And reading, man, reading is so hot. It’s what the internet is good, so good for. Yeah. So I was, heh heh, “reading” just now, and I saw this hot hot picture of this moslem babe?

Hot hot hot. You can almost see her ankle. Meeeeowww. Now that’s the raw meat I like, baby. And that kneecap! I’d gnaw on that bone. This little piggy went wee wee wee! Last time I saw a shadow like that, all the blood rushed away from my brain if you get what I mean. You do get what I mean, right? I'm talking about the boner she gives me. She can be my houri any time. That is, I think it's a she. But with posture like that, I'd make allowances.
And glim this, bo:

Hubba hubba! Have you ever seen a bridge of the nose like that? Daddy likes! And those eyes, so perfectly spaced apart! I’d bellyflop into those limpid pools anytime! And dig that stitching across the niqab! Black on black! Oh yeah, you know what I like! Look at the way it drapes! -- talk about yer delta of Venus! That's the arrow of love! She knows what she's doing alright. Man what she does to me. If it is a she ... but whatever.
No point. Just thought I’d share.
On an entirely unrelated topic, Halloween is just around the corner. What are you going as? What mask are you going to wear, that will veil your identity and allow you to pull off any number of innocent pranks? Tipping over outhouses. Putting buggies on roofs. Ah, good times. Burning dog doo on porches. Sarin gas in subway stations. T.P.-ing frontyards. Setting off dirty nukes. There’s something just crazy about wearing masks, that lets us run around like hell on wheels doing whatever we please. Imagine how wild the world would be if we wore masks every day of the year? Wild, dude. Imagine how free and easy we’d be, if we grew up with the example of, say, our mothers wearing a mask every day of their lives? That’d be so boss. Like, everyday would be Halloween! We could make scary movies all the time, like about cutting off heads! And we could run wild, demanding that strangers give us some sort of tribute, say a tax! -- an “unbelievers’ tax”! Far out!
I wish I could move to such a place, where the women wear hot sexy tents and the young men can do whatever they want to strangers. I wish people like that would take over the world. It’d be like heaven! It’d be hell on earth!
Look fascist, don't be a coward, just get a few rocks and toss it through a synagogue, mosque, or courtroom. Get yer hate on.
My dear A –
While your critique is quite incisive and salient, I do have a slight quibble. No, it isn’t about my being a fascist, for surely that must be what I am. I can tolerate no behaviour or custom that fails to conform with my narrow and bigoted worldview. For example, beheadings: show me the Beheading Mosque and I’ll limber up my pitching arm. Or nun murdering: I’m really hoping you’ll gimme the address of the Nun-Cerebellum-Bullet-Putting-Into Synagogue, so that I can demonstrate my narrowness and judgmentalness. (And we just know it’s those Jews who do that sort of thing, don’t we?) But that’s just me. No, my friend, my quibble is this: I cannot help but feel you’ve missed my rhetorical intent. Shall we open up a dialogue? That would be ever so spiffing. Lets do, eh, old chum?
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