
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Now That She's Dead

It's a state religion, this transsexual cult.  Because it is entirely about the spirit, or, if you will, the soul.  But since they do not allow it to be a psychological issue, they can't have it be soul, that conjunction and construct of metabolism and higher brain function.  So it's about the spirit.  

The government is telling us that there is a human spirit.  This spirit, somehow, was born into the wrong body.  So spirit has a sex, or, as they insist, a gender — which is of course a grammatical and arbitrary social construct.  Clothes are for genders, to meet cultural expectations so that individuals may play their proper roles.  Bodies do not have a gender, they have a sex. 

A spirit in the wrong body is called a demon.  There are demons that have sex.  Perhaps all of them do, but in particular, incubus and succubus.  (I'm ignoring the plural, as pedantic.  Also, their pronouns would not be they/them.)  Very religious youths, and older, would have supposed they encountered such entities, late of a night, but we have the phrase nocturnal emission to explain such matters.  Too bad we can't come up with another such likely explanation, for the misgendered.  (Which, my spellchecker informs me, is a real word.)

A spirit in the wrong body is a simple variation on gnosticism — divine spirit trapped in evil matter, and by denying this inappropriate flesh, one's true self is liberated.  Wow.  Religious.  

No animal is transgender.  Same-sex mounting behavior is observed, but it is a display of social heirarchy, the alpha baboon dominating a subordinate.  Know your place.  Female monkeys (Harlow's rhesus), when raised to be insane by neglect and isolation, if somehow inseminated will kill their babies.  Virtually all other females will raise their babies normally.  A specific, supporting the general fact that there are no transphenomena in the animal kingdom.

These are general observations.  The specific is the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer.  It's all in there, right?  Because having given it less than one second of thought, "shooter" isn't the preferred noun. The emphasis is misplaced, like a demonic spirit in a human body.  Murderer is the term.  How the murders were committed is ancillary — irrelevant in fact.  

Guns probably make it easier.  But 10 or 20 gallons of gasoline, or aviation fuel, tactically placed would take out a neighborhood.  That's a little less personal though, a distance thing, so her needs wouldn't have been fully met. (I hope I haven't given anyone ideas.)

The most salient adjective for this Killer is "Trans".  First — and I say this in ignorance and mere speculation — I would suppose that the level of rage and self-hatred of whatever percentage of these people so far exceeds the bounds of sanity that violence, against self or others, is absolutely unavoidable, given our current depravity.  

It won't be widely reported, but it is my expectation there will be an epidemic — no, a pandemic of trans violence — I mean violence by trans ... transes, tranzes ... trannies.  We hear the literal hate speak, from the White House.  An encouragement and incitement to, well, I guess we'll see.  Death to the Christian haters.  I mean haters who are Christians.  

But here's the point.  Now that she's dead, what will they call her?  Her body is undeniably female.  Even such a person as Caitlyn Jenner has a male body, mutilated they seem to be implying, castrated and somewhat reconfigured, and I'd supposed saline implants in his chest.  Any autopsy would show male hips and shoulders, etc.  No anthropologist digging up his bones would be confused.  Maybe the surgical-grade plastic for the implants would cause some puzzlement. 

So the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer has/had (her verbs) a body that, when dead, is female.  Did it revert?  Like Dracula dissolving into dust, or the Wolfman returning to his humanity?  The vivifying male spirit which required six human sacrifices has fled or been exorcized from this young woman, leaving a hated female husk like a spider-drained wasp?

We all must agree that it was only her thoughts that made her male, or suppose she was.  She is currently non-existent, or in hell.  It would be for Satan to tell her what she is now, and indeed what she was when yet in her body.  Yes, my sweet, you really were and are male.  Or contrariwise.  There are only two choices, given the biological fact of sex, and therefore of the facts of life.  

This leaves a dilemma for the coroner and mortician and city registrar and perhaps the guy who carves any potential headstone.  What is she now?  Do her pronouns survive her demise?  Was it only her spirit that required the world to label her as him?  

This is going to be happening much more frequently.  Confused and lost kids in previous decades dressed up like commandos to commit their school murders.  Trans is a new-again cult that affirms those who are self-loathing, and entitles them to elevated status, victim and hero.  It is instant celebrity, based on wardrobe selection and a flawed understanding of so elementary a thing as grammar.  

It entitles them to outrage when other people's reality conflicts with their self-image.  It creates a sense of being invalidated that goes beyond the old-fashioned and now forbidden idea, fighting words.  It justifies violence as an act of self preservation.  Self-identity is, as the gays say, who I am.  

Speech is foremost among the earliest and most basic of human accomplishments.  Sort of the same way that unambiguous sexual organs are literally universal in all viable vertebrates.  Everything with a backbone manifests a sexual nature, and only one at a time.  None of them are out of synch, in terms of behavior consonant with its organs.  

Only a religion could get sex so screwed up.  


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