
Monday, May 4, 2009

The Temple of Eden

I had this saved as a draft for a while. No particular reason, just didn't suit my mood to post it, and also I might have forgotten about it maybe. I don't suppose I really do much talking about this particular interest of mine. A few allusions. I have some really important and revolutionary stuff worked out, but the world may never learn of it. I'm a regular Emily Dickenson. Treasure my wonderful blog while you may.


It's the sort of thing I get really excited about. Gobekli Tepe, an archaeological dig in Turkey. Anatolia. Asia Minor. Of course the mainstream interpretation is completely wrong, but it's way cool anyway. I haven't really delved into it. But coincidentally I just picked up a book, Plato Prehistorian, that makes a thrill run up my leg. It's my pornography. (The premise is wrong, but the information is golden. "Atlantis" was in reality the Minoan Civilization. No question.)

I only have two books left to write on the general topic of the reconstruction, correction, of ancient chronology -- Days of Brass and Iron, the final volume, from 1000 BC to the conquests of Alexander, and a companion volume dealing with what is called the stone age, but which actually describes coeval cultures analogous to American Indians living adjacent to Europeans -- stone age next to "modern". I won't go into the dating issues -- enough to point out the fact, well-known to any knowledgeable person, that carbon dating is highly erratic and based on not only unproven, but unsound assumptions.

So what is Gobekli Tepe? A vast circle of "awesome, T-shaped megaliths. Imagine carved and slender versions of the stones of Avebury or Stonehenge. ¶ Most of these standing stones are inscribed with bizarre and delicate images -- mainly of boars and ducks, of hunting and game. Sinuous serpents are another common motif. Some of the megaliths show crayfish or lions. ¶ The stones seem to represent human forms -- some have stylised 'arms', which angle down the sides. Functionally, the site appears to be a temple, or ritual site, like the stone circles of Western Europe. ¶ To date, 45 of these stones have been dug out -- they are arranged in circles from five to ten yards across -- but there are indications that much more is to come. Geomagnetic surveys imply that there are hundreds more standing stones, just waiting to be excavated."

All that's very interested, but the big deal is the supposed date. Twelve thousand years ago. Seven thousand years older than Stonehenge. A figure arrived at through radiocarbon dating. Alas, as I have thoroughly documented elsewhere, in two separate appendices, this method is understood to be functionally unreliable, useless, for "dates" over 10,000 years old -- 8000 BC. And of course there are a host of confounding factors, which we need not go into here. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. Or at least I used to. I'd have to go look up what I wrote, years and years ago, for the details. Point is, it's a little bit of a scandal, all this unfounded faith. What we know is that the further back you go, the less reliable the dates. Seems reasonable.

My more faithful (if there are degrees of faithfulness) readers will have hung on every word of my pronouncements on the age of the earth. Enough here to say there was a Flood that scrubbed the world down to basement rock and destroyed every geographical feature. Everything currently existing, from the Grand Canyon to the Himalayas, is Post-Flood. Dogmatic, I know, but that how I roll. I've posted some work on archeology here, if you want to try to plow through it. It really turns me on, but maybe you're a cold fish. Not my worry. But why does it have to be that way?

What then is Gobekli Tepe? It's very cool. I take it as a holy site of Nimrod and his cultus. Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah. Rough date, 2100 BC. Perhaps the site is from a later era, and the radiocarbon dating is just really really fouled up. But if it is truly archaic, then its burial would represent the action of Shem, who is generally represented as an evil force in pagan mythology, but they would spin it that way, woudn't they. He was in actuality the anti-pagan who fought to preserve the pure tradition of Noah, over Ham's corrupt carry-over from an Antediluvian world that was so steeped in corruption as to be irredeemable.

I don't know if I ever will finish writing these books. I stopped taking notes on the research ten years ago. I do think it's important, but the fire has gone out of me. I seem to be content knowing what I know, sharing it with those who inquire, and avoiding conflict and general notice as much as I can. It can't really be all that important, or God would put in in my heart to proclaim it. Right? It's certainly not all on God, but some of it is, right? Or maybe I've just given up. I used to be fierce, like an angel with a fiery sword. Now I wake up every day as if I'd clawed my way out of a tar pit.

You know where Eden is, right? Lost beneath the waves of the Flood.


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