A man can be elegant and still have no class. Who would have thought it. As for bill mahr, that was a punch line of one of his "jokes." Obama is so great that he became pres of the RSA. Submoronic. If it's racist, how did a halfblack man become president? Yet the lemmings in his pit all went huzzah. Born to a mother on food stamps, BO was. Such an ordeal. To be raised by a deadbeat self-seeker who pursues her own agenda rather than supports her child? The man is a hero. To be raised, rather, by a white Berkeley post graduate vice president of a bank grandmother? To be a matriculate of prep schools and Ivy Leagues? Maybe he was a good student? We don't know -- no transcripts. Food stamps he claims she was on ... was he a success because of affirmative action? We don't know. But cuz he's such a supergenius, smarter than Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln and Wilson and TR and, um, carter and clinton, it is racist of me to suggest such a thing, whatever it is I'm trying to suggest. Probably that O is a second-rate hack.
But that's just me, being racist the way I am. Y'see, a racist is someone who explains things through race. Because O was elected because of his race, therefore, by holding such an idea, I am racist. Yes, it is I, I who am the racist. And his countless, endless catastrophic incompetencies, these are irrelevancies. All things are explained via the one factor.
Someone involved in this diatribe is submoronic. I suggest it would be the party who does not recognize satire on the one hand, and on the other, one's own hypocrisy. To be unaware of one's inconsistency is sad. To be aware of it and unrepentant is evil.
Yes, I do mention race, re Obama. Perhaps I seem to dwell on it. Not an important thing, except, uh, his people make it so. "His people"? And I am one to hold a nose to the stink of one's actions. Sorry, that's just me. Since I am anonymous here, I can do that. Something to think about.
Good thing O went to Afghanistan to anounce another bugout and to affirm that we would never use bases there and that we and they are exactly and perfectly EQUAL partners. Yep. That's what we are. The full equal of a country whose standard of living is 172nd out of 196 countries in the world -- that's in the top 99.12 percent! Impressive, in its way.
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