
Thursday, March 30, 2023


In the '90s public values were forbidden, as with noticing clinton's character — lying slut that he was, they just ignored his molestations and asserted somehow that he was somehow competent somehow.  Somehow they did the same thing with BO — although his character was corrupt not personally, that I know of, but in terms of his judgment.  Our first anti-american president. 

Now values are mandatory, as in, you will conform and love drag queens teaching kindergarten.  

Stare into the face of the horror, disguised by blue and green makeup though it be.

It's not the face behind the pancake that's horrible.  It's the spirit, and I suppose I mean this in the theological sense.  No need to revile this particular individual.  Maybe he's a really sweet guy.  Just twisted in his self-image and values.  We cannot know the horror of his childhood.  Mine, I'm coming to realize, increasingly with age, mine was a nightmare.  I hadn't really known that.  So compassion is not inappropriate.  

But we cannot let the abused become abusers.  Reading to children is good.  Teaching them to deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non- ... oh, what's that math property? — transitive ... deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non-transitive sexes?  This is indefensible, because children must be defended.  Not every smile means a pure heart. 

It is soon to be forbidden, submerged into the Abyss, to notice the trans woman or man school Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer, his or her relationship with nine-year-olds.  

How young did the Hitler Youth start?  As the Jesuits say, get em when they're young.  I paraphrase.  

No, I will not drop the matter, nor use less-ugly examples.  

Small children of course will see only a clown, in this character.  But we pierce the veil, and recognize the point.  The pathetic guy is so given over to moral insanity that there is nothing to say.  The homeless guy screaming at cars from the sidewalk — there's nothing to say to him, or hear from him.  But what he himself is saying is that your little children are his — they should follow his example, if they have the feeling to do so.  

If he lost his makeup kit he wouldn't know who he was, or couldn't be who he was.  He'd have no proof of his identity, and no identity.  He paints on his identity every day, hours in front of the mirror.  I barely even comb my hair.  

It's not hate.  I don't have any feeling about it, because I don't have small children that he could be around.  If I did, I would have very big emotions.  It's on me, but it's on parents infinitely more, to protect their innocent ones.  

If it's not a joke, "they" have announced "their" Trans Day of Vengeance, for April First.  I'm not fooling. What vengeance do nine-year-olds merit?  I seem to have heard it's three days.  Does last Monday count?  A warmup? dry run? dress rehearsal?  Day One of Los Días de Venganza de los Niños Muertos?  Sponsored by the TransRadicalActivistNetwork dot Org (TRAN, giddit?) — Orphanizer and Mistress of Ceremonies: the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer -- who lived up to the name.  Radical, dude.

NPR had an item about trannies arming themselves.  That's "themselves" in the plural.  I am conflicted.  Is it giving chainsaws to zombies?  Or is it at long last an appreciation of at least some part of the Constitution.  They're against free speech and the free exercise of religion, but maybe they'll start to love guns?  Not, I hope, yet again in conjunction with "Vengeance".  If they (plural) want vengeance, they need to deal with their idiot parents, who screwed them up so much.  

I know.  Not just simplistic, but unfair.  Sometimes there's a bad seed, and sometimes good kids get twisted in ways we could not have prevented.  I'm a much softer guy in person than in these pages.  So I know that kids, and young people, need love, real love along with objective honesty.  

That's why I raised my son to know there was no Santa Claus.  It's okay to pretend — it's a fun game, but when playtime ends so does pretend time.  The reality is not that Santa brings presents.  It's that I love you.  

None of this would be my business, or news worthy, except that it degrades the culture.  The old and now obsolete idea of patriotism served a vital function.  It energized not just capitalism or the military — many countries share in these things.  Our patriotism was justified because it supported rule of law.  

American Exceptionalism wasn't about Manifest Destiny, to push to the Pacific — Russia had a manifest destiny to take over Siberia, to the Pacific.  Exceptionalism wasn't about the frontier, or ingenuity or hard work.  Parts of northern Europe have similar values, and east Asia too.  Our exceptionalism was the Constitution, which more than any significant human document, incorporated an awareness of human nature as it is.  

We may not have lost our last and final chance.  There may be time and opportunity.  But our institutions are so very corrupt now that it's scary.  I'm not actually old, just old enough, but very healthy indeed, and I'm going to live to over a hundred if I'm not somehow killed.  But life in a world without the naive yet beneficent power and blundering of the United States — well we see that world all around us.  Narco-Mexico.  Genocidal China.  Militaristic Russia.  I don't want to have to think up more adjectives.  

Regardless, I think we have, well, sold our birthright for ... not a mess of pottage — uh, pancake batter?

I had thought it would be islamism and dirty bombs, our downfall.  It's our own corrupt government, corrupt media and entertainment, corrupt education (now down into elementary and pre-schools), corrupt military leadership — corrupt culture.  

But, really, it isn't trannies, or the corrupt media etc.  It's the cowardice of people who know better, but do not act.  Lazy, complacent, unrealistic, take your pick or add your own.  I don't understand why people who see the problems don't act.  Soros-funded DAs are so destructive?  Why can't there be a similar surge, from the right?  

If asked, I will bring my skills, such as they are, to the fight.  I'm pretty good with words, and I do, really I do, have an idea about how to edit myself, in writing that's not just this, indulgent solipsism.  I think I'm funny, but I know it's only a reasonable percentage who'd agree about that.  

I could go on and on.  And probably will, next time, or whenever.  This is the positive thing that I think I'm doing — my contribution to sanity, odd though it be.  What are you doing?  


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