
Sunday, April 9, 2023


Alright, I have to admit that it wasn't very workable, my insistence on people centering their entire lives and speech patterns around me -- my demand that every-body use my pronouns.  This is still important, but I went too far.  I've matured since then, and I under-stand now that while I wanted my pronouns capitalized, if that's what I wanted -- I forget -- I shouldn't try to change every-one else's pronouns too.  Same thing goes for verbs.  

Just me, what I want for my-self.  That's what america is all about.  And by just me, I mean just you too, from your point of view.  We're all here for just our-selves.  That's clear to me now.  Maturity.  You'd be wrong about that, since it's me who's important, not you.  But I can't make you be right.  And I'm okay with that.  You're not even stupid.  Just human.  

I can only say what I want, and trust that you have the human decency to honor that.  It wouldn't cost you any-thing, to use my pronouns for me.  I'm not making any-thing up, no new words to memorize and learn how to pronounce.  There's no-thing about you calling your-self or other people other things.  What could be more reasonable that that?  Live and let live.  It's all about uniting! -- not dividing.

So here are my pronouns, simplified:
In-stead of he/him/his, please use thhey/to thhis/ours. (Proper usage of the objective case: in-stead of "We want him to come", it is We want to thhis to come; in-stead of "This pronoun applies to him", it is This pronoun applies to to thhis.)

Also, when I am referring to my-self, I/me/my/mine will hence-forth be Usns/you/hher/ours.

And when Usns am included in plural pronouns, please replace we/us/our/ours with wewe/thhe dudes/weuns/i.  (No need for caps.)

Oh, and for my own purposes of personal fulfillment, I will be replacing thhey/thhem/thheir/thheirs, along with it/it/its/its and for simplicity all equivalents, eg, thhat/thhose and thhis/thhese, with fish/fish/fish's/fish's.  Obviously I would not require you to adopt this practice.  It would be unreasonable for me to expect the world to reshape it-self around me and my self-actualization.  

Usns'll have pamphlets printed up to hand out -- you can help -- clarifying this.  And laminated cards, for wallets and to hang from your neck on a lanyard.  The new Harriet Tubman $20 bill will be out in 2030, in Kamala's first term, and Usns'll be lobbying fish hher pronouns be printed on the back.  Discretely of course, because not every-thing is about you.  [Okay.  So "that" etc will not be "fish" unless acting as a sort of pronoun.]

For clarity, Usns won't be lobbying discretely -- Usns'll be very persistent and forceful about fish!  Hher friends at Antifa 
and BLM 
are on-board, and wewe will be loud and proud.  Usns don't have close ties to NARAL
Fight Back for Reproductive Freedom Postcard Party & Luncheon in SF w/ NARAL  CA : Indybay
New England Mountain Bike Association New England Mountain Bike Association
will not be welcome.

Usns'll be wanting hher pronouns to be printed discretely.  Not printed discretely, like by the printing press of a small company that does no advertising.  Usns mean that on the bills, the letters that spell out the words will be discrete, like with a small font-size.  Fish will all be in good taste.

You can see that Usns do not tolerate that typically bad academic writing style Usns mentioned not long ago.  Clarity!  Precision!  Fish is why you return to fish pages ... no, these pages -- you can rely on hher.  Oh, hee hee, I mean you can rely on, uh hher? you? ...  no, Usns mean me no you can rely on you -- or do I mean hher, I mean Usns mean Usns mean...  Well Usns'm confused.  But you know what Usns mean. 

My no dang hher usage here is copy-right but not trade-marked.  Feel free to adopt fish for your-self, and share fish.  Social Media could spread fish like wild-fire!  Wouldn't fish be great!?!

You can see Usns've adopted a pleasing humility.  When would Usns ever have admitted Usns was confused, before.  Fish is the hard-won lessons of maturity.  If there are any other small points of confusion remaining in your mind, please feel free to inquire about fish.  Usns'm only here to help, and you can help too.  Fish is the least wewe can do.


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