the answers.  That's every sophomore class.  Genexide.  Generzeed.

I remember when I first heard about genex, middish 80s.  Cuz they wanted a distinguisher.  I thought that was moronic. Baby boomer made sense, because there was a boom of babies, what with GIs returning after 4-5 years and starting families.  The so-called greatest generation -- I've had to revise my opinion, given what bad parents they were.  The greatest spoiler generation.  

And they were great only because of historical hardship.  If that's the criterion, every generation in history is the greatest.  The russians would be superhuman.  Africans would be the master "race".  Environmental and sociopolitical hardship require either that you survive, or die.  Nothing great about that.  

 I'd thought mine was the worst generation, but this one, man.  Cancelling?  Is that the millennials?  Worthless.  As for the lost generation, the first named-generation, they were all adults by the time that term was invented, by Fitzgerald or Hemmingway or Toklas was it? whoever.  A literary construct.  Lost in absinthe and Parisian fornications.  A fair degree of inversion.  

Same with redstate bluestate.  Just happenstance.  That year, 2000, the networks just happened to use those colors on the election-returns map.  Almost entirely red.

The Electoral College in the 21st Century – Sabato's Crystal Ball

I had a version like this 

2000 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

on a teeshirt, a few years later -- as a joke because I knew some lefties.  Generally I don't like clothes with words on them.  Especially brand names.  If they want me to advertise their product, they should pay me. 

But red is left.  Blue is patrician.  Ho hum.  Can't fight the tide.  

Anyways, genocide of a virus isn't even a real thing.  Viruses do their own recombinant DNA.  There's evidence that bacteria have a hive mind, and fungus, mushrooms.  There was a news item from England that a beaver extinct for 400 years was ruining someone's garden.  Smallpox is not exterminated, even ignoring those specimens preserved in lab freezers.  It could come back as slightly-smallerpox, or a-little-biggerpox.  As long as rural chinese farmers raise chickens and pigs, there will be new variants of flu -- and something about bats and wet markets too.  

I'm sure our government educators are correct in informing us about how it was not a lab -- they are so certain and so passionate.  Just what we want, from unelected entrenched bureaucrats.  Speaking of infections.  

W Burroughs' fame was very slightly burnished in his line, 'language is a virus'.  Naked Lunch is one of the very few books I just stopped reading.  Threw it spinning into the trash.  My line is better, that words are what we use to tell lies with.  The prepositional ending is okay depending on how you say the line, aloud.  And that thing about prep endings is just made up anyway, like split infinitives.  John Dryden being fussy — but I do like his Plutarch.  It's okay to break the rules, when you know what they're for.  You know what I mean.  

Language as virus always struck me as a purely adolescent sentiment -- appropriate from a heroin addict.  You freeze all emotional development when you become addicted.  All we are is dust in the wind.

So, some genocide is good.  Not all mosquitoes -- not even all of the bad ones.  Males are vegetarian, and females too, except when, um, pregnant.  But they're always pregnant, almost.  Genocide for fleas?  Tapeworms?  I expect the passenger pigeon can be de-extincted, its DNA into the egg of its closest relative, the band-tailed pigeon.  Dodo birds were pigeon-related. I'd like to see the marsupial wolf recovered.  Conservation is good in itself.  Better is human life.

Is all that clear?  


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