
Saturday, November 25, 2023

* Extinckoreneous, or, Gays for Gaza

I'm having a lot of promiscuous sex nowadays, unprotected of course.  It's part my Occupy Wall Street revival -- you don't hear much about it anymore, but that's cool cuz I'm totally diverse and all that shiz. I love to join. I'm a joiner.  Inclusive.  

I don't always keep my membership cards up to date, and sometimes it's honorary, and this is only a partial list, but in no  particular order, I'm a past or  current member of  

NARAL  (National Abortion Rights Abortion Lovers) 
SLA   slash 
   BLM (BLaMe)
Media Matters
Shining Path  
Rainbow Coalition
Black Panthers
Church of Satan 
California State Assembly
Baader-Meinhof Gang
Red Brigade
Weather Underground
People for the American Way
Khmer Rouge
Gang of Five
Wokianty Now

I like the ones that are more than one word but pushed together and with capitals.  MeToo, MoveOn.

We've not found a good acronym. But we'll underline it with ClimateChange! -- maybe SaveThePlanet!

Oh I forgot … the Anti-Jew Majority -- but we're not sure about the name.  All the good ones are taken … antisemites, pro-palistinian, Nazi…  

We're looking at 

Gays for Gaza!
Homos for Hamas!
Panzies for Palestine!
Tranz for Terror!
Queers for al Qaeda  (heh, a BLAST from the past!)!

And … uh, I'm just spitballing here, um, Lezbos for ... uh, um ... 

Lesbollahs for Hezbollah!

Yeah, that's good.  

So with Occupy, all that sex I'm having is to dramatize how the Bankers want to screw us all. Also, I don't bathe, to demonstrate how dirty they all are. And I'm using a buttload of drugs, to demonstrate their greed and lack of self control.

I defecate publicly -- that's just me ... sometimes I don't even drop my pants -- or when I'm in a toilet for some reason there's no need to flush, cuz I do it on the floor. I never buy anything from the store, cuz capitalism is evil. I just  shoplift, to share the wealth, and it's reparations.  I am owed, because my ancestors built the roman coliseum as slaves.

My "gig" is to recite spontaneous poetry, accompanied by mandolin and bongos, while specifically asexuals  dance with scarves. Here, let me make one up now, totally extempore.

hugahfuhbuh hugahfuhbuh

Oh u man wit duh big briefs ... case --
think ur so macho but u ain't the shiz!
Bulging in ur pants like that all
but nobodyz looking at u hot cakes
ur money don't make u no man!
Big man! Dat
itz in duh back!
uv ur pants!
U carryun a wad all rite ...
of shiz!!!

HUGAH  FUHBUH!!! FLAP!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. Thank you very much. 

I call it Wad Man, no, Wad Street Man, yeah. To symbolize how phallocentric they are, and how they want us to live in the streets. I think I'll submit it to the New York Review of Books. I was a  Gender Studies Poetry Major, before I dropped out because Major is so militaristic and homophobic.

Oh, another poem:

Occupy Movement!
Occupy ur moment!
ur street
ur sheet
ur bowel movement
ur toilet moment
ur tp role
ur single-ply street!
Write on the wall, street!
Right on! Rite on! Write one ply
ply ur trades
all day
triple play
okay no way
in ur tie and ur brief
double cross

Thank you. Thank you very much. That one was in danger of actually becoming good, so I had to stop.

But that obama, he was the bess prez ev, and biden too!

Now excuse me while I shiz.


[60 years and 3 days ago, JFK was murdered, subcatagory, assassinated.]



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