
Monday, May 22, 2023


You remember this candid shot

of champion women's female swimming superstar Mz Lia Thomas.  She currently dominatrixes that particular ladies' sports ... but I misspoke myself, reverted to my less Evolved youth, when we male chauvinist pigs hatefully dehumanized "women" by calling them ladies.  Persons who produce uteruses, I think that's what they've instructed us to say and believe.  I would never call Lia Thomas a lady swimmer. 

And, is "dominatrix" the correct, the received locution nowadays?  I just want to keep everyone happy with my dicktion.  Are we trying to be more observant about public displays of sexuality? -- or less?  Just let me know.  I will comply.  We all will.  

So there's Lia, moving her dick around as I noted when last I noticed Lia.  No, not her dick -- I was trying to be funny.  Her clitoris.  As I've said, penile relocation can be an issue for men (I don't mean like my tranzanal idea -- still trying to find a clinic, on that project), and for the ladies too, specifically not to mention Lia's, um, meatus.  Does a clitoris have an actual "shaft"?  I'll Ask Jeeves [actually, yes -- avg. 1 in. long, then "legs".  So Lia is considerably more endowed than your average woman; I don't know if the ladies care about that the way us masculine male men and also gay 'size-queens' always do so much].  But no need to beat that particular dead horse any more, for now. 

As we all know, women by definition do not have penises. Come on, people, be logical.  She's a woman.  Women do not and cannot give birth through a penis.  Penises have a urethra.  Do women give birth through the clitoris ... well, urethra?  No duh.  Nor is a vagina a urethra.  All this anatomy is confusing me.  But no hater hating hateful hatespeak allowed.  

Is it really male chauvinist pig?  An obsolete term, current in my youth, like women's lib, but is it really women's lib?  How do we dare to presume.  I don't even dare to eat a peach or walking upon the beach, or hear merpersons singing each to each (I quote myself).  All those James Bonds and James T Kirks and James Wests and James Rockfords and Archie Bunkers -- hypermascs, hyper masks.  Robert Blake, OJ Simpson, hiding behind their lack of makeup.  They could absolutely have been women.  It's so obvious now.  How was a lonely young boy supposed to know who he really was.  No wonder Nixon resigned.

[Woke chauvinist pigs!  You heard it here first!  And the obvious Tranz' Lib.]

But I got that wrong.  How was a boy supposed to know who SHE was.  Duh.  Identity is a virus, Olduvai Gorge in origin, a very dry market indeed.  Cured after all these millennia by brilliant Critical Gender Theorists.  Thanks a million.

What's old is new again.  Brings me to myself, inevitably -- I'm coming out as tranz-chonological.  I am now 26 years old, like Bruce.  Also, as a self-identified neometaFreudian, I'm polytranzperverse, which means I can be anything at any time.  

To quote myselve, "I am vast, I contain multitudes".  Because I am polytranz, I can be anyone at any time -- eg, as you know, I am John Galt.  Quoting myselve, "You may say weun's a dreamer, but weun's not the only one."  And again, to quote myselve, "I am whatever weuns says fish am -- if weunsn't why would I say fish am?"  Quoting myselve, "You might very well think that; I couldn't possible comment, except I am commenting, but also not, because I am tranzvast, and I will exalt my throne above the stars."

By now you will have memorized my pronouns.  I haven't bothered to, but consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, to quote myself. 

I haven't written here much in the past few weeks, so this urge to display could get out of hand.  I'll oppress myself, like the tranziarch I am.  Because I'm all about courtesy, and don't want to impose.  It is not I who have been neglectful.  It's you.  My polyqualities are not appreciated. Watch out, because tranzfriend can be a thing.  It's just a matter of what I decide, and you've seen the quality of my thinking.  


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