
Friday, February 16, 2024

*How Hamas is exactly like the illegals' invasion: Imperfect & Unsatisfying Solutions

Charles Krauthammer died some years ago. It was a loss.  During the troubled times of the Aughts, he evaluated reality and concluded that Iraqi PM Maliki’s plan to grant amnesty to insurgents was a good idea. That's what wisdom is.  Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Well, at the time there was also that now-forgotton problem with illegals in the USA.  You know, a horde of  lawless invaders.    

Or am I being all MAGA and white and  shite.  Bush did seem to go for amnesty. ah.

So the idea, nearly 20 years ago, was that terrorists and invaders get a free pass. At the time, the copperheads -- you know, typical democrats -- ejaculated that this migration plan was not, NOT Amnestia.  And, yes, technically, the copperheads were not in that case stinking traitorous scum liars.  “Amnesty” after all means no consequences, and there would be  a consequence they enthused, a nominal fine, by  which the scofflaw invaders would buy themselves to the front of the line and through the door. 
No, it’s not "amnesty".  It was NOT. The word is "bargain".

But the Iraqi amnesty plan was just that – amnesty,  no consequences for past bad acts. Amnesty and amnesia are practically the same word.  We cannot expect consistency.  The democrats loved the idea of more and more illegals -- same as now, only now moreso.  But, weirdly and obviously, then, at that time, so long ago in history, in the aughts, the pol hack dems in the senate -- but I repeat myself-- they were against, yes, AGAINST amnesty for the iraqi insurgent or terrorist or prochoice (of kiling civilians et al).  

The democrats, I say, fetishized the invaders, but absolutely DEMANDED, that the exemplary Iraqi judicial  system deal with the terrorists.  The democrat hacks posed themselves in posture like fat reality show stars, heroic, arms crossed, staring down at the camera -- like a super empowered woman of color on the poster of her own comic book movie.  

 Any terrorist who has been involved in the deaths of Americans must be punished. Such was the sentiment mouthed by certain Dem senators, a generation ago.  But wait, but wait, here it comes.  

NOW, with Hamas, child-murdering rapist monster Hamas -- THEY are the heroes!!! LOL. Laugh Out Loud.  Blow up americans THEN, bad.  Blow up Jews Now, good. What has changed in the past nearly 20 years?  Progressives are more religious, now, believing as they do that female spirits can possess male bodies.  Demons are a religious belief, right? 

If only we lived in a world where iniquity was punished with swift wrath. But wisdom concerns itself  with future peace, rather than past atrocities.  Should we trouble ourselves with inconsistencies?  

The left called that war a quagmire , unwinnable. Completely different, I have to guess, that, oh, say, Ukraine.  Oh. But, uh, if Iraq was unwinnable, how could the terrorists ever be punished? 

My practical solution is that we can do business with some Hitlers. Not very ethical of me, is it. But we have to compromise, in the real world, on everything up to the very most vital principles, whatever those may be for each of us. We cannot hope to convert all adversaries to our way of thinking. We can hope to find some common ground of shared power. I speak, of course, from a historical perspective.

Hack politicians fight not for principle, but for power. Our thirst for justice is strong, but we have more of the camel in us than might be suspected. Thirsty, but we can wait.

Consider Chile, where the crimes of the former authoritarian regime were overlooked, that wounds might be bound and the nation move forward. For the most part, this practical benevolence was a blessing to their society.  The same sort of thing in South Africa, with its  Truth and Reconciliation Commission.   And, most telling for me was the policy of Abraham Lincoln, who wanted the Confederacy to rejoin the Union under the most lenient of conditions. The South had brutally enslaved a race, and started a horrifically bloody Civil War. 

What does justice demand, for these crimes? But Lincoln would have received them back as wayward brothers -- had he lived. With just an assurance of future loyalty.

Hamas.  The bad-faith of the Palestinians -- in Latin -- or Philistines, in Greek -- their bad faith is not the only model from which we draw our expectations of Middle Eastern leaders. Not every leader is an Arafat, steeped in corruption and functional insanity.

I do not, of course, speak of the ideological Islamist monsters -- they should receive a Russian solution. Heads in boxes.  

But relative stability brings prosperity.  And by now, we stupid, stupid stupid americans must finally begin the first glimmerings of observation, and see that culture and customs need not agree, to coexist. Like rule of law, as back in pre biden days, and respect for the privileges and duties of liberty.  Such  institutions and conventions, are benefits.  The proudest traditions of our fading Christian culture teach that there is a way to find mercy even where justice has a claim.  

The only repentance we have any business caring about, is about behavior.  Illegals need to start, start to respect our laws.  Hamas, well, since hamas is about killing jews, it needs to stop being Hamas.  

We live in a world were tomorrow is not promised. All creation groans under the suffocating burden of injustice. No imprecatory prayers against unjust judges may be relied on to bring relief. But in the entirely secular world, I know of no finer words than these, that might apply to this question, of how to deal with the incorrigible, and the repentant: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.”  

Lincoln humbles me. It's just that I admire wisdom. He continued the fight, unrelenting, and was gracious in victory.  

We have unwon battles.  In fact, we're losing.  Man up.  Rule of law. Because first comes at least an understanding of justice.  Then, maybe, mercy. Hard, then soft. 


Sunday, December 24, 2023


Saturday, December 16, 2023

* Some of My 'Shark Tank' Ideas!!!

• Dog lipstick!  - dog nose bleaching!
• Cat nail polish!
• Feather curling /  waves & bobs / perms!
• Pig tanning booth, home spray-tan service! Treats vitiligo!   - Also pig electrolysis, expandable to other household pets! 
• Fishtank dye! (colored water)!
• Tail ribbons for ALL domestic, wild and feral animals!  - also nose-rings  - human adaptable!


• Hyena meat - steaks, burgers, dogs, cutlets, briquette, loaf, shish kabob, bouillabaisse, tartar, bacon, jerky, etc.!  Exotic!  Trending (potentially)!  Perfect for the Foodie!
-- Food truck, cart, stand, online, mail order, retail, franchise, promotional give-away, licensable!


• "Pedi-Kyur"!  Foot sanitizer (guaranteed to not sanitize hands)!
•  "Knobs 'n' Homs"!  Knee & elbow sanitizer (front & back!) (likewise, guaranteed NO hand sanitizing!)!


Amazing board game!  "The Filasufer King!"  Based on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics"!  Provided: attractive corrugated cardboard playing surface; nine dodecahedral dice (a perfect solid!); ruler and colored pencil.   The only rule is, there are no rules?  Not here!  Over ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY fantastic rules ... plus that ruler, for a ruler!  Makes a great drinking game!  Ages 18 and over!


"On-the-Go"!  Defecation prosthetic, facilitates STANDING defecation!  Enhances the experience!  Great exercise!  Gender inclusive!  (Not intended for 'sitters')!  (WARNING - not to be used more than once per week!  Side effects include varicose veins, liver & renal failure, colon perforation and septicemia, rectal hypertrophy, anal leakage, restless leg syndrome)!


Alternative energy source!  NOT solar! NOT wind! NOT tidal! NOT geothermal!  NOT magnetic!  NOT gravitational! NOT superconductors!  NOT coriolis!  NOT zero-point!  NOT dilithium!  NOT homeopathic!  NOT aurora borealis! NOT St Elmo's fire/ ball/sheet lightning! NOT pyramids/ crystals!  NOT Maxwell's Demon!  To learn and exploit the powerful secret of ??? now, invest NOW!


The Genderfix Bible - all "binary" gender errors corrected!   Sample (copyright):  "For Gox so loved the world that xe gave xers only begotten donx..."

Also available:  the Quranx, the Book of Mormonx, Dianetix, the Bhagavad Gitax, I Chinx / Lao Tsex, The Origin of Speciex, The Communix Manifestox, How to Win Frienx and Influence Peoplex!

Ongoing correction projects: Moby Dix, Fifty Shades of Grex, The Cax in the Hat, The Wizarx of Oz,  Alixe in Wonderland, Huckleberry Finx, Winnie the Poox!

Future projects: GI Jox, Barbix, Mx Potatox Head, sHex-wManx Miastrerxx of the Universex

Partnered with FaxeBoox!   


A patent-pending device for when your left testicle and the tip of your penis keep falling asleep!


"Docoloxovoi"™!  A high-connectivity online platform access that synergistically enhances all interpersonal, financial, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, volitional interfacing experiences eternally!  Facilitated by a discreet & stylish cerebral implant owned and operated by the industry-leading Maitreya Corps™!  Our motto: "You will not be able to regret it!"

3 21

Thursday, December 14, 2023

* Why I Am Now Pro-Empire and Against War(s)

I am against wars that we do not win.  Duh  

That’s where I’d stop if I wanted to be gnomic and glib. Or I'd say I was "for the war before I was against it".  But it's a sort of important matter. We don’t win wars anymore because we don’t have the will, we don’t have the stomach. Like fools, like teenagers, we get all upset over something and go in to kick some butt. But it’s not about kicking butt, it’s about making changes that result in our benefit, even if in a humanitarian sense -- we have to be true to our humanity. 

War, as Bismarck said, or was it Clausewitz, war is politics by other means. Clausewitz -- Bismarck said politics is the art of the possible. Politics is the opposite of dictatorship -- not the imposition of will, but the outworking of compromise. If we cobble all this into a syllogism, the conclusion is that war excludes compromise; corollary, that war is best prosecuted by a dictator. That’s it then: we don’t win our wars because we are a democracy. Odd, how television did that.

There's something wrong here in the logic of course. Democracies can win wars. The kind where it's about damaging foreign infrastructure and killing enemy combatants and changing regimes. Such wars are meant to increase our own safety comfort welfare prosperity, whatever the cost to the enemy. 

We don’t do that anymore. We have confused, conflated, war with politics. Because you see we are nice guys. Remember just now when I intimated that we were a democracy? More to the point, we are an incipient, hemi-empire, with the duties but not the privileges, and which fact, of empire, is wholly incompatible with our American ethos of fairplay and generosity and liberty. We have lost our way. We should have propped up, were it possible, the British Empire, let them be the figurehead and world police. Such was not in the card or the stars, sadly, and our success is the poison pill of our downfall.

Don’t get married unless you’re going to be faithful. Don’t have kids unless you’re going to be responsible. Don’t start wars unless victory is top priority.

Case in point, the unbelievable stupidity of biden's war, proxy, Ukraine -- it's meant to be a sustainable war -- self-renewing, like abortionism and its forever-war against babies.

 Democratic America in living memory finishes long wars according to variants on one pattern only: airlifting personnel off embassy rooftops. Witness biden's bugout and consequent bountiful baksheesh to the taliban.  Say that three times fast.

Democracy and empire are, surely, incompatible. We need either a dictator -- I nominated Obama back in the day, but he's too old and frail-looking, now.

A dictator, or we need to get our own house in order. Ah. I’ve just figured out the solution to the tribulation heading our way. We need to empire, no, Empire our way out of this mess. Since we have so clearly demonstrated a total inability to govern ourselves in a prudent manner, we need to more completely exploit the rest of the world. 

We have so far been not an empire, but a patron. Supporting the freedom of Europe for lo these many decades. Propping up dysfunctional Third World pathocracies (I just made up that word -- accent on the second syllable). Our debt of 33.1 trillion smackaroos is chump change, if we take it out of the mineral wealth of Africa and America South the way China is getting up to. 

And It’s about time Mexico started to earn its keep.  We are currently providing the unremunerated service of housing Mexico's unwanted surplus population, and we should be paid for that valuable consideration.  What's the current government stipend.  GGL AI tells me that welfare programs cost the "average American household … $9,000" annually.  Okay, Mexico, 5.31 million of your unwanted population here, at 9K per head, that's 47.8 billion dollars you owe, payable immediately.  I will accept delivery personally.  

The future is about empire, as has been the past.  We'll get Latin America -- as a combination colony and heGEmony.  Ironic chimera.  

 Europe is so arrogant and has been warlike, but Russia can have it. Asia to the Chinese, obviously, the cathode to our anode -- and we’ll all squabble over Africa. Australia gets a pass, just cuz. It will be the new Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

We will of course have to abandon our former American character. Oh, wait. Done. So now we need to enter truly into the next, misplaced, phase of the Roman pattern. Usually it’s empire first, then decline. We’re already decadent. Now let’s expand. I think this could buy us another hundred years.

Purely by coincidence -- or perhaps it was my subconscious at work, formulating the ideas that now scintillate before your dazzled eyes -- I was walking through Trader Joes today thinking how odd, the convention to wear pants. Left over from horse-riding days. Do we ride horses? Then I pictured myself striding the aisles garbed in a toga. Animal House echoes aside, I think there’s an argument to be made here. I’ll give it some thought and let you know what I decide.

So that’s why I’m against, say, the biden lost war in Afghanistan. I don’t mind war, where theres a good faith need, and ignoring dogmatic quibbles that there's never a need and never a good war. I hate the losing. I hate the comfort such lost wars give to the enemies of America, foreign and domestic. I hate the damage to the soul and psyche that lost wars do to those Americans who still remain. War is ugly and a failure of humanity. But humanity is ugly and a failure, and sometimes execution is just, even on a mass, albeit monstrous and impersonal, scale. 

The liberal wants to live free from hardship and failure and threat and risk, and opportunity and success. The conservative wants poverty and unhappiness, and wealth and inequality of outcome, as the result of freedom, logic, and unavoidable reality. What is unavoidable is inevitable. War.

The other day, thinking about the 60 years since the murder of President Kennedy, I was thinking that America is always worse after an assassination. We never get over it, like Rome never got over the butchering of Julius Caesar. 

You may be drawing the unfounded inference that just as Caesar’s murder ushered in an imperial age of "Caesars", so an American empire might be brought about by, god forbid, such a presidential death -- a dynasty of, no, not "Obamas" or, a ridiculous joke, not of "bidens" or "Hillaries".  No.  

It would be a collective empire, a gang of four, or an inner council.  Perhaps figurehead.  I suppose that's what biden is, at the moment I'm writing this.  Who knows what a week will bring.  biden is not long for this world, obviously.  I'm predicting a vascular issue in his brain.  It happened before.  And he's too feeble to be clomping up those stairs in front of all those cameras, on a semi weekly basis.

Hopefully the end of our Constitution will be brought about along the electoral, fascist model of Hitler and Mussolini -- rather than a coup. Since the past several generations of Americans are incapable of learning from history, it must be hoped that this time a happier dictator/empire outcome may accrue, despite the pattern of the past. 

As Montaigne said, we know only what we know now -- we do not know what we have forgotten, and we do not know what we have not yet learned.  What we know now is demonstrated in the outcome of the most recent several national elections. Study this paragraph deeply, for the key to wisdom herein may be found. Nothing

So, in conclusion, I’m against wars because under our current system we lose them, and I’m against assassination because America always becomes more incompetent after them, and I’m expecting a literal or figurative tribulation, and in either case I’m expecting an Empire.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

* Abortion

 YT & YT





I have no words to deal adequately with this thing. What shall I say, to those on the other side? You kill babies? They will say, “No, we terminate unwanted pregnancies.” I will say, by killing babies, and they object, “Fetus, not baby.” I respond that fetus is just the Latin for young one, and they reply that I am very erudite, but etymology is not a biological science.

And we have wasted words.

So I say there is nothing magical about air, that contact with it turns a fetus into a baby. They will say that it is, indeed, a difficult and controversial subject, and that viability is a good criterion – if the fetus is viable outside the womb, then it would count as a baby, but a fetus is not human life. I point out that anything that exhibits metabolism is alive, and they respond that tadpoles are alive. And the fact that these fetuses have human, not amphibian, DNA? --Well, fingernails have human DNA. But, I ask, do fingernails exhibit metabolism? They respond: Is a single cell a human ... are we yeast? I reply: Is yeast "alive," and does a human remain only a single cell? My point seems not to be understood, and is ignored. Instead we quibble about trimesters and technologies, and about hard cases such as anacephalism. There is no resolution.

More wasted words.

I say that we should err on the side of caution – if we are not sure, if there is any doubt at all, then we should count this entity as human. I give the example of a building scheduled for demolition: someone is saying that there’s a child inside, and the building must not be destroyed. Given the uncertainty, we should wait. Life is more precious than the schedule. They say the analogy is not valid, and add that a woman is worthy of mercy too, and the burden of unwanted motherhood outweighs the theoretical presumption that a fetus is a fully human life – that the "building" is "occupied." I reply that between death, and inconvenience, the choice is clear. They demur, and we cannot agree.


I say that the fetus of John the Baptist leaped for joy in the womb, when it came into the presence of the newly-conceived Jesus. From this, I assert that everything a person possesses of spirit, he possesses at conception. “Oh, there are so many things wrong with that,” they scoff, observing that superstition has no place in a discussion about science. I take up that theme, pointing out that the system of cells, at any stage of development, has a unique genetic code, very quickly a nervous system, and in more than half the cases, a penis. I laboriously spell out the fact that a woman has only one genetic code, only one nervous system, and no penis at all – it is not “her body,” but rather another body, within her body. They respond that regardless of any other consideration, whatever goes on inside her body is solely her own responsibility. I consider an ethical response, but abandon it as useless.


Nazis said some people are more human than others. Racists say that some people are more human than others. Because language is powerful, we strive to control it. I say Hitler murdered Jews, Nazis say he exterminated vermin. I say abortion kills babies, abortionists say choice terminates unwanted pregnancies. Nazis and racists believe in a continuum of humanity, up to a master race. Abortionists, too, believe that we evolve into our humanity – at conception, it is only potential, and we have not yet fully developed into it. Indeed, an infant is not viable, in that it cannot care for itself. A young girl is not fully developed, not sexually viable. Is she then not fully human? Personality is developed, but personhood is innate.

But such reasoning issues like heat into the void.

I recall myself saying as a callow youth in high school that babies were better off dead, rather than born to stupid parents. I was convinced otherwise by the simple thought experiment of picturing an abortion from the perspective of its object. Possessed as I am of some clarity of imagination, the image that rose up before my mind’s eye was sufficiently disturbing that I grew pale and faint, and had actually to leave the classroom. And I was convinced. It’s not right to kill babies. Even unborn babies. Regardless of any consideration about the supposed prospects, the potential quality of life, that may lay in that baby’s future. Babies have a right to a future. There is no appeal to reason, here. Words are useless. Either you get it, or you don’t.

That's all.



Another Word

Abortion. Words are useless. Either you get it, see it, or you don’t.

That's all.

Well ... not quite all. Because it holds a strange fascination. I'm of an age where I generally possess enough maturity and self-restraint to simply walk away - but sometimes a thing just draws the eyes to it, and we stare, like innocence at the hint of depravity. So I return, briefly, to the subject again. Abortion. And again, my son of a previous decade teaches the lesson.

In fact, we were outside that self-same store. A health food store, as it happens. On the sidewalk was a fellow collecting signatures. "Would you like to sign a petition, protecting a woman's right to choose." I never did learn the details. How, in what manner, was a woman's right to choose being threatened, that signatures needed to be gathered? I haven't a clue.

There we stood, my little boy and myself, holding hands. And I, being me, just had to ask: "A woman's right to choose what?" Butter wouldn't melt.

He seems surprised, because I don't give the appearance of an ignoramus. "Why," he said, "why, the right to ... it's about reproductive freedom."

"Ah," I breathed. "You're talking about abortion." There's another word for it, you see.

"Uh, yes."

I didn't have anything planned, of course. That's not my style. A lot of my time is spent listening to the wind. I just felt like holding my boy, so I picked him up - him sitting on my arm - you know. I was looking at his hand, and I remembered him as a new baby, noticing his hand for the first time, thinking how perfect it was. Like a five-petalled flower.

"You know," I said, "this is my son. Look at him. Isn't he handsome? Look at how perfect he is." I said it smiling - joyfully, really. "Tell me, sir," I said, "when would it have been okay to abort him?"

Alas, that's where my little story ends. Memory fails, you see. I just don't remember what he said, or what I said after him. I know it wasn't anything dramatic. Again, not my style. I expect that he just moved on to another prospect. And I expect that he got nothing from the exchange. Because he was standing outside a health food store, gathering signatures to protect a woman's right to choose.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

* Hostage


Tomorrow I could be killed. I could be crippled. I could be accused of a crime I did not commit, the fates conspire to convict me and I am a fugitive or a prisoner. These things happen, and there no safety in prayer or piety. Tomorrow I could find the people I love gone, disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again - perhaps destroyed. I could slip across the life’s blood of what is dearest to me. 

Tomorrow I could take one last shuddering breath, let go a slow silent sigh before I succumb to the darkness and despair that grips at my heart and crushes my chest. I could repent my integrity, my faithfulness, my salvation, and descend into an orgy of flesh and rage that would turn innocence to stone. I could curse the day that bore me and consign myself to hell.

We are hostage to a fallen world, that lies in the lap of evil, ruled by a dark Principality. God does not govern here - merely intervenes, sometimes. And what we have to sustain us, is a promise. We hope that we will be happy, or that our happiness, if we have it, will continue. We hope there is a hedge around us, to preserve us from a pain beyond our capacity to endure. 

We have been told we will not be tested to the breaking point. But how weak we are, how small. How alone we are, in this evil place of anguish and torment. Yet it isn’t hell, yet. Shall we find comfort, in this?

God calls himself a father, to us. How can we argue against God? We count our pain as chastisement, and it is for our good. For God is our Father. That he is so distant, is our fault. For he is God, and everywhere. 

If we have no comfort, did he not send a Comforter? But this is what I know. He calls himself the God of Consolation. Why am I not consoled? A father reaches out, and you feel his hand take yours. What father doesn’t do this?

Have you noticed it? I can’t be the only one. Because I’m not quite as crazy as the world is. I’m still civilized. But some of these things have happened, and not tomorrow. How will we bear it?

Sometimes, salvation, and sanity, is just a habit.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

* It Gets the Hose


As we have ineluctably demonstrated time and again, biden is the worst president since James Buchanan, another one-termer, who like biden was a career politician and a hermaphrodite. That is, Buchanan was a hermaphrodite. I have no positive information in that regard about biden.

Buchanan, the only bachelor president, had an engagement that in 1819 was traumatically and mysteriously broken off.  The young woman, Ann Coleman, was deeply shocked, never spoke of it, and not long after died, age 23, of "hysterical convulsions" -- thought to be a deliberate drug overdose.  Edgar Allen Poe was only 10 years old at the time, a month older than Lincoln.  

There's his highly notable cohabitation with William King -- Buchanan called it a communion. Andrew Jackson called them Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy. King was considered effeminate, so of course there is speculation re homosexuality. But a hermaphrodite cannot be homosexual.

Buchanan was six feet tall and weighed 220 pounds, but was described as small. He had tiny feet and could not grow facial hair. One eye was very near-sighted and the other was very far-sighted, and they were positioned asymmetrically.

A "chimera" is an organism whose cells derive from more than one zygote.  This can happen with human fetuses.  Over half of the individuals identified as chimera are hermaphrotitic. "Other clinical signs ... are body asymmetry ... and different colored eyes" (-- also, visible "lines of Blaschko", which are 'striped' skin patterns that almost everyone has, a relic of embryonic development, and analogous to zebra stripes and leopard spots.  They can show up under very strong blacklight.)

Buchanan's memorial, in Washington, D.C., shows him enthroned on a long platform, equidistant between two seminude figures symbolizing Law and Diplomacy - male to the right and female to left ... our right, his left. These figures are each approximately half the size of that of Buchanan.  You might say, two of them makes one of him.  

biden is the only one fully clothed -- really draped up -- or, is he sewing a quilt?  I mean Bvchanan.  

Just saying.  

As for biden (known to history as JRB, Jr - Jerbjer), he's a sort of loudmouth ward heeler -- say nothing for as long as possible, then stop talking -- back slapping, glad handing, speech stumper -- hair sniffing, shower taking repetitionist.  Not small town -- his corruption is petty on an intercontinental scale - proportional to some small-time second banana who slipped home to the White House.  A cowardly braggart loudmouth threatener who knows but will never know how small he is for where he is.
"Psst.  I'm the Commander in Chief!" 

It's good to be the king, I'm not joking.  Here comes the choo-choo engineer, with a key! [sing-song] he's a-comin' down the streetWoo a-wooo!  And now I’m a cowboy! Doo dee doo dee doo dee... [singing]
But, how dare you use a pronoun about me.  I am universal. I transcend all limits. What is grammar to such as me. … I mean this one. But I don’t mean I.  No pronouns, dammit.  Pronouns are racist, uh, bigoted. Pro nouns?  What about being pro, um, verbs?  Proverbs.  Well that doesn’t work -- patriarchal.  But yes it does, because I say so, I mean This One says so.  Do articles count as pronouns?  I say no.  

Who would have thought politics depended so much on grammar.  Well, the nomenklatura knows it.

Marriage, life, identity -- whatever.  This One ... THIS ONE decides the meaning of all things.  
It's all so fluid, what people are.  What is 'are'?  'R'.  'Ah'.  To be, too bee, tuby.  Tumescent.  Transitioning. Like sewing the skin suit of Silence of the Lambs.  Kwazy Kwilt.  "It rubs the lotion on its skin. Or it gets the hose, again. It -- a pronoun.  It.  

Only two pronouns then.  THIS ONE, and it.  You're the it.  I'm the ONE.  No, dangit.  It's the it.  (Psst. That's you.)  THIS ONE is THIS ONE.  Yeah. Yes. [tumescence]

biden is giving us the hose.  biden is giving us his hose, its hose.  It's not that he, it,  is or is not a hermaphrodite.  He's just whatever, like pronouns.  If he weren't an empty skin suit, he'd be nothing at all. 


Thursday, December 7, 2023


Don’t you just hate him? Fat loser. Disgusting. He’s the human pig who planted a bomb at the ’96 Atlanta Olympics, and then pretended to be a hero by warning people away from it … just before it exploded!!!! Golly, he musta bin so smart and brave and observant!!! Attention, everyone! Lookit me bein’ a real-life genuwine heeero!!! What a unabomber. Somebody shoulda unatweezed his unibrow. 

So they caught him, and it turns out he was just as much of a loser as we know he was. Lived with his mommy. Wanted to be a cop but couldn’t hack it. So he settled for rent-a-cop. And then he died, of being so fat, , age 44, heart attack of course. Disgusting.


Oh. Did I say he was guilty? My bad. Heh heh. Turns out he was innocent. Richard Jewell.  I don't actually know if he went by "Dick."  Does it matter, facts like that?  Should i have stated it correctly, right up front -- taken the trouble to check?  

I mean here I am pretending to be all outraged about something that happened nearly 30 years ago or whenever, and I can't even be bothered to get his name, well, whatever. 

Anyways, he was falsely accused, by the sages of virtue in the media. Hopefully in the past nearly 30 years things are much much much better, with the media.  And government agencies, law-enforcement and shiz like that -- more integrity now, hopefully.

The NYT did some inconsistent CYA, in Oct 96, claiming or reporting, whatever, that "a number of law-enforcement officials have said privately for months that they thought Mr. Jewell had been involved in the bombing, even though there was no evidence against him and some evidence seemed to rule him out".

 FBI agents -- and the shine is certainly off that apple, and its worm asexually multiplied enough to fill a can -- the FIB tried to trick Jewell into waiving his Constitutional rights.  Trickery … treachery.  

The US Attorney in Atlanta, Kent Alexander, issued a statement claiming the "Justice" Dept "regretted" "leaking" the investigation.  Later, three FBI officials were censured by the Department of "Justice".  Is that aspirational justice, or putative justice.

These three traitors to their presumed oath of office should be named, so:  

  • Woody Johnson - Head of FBI Atlanta office -- nicknamed Woody because he's turned on by dead bodies, it is rumored, by me; 
  • David Tubbs - Head of FBI Kansas City office -- nicknamed Tubbs because he likes to immerse himself in tubs of fresh pig feces. That is, pig feces that is fresh, not feces from fresh pigs, like they've just had a good scrub.  I think I've learned to try to be more accurate, what with that irresponsible mistake I made a while back about Richard Jewell's name, being, maybe Dick; and 
  • FBI agent Donald Johnson, Head of just being incompetent scum, and a well known part-time male prostitute.  I'm sure I might plausibly imagine that detail was leaked somewhere, sometime, from a source, maybe Dan Rather, if he's still alive -- nobody can ever really know a claim like that, if Dan Rather is still alive, if he ever was, rather than being a fictional character, like other well-known betrayers, like 

Cain, or Judas, or Benedict Arnold, who also were not censured by the "Just Us" department of the federal government, of the United States, a country based on the rule of law and reliant upon the integrity of the persons entrusted with administering such laws. 

The news hounds, or is it pigs, who also have a fantastic sense of smell -- I don't mean they smell fantastic, I mean their capacity for accurate olfactation, which might be a word, but I can't be bothered to check.… Anyways, the news hounds, but I also mean the bulldogs (an old-time criminal underworlds slang term, or "argot", for police etc (the way "pigs" was too, back in hippy days (but I always thought that was very rude and unfair, since individuals should not be judged as groups))) -- the dogs, I say, had no problem sniffing out Dick's private details and dragging them all across the news. Dick is also an old time term for criminal investigators -- if false accusations even are criminal ... maybe they're civil.    

Jay Leno called him the Unadoofus (a callback to the then-still relevant Unabomber). His mother was, inevitably, the Una-mamma. Tee hee. Jump in, boys. The blood’s fine!  Shark is a term for -- not slimy, not greasy -- accuracy is important … disreputable lawyers, but I repeat myself.  

The real bomber? Eric Rudolph, who later bombed a couple of abortion mills and a LGBTQplus nightclub, in those days that sort of club were still allowed to be strictly noninclusively and undiversely lesbian. I hardly know what to say. Can’t see a connection. The Olympics are gay? Abortionists are gay? Abortion is gay like the Olympics? I don’t get it. Gays should be aborted at the Olympics? Huh?  Dude's crazy.

Fun Fact: Real-killer Eric Rudolph lived as a fugitive for five years, hiding in the woods of the Appalachian Mountains where he ate acorns and salamanders, and lizards and beetles and grubs; raiding vegetable gardens and grain silos, and rummaging through dumpsters. He was arrested while rummaging through a dumpster.  He was wearing new sneakers at the time, and could not produce a receipt, yet he was NOT charged with shoplifting, which in those days WAS a crime.  During his wilderness years, Rudolph had squirreled away 250 lbs of dynamite.

Bonus Fun Fact: Eric’s older brother, Daniel, deliberately severed one of his hands from his body with a radial-arm saw and mailed it out as a videotape (a primitive precursor of the internet); the video included a narrative explanation that the act was designed to "send a message to the FBI and the media." The hand, the left, was reattached surgically.

Rudolph published his memoir in 2013.  The U.S. Attorney General seized $200 toward paying off Rudolph's million dollar restitution fine.  

Conman congress person, but I repeat myself, George Santos, homosexual republican, in a historic precedent, has recently been expelled from office -- precedent because he has not yet been given an actual hearing or trial, and, yet, also, has not denied the numerous accusations, which include, (according to the "mostly factual" Pink News, which must be legit) "wire fraud, money laundering and one count of conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States".

Histrionic bigot fraud actor -- but I repeat myself,  Jussie Smollett who loved to pretend to be a victim of black maga thugs, was convicted but remains shameless.  

One of these things is not like the others. Themedia whores don’t care about guilt or innocence. They care about news, by which is meant agenda, fame and profit, in that order, for themselves. One of the whores, by the name of Tom Brokaw, "reported" of Jewell that "speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case." 

"Holes" in this instance must mean "innocence." Brokaw is probably a poet, to use words so elliptically, probably an ax-murderer poet -- a drug-addict, child-molesting ax-murderer poet. In the future everyone will be falsely accused for fifteen minutes. That's not the difference.

The former congressperson (which spellcheck thinks is one word) and the former actor are unrepentant. Jewell was guilty of nothing. His record includes saving the life of a choking baby. The former actor pretended to be a race-victim.  Jewell was an honest to God hero. 

The poseurs and frauds have cut short their  careers as surely as if they'd  used a radial-arm saw. Jewell died because of damage done to his heart.

Jewell sued and settled several libel suits.  Most of the money went to lawyers and taxes, so liars and corrupt government, per history and observation.  But he was grand marshal of parades, and gave speeches.  He has a sort of monument.  And Clint Eastwood directed a film about him in 2019.  In terms of boxoffice, it was Eastwood's worst opening-weekend in 40 years

So now we’ll take another look at

Richard Jewell, and we’ll see a good man, for all we know, and one certainly worthy of our public praise and respect. If only we could know about such things before it was too late. But who will inform us? The media whores? Better to know nothing, than to know lies.


Monday, December 4, 2023

* Nothing & Nowhere


I never have trouble seeing the other side's side. That won't stop me from asserting my side if I perceive the need. It comes down to the fact that balance is static, and anything else activates the tipping point.

Of course balance is also dynamic, given the nature of the universe, entropic, changing: universally for the worse, albeit locally things can improve.  So it's both.  Of course, again.  Not ambiguity -- complexity.  Like all communication, if and when we expand our perspective.

So, disagreement does not require passion, or even conviction. Disagreement should require, or include,  clarifying your ideas. 

George Will, whom I have quoted before quoting someone, once made an apposite observation. He said Balfour, the British statesman, whose name is so tightly bound up with the current state of Israel -- that is, with the state of Israel and its current state, and indeed its very existence, what with the 1917 "Balfour Declaration" ... cf the limpid pages of Wikipedia, a well-known internet reference site (the internet is a well-known reference too (like a library, as a collection of reference books (a library is an old fashioned repository or storehouse of books (a book is an old-fashioned means of storing information, of scholarship and entertainment)))).  

Bethatasitmay, Balfour said that some certain rival's clarity was a liability, because he had nothing to say. 

George Will goes on to quote impeached former-president bill clinton on the 1991 Gulf War (that's 74 years after the Balfour Declaration).  Clinton said, "I guess I would have voted with the majority if it was a close vote. But I agree with the arguments the minority made." Such nothings say everything.   

clinton's wife, a persistent community activist, would have disagreed.  It's actually funny, picturing these two past-masters and -mistresses of triangulation, squaring off in such an elliptical way against each other. It's a lesson in 3-dimensional geometry. Euclid would be proud, except that he required axioms, principles, unchanging.  

Which puts me in mind of Archimedes, who could have moved the world, given a place to stand. The clintons did try to move the world , taking no stand at all. This is the value of history: being able to use the example of figures from the past to bring clarity to the present: clarity, even in the murk and blur of politics, through their negative example, like negative space, or the dog that did not bark, something should be happening, that isn't.    

As one of the truly great thinkers of this or any other age has said, in sublime poetic form:

            A clinton's a wonderful being,
            That knows all there is to of seeing
                    All sides of a matter,
                    On which it can chatter
            Without ever stopping for breathing.

Thank you, thank you very much.  

Superb. Email your praise to me privately. I don't want to overload this platform, denial of service. There are after all only so many terabytes.  Affter terabyte comes petabyte. Then exabyte, zettabyte, yottabytes, then jarjarbinksabytes.  The more you know...       

A digression. 

Bethatasitmay, political issues.  

A mere heartbeat ago it was about which candidate believed in God or Evolution.  That heartbeat is irrelevant now of course, stopped like that of an unwanted fetus.  Likewise, gay marriage, and unicorns, and gender -- reality is whatever you want it to be.  Now, in this current moment of relevance, it's weather.  Not whether or not a man is a woman … rather, the kind of weather that is barometric, metric,  measurable, like science, with testability and validated predictions.  

Like Al Gore's completely true and Oscar-winning prophetic movie, An Inconvenient Truth, that totally All Came True, Perfectly -- rather than Not At All.  I seem to recall that the world DID end in 2012, as promised.  Here we are in the After Life.  Isn't it wonderful? 

But I said, or implied, just now, that it's not a debate anymore about a man being a woman.  Politically, that's settled, settled politics, like settled science, like vaccination, an issue I am generally uninformed about, except philosophically it seems on a par with abortion, a matter of personal choice, and of privacy, like between a woman and his doctor.

Point is, no debate. They're all marching in lockstep, goosestep, sieg heil mother-father, because what is a mother?  

Bethatasitmay ... then again, bethatasit maybe not. Because it has to do with taking a clear stand. Part of that clarity isn't just in speaking, but in first principles, axioms. We don't have to be right to be honorable. We do have to be, at some level, somewhere, forthright. clinton, and his nominal spouse, are as irrelevant as statues of founding fathers and civil war generals.  Likewise the Busheses and obamees.  What's past is proletariat.  

In this highly relevant age of biden, and his highly relevant age, which is not at all about age but degeneration and encroaching dementia, and breathtaking blamification -- a tactic perfected in the long-past era of the oblame-a occupancy of the ovary office in the Rainbow House ... should I say that again slowly -- just reread it a few time … blame, I say, rather than clarity or leadership, from the anything-but White House.  

Borders, homeless, drugs. The Lefty dream of the Unified State of Dystopia is slouching toward us out of the South, and out of closets and streetcorners of whores and drug dealers, although my metaphors are outdated, because everything is digital and streaming now.  Streaming out of Babylon, eager to abort.  

Newsom, and Harris, and all these balloonists of narcissism and juggling, have mastered the art of self-generating gas, which combined with their lack of substance or sense-of-direction, because what is up, or down, is naught but a social construct of the patriarchy … I'm not sure if I'm digressing now … like penguins or emus, birds of a feather, left wing, perfectly qualified for a joy ride in the hot air drifting direction they've plotted out, like a plan, like a conspiracy, rules for radicals, the opportunity of crises, borders, drugs, hamas, jews, perennial favorites of any burgeoning revolution.  

Thar she blows like a volcano, snowless Kilimanjaro, carbon neutral, gender neutral, I'm talking like this with full and natural immunity because everything is everything else, and LOGIC is almost an anagram of GO kILl, and "anagram" is an anagram of "a rag man".  And if you don't see the point I just feel sorry for you, so here's a tent, and some drugs.  


Friday, December 1, 2023

* What You Should Think about 9/11, 10/7, 12/7, etc


Grief and anger are never far apart.

It’s easy, and right, to hate your enemies.

Jesus said love your enemies, yet Jesus comes again with a sword. There he is, Jesus, on his final Monday, his wide strides kicking up the dust as he rushes up the Temple Mount road, cold rage burning in his eyes, his fingers busy knotting together the strips of leather he is braiding into a whip. What is he planning? And he descends upon the moneychangers like fire from the sky, scourging them with his special purpose, handmade whip.  He whips them not as severely as he himself would soon be scourged, but it's no less violent for that.

A violent and peaceful man. Contradiction? Of course not. Wisdom. What does “hate” mean? — and “love”? What does “enemy” mean? There is a hate that is simply the emotion that goes along with the craving for justice, and the willingness to exact it.  Am I the only one who's ever felt that?

As for “enemy,” consider the Indian tribe battling the US cavalry in the west. Here comes the cavalry riding over the hill, first thing seen is the American flag. That flag was not a symbol of freedom and justice to those Indians. It is to me. It wasn’t a symbol of rescue, to the Indians. To the wagon train, to the settlers, yes. To me, our flag represents the highest attainments of mankind. Not to the Indians. And they were right. To them it was death, or oppression, or injustice, or at best ultimate defeat.

A tragedy? In the classical sense, yes – a man, or culture, undone by the flaws in his own character. But its not a tragedy, in that there are forces of nature, and of history, that are inevitable, and their outcome cannot be called tragic without expanding the word beyond meaningful limits. Hurricane Katrina was not a tragedy, but a calamity. If a soldier aims his rifle at a brave, and kills a child instead -- yes, a tragedy, if an accident is the same as a tragedy. 

Yet there is somehow the idea of necessity, bound up in tragedy. Surely accidents aren’t necessary. The death of a child is so very many things, and there is no simple answer, and any answer there is, is not clear. How complex.

But this I know: 9/11 was not a tragedy, 10/7, the Hamas outrage, was not a catastrophe. If there were no better words, then perhaps. But there are better words. Atrocity. Deliberate, planned, brutal. What do we do with such monsters these? Monsters, to us -- heroes, to themselves. 

But what do we do? Love them? I will love them, as God loves those he sends to hell. I believe God does love them. But he loves justice too. Eventual justice. The traditional symbol of justice is a pair of balances – a glancing acknowledgment of a multiplicity of factors, too many for meaningful calculation. So all those variables are collapsed into just two plates of the scale, because eventually all answers resolve into  yes, or no.  Otherwise they're not answers.

So we simplify and use symbols. And our love for them, the enemy, must be complex - if we are to survive.

What is necessary cannot be wrong. In this, perhaps we stumble upon a sort of key to the problem. If we are commanded to love, then to love is right. But how to love? What to forgive? There is no emotion, nor any instinct, that is wrong in itself. But when they are perverted, well.

Capitalism may certainly contain the seeds of its own destruction, per Karl Marx – a man who has far more blood on his hands than Christ – other people’s blood, that is.  Capitalism, and Western Civilization, might certainly fall prey to some greater force of history, some force that is truer to human nature and emotion and instinct, truer to the laws of nature and of nature’s God – if there should be such a truer force. 

But given the inevitability of hurricanes and volcanos and droughts, it's only location and timing that makes the difference between God's wrath, and the merely random. Antartica has many storms, and none of them are judgments from God.  

That's how it is, with all calamities. They will occur. As will tragedies. And atrocities, and injustice, and the demand for the redress of injustice. The most descriptive term I can find for this universe is "entropic." entropy.  Things just wearing out, in time.  Maybe replaced, for a time.  Justice is supposed to restore order, for a time.

The Indian mother holding her dead child, weeping tears of grief and rage – her prayers went unanswered. The families of those killed in falling buildings or crashing planes, or flames, or rains for bullets – the dead remain dead.  The guilty are outside our power to avenge – or they're in our power, but unlikely to exhibit the remorse and repentance we so much desire. Perhaps we should love our enemies most, when they are outside the reach of our justice. This would have the virtue of obedience to God, while preventing our souls from curdling.

Jesus, tradition has it, was a carpenter -- after his adoptive father. Perhaps Jesus made the cross of his own crucifixion, if it was a recycled cross. What is certain is that he made the whip he used on the backs of the moneychangers. It may be that he had the right to be a whipmaker, or rather a whip user, because of his use, on the cross. I don’t know. It’s too complex. What I do know is that moneychangers, as lawbreakers,  need whipping. And we should allow neither anger, nor grief – nor any other instinct or emotion – to pervert the craving, not for revenge or vengeance, but for justice.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

* Hating Your Country


What I've noticed is a tendency in people to generalize non-specifics. That's clear, isn't it. "Generalize non-specifics." Sounds almost like it means something. The specific non-specifics I'm referring to are culture and religion. "Your religion is bad, because your culture is bad." As if there need be a meaningful correlation. 

Let's take America, for example. What is American culture? Is it hard work, thrift and rugged individualism? Is it tolerance and foreign aid? Is it McDonald's, violent entertainments and ugly angry music? Fashions of outerwear that include allow or demans the clear delineation of the vulva?  Sort of a female codpiece?  

And what of religion? Is American religion truly Christian, or Protestant, or, like, whatever?  That's where the problem of "non-specifics" comes in. There is no "American culture" or "American religion." There is a Japanese culture and religion -- a Norwegian culture and religion -- an Arab culture and religion. Ah! -- you see the connection? The definitive term here is not culture or religion, but Japanese, Norwegian or Arab. We're talking about race, or, if you prefer and it is more specific, ethnicity … which really just means race, as from the Greek, ethnos, nations. And there is no American race.  I'm questioning if there is even an American nation.

 To imagine that what we see on TV or in movies is "American" is to imagine that our planet is mostly water. No, its surface is mostly covered with water. An entirely different thing, than the "planet" "being" mostly water. I do not love the "culture" of America as Hollywood imagines it. But that's as much as to say I don't love something that's not real. Who loves what is not real? Who loves lies? Beyond the people we know and love, what else is there to love? 

Ideals. Principles. The "this is what I stand for" sort of thing.

So I do not need to defend against anyone's incorrect words about what they imagine. In logic, there's the idea of the "straw man" -- set up a false argument or position, then knock it down. One of the things I learned, by teaching it to my son, was to never argue about opinions, and to never argue about facts. Why argue about opinions? -- blue is better than yellow! No, yellow is better. No, blue. No, yellow.... And on and on. Why argue about facts? A fact is something that can be demonstrated -- so rather than argue, demonstrate. Simple. Everybody has the Library of Congress in their pocket, as a device.  No need for arguing.  Fact check.  Simple.  

And my son laughed, and summed it up: "In other words, never argue." Right. What a wonderful son. You don't argue, you present information and logic.

America is beautiful, to me. It's not, to you? There's your opinion, and there's mine. I shall not argue. It really boils down to this: anyone who doesn't love their mother, is not admirable in this. Even if she had many faults. Even if she was a whore. You still should love her. Everyone's country has blotches on its record. But everyone should love their country, because it is the banding-together of the families who live there, and because it is the entity ordained to look after our general welfare. Of course there are criminal regimes, kleptocracies and totalitarians and the like, that simply exploit. But those are governments, not countries.

So when I hear certain people or parties in America revile her in their speech, I hear disloyalty and what is shameful. Even if your mother is a whore, you should honor her, and try to help her. For aliens to hate America is their right -- even though they're wrong, if they are. For enemies to say your mother is a whore is to be expected, whether she is one or not. America is not a  whore -- she is Justice, and Liberty. 

That's the ideal I was talking about. The reality is that the ideal is polluted with humans and their corrupt human nature. But there you have it -- even the healthiest of men breathe in viruses with every breath.

After we subtract the built-in guarantee of failure, because people are involved, the question everyone has to ask themselves is this: how noble, how upright, how honorable is the system we live in? I think the American Constitution is the most perfect human document ever composed, not because it wasn't flawed -- it took a Civil War to expunge the odious but necessary compromises on enslavement -- but because it recognized so perfectly the corruption of human nature, and ensured against it with checks and balances, with separation of powers, with such superb decentralization and federalization.  Has it been corrupted?  Absolutely. That's not the Constitution, though.  That's human beings, and depravity, and degeneration.  

Where else in the world has there ever been such wisdom? Japan? Norway? Any of the Arab nations? No race could have done such a thing. But America has its origins in something greater than race. And the thing that gave the Founding Fathers their wisdom, is their insight into human nature. They were, all of them, to varying degrees, well-versed in the Bible. 

And in Western culture and western liberty.  The anglo-saxon -- and I'm not anglo-saxon, but you have to admire the tradition of rule of law.  

Distill all of that down, with an unblinking awareness of the corruption of human nature, and come up with systems as best you can, write them down and follow them.

Well, that's our problem.  We have not been following the rules.  And I guess I'll have to leave it there.  If we don't follow the rules, we can't play the came.   



Wednesday, November 29, 2023

* Class Cams


Climate religion, gender religion -- how widespread is the abuse?  Woke "teachers" indoctrinating children into a religion obnoxious to the parents?  Are any statistics available?  I won't even say I should think the number would be small.  I don't know.  Universities are toxic.  So why not elementary schools, up to high schools?  

It's been many years since I've been in a classroom.  Things were still under control in those days.  But in those days "gay marriage" wasn't even a topic for late night comedians.  

We've seen it before, we humans.  How teaching as a profession becomes revolutionary.  Soviet Union and Red China teachers were just an arm of the party.  And the point that I've been building to is this: teachers were the profession most represented in Nazi Party membership.  

There must be something about having huge influence on young minds that swells weak characters into monstrous and conscienceless egotists.  The former-principle and now-quaint notion of in loco parentis cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas, when the marketplace is a socialist or wokalist cooperative.  

We don't want your kind around here, parent! Your child?  Ha!  My child, in my classroom, under my values.  Now where did I leave those puberty blockers...

So an obvious necessity now is for classrooms to be equipped with cameras, with sound.  There have been objections about this, regarding privacy.  But whose privacy?  Not from parents -- we give our kids baths.  Not for teachers -- they are hirelings, like babysitters.  And in a public school there should be no secret curriculum, hidden agenda.

Student-teachers are not infrequently observed by mentors or administrators.  Department heads audit classrooms.  Teachers are observed for evaluation.  Parents sometimes sit in classrooms.  So...?  I find no substantive valid objection.  

Cameras then, accessible to parents.  Only parents, or appropriate administrators.  Etc.  Common sense.  

Bodycams for police are widely used now.  There was a lot of pushback originally, but my not very well informed impression is that a significant majority of officers support bodycams now.  My own opinion is that it is a superb idea, protecting officers and citizens alike.  Even criminals should benefit -- fewer lies is good for the soul.  

Hardly anyone nowadays is camera shy. Think of it as you staring in your instagram or tictoc or whatever page or account or channel or whatever. It's the future already, and everyone is a star.


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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

* The Great Satan & the Value of Shame


We find our lessons where we can.  However unlikely.  Perhaps in the hamas terrorist tunnels?  The raping terrorists, one of them, comes into contact with his, what, inner child?  Well, he would have been raised in kindergartens and Sunday schools, but of curse make that Friday schools, where the teaching tales told about killing Jews.  I remember from when I was six, Zacchaeus Was a Very Little Man. Our hypothetical transformed terrorist would have sung of a tree that called out for the beheading of the jew, hiding behind it.  Ah well, different strokes.  

I hold out this foolish fond hope, of reclaiming humanity, because such a thing is not, not entirely, without precedence.  So, dear friends, draw nearer and attend to my tale...

Once upon a time, long long ago, why, you were just a child! -- some monsters came creeping and lurching out of their tunnels and attacked women and children at a shopping mall!       

Yeah, I'll shift voices now.  

Precisely 10 years ago masked islamist terrorists ... but I repeat myself ... took over a shopping center in Nairobi, Kenya. These masked heroes of Allah let the moslems go, and of course kept and killed the Westerners.  Nearly 200 wounded. 67 killed.  

All these guns, always killing people.  But to be fair it's not guns that kill, it's bullets.  Or do I mean gunpowder.  But really it's insufficiently bulletproof skin that gets people killed. And necks, that are too easy to chop.

Well.  It's just more of the same, one after the other, if we edit out the boring bits of the news.  Move along.  Nothing to see here.  Just the human comedy.

But wait.  No, it seems I'm wrong.  Something unusual did indeed happen.  During that African time of evil and dull terror, one of the monsters shot a woman, English woman.  In front of the eyes of her six year old daughter, and four year old son.  Well that's nothing unusual.  What's unusual is what followed.  The little boy stepped in front of his fallen mother and his sister, and faced the gun-toting islamist terrorist, and said, “You’re a bad man! Let us leave!”

The way a very little boy would say it.  

This, in itself, makes my heart swell with pain and with love.  And the moslem islamist terrorist must for that moment have seen the child before him.  And the terrorist follower of Mohammad then said to the little English boy, “Please forgive me.  We are not monsters.”  Then, the islamist terrorist gave the child a Mars bar, and allowed the family, wounded mother too, to get away from their hostage-taking terrorist murdering moslem captors.  The moslem terrorist instructed the mother that she must convert to Islam, which of course the American media informs us is religion of peace.  

What lessons shall we learn, from this.  Well, itr might be that there is hardly any human heart so totally depraved that it cannot respond humanly to a child's purity. I expect it hardly ever happens, that monsters act human -- it is permissible and therefore common in the moslem east to sodomize children, per the islamist Ayatollah Khomeini, in his Little Green Book.

But it happened here, a faint stirring of humanity in the corrupt heart of a moslem monster. We must be deeply thankful for such a thing, so rich in meaning.

Here's a picture of the little boy, and his sister, and

the Mars bar, I think.

Yes, Mars bar.  Two, in fact.  Windfall.  One for the sister?  How thoughtful.

I wonder if they will ever be eaten.  Sell them on Ebay?  Give them to the Smithsonian, or the UN? The black museum?  Probably eaten, kids being kids.  I wonder if a Mars bar has enough tensile strength to pull an islamist moslem terrorist out of the Lake of Fire in Hell.  Life line. 

The media did not report that it was two, TWO Mars bars. Is this breaking news? After a decade? You heard it hear first. Typical Western Anti-islam bias at work, no doubt. 

We'll just let it go unnoticed, that anonymous dead body in the center of the frame, perhaps, what, 5 feet away from the children?  

Is that blood on the little boy's shirt?  I love New York too.

The Ayatollah, mentioned by me just a few short seconds ago, he famously said the United States was Shaytân-e Bozorg, the Great Satan.  Israel was the Little.  

Huh.  It is not Satans, big nor small, that we have to concern ourselves with. It's not guns either.  It's individual people -- nowadays, disproportionately, moslem islamist terrorists, Hamas most currently but that's just a detail.  People, I say, because the only monsters that there are, are people.

These islamist moslem monsters were  Americans. Three of them. Somali-Minnesotans,  American born, teenagers, radicalized somehow and given airfare.  Maybe they saved up, from their paper route money, or their drug-dealer money, or by selling their food stamps for under the counter cash.  Or a Go Fund Me.

I have to wonder if anyone who needs to think of themselves as Hyphenated-American is any kind of American at all.  I will accept Constitutional-American. 

Opposed to those Satan-American teens who acted out in African malls, shoplifting Mars bars and littering and whatnot.  Or just this week, where a teacher had to barricade herself in a classroom because she supported Israel.  From a  pro-palestinian student mob.  

It's all too stupid for words.  

We're in a concentration camp.  We find a daisy in a dunghill, and find the hope to continue on for a while longer. For a moment, a monster was not a monster. He remembered the "american" part of his hyphenated- identity.  Terrorist-american.  

Shall we think of it as Evolution?  What about the moments that follow?  Life is not a daisy chain.  No one can say what life is.  It's too stupid for words.       

Islam is just islam.  Like america is just america.  It does not have to be controlled by scum.  

That little 4 year old boy, had perfect communication.  He identified the problem, and gave the solution.  "You are a bad man.  Let us leave."  


Sunday, November 26, 2023

* The Racism of Winning


I was trying to think of who wins.  But more interesting is who is doomed.  The american aboriginals, "indians" or "native" "americans", were doomed.  The europeans were as numerous as the leaves of the trees, per Sitting Bull after Custer was sent to his own place. 

The Central Powers of WWI had a chance, Germany etc, but they/it was/were central because they, yes they were surrounded.  Custer eventually, finally learned that being surrounded is bad. The Allies, us, need not have had any natural affinity -- no compelling shared self-interest.  Which of these things, allies is like the others: Russian, um, Portuguese, British colingualists (yes, that is a word ... now)?  It's arbitrary.

The Aztecs, so called, were a conquering minority oppressive warrior imperial aristocracy.  So, fitting forefatherx of the racist La Raza Supremacists, MEChA -- their vulture logo is holding dynamite.  I wish we could hear more about that, from biden and his minions -- he can continue calling all conservatives "White Supremacists", because some ignorance is invincible.  But open it up a little, Joe, inclusiveness -- like the way Hell and america have expanded their borders.  Boarders pay.  'Minion', from French mignon, meaning darling or lover, and earlier dainty or gentle -- cf 'fillet mignon'.  

Words mean more than they mean, but they mean what they mean.  So I am a native american. I am not aboriginal, a word that sounds hard, but it's easy.  Original.  Not that any surviving aboriginal is authentic.  Virtually everyone is here, wherever, because they have displaced someone previous.  Corporately, that is, as in corporate guilt.  We hear too much about guilt, and not enough about shame.

Remember (as if you ever heard of it) the genocidal Bantu expansion further south in Africa.  Reduced the Khoisan peoples into mere clicky freakshow hottentot Bushmen.  The gods must be crazy.  Survival of the fittest, though.  To the victors go the spoils.  But will African Americans pay reparations to the peoples their ancestors enslaved and exterminated?  Just saying. 

Try to cancel me.  Bitches.

The supposedly aboriginal Clovis culture -- 12,700-13,400 years before present (BP) -- did it ... absorbed, displace and exterminated.  They evicted, replaced, appropriated any number of earlier oppressed minorities.  Who? Which? -- Well, paleontology does not acknowlege individual personalities, but, speaking Hemispherically (like some obedient critically racist theoreticians), the evil racist Clovis culture monsters exterminated (what else?) ancient authentic cultures from perhaps 14k to almost 50k years ago.

  • Cueva Fell (Chile)  12k-14k BP,  
  • Paisley Caves (Oregon)  14.3k BP,  
  • Buttermilk Creek complex (Texas)  15.5k BP,  
  • Meadowcroft Rockshelter (Pennsylvania) 16k-19k BP,  
  • Cactus Hill (Virginia) and the 
  •    Topper site (South Carolina)  16k-20k BP, 
  • Monte Verde (Chile)  18.5k BP, 
  • White Sands (New Mexico)  21k - 23k BP,  
  • Pedra Furada hearths (Brazil)  32k-48k BP

Are these sites significant?  Sometimes it's just a very few artifacts.  But under the next stone might be found the treasures of Atlantis or Lemuria or Mu.  It's like cockroaches.  If you see one, you know there are unseen thousands. 

Are these dates real?  As real as assumption allows.  There's inevitably major controversy in this fascinating but minor discipline, because the field worker who uncovers the oldest artifacts gets a sort of limited fame, textbook fame, news-byte fame, and the previous record-holding scholar is going to object.  It's not objective, it's competitive, ego plus plausibility.  This sort of truth is not about reality -- it's about consistency.  

Point is, there's always someone who came before.  Sometimes that's an advantage, and sometimes it's a genocide.  Do not take my dogmatic assertion as gospel.  An easy read is, say, the Book of Joshua.  God orders multiple genocides.  Don't even need to read about it though.  The Flood -- all the human race wiped out, almost.  On purpose.  That's the universe we live in, and the God who made it, and allowed it to Fall. Don't complain about it, and don't lie.  Redeem it, in your own life ... that's the second part of the Book

If first, the first to set foot on the soil, if that really mattered, Antarctica would be Russian and the moon would be American.  Except that any number of hapless mariners will have been cast upon the frigid shelves and floes of the utmost antipodes.  Cretans and Phoenicians and Vikings and Polynesians and Odysseuses and Saint Brendans -- the empire of castaways.  As for the moon, everyone knows the nazis got there first. 


The Jews didn't prevail -- they persevered.  The fact that there were always new oppressors simply means that the previous oppressors faded away.  So there it is.  Outlasting is the same as winning.  


Saturday, November 25, 2023

* Extinckoreneous, or, Gays for Gaza

I'm having a lot of promiscuous sex nowadays, unprotected of course.  It's part my Occupy Wall Street revival -- you don't hear much about it anymore, but that's cool cuz I'm totally diverse and all that shiz. I love to join. I'm a joiner.  Inclusive.  

I don't always keep my membership cards up to date, and sometimes it's honorary, and this is only a partial list, but in no  particular order, I'm a past or  current member of  

NARAL  (National Abortion Rights Abortion Lovers) 
SLA   slash 
   BLM (BLaMe)
Media Matters
Shining Path  
Rainbow Coalition
Black Panthers
Church of Satan 
California State Assembly
Baader-Meinhof Gang
Red Brigade
Weather Underground
People for the American Way
Khmer Rouge
Gang of Five
Wokianty Now

I like the ones that are more than one word but pushed together and with capitals.  MeToo, MoveOn.

We've not found a good acronym. But we'll underline it with ClimateChange! -- maybe SaveThePlanet!

Oh I forgot … the Anti-Jew Majority -- but we're not sure about the name.  All the good ones are taken … antisemites, pro-palistinian, Nazi…  

We're looking at 

Gays for Gaza!
Homos for Hamas!
Panzies for Palestine!
Tranz for Terror!
Queers for al Qaeda  (heh, a BLAST from the past!)!

And … uh, I'm just spitballing here, um, Lezbos for ... uh, um ... 

Lesbollahs for Hezbollah!

Yeah, that's good.  

So with Occupy, all that sex I'm having is to dramatize how the Bankers want to screw us all. Also, I don't bathe, to demonstrate how dirty they all are. And I'm using a buttload of drugs, to demonstrate their greed and lack of self control.

I defecate publicly -- that's just me ... sometimes I don't even drop my pants -- or when I'm in a toilet for some reason there's no need to flush, cuz I do it on the floor. I never buy anything from the store, cuz capitalism is evil. I just  shoplift, to share the wealth, and it's reparations.  I am owed, because my ancestors built the roman coliseum as slaves.

My "gig" is to recite spontaneous poetry, accompanied by mandolin and bongos, while specifically asexuals  dance with scarves. Here, let me make one up now, totally extempore.

hugahfuhbuh hugahfuhbuh

Oh u man wit duh big briefs ... case --
think ur so macho but u ain't the shiz!
Bulging in ur pants like that all
but nobodyz looking at u hot cakes
ur money don't make u no man!
Big man! Dat
itz in duh back!
uv ur pants!
U carryun a wad all rite ...
of shiz!!!

HUGAH  FUHBUH!!! FLAP!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. Thank you very much. 

I call it Wad Man, no, Wad Street Man, yeah. To symbolize how phallocentric they are, and how they want us to live in the streets. I think I'll submit it to the New York Review of Books. I was a  Gender Studies Poetry Major, before I dropped out because Major is so militaristic and homophobic.

Oh, another poem:

Occupy Movement!
Occupy ur moment!
ur street
ur sheet
ur bowel movement
ur toilet moment
ur tp role
ur single-ply street!
Write on the wall, street!
Right on! Rite on! Write one ply
ply ur trades
all day
triple play
okay no way
in ur tie and ur brief
double cross

Thank you. Thank you very much. That one was in danger of actually becoming good, so I had to stop.

But that obama, he was the bess prez ev, and biden too!

Now excuse me while I shiz.


[60 years and 3 days ago, JFK was murdered, subcatagory, assassinated.]



Thursday, November 23, 2023

* Blink

Monsieur le Docteur Joseph-Ignace Guillotin did not invent that instrument which bears his name. Such devices had been in use in Europe for two centuries. But the times being what they were, some such mechanized expedient was called for. Or perhaps the contraption's excellence cried out for use -- a better mousetrap and all that.

There would be much to recommend such a device. Avoid a reprise of the Mary, Queen of Scots debacle, whose neck took three great whacks and still she didn't lose her head -- the discomfited headsman had to saw through the last bits of integument with his hip knife before the job was quite done. How embarrassing for him. 

During the interim between the first and the second chops, the poor former queen loosed such a wrenching and protracted groan that the crowd, usually intoxicated in such festive circumstances with blood lust, gaped in horrified silence. So, then -- live and learn, eh?

But what about these heads? Does consciousness survive for some brief moments within the disembodied -- or would it be disbodied -- head? Anecdotal evidence abounds. The heads of two National Assembly rivals were placed into a sack -- when later removed, one had bitten into the cheek of the other so deeply it could not be pried off. The executioner of Charlotte Corday -- who murdered Jean-Paul Marat -- held up her severed head and slapped its cheek; witnesses claimed the face blushed and looked indignant. 

A soldier who witnessed the decapitation of a friend in a 1989 auto accident relates how the head opened and closed its mouth several times, taking on an expression of shock or confusion, then of terror or grief; its eyes moved from the soldier, to its separated body, then back to the soldier -- direct eye contact, then hazy, then absent and dead.

Which brings to mind the report of Dr. Beaurieux, who, staid man of science that he was, resolved one early summer morning in 1905 to settle once and for all the question of whether a severed head retains for any appreciable time some measure of consciousness, and if so, for how long.

Observe, then, condemned murderer Henri Languille, who mounts with notable sangfroid the scaffold to kneel beneath the blade. 
Next, consider his severed head, which fortuitously lands stump-down on the neck, thus perfectly oriented for observation. The doctor notes the eyelids working in irregular contractions for five seconds or so, then they are still and half-closed, the face relaxed. The doctor calls out sharply, "Languille!" The eyelids lift slowly and smoothly, as an awakening, and the eyes focus very definitely upon the doctor's -- clearly, undeniably living. A pause of several seconds, and then the eyes close again. One might almost hear a sigh. Again the doctor cries out, "Languille!" -- and again, smoothly, slowly, the eyelids lift and the eyes fix on the doctor's, with perhaps even more intelligence than the first time. Then a drooping of lids, a fading, a third calling of the name, Languille! but there is no response, and the eyes are glazed, empty, gone. Thirty seconds have passed.

The issue is murky, though. No fewer than three physicians attended the 1879 beheading of one Theotime Prunier, amenable to their end if not his own. The triumverate of medicos immediately snatched up the head and shouted in the face, stuck it with pins, placed ammonia under the nose and candle flames in the eyeballs. No response but a look of astonishment on Prunier's visage, which need have no special significance -- slack jaw and gawking eyes would be expected.

All of it need mean nothing. Two severed heads in a bag need not have been snarling and snapping at each other; one might have been placed sometime after the other, but immediately after its own severing -- and the bite a mere spasmodic reflex. A severed head's cheek might well blush, because blushing is certainly dependent upon capillary blood, but not necessarily upon vascular bloodflow: slaps cause redness.

Expressions of shock or of horror are instinctive and universal to the human condition -- perhaps they have no more meaning than the galvanic twitching of frog legs. Eyes widen at a loud sound -- as it happens in this case, the loud calling of a name. Yes. It may all be true, and at the same time meaningless.

The very idea is absurd, that a severed head should be alive. It takes eight seconds to choke a man into unconsciousness -- as I, the third most dangerous middle-aged man west of the Mississippi, ought to know. A severed head can have no blood pressure whatsoever, so one might think that unconsciousness, if not death, must be instantaneous.

But upon deeper reflection, the oxygen that is present, remains present -- it doesn't just remove itself along with the body. Capillaries do not drain themselves in a great Niagara of gore. So we might expect something like eight seconds of consciousness. Further, what effect does having one's entire body mass instantly reduced to some 10 pounds have on the metabolic rate of oxygen usage? Perhaps when the brain doesn't have to think about running the body, it uses less oxygen. 

And it may be that the concept of consciousness and unconsciousness -- lucidity and dreaming -- takes on an almost incomprehensible meaning, upon the shocking loss of one's bodily appendage. We know the spirit lingers -- heart stoppage isn't death, anymore.

Ah well. It's all speculation. That is, the speculation is speculation. The observations are what they are: phenomena translated into neural impulses within the brain, to manifest eventually as expressions of opinion.

So? Do I have a point? No. I could drag the islamists into it, what with their holy sacrament of beheading infidels and insufficiently subservient women. I could make some bitter correlation between aborted fetuses and still-conscious but not-legally-human-anymore severed heads. I could make it a metaphor for loss and mourning. I could try to blame God for it all. 

 But sometime I just like to chat, share a little of the odd things that have collected in my brain. You know -- the way buddies just talk to each other, sometimes. Let's call this one of those times. Okay? Pal? Because we have voices. We can communicate with each other, in complex ways, with more than just blinking. So that we can know for sure that we're alive.

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