
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

* Creeping Vichyism


During one of the iraq wars -- i've lost count … Iraq, Afghanistan, Isis the Islamic State, Hamas -- I thought, Has this changed us? Are we … imperialist? Then I thought, What about Vietnam? Maybe that’s what changed us. If we’re changed. Then I thought, Human nature does not change, but the nature of a nation can. Then I thought, This war is different. And then, No it isn't.

We're facing Hitler, if he won. And Nazis are still everywhere. Mostly moslems, I should say islamists, but so many collaborators. Not Nazi, mind you, these sympathizers. Far too liberal, Lefty, beyond PC, Woke.  Beyond just being understanding. Beyond broad- and open-minded. Beyond collaborators.  True believers, with their own opposite but identical religion, of intolerance, and so blind.  

This Nazi ... Nazlamist empire isn’t focused in Europe, yet. It has not bred itself into dominance, yet. For the moment, the moment of generations, it rules more to the east, Middle East.  So far. But Vichy is the theme of the day. De rigueur.

Isn’t it strange. Here we were for all these years, decades, generations, thinking that Hitler lost. He lost the war -- the Second World War. But he won the moslems, those of the present, slow, spastic World War. 

No, not all Germans were the enemy, Japanese, Italians. And now, not all moslems. Not all, of course not. Not entirely all. 

But, there is you see a direct, a direct line of descent, from Hitler’s propagandists of the ’30s and ’40s to the islamists of today. 

The ancient undercurrent of moslem Jew-hatred -- 

we can hardly say anti-Semitism in this context -- Jew hatred is now the morning and evening star of Islam.  And it seems so strange that the Left hates Israel too.  There's a way it's obvious, but it's so strange. Of course the Soviet Union, and so the Russian Federation, and of course the UN, hates Israel, and jews.  But it's strange.  Something is wrong with the way we have been educated.

Well, what else is Nazism, if not Jew-hatred as the soul of a society?  Was it some system of economics? Hitler, the Subtle Economist? Nothing unique in the socialism of National Socialism. Are we to suppose that the Nazi glorification of the Aryans is any different than the Soviet glorification of the Slavs? -- or the  glorification of La Raza?  Or the bizarro world of BLM.  National racism is as old as nations. It's clans and tribes.  Militaristic expansionism? Please. No. It's Jew hatred.  Like it's the purpose of history.  

But Hitlerism has not won, quite yet. The Persians have not yet built their nuke. A congressional report says Iran could produce enough highly enriched uranium for one nuclear weapon within one or two weeks. Basically, less than a month, and they can achieve the mutual Aryan/Iranian goal, of an Israel-free map. 

They don't care about the land, or the palestinians. It's the hate. They want the Mediterranean to have a new, slightly radioactive gulf on its eastern coast. It will be an exotic fishing spot, in years to come. Many new species of amphibians will appear, no doubt. A good thing. Hitler was a nature-lover, right? 

He would be pleased.  Ayatollahs and imams and mullahs will become sun-bathers, moon-worshipping sun-bathers.  

My point is not that the islamofascists are Islamic fascists. My point is that in the next generation, when the native European population has been substantively replaced by a more southerly-complected race, 
Hitler’s highest aim will have been achieved. No, not racially. I said his highest aim. Jew-hatred, as we know from where he put his resources, even in his most desperate final months and hours. Kill, kill, kill Jews. 

And when that changing of the guard is come to pass -- when the torch has been passed, from north to south, from Hyperborea, from Thule to Dilmun -- ancient mythical homelands?  The effect would be the same if Hitler won. Rachel, weeping for her children.

The Austrians voted Hitler in. The French government handed power over to Marshal Petain, the French Quisling who instantly ceded all real power to the Nazis. And so on. 

The First World War destroyed the manhood of Europe.  What survived of moral authority? -- after the insanity in the blood-drenched trenches and killing fields of Verdun (quarter million dead, half million wounded) and the Somme (three hundred thousand and more dead, a million and more wounded)?  One battle.  A slaughter of youth brought about by the elders of Europe infinitely more heinous than anything Herod could conceive.

From brutalism, then, to cowardice. In fifteen or twenty years, Europe shifted from jingoism to appeasement, from Chauvinism to … Chamberlainism. The legacy is to acquiesce, give in, bend over, to any demand that can’t be put off.  Europe knows and expects that all costs will covered by America. 

It transformed from grim old men eager to slaughter youth, into eternal adolescents 

shirking responsibilities and and going on a joy ride. 

So. Europe is a eunuch. islamism is a rapist. The world is a pimp, a coward and a profiteer. Where is manliness?

Here it is. 

America. America, standing, we must say still standing, now as once did Britain, Great Britain, 

facing the monster across the water.

Hello, old enemy. Do you remember me? I am America. I didn’t recognize you at first. You’ve changed your religion it seems. Your eyes have grown darker in the passing years. But I know you now. Your accent is different, but I know you by your actions. You’ve forgotten who I am. Smiling America, of the open face, open hands, open heart. Slow to anger, merciful in victory -- but unrelenting, eventually. For a hundred years I have stood shoulder to shoulder with every nation that loves justice and liberty. Perhaps I have grown careless, though. Inattentive in my vigil. 

And now you come, the striking serpent at the heel. I thought I crushed your head some time ago. The monster has many heads. Alright. In just a very short time, now, I will have come to myself. I will shake off the idleness of dreams. Truly awake. I will remember who I am, and what I am for. Just strike once more, or twice. That will bring me fully awake. Then I will give you my full attention. Just one more time, or two.


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