
Thursday, December 11, 2008

How in the world am I anyway?

Well, could be better, but coming along thank you very much Andy Willoughby. But I was wondering, since you ask, how you yourself are doing? Or rather what you are doing. Always on the radio with your three-step plan for home business profit where you don't even have to answer the phone and the money comes pouring in. But what, I wonder, what what what is the actual product?

A little internet search, and it turns out to be a pyramid scheme, or almost. Multi-level marketing. You send Andy something over a hundred bucks a month, and you get put on a rotational calling list, to get calls from people who made the call that you made, to find out about a business opportunity. Maybe they'll sign up with you, with Andy splitting some of the take, and then they wait on the list for calls from people who will sign up with them, who buy from them, who buy from you, who buy from someone before you, and so on, back to Andy.

Buy what, actually, aside from a place on the list? Berry juice, I think it is. Something called XanGo. You're actually buying four 25 oz bottles, a case, at a cost to you of $25 per. Then you sell it for $38. I guess; the numbers are bound to vary. Maybe it's just at a certain tier of the pyramid. Hard for my poor brain to chart all the layers. I'm more of a big-picture guy.

So they're selling slots on a phone rotation, to people who want a business, of people who want a business. If there's a little prepositional ambiguity in that last sentence, it's cuz there should be. Like the people on that island who all made a living by taking in each other's washing. And the ultimate, real product is a pint and a half or maybe two of 25 or 38 dollar XanGo berry juice. I think it's a berry juice. But it hardly matters. The point of it all is the advertising.

Is it a rip off? I'd say yes, for this reason: the fact that Andy is vague unto oblivion about what the product is. It's not upfront, not forthright. It's tricky, and devious. This, from a guy who couches his spiel in christianish verbiage.

Then there's the psychologist who can get your child to behave in 1 minute or less. He's just selling a technique. I don't know his product, but I know exactly what the technique is. So he's marketing it -- the idea that parents should not argue with their kids. Duh. This seems fair enough. A real product, that has value, at what may be a fair price.

And the guy, the beach bum from Hawaii who can make you 50 K a month? But you'd better hurry cuz they're gonna be changing the internet in a couple of years you mark his words? What is this marketing method of his that brings such riches so fast? Discount travel. You pay an application fee, to see if you "qualify". That's probably how Ty makes most of his money. Then you pay $3000, then you should spend another $5000 on advertising, then you give over a thousand dollars each on your first four or is it five sales. Well, I guess there's a lot of money to be made, if you're a real go-getter. But if you were a real go-getter, you'd be making your own opportunities. Anyway, he starts all his ads with fingernail-chalkboard laughter, immediately upon the hearing of which I change stations.

Do I have a point? It must be something economic. Something about being prudent with your money, saving it, spending it on things that you need, and sometimes on things that you want, but being smart about it. Jesus tells about the rich man who tore down his granaries to build bigger ones, and that very night he died. The man is called a fool. But so is the man who starts a tower, and does not count the cost. A laughing stock. That's what America is now. But it's what the world is now, as well. We've listened to hucksters, pious or hedonist, and bought garbage, or at best, what was overpriced and we did not need.

We should not be spending all our money on the advertising. There should be a product somewhere in there. Coke is colored sugar water. Oh, and a bottle. Oh, and billions of dollars worth of advertising. It's not even a berry juice with super magical anti-oxidants. But coke is not a scam, because there is a product, however worthless. We know that these other things are scams because a business is about a product, but these scams make the seller into the buyer, only. They don't advertise to build up a demand, or to market a specific product. The product is incidental, an afterthought. What they're selling is a promise of wealth, a map to the lost gold mine. Real miners sell gold.

Nope. That's all. Just wanted to find out what Andy was selling, and Ty, and share it with you. Now send me $57 -- no, $73. I'll send you a pamphlet no an email about how to make $73 per client on the internet. Dude, I get 30, 40 hits a day on this site alone! That's almost potentially $3000 a day! Maybe more! Suha Arafat can go sing for her supper!


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