
Monday, December 14, 2009

A Change in the Weather

It's an odd season. I'm a tad unsettled, evidenced in this blog as a desultory posting pattern. No apologizes. Until you read everything in the archives, you have no cause for complaint. It's all so good. Finding names in facebook of people I was surprised to find still alive. A few other things going on.

Tonight I heard a radio guy talking about the hubris of the Global Warming slash Climate Change crowd -- how foolish it was to suppose that with all of vast geologic time behind us, they suppose our puffing motors could have any real significance on the weather. He said this was a new thing, to suppose that mankind had such power. And I immediately thought, Volcano Gods. In fact, it's in the Bible, how mankind affects the weather.

Forget the Flood, a judgment upon mankind via climate and geology. I think it was Elijah who called down a drought -- was it three and a half years? And maybe Elisha too. Point is, the actions of mankind have always been thought to affect the weather. God or gods are displeased, and make it known by withholding the rains. So we sacrifice virgins to volcano gods, or sun gods, or whatnot. The latest example of this magical thinking is that we should sacrifice our civilization -- based as it is on petroleum combustion.

We will be righteous again when we are in harmony with the earth spirit. Gaia to rule us, as Luna rules menses. No, it's not a new thing at all. There are after all only two religions, and we're coming back to the more popular one, of magical thinking, where science and theology are one, and corruption is justified when it serves truth. You know, those Climaquiddick emails. Different temples, different money-changers -- same old gods.

So on facebook I found a name of a kid that I kicked once on Halloween with some big costume boots I was wearing. His older brother yelled at me, and I was afraid. Now I can't help but think it must have been nice to have an older brother who would defend you. I think of my father, how every one of his instincts was wrong. Is there room for blame in that?

But also tonight someone mentioned some bad luck of an acquaintance. A failed test, a stolen car, a family illness. And I said, "Yes, it can always get worse. But it can always get better, too." Very obvious, but even as I said it, and judged it as obvious, and chuckled for that fact, it took on a sense of profundity. There's pessimism, and optimism, and then there's realism. I think optimism is closer than pessimism, to realism. Because we can't control the world, the weather, family loyalties, random or stray mishaps. But we can control our response. How very empowering.

And it is true that simply by smiling, putting a deliberate if unfelt smile on your face, your mood can and will change. It's not phony. It's like putting on a coat. At first you're cold, then you put on a coat and you get warm. At first you're down, then you decide to smile, and your mood changes. I know this is true. It must be that sometimes I have preferred the cold. Sorry about that.

In two days this blog will be four years old. Wish it happy birthday, and tell me how much you love it. My son has been back from Iraq for nearly two years. BO is at the helm of the ship of state. So I don't have as much to write about. I'd rather defend than attack. If I slow down now with the posts, it's because my themes are diminished. I've even given up a significant portion of my anonymity. Makes me feel like bad things can happen. But it can always get better.


1 comment:

akfox said...

I've read all of your posts. May I complain? Granted, I didn't leave a summary in the comments section of every one, but who has time for that?