
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Everybody Is Somebody's Hero




Or not. It would depend on if you agree with the cause, or on how much you value justice, if you believe in justice.  It can make for strange bedfellows.  

I wanted mugshots mostly of heroes.  I know there are more persecuted heroes than Gandhi or Bonhoeffer or MLK or Solzhenitsyn.  My rather cursory searching found very few.  So many heroes 
don't even have names.  Anonymity swallows them like death

Most of us would agree that most of these people are not heroes.  Where there is disagreement, we would agree to disagree, with civility, and the courtesy of clearly stated values.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

New Virtues

There are none.  No new virtues.  It seems like there are, now, what with all the noise about these newly redefined old words, repurposed to some certain end — Equity Inclusion Tolerance Supremacy etc.  But it's just a new emphasis, a required imbalance regarding wisdom, as with the tension between Justice and Mercy, say.  

Our old ideal was equal consideration under the law.  The reality was different, what with actual bigotry and corruption, but we had an ideal.  Now there's a non-male, um, non- uh, European? group that's good, and me, who must be bad.  You know, polluted genetics, or soul slash spirit, I guess.  Irredeemable.

Yet, somehow, Biden for example is so very awesome, race traitor though he be.  That's an unfortunate but accurate trope, okay to use here because he hates his father's race and america too.  He certainly owes no loyalty to his "race".  But he owes complete loyalty to his ancestral genetics, in the biological sense of passing along his genes, as is the accepted Evolutionary view of the meaning of life.  Thus, loyalty.  

Likewise, the american race, a genetic melting pot, crystalized and manifested in a fierce and unwavering dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal.  I will not sully the phrase with my usual sarcasm, all persons.  That's the race to which Biden is a traitor.  

It goes beyond treason the way Satan's rebellion surpassed mutiny.  Satan ruined the entire universe, as Biden would ruin america.

So to use the neo-Plantation locutions the Left is coining, Biden is a house cracker, not a field cracker — a good boy, not uppity, knows his place.  He's in the Cracker House, or its basement, until they wheel him out like Hannibal Lector, allowed now to be without his covid mask.  Make a speech, Joe!  Good boy.  

So it's about reclassifying, reversing, ignoring various disfavored values, until vice is a good thing.  Not diligence, but equity.  Not equal justice, but favored groups.  Etc — make your own list.  

I generally have nothing to say about Haris, Vice President Kamilia Harrise.  She's the buzzing of mosquitoes, which are, however, profoundly dangerous — as deadly as rats, more or less, re disease transmission.  But by now you know how I am.  I can't help it — it's who I am, always needing to check that the words line up with the meaning.  It comes from my childhood, when I had to examine everything for its real meaning.  

She said, flailing her hands and twisting her head like she was watching tennis, "This is about Equity.   And whether or not we are truly committed to the Principles of Equity in every way that we as Government and as a society can enforce those important Principles."  

It's just a sound byte, stock footage by now, like black and white film of a buffalo stampede or a large flock of birds exploding out of a tree on the savannah. We will overlook the senseless sentence construction — it is perhaps extempore, for all that it's mere and endless repetition.  

But we mustn't let these things flood over us without, at last, examining them for their actual meaning.  

Contrary to the vice president's demand, I am not committed to Equity.  Do I have that right?  Freedom of conscience?  It's a demand because it is to be enforced.  More of a command, then.  The thing that caught my ear however was her usage of the word Principles.  

Henceforth "Equity" shall always be capitalized, like "Trinity" or "Constitution".  Just as a proper noun can be orthographically demoted, eg "bill clinton" or "islamism", likewise, when a concept rises to a certain eminence, it should be distinguished from its homonyms by being capitalized.  Likewise, then, "Government", as these people use the term.

Can principles be enforced?  Rules, laws, contracts, yes.  But she didn't want to call Equity the Rule, the Law — and certainly not a contract, which would require mutual agreement and benefit.  Principle however is of a higher ethical order than what she means.  

I don't require intellectual rigor or thoughtful integrity from Madame Vice President Herodd.  She cannot rise above her character — what with that not being her priority.  It's our fault, not hers, that she currently occupies the VP office.  She was not more articulate, coherent or comprehensible when she was campaigning. We saw what she was.  So that she does not know the meaning of words is all of a piece.  

The real problem, aside from mosquitoes and rats, and fish-market bats (you can adapt that into a rap song or a meme.  I give you permission), is that she has the Bureaucracy of Government behind her.  All Government is coercive.  Laws are not suggestions.  And she has stated, knowingly on camera, that her belief and therefore her actions propend toward Equity being Enforced.  Enforced means forced.

Like Hitler, yes I went there, again, who in Mein Kampf quite cogently laid out his Master Plan re Race and Lebensraum — likewise these wokists cannot help but say what they mean and mean what they say, for all that the words don't match the meaning.  

You will conform.  You will believe.  You will be forced.  

Will it happen — I mean totally, in the Handmaid's Tale only the opposite way that my endless screeds portend?  Is this to be the time of the Tribulation?  But there are many tribulations.  

So yes, it will.  Many villages are bombed.  Many refugee camps are invaded, the women raped, the males hacked to death.  And raped.  And the women are hacked to death.  Equity.  When that happens here — as it certainly did in our past, re settlers and indians — then we will learn something about american exceptionalism.  

American exceptionalism was only as real as our love for Rule of Law.  Confucius knew the idea, as the Rectification of Names.  Call things what they are.  When these virtues no longer protect us, well, it's not that we will deserve to be raped and hacked to pieces.  That's just what will happen.  And we will deserve it.  You know, because of the way the universe and history are.  Savage.  

We will deserve it because we could have stopped it.


Monday, March 27, 2023

Too Soon

Ho hum.  It's that time of the year again, or of the month, or of the news cycle.  What's old is new again.  Seems like I've covered this ground before.  Oh, yeah, yes, I have.  Virginia Tech, and this, which I don't even remember.  You're too young to remember.  

Now this girl -- Nashville, Christian school, nine-year-olds.  Very unusual, a girl being a school shooter.  And with our new awokeness about identity and shit, it's truly very confusing.  First, it seems like there should be a distinction between student school shooters, and adult school shooters.  They're totally different.  

And I just added to the confusion by calling her a girl.  She's 28, and a man.  But maybe I'm wrong about that.  Maybe she identifies ... identified as a nine-year-old boy?  I think she did -- that was the manifest focus of her interest. Michael Jackson would have been a healthier role model.  Peter Pan wasn't homocidal.

But even more confusing is that here I was, thinking I'd finally mastered the jargon.  When we say, say, trans women, "trans" means the thing they are not.  In reality they'd be men.  They want to be, they think they are, they're insisting with fierce vehemence and pretending with great vigor to be womenTrans is aspirational.  

So the preferred and required usage, the neo-orthodoxy (certainly not heterodoxy), the government-established religion, has it that she be identityified as "he" etc.  

But she's NOT being identityified that way!  They're not being inclusive and equityable, our leaders, rulers and overlords (pardon my gendered language -- I just did it with "mastered" too.  I am incorrigibly deplorable).  It's always "she", in the reportage.  This is outrageous.  So disrespectful.   After all the hard-fought battles we've fought -- yes, I've converted -- the blood, sweat and tears we've spilled, to be treated so insensitively by the ultra white extremist supremacist republican genocidal maga moslemophobic cacofemistic cisphallic fetophile equitimachist Jesus-lovers who should all be killed and exterminated like the evil haters they all are (point of order: they don't hate evil.  They are evil and haters).

See, stupid?  


It's right there, online, easy to find.  HE.  HIM.  Is that so incredibly hard for you to understand?  

He is NOT a trans "woman".  Idiots.  He IS a woman.  He is a trans MAN.  "Trans" means the thing you WANT to be.  Is that too hard for you to comprehend, in your pathetic peabrain?  Nothing to do with so-called biology.  A complete repudiation and negation of that pseudoscientific myth. 

See?  Are you blind?  Look!  Use your eyes, those jelly balls in the middle of your stupid face.  (Bonus: Beauty is found in symmetry of breadth, and not of depth or height (I've been reading Pascal). The top of a face should not match the bottom.  Unlike starfish, we favor bilateral symmetry.) 

Clearly, clearly she is a man.  She's not dressing like this for the fashion of it.  It's who she is(I have that same tie.)

But I jest.  

I have nothing to say about the grief.  I'm not even thinking about it.  There's no one for me to hold, and words, well they are why we're in this mess as it is.  Words are what we use to tell lies with.  

I'm somebody who makes jokes too soon.  It's what I do because I cannot throw my body between children and monsters.  I hate this goddamned world so much.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Chuh Ching

Great news!  Fantastic news! My blog has been noticed, sufficiently noticed, and I've been offered a very lucrative deal!  The investors wish to remain anonymous, which is the way I like it, but let's just say that there's no need for a great wall between us.  There may be some peeking, heh heh, but going for a little wok will fix that.  Heh.  

So back to my usual themes.  Global Warming is such a great danger, and america should spend a lot of money saving the environment and going green, or the ice will melt and we'll all be under water by the next year of the pig.  So no more oil drilling, right, pigs?  Because that's so bad and you are greedy and selfish oink oink.

America is super hateful and bigoted and white males are so bad, and transphobic.  Slavery is so bad in america, I mean racism, and you should pay so much money to reparations, and more equity so everyone is the same. And saying that covid came from China is racist.

Trump is so bad and stupid, and he squeezes boobs, and he's a liar and I can't wait to see his mugshot.  That will be so great.  And Biden is probably the greatest most visionary president since for ever, and he's saving the world and the Ukraine, I mean just Ukraine, but Russia is also very good too now.  

And we apologize for popping your balloon.  We're so bad and stupid, but those idiot red neck white privilege Montanans just couldn't keep their fat yaps shut.  And that Palestine thing with the train, that was Trump  because he outlawed breaks.

Um, social media is great, like, uh, tick tock.  That's funny.  Tick tock time's up.  There's a lot of pornography on tic tock someone told me, big plastic boobs and weeners, and all that's just typical about what americans are like.  So you should just stay at home and watch pornographic videos like it was covid which we had nothing to do with.  It was bats in a fish market.  And you should get government checks and keep your fat yaps shut until the last check is too late, and it's just too late for you round eyes.  

Well I can't think of anything else right now to fill up more space with words.  If you like what you read tell a friend, because my honorable benefactors are paying me like the capitalist pig I have always aspired to be, and there's nothing too low for me now.  

Sayonara or nihao or whatever, imperialist running dogs.  


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Three Fifths Equals One Third

Just off the top of my head I can think of two decent Democrat presidents.  Men that I like, or who loved the Constitution, or were pragmatic or competent in a way I could respect.  Two.  Truman and Cleveland.  

Going back to Jackson, 1828 -- 1829, really, but elected. Jackson was a monster of egotism, like, I'd argue, TR.  Huge and forceful personalities.  TR never fought a duel, but he did love a strenuous life that included charging up a hill not named San Juan, as it was not named Bunker.  But TR was mentally healthy.  

Van Buren invented, crafted the spoils system, which turned into the civil service, which has turned into the bureaucracy we have now, appendage of the apparatchik state.  So, smart, crafty ... what did they call him?  The Red Fox.  Red hair gives us the red, but the fox is from his character.  

Polk was notable, but not good, not good.  But up to a certain point, that's inevitable.  Democrat is the party of slavery.  No Democrat could be good.

Is this Presentism?  I don't think so. That Party had a platform, and slavery was at the heart of it.  You can never wash off that stink.  They don't even have the decency to change the name.  

All but actual Abolitionists had problems with african heritage.  Lincoln said he wouldn't marry a black woman.  To have a problem with that now is Presentism.  Mere ignorance or lack of experience is not the same as the positive assertion that the black man "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect" -- you know, the Democrat position.  The Republican Party was founded on anti-slavery.  Biden's party called us the "Black Republicans" ... the ultra MAGA Black Republicans.  

All Klansmen were Democrats. No Republican was a Klansman.  But I'm being Presentist.  How dare I remember and hold the Democrats to the stink of their hateful heritage.   I should pay them a fine, a sort of reparation. 

Buchanan you should know about already.  The Biden of the Nineteenth Century.  Prince of Chaos.  

Wilson's favorite film was Birth of a Nation, KKK I mean AKA The Clansman.  (The Nation was the CSA.)  (Fun Fact: Hitler's favorite film was King Kong -- he also loved Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  Which of these three is not like the others...)  

Wilson and FDR were disasters for the Constitution.  JFK was smoke and mirrors, and LBJ was like Jackson -- a monster of ego with only emotion to guide him.  Inept Carter, disgraceful clinton, anti-american BO.  Biden barely exists.  We know where he is by listening for the derisive laughter.  

It's this slavery thing.  Not an american problem -- human.  There's an idiot movie glorifying some african warrior women somehow.  Couldn't they find any african women who were really heroic?  Instead of making these slavers into role models?  How Bidenesque.  In this context I can't say black is white, but down is up and wrong is right. 

So how could there have been a United States without slavery?  Not possible.  There is a United States because of the three fifth compromise.  Certain non-citizens were to be counted as 3/5 of a citizen for purposes of House representation.  It's so inconsistent that it's crazy.  But it's the only way the South would accept the Constitution.  Because of the South's, the Democrats', Peculiar Institution.  

Tough beans.  That's how history works.  But I was wondering about the alternative, the only actually honorable alternative.  No compromise.  So, from the start, a United States, and a Confederate States, in whatever year that would have coalesced, 1789ish.  No President Washington -- not for the North, and he wouldn't have served the Slave South.

The North would have been industrial and commercial.  The South would have been agricultural and slave-based, and martial and expansionist.  Both would have moved westward.  The North would have had no great principle to defend -- the great principle of the Constitution.  It would have tried to keep slavery out of the Northwest Territory.  But an equivalent of the "popular sovereignty" doctrine would have prevailed -- there would have been no "Union" over which to fight a "civil war".  

The South had a military ethos unknown to the North.  So North America would have been mostly slavelands.  Bye bye Mexico.  Louisiana Purchase is a non-starter, given Jefferson was a southerner.  And so on.

With all our enlightened modern principles we don't even know that a human fetus is human.  So why can't a human being be a slave.  If you don't know -- that thing about a fetus -- I'll leave it for you to puzzle out.  You probably know that a human being can't be a slave -- to think otherwise is politically incorrect, and actually incorrect.  No human can be a slave; all fetuses can be aborted; therefore I won't bother to formulate this into a syllogism.  

The outcome of polling data depends on how the questions are asked.  The Civil War was about States rights -- the right to own property ... most notably slaves.  During our current Cultural War, it's about a woman's right to choose ... most notably abortion.  

Finish the euphemism ... moron.  

If there had been no three-fifths compromise, there would have been no need for Hitler.  You know, to create the Nazi Party.  It would have happened many decades sooner, in North America.  And, to be parsimonious with our diction, the Party would have been called Democrat.  

I mean, grand Nazi Party planks like eugenics and euthanasia, and other eu- things ... well, we here in america, some of us, have euabortion and eutranz and euequity and eutolerance and I could go on and on because it's ease once you get the idea.  The idea is, label your things doubleplus eugood, and their things ultra maga supremecist.  

These armbands © are hard to find.  

The point is that it's complicated.  Purity isn't the virtue we were taught that it was, when we were idealistic and naive children, or adolescents, or sophomores, or educators, or bureaucrats. We all start out as abortable clots of globby goo, not to say viable young-ones with fully developed nervous systems including higher brain function.  But we outgrow that embarrassing awkwardness, and we gain, somehow, human worth, with nuance and gravitas, and suchlike yeswecans.  Tolerance, did I say?  

And somewhere along the way, somehow, we have to suppose that in this best of all possible worlds (because it is the only world, and a good God would not allow needless suffering) even such a vile three-fifths of a compromise as tolerating slavery is tolerated, until maturity is suffered to come unto its full term.  

What trimester does 3/5 fall into?  Somehow that math makes it seem like a fetus is 1/3 of a person.  

Somehow this became about abortionism.  Or do you prefer euphemisms.