
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

New Virtues

There are none.  No new virtues.  It seems like there are, now, what with all the noise about these newly redefined old words, repurposed to some certain end — Equity Inclusion Tolerance Supremacy etc.  But it's just a new emphasis, a required imbalance regarding wisdom, as with the tension between Justice and Mercy, say.  

Our old ideal was equal consideration under the law.  The reality was different, what with actual bigotry and corruption, but we had an ideal.  Now there's a non-male, um, non- uh, European? group that's good, and me, who must be bad.  You know, polluted genetics, or soul slash spirit, I guess.  Irredeemable.

Yet, somehow, Biden for example is so very awesome, race traitor though he be.  That's an unfortunate but accurate trope, okay to use here because he hates his father's race and america too.  He certainly owes no loyalty to his "race".  But he owes complete loyalty to his ancestral genetics, in the biological sense of passing along his genes, as is the accepted Evolutionary view of the meaning of life.  Thus, loyalty.  

Likewise, the american race, a genetic melting pot, crystalized and manifested in a fierce and unwavering dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal.  I will not sully the phrase with my usual sarcasm, all persons.  That's the race to which Biden is a traitor.  

It goes beyond treason the way Satan's rebellion surpassed mutiny.  Satan ruined the entire universe, as Biden would ruin america.

So to use the neo-Plantation locutions the Left is coining, Biden is a house cracker, not a field cracker — a good boy, not uppity, knows his place.  He's in the Cracker House, or its basement, until they wheel him out like Hannibal Lector, allowed now to be without his covid mask.  Make a speech, Joe!  Good boy.  

So it's about reclassifying, reversing, ignoring various disfavored values, until vice is a good thing.  Not diligence, but equity.  Not equal justice, but favored groups.  Etc — make your own list.  

I generally have nothing to say about Haris, Vice President Kamilia Harrise.  She's the buzzing of mosquitoes, which are, however, profoundly dangerous — as deadly as rats, more or less, re disease transmission.  But by now you know how I am.  I can't help it — it's who I am, always needing to check that the words line up with the meaning.  It comes from my childhood, when I had to examine everything for its real meaning.  

She said, flailing her hands and twisting her head like she was watching tennis, "This is about Equity.   And whether or not we are truly committed to the Principles of Equity in every way that we as Government and as a society can enforce those important Principles."  

It's just a sound byte, stock footage by now, like black and white film of a buffalo stampede or a large flock of birds exploding out of a tree on the savannah. We will overlook the senseless sentence construction — it is perhaps extempore, for all that it's mere and endless repetition.  

But we mustn't let these things flood over us without, at last, examining them for their actual meaning.  

Contrary to the vice president's demand, I am not committed to Equity.  Do I have that right?  Freedom of conscience?  It's a demand because it is to be enforced.  More of a command, then.  The thing that caught my ear however was her usage of the word Principles.  

Henceforth "Equity" shall always be capitalized, like "Trinity" or "Constitution".  Just as a proper noun can be orthographically demoted, eg "bill clinton" or "islamism", likewise, when a concept rises to a certain eminence, it should be distinguished from its homonyms by being capitalized.  Likewise, then, "Government", as these people use the term.

Can principles be enforced?  Rules, laws, contracts, yes.  But she didn't want to call Equity the Rule, the Law — and certainly not a contract, which would require mutual agreement and benefit.  Principle however is of a higher ethical order than what she means.  

I don't require intellectual rigor or thoughtful integrity from Madame Vice President Herodd.  She cannot rise above her character — what with that not being her priority.  It's our fault, not hers, that she currently occupies the VP office.  She was not more articulate, coherent or comprehensible when she was campaigning. We saw what she was.  So that she does not know the meaning of words is all of a piece.  

The real problem, aside from mosquitoes and rats, and fish-market bats (you can adapt that into a rap song or a meme.  I give you permission), is that she has the Bureaucracy of Government behind her.  All Government is coercive.  Laws are not suggestions.  And she has stated, knowingly on camera, that her belief and therefore her actions propend toward Equity being Enforced.  Enforced means forced.

Like Hitler, yes I went there, again, who in Mein Kampf quite cogently laid out his Master Plan re Race and Lebensraum — likewise these wokists cannot help but say what they mean and mean what they say, for all that the words don't match the meaning.  

You will conform.  You will believe.  You will be forced.  

Will it happen — I mean totally, in the Handmaid's Tale only the opposite way that my endless screeds portend?  Is this to be the time of the Tribulation?  But there are many tribulations.  

So yes, it will.  Many villages are bombed.  Many refugee camps are invaded, the women raped, the males hacked to death.  And raped.  And the women are hacked to death.  Equity.  When that happens here — as it certainly did in our past, re settlers and indians — then we will learn something about american exceptionalism.  

American exceptionalism was only as real as our love for Rule of Law.  Confucius knew the idea, as the Rectification of Names.  Call things what they are.  When these virtues no longer protect us, well, it's not that we will deserve to be raped and hacked to pieces.  That's just what will happen.  And we will deserve it.  You know, because of the way the universe and history are.  Savage.  

We will deserve it because we could have stopped it.


Monday, March 27, 2023

Too Soon

Ho hum.  It's that time of the year again, or of the month, or of the news cycle.  What's old is new again.  Seems like I've covered this ground before.  Oh, yeah, yes, I have.  Virginia Tech, and this, which I don't even remember.  You're too young to remember.  

Now this girl -- Nashville, Christian school, nine-year-olds.  Very unusual, a girl being a school shooter.  And with our new awokeness about identity and shit, it's truly very confusing.  First, it seems like there should be a distinction between student school shooters, and adult school shooters.  They're totally different.  

And I just added to the confusion by calling her a girl.  She's 28, and a man.  But maybe I'm wrong about that.  Maybe she identifies ... identified as a nine-year-old boy?  I think she did -- that was the manifest focus of her interest. Michael Jackson would have been a healthier role model.  Peter Pan wasn't homocidal.

But even more confusing is that here I was, thinking I'd finally mastered the jargon.  When we say, say, trans women, "trans" means the thing they are not.  In reality they'd be men.  They want to be, they think they are, they're insisting with fierce vehemence and pretending with great vigor to be womenTrans is aspirational.  

So the preferred and required usage, the neo-orthodoxy (certainly not heterodoxy), the government-established religion, has it that she be identityified as "he" etc.  

But she's NOT being identityified that way!  They're not being inclusive and equityable, our leaders, rulers and overlords (pardon my gendered language -- I just did it with "mastered" too.  I am incorrigibly deplorable).  It's always "she", in the reportage.  This is outrageous.  So disrespectful.   After all the hard-fought battles we've fought -- yes, I've converted -- the blood, sweat and tears we've spilled, to be treated so insensitively by the ultra white extremist supremacist republican genocidal maga moslemophobic cacofemistic cisphallic fetophile equitimachist Jesus-lovers who should all be killed and exterminated like the evil haters they all are (point of order: they don't hate evil.  They are evil and haters).

See, stupid?  


It's right there, online, easy to find.  HE.  HIM.  Is that so incredibly hard for you to understand?  

He is NOT a trans "woman".  Idiots.  He IS a woman.  He is a trans MAN.  "Trans" means the thing you WANT to be.  Is that too hard for you to comprehend, in your pathetic peabrain?  Nothing to do with so-called biology.  A complete repudiation and negation of that pseudoscientific myth. 

See?  Are you blind?  Look!  Use your eyes, those jelly balls in the middle of your stupid face.  (Bonus: Beauty is found in symmetry of breadth, and not of depth or height (I've been reading Pascal). The top of a face should not match the bottom.  Unlike starfish, we favor bilateral symmetry.) 

Clearly, clearly she is a man.  She's not dressing like this for the fashion of it.  It's who she is(I have that same tie.)

But I jest.  

I have nothing to say about the grief.  I'm not even thinking about it.  There's no one for me to hold, and words, well they are why we're in this mess as it is.  Words are what we use to tell lies with.  

I'm somebody who makes jokes too soon.  It's what I do because I cannot throw my body between children and monsters.  I hate this goddamned world so much.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Chuh Ching

Great news!  Fantastic news! My blog has been noticed, sufficiently noticed, and I've been offered a very lucrative deal!  The investors wish to remain anonymous, which is the way I like it, but let's just say that there's no need for a great wall between us.  There may be some peeking, heh heh, but going for a little wok will fix that.  Heh.  

So back to my usual themes.  Global Warming is such a great danger, and america should spend a lot of money saving the environment and going green, or the ice will melt and we'll all be under water by the next year of the pig.  So no more oil drilling, right, pigs?  Because that's so bad and you are greedy and selfish oink oink.

America is super hateful and bigoted and white males are so bad, and transphobic.  Slavery is so bad in america, I mean racism, and you should pay so much money to reparations, and more equity so everyone is the same. And saying that covid came from China is racist.

Trump is so bad and stupid, and he squeezes boobs, and he's a liar and I can't wait to see his mugshot.  That will be so great.  And Biden is probably the greatest most visionary president since for ever, and he's saving the world and the Ukraine, I mean just Ukraine, but Russia is also very good too now.  

And we apologize for popping your balloon.  We're so bad and stupid, but those idiot red neck white privilege Montanans just couldn't keep their fat yaps shut.  And that Palestine thing with the train, that was Trump  because he outlawed breaks.

Um, social media is great, like, uh, tick tock.  That's funny.  Tick tock time's up.  There's a lot of pornography on tic tock someone told me, big plastic boobs and weeners, and all that's just typical about what americans are like.  So you should just stay at home and watch pornographic videos like it was covid which we had nothing to do with.  It was bats in a fish market.  And you should get government checks and keep your fat yaps shut until the last check is too late, and it's just too late for you round eyes.  

Well I can't think of anything else right now to fill up more space with words.  If you like what you read tell a friend, because my honorable benefactors are paying me like the capitalist pig I have always aspired to be, and there's nothing too low for me now.  

Sayonara or nihao or whatever, imperialist running dogs.  


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Three Fifths Equals One Third

Just off the top of my head I can think of two decent Democrat presidents.  Men that I like, or who loved the Constitution, or were pragmatic or competent in a way I could respect.  Two.  Truman and Cleveland.  

Going back to Jackson, 1828 -- 1829, really, but elected. Jackson was a monster of egotism, like, I'd argue, TR.  Huge and forceful personalities.  TR never fought a duel, but he did love a strenuous life that included charging up a hill not named San Juan, as it was not named Bunker.  But TR was mentally healthy.  

Van Buren invented, crafted the spoils system, which turned into the civil service, which has turned into the bureaucracy we have now, appendage of the apparatchik state.  So, smart, crafty ... what did they call him?  The Red Fox.  Red hair gives us the red, but the fox is from his character.  

Polk was notable, but not good, not good.  But up to a certain point, that's inevitable.  Democrat is the party of slavery.  No Democrat could be good.

Is this Presentism?  I don't think so. That Party had a platform, and slavery was at the heart of it.  You can never wash off that stink.  They don't even have the decency to change the name.  

All but actual Abolitionists had problems with african heritage.  Lincoln said he wouldn't marry a black woman.  To have a problem with that now is Presentism.  Mere ignorance or lack of experience is not the same as the positive assertion that the black man "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect" -- you know, the Democrat position.  The Republican Party was founded on anti-slavery.  Biden's party called us the "Black Republicans" ... the ultra MAGA Black Republicans.  

All Klansmen were Democrats. No Republican was a Klansman.  But I'm being Presentist.  How dare I remember and hold the Democrats to the stink of their hateful heritage.   I should pay them a fine, a sort of reparation. 

Buchanan you should know about already.  The Biden of the Nineteenth Century.  Prince of Chaos.  

Wilson's favorite film was Birth of a Nation, KKK I mean AKA The Clansman.  (The Nation was the CSA.)  (Fun Fact: Hitler's favorite film was King Kong -- he also loved Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  Which of these three is not like the others...)  

Wilson and FDR were disasters for the Constitution.  JFK was smoke and mirrors, and LBJ was like Jackson -- a monster of ego with only emotion to guide him.  Inept Carter, disgraceful clinton, anti-american BO.  Biden barely exists.  We know where he is by listening for the derisive laughter.  

It's this slavery thing.  Not an american problem -- human.  There's an idiot movie glorifying some african warrior women somehow.  Couldn't they find any african women who were really heroic?  Instead of making these slavers into role models?  How Bidenesque.  In this context I can't say black is white, but down is up and wrong is right. 

So how could there have been a United States without slavery?  Not possible.  There is a United States because of the three fifth compromise.  Certain non-citizens were to be counted as 3/5 of a citizen for purposes of House representation.  It's so inconsistent that it's crazy.  But it's the only way the South would accept the Constitution.  Because of the South's, the Democrats', Peculiar Institution.  

Tough beans.  That's how history works.  But I was wondering about the alternative, the only actually honorable alternative.  No compromise.  So, from the start, a United States, and a Confederate States, in whatever year that would have coalesced, 1789ish.  No President Washington -- not for the North, and he wouldn't have served the Slave South.

The North would have been industrial and commercial.  The South would have been agricultural and slave-based, and martial and expansionist.  Both would have moved westward.  The North would have had no great principle to defend -- the great principle of the Constitution.  It would have tried to keep slavery out of the Northwest Territory.  But an equivalent of the "popular sovereignty" doctrine would have prevailed -- there would have been no "Union" over which to fight a "civil war".  

The South had a military ethos unknown to the North.  So North America would have been mostly slavelands.  Bye bye Mexico.  Louisiana Purchase is a non-starter, given Jefferson was a southerner.  And so on.

With all our enlightened modern principles we don't even know that a human fetus is human.  So why can't a human being be a slave.  If you don't know -- that thing about a fetus -- I'll leave it for you to puzzle out.  You probably know that a human being can't be a slave -- to think otherwise is politically incorrect, and actually incorrect.  No human can be a slave; all fetuses can be aborted; therefore I won't bother to formulate this into a syllogism.  

The outcome of polling data depends on how the questions are asked.  The Civil War was about States rights -- the right to own property ... most notably slaves.  During our current Cultural War, it's about a woman's right to choose ... most notably abortion.  

Finish the euphemism ... moron.  

If there had been no three-fifths compromise, there would have been no need for Hitler.  You know, to create the Nazi Party.  It would have happened many decades sooner, in North America.  And, to be parsimonious with our diction, the Party would have been called Democrat.  

I mean, grand Nazi Party planks like eugenics and euthanasia, and other eu- things ... well, we here in america, some of us, have euabortion and eutranz and euequity and eutolerance and I could go on and on because it's ease once you get the idea.  The idea is, label your things doubleplus eugood, and their things ultra maga supremecist.  

These armbands © are hard to find.  

The point is that it's complicated.  Purity isn't the virtue we were taught that it was, when we were idealistic and naive children, or adolescents, or sophomores, or educators, or bureaucrats. We all start out as abortable clots of globby goo, not to say viable young-ones with fully developed nervous systems including higher brain function.  But we outgrow that embarrassing awkwardness, and we gain, somehow, human worth, with nuance and gravitas, and suchlike yeswecans.  Tolerance, did I say?  

And somewhere along the way, somehow, we have to suppose that in this best of all possible worlds (because it is the only world, and a good God would not allow needless suffering) even such a vile three-fifths of a compromise as tolerating slavery is tolerated, until maturity is suffered to come unto its full term.  

What trimester does 3/5 fall into?  Somehow that math makes it seem like a fetus is 1/3 of a person.  

Somehow this became about abortionism.  Or do you prefer euphemisms. 


Friday, March 17, 2023

*Pronoun Rules for Radicals


I now identify as plural. Of course I am Thhey and Thhem, always in capitals, because orthography is part of my identity, including hyphens.  I will, no, um, I shall accept the pronoun "you",  capitalized, "You", as in Usted.  I shall correct Spanish later.  I believe English also capitalizes some pronoun, but I don't remember which.  

Hmm.  Let's see. Have I left anything out?  Oh.  Oh!  Heh heh.  We.  Of course I am We.  

But it's really the verbs We am talking about.  Not just pronouns -- all thheir verbs.  No, all verbs, We shall get to all verbs, but all pronoun verbs for now.

When u refer to Us, u shall use only the verbs We lists at some point in OUr future.  Yes, OUR -- I accidentally pressed the caps lock and I like what I see.  We possibly mean verb cases, but We am getting confused.  We hasn't workouted OUR identity yet about that.  

We shall refer to OURselves ... or rather, but ... We did forgotted what We was goed to say.

When We includes other people in OUR Self references, We shall say Wewe.  Wewe is to be used exclusively by Us.  You, when not referring to Us, is never to be capitalized, and is replaced by u ... so it doesn't even exist.  Except historically, which Wewe will no shall correct later -- history, that is.  "u" no longer refers to the plural -- there is now only singular in this regard.  There is no need for Us to distinguish between people. sentences shall no longer start with capitals, to avoid confusion with regard to OUR pronouns.

u may use i/me and my/mine, but we/our and ours/ours are no longer permissible.  u shall replace "them", when plural -- them singular is also to be replaced -- with "those people excluding the person who is speaking".  excluding people is no longer permitted.  "who" is permissible, as it is unnecessary in reference to OURselves.  it is impossible that anyone (permitted) should ask "who is that?" when referring to OURselves.  

We doesn't need to be comprehensive here.  people should just know what We wants. 

later We shall inform u as to what We has decided about Time.  


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Cassandra's Hysteria

Seventeen years ago I wrote "When Virtue Is a Vice".  A lifetime has passed.  I might as well be talking about Herbert Hoover -- huge problems looming, their causes similar to those of modern days only in their principles, or rather in the abandonment of principles.  Kellogg-Briand and Smoot-Hawley.  Flappers.  Idealism and theory, and self-expression.  Twenty-three skidoo.    

I've copy-pasted it below.  

Aside from an archeology of myself, how little I've changed, while coming more to understand the trivial nature of details and the foundational nature of principles, what it, the post, demonstrates is how, when good and bad men make similar errors, but I suppose I should say people, given the subsequent rise of female influence, and the influence of the destruction of male and female, and the reinvention of gender, as of marriage and equity etc, my this is getting to be a long sentience, the dependent clauses of which maybe tending to obfuscate a rather simple point, errors I say, their intentions are different while the damaging effect might even be the same, just as this sentence could have been simplified, but it amuses me here to be baroque, or rather rococo, and by placing such a demand on my reader I train as well as inform.  

You see how important demarcations are.  That paragraph was one sentence.  Commas are not up to the task always to aid clarity.  They are not just whatever you want them to be.  Periods and parentheses, like borders, are what they are, or nothing at all.

So, to return to clarity, this, from 2006:
I am a Bushman. He’s the only president of my lifetime that I’ve liked, while in office. Far from perfect -- wincingly inept as a communicator, and that is no small failing. But however poorly spoken or delivered are his speeches, he says the right things about the greatest issue of our time -- greatest issue for the world, that is. Islamism, of course. In this, Bush is Churchill without the eloquence. That’s not nothing. 
It took too many years to find a winning strategy for Iraq, but such things always take too long. He lost a lot of respect from the world, but the world is a coward. The third of the American population that comprise the disloyal opposition are simply true to type -- the only thing they're true to. The wavering middle third have shown the weakness of their characters -- they had not the fortitude to stay the course, and have flopped over to the left. For all the vacillation within this country, however, and for all the high cost, Bush has been right. 


 It’s not easy for me to say it. It feels disloyal. Not that I necessarily owe loyalty. The term “Kool-Aid drinker” seems to have enjoyed a resurgence over the past decade – resuscitated from Jim Jones days – and I wouldn’t have it describe me. I suppose if the cause were great enough I would follow a leader unto death. But I’m too old for the military – they won’t have me. In any case, my behavior can be only slightly affected by a concern for the nasty names someone might choose to attempt to insult me with. Screw ’em. No, my loyalty is earned by an adherence to a shared cause. Insofar as we have the same goal, we are in agreement. 


 Bush is utterly wrong, on illegal immigration. Wrong to the point of disaster. Wrong to the point where all the calumnies of which he is insanely accused by the moonbats, are true, on this issue. Not true in substance, but true in the degree of wrongness attributed. No, not Bushitler. But leading to ruin. Not a moron, but utterly wrongheaded. 

 Part of the problem, for the right, is that Bush really isn’t a conservative. He is a pragmatist. He sees the goal he wants, and works to achieve it, regardless of what allies he needs to join with. Moreover, for all that he is Texas bred, he is his father’s son. He was raised to consider manners, and he exhibits that old-Republican, WASPish dread of bad-form. Fair play is so important. 
Bush is, I think, a uniquely honest man. Strange, isn’t it, how opposite my opinion is to the Left’s. But Bush says what he will do, and he tries to do it. Every time, it seems. He wasn’t lying when he said he was a uniter, not a divider. He wasn’t wrong when he described himself as a compassionate conservative. 

 That’s the problem. Bush, because of the man he is, has placed some consideration higher than the fact that he is Executive in Chief -- that is, the head sheriff, the buck-stopping official whose job it is to enforce the laws of the land. 
For Bush, as his actions clearly show, the issue greater even than national sovereignty, secure borders, rule of law, is compassion for the illegals. He is looking at their side of the problem. He is acting as excuse-maker and conciliator, rather than fulfilling the Constitutional duty incumbent upon him. 

 Bush is not the president of Mexico. Mexico has its own president, who is doing a superb job of tending his proper business -- solving Mexican social problems, in this case by exporting poverty-riven, unwanted population northward in exchange for billions of dollars in remittances. 
Mr. Bush was hired to do a job of work, not to save the world, and certainly not to save Mexico. His job description in no manner includes compassion or care for citizens of alien nations -- most pointed, any such citizens who trample our law and culture by invading our land by the millions. 

 The president’s job is to aggressively advance the general welfare of this nation and its citizens. The United States isn’t a non-profit organization. It is a corporation, the prime responsibility of which is to its stockholders -- us. A CEO who fails to aggressively seek every such benefit is guilty of malfeasance. Period. 

 So why the laxness on illegal immigration? Is it about cheap labor? We have cheap labor here -- fewer than 25% of those working in agribusiness (the greatest employer of illegals) are illegals. In other words, more than 75% of those working in a job Americans won’t do, are American. They scrub our toilets? This is a job my mother did, in the house I grew up in. 
There is definitely an insult in the lying, vile slander that there are jobs Americans won't do -- an insult against our mothers, and ourselves. But such is the logic that attempts to justify the inexcusable. No, it’s not about cheap labor. 

 Is it about fairness? Laughable. What of fairness for those who have played by the rules? Aren’t the rule-followers the ones who deserve every first consideration, of fairness? Isn’t that the schoolyard ethos to which such reasoning attempts to appeal? What did we do, to the kid who took cuts? -- who butted into line? Some of us cried, some got mad, some beat him up, some called for the teacher. The only ones who didn’t mind were those who unfairly profited by it -- the kid, and his friends. 
But that’s why we have rules. We don’t run our society on the basis of getting away with whatever you can because of who you know. That’s such a very, uh, Mexican way of doing things. And who is it that’s supposed to guard fairplay? To whom did we appeal, as children? Teacher. The authority. But the authority now is on the side of the cut-takers. For shame. 

 What remains? Compassion. Bush is animated not by a need to be liked by foreigners. We’ve seen clearly enough that he is unimpressed by the promise of such approbation. He doesn’t need the approval of anyone -- not even his increasingly alienated base. He uses as his guiding principle his understanding of his Christian faith, and so he seeks to welcome the stranger who sojourns in our camp. In biblical times, the law-abiding stranger was welcomed. In this Bush is right. But the lawless stranger was outlawed, banished from the land. What of this principle? Bush has failed to make the distinction. 

 As a Christian, Bush is not wrong to be compassionate. But he was not hired to be a Christian. He was hired to enforce the law. As such, his New Testament model is not the man who gives away his cloak, but the soldier who carries still the sword. The president, too, is a man under authority. And he must raise a sword not only against those declared blood enemies who raid from distant lands, but also against the house-breaker whose motives may not seem malevolent but whose actions are unlawful and destructive to social order. The sword -- that is, coercive force -- is reserved for those incorrigible scofflaws who refuse to abide by the mores of our society. Well? Which are the illegals? We call them by their true name. 

 There is no virtue that cannot become vicious when out of balance. There is always, and must always be, a tension between justice and mercy. Mr. Bush has failed to honor this principle, in his illegal-immigration policy. He owes none but a general regard for Mexico -- human rights ... humanitarian aid ... a prosperous neighbor that adds to our own prosperity. 
But he has transgressed his proper office, acting now as activist for an inimical force, and in so doing he betrays his oath of office and the sacred bond of trust that even his political enemies expect, although unspoken, and despite the fact that in this instance they are working in collusion with him. He has united with them. 

 If I -- who am so careful, so patient, so willing to understand -- have turned at last away in dismay, then what hope has Mr. Bush and the Republican Party? When the only supposedly-responsible party is out of power in all but the Executive Branch, what hope of any sort can there be? -- in these so-crucial times? 

 The greatest threat to America is not islamism. That is the greatest threat to the world. But islamism can kill only its few thousands, here and there, with its hijacked jets or its toxic powders. The greatest threat to America is its open border, demarked not by a fence but by a long and well-worn trail trampled smooth by millions of north-bound feet. 
For them, it is a highway of opportunity. For us, it is a sheet-flood of poverty at best, and at worst … well, when the nuke finally does come, it will not be a missile. It will not fall from the heavens. It will be carried in a backpack, across our southern frontier. 
Well, instead of a nuke in a backpack, it's fentanyl, at the moment.  Instead of islamism it's trannies. But it's all the same.  History is becoming Groundhog Day.  In American history it was all one-term prezzes from Van Buren to Buchanan -- prior to the inevitable Civil War.  We haven't had two consecutive one-term presidents elected since Cleveland and Harrison and Cleveland. Trump would be Cleveland, administration interruptus.  You will of course have studied my comparison of Buchanan and Biden.

If you are young, in whatever this most recent generation is called, Bush to you is like Johnson to me.  W, or LBJ.  I'm the last of the Boomers.  You, post-millennial, Gen Z is it? -- but isn't that zombies? Well how nicely that brings me at last to my point, zombies.

Brainless.  Appetites.  

And Biden, the opposite of Bush.  Should I even point out the border issue? Is it even an issue?  Do you care?  Or is it like abortion, just whatever -- or marriage, or gender -- these newly invented words, beyond repurposing -- like unicorn or communism, which, even if they existed, would not be what they're supposed to be.  

It's like the student radicals in the Sixties.  They weren't really students.  They already knew everything.  They weren't protesting war.  They were entirely about destruction.  

Law Professor and Weather Underground Leader Bernadine Dohrn was a fan of Charles Manson.  "Dig it!" she gushed.  "First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even stuck a fork into [8-month pregnant Sharon Tate's] stomach!  Wild!"  (Being me, I imagine the fetus, the child, was still alive.)  

BO was a Saul Alinsky acolyte, whose ambition was not to build the Workers' Paradise -- cuz no one who really matters really works -- but to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization.  My hyperbole is not exaggeration.  

Then there's Biden.  Whatever the reality of his leadership -- perhaps they just prop him up, or point him at the prompter, because he can still read, albeit slurred.  And he can walk, even trot.  I stopped paying attention for a decade or so -- did BO or Trump trot?  Biden does it to show his vitality.  His cosmetic surgeons and his tailors have made him look plausible.  There's nothing to do about how he moves, or speaks, or forgets, or snarks.  That he should flounder, verbally so often, or when walking, or trotting up stairs, only to stumble -- it's not that he fails in petty things.  It's that he feels the need to demonstrate a vigor that can be present only because of pharmaceutical enhancement.  

Biden, like they, is given over to a corrupt mind, and he cannot determine good from evil.  But of course he can.  He feels the need to trot, aged 80, when there's no such need.  Presidents of the United States never need to be in a rush.  People will wait.  If a President is courteous, he will leave in time to be on time.  Biden trots to demonstrate that he can trot, because he knows he walks like a feeble old man.  Knows in a deepest and inarticulate part of himself, even more inarticulate than when he speaks off the cuff.  

So much for ad hominem.  But that's the point, in this compare & contrast.  Bush had compassion for aliens.  So did Jesus.  Biden wants to ... well, I really don't know.  The effect of his actions if consummated will be the destruction of America, by (further) destroying the Constitution and the concept of citizenship.  Voting, rule of law, separation of powers, checks and balances, stewardship and public trust ... it's simple junior high school civics.  

Biden was just sincere-ing the story of how he came to stop hating and strangelove gay marriage.  When he was a senior in high school he saw two well-dressed men kissing.  Young Joe turned to his dad, baffled, dismayed, and dad said, "Joey, it's simple.  They love each other."  Gentle music, fade to black.  This should have been c. 1959, but it would be approx 1961, if it were true.  Ignoring Biden's anti-gaymarriage career as a Senator -- a nonexistent issue until the 'Nineties -- it is utterly impossible for two men to have been kissing publicly, let alone Joey's dad having such an attitude, in the Eisenhower era.  

Biden's conversion didn't happen when he was a senior in high school, c 1961.  He transitioned c 2015, when he was a senior, in government, and the Court Most Supreme and Absolute yet again Amended the Constitution, civilization, and the Bible.

But we are stupid, so we of course believe it.  We elected him after all.  We believe impossible things because it's always before breakfast in Biden's mourning Amerixa.  We have self-destructive judgment because we have no judgment and our judgments are hateful.  Borders, citizenship, marriage, gender, life, justice.  Truth.  Hope.  

But nearly 20 years have passed since that previous border crisis and here we are, still.  So what's the problem.  Chill.  It's easy if you try.  


Sunday, March 12, 2023

*How Can You Save Daylight?

I don't know -- it's like I've lost some time, somewhere. Everyone keeps telling me I'm an hour off. Maybe I gained some time.  I can't tell. But that's just crazy. How can time change? I mean, of course it changes, but it doesn't skip around. Like, first it's now, then it's an hour ago?  I'm not buying it.  Welcome to 1923! Yippee!   

So I've formulated a few theories. First, I'm thinking that ... well, this is kind of obvious, but I have to say it. Space aliens have rayed the Planet Earth with a space ray that steals -- or maybe donates -- time. Like they feed on temporal energy, and have to take it from moderately industrialized planets. Or maybe their temporoplasmatic hyperengines generate polluting catatachirays, and they dump it on Earth. Like we're this toxic dump for Cryptovenusians. And, like, I'm the only one who noticed it, and so they're after me to get me. But I'm too powerful and mysterious for them to find me. So that's one theory. 

Or maybe like I fell into a time warp and was projected an hour into the future. Or the past? And my biostatic chronorhythms are desyched? So like I'm out of phase, and can pass through solid matter. Only I can't. And why wouldn't I just sink through the ground to the molten mostly iron and nickel core of the Planet? And if I was outphase with time I'd be outphase with gravity and light. And what would I eat? But it would explain these horrible headaches that I keep having, and I have these weird bumps on the bottoms of my feet. Like, time pustules. From the radiation of passing through the micro-wormhole that projected me into the future, or the past. Can you be projected into the past? Reject into the past.  So that might have happened.

Or maybe I'm this mutant, with secret superpowers that I'm just finding out about at this late age. And I'm a timeskipper, who can leap the moment like hopping from stone to stone in a stream -- reaching out from each smallest particle of time to the next, and pulling myself along. Like climbing a ladder, a one-way ladder, only I can skip rungs. Or like I'm aging backwards, one hour at a time, and this is only the first step into an infinite regress. Or maybe I'm aging forwards, but at a superslow rate, which would explain how youthful I am. People are always just amazed that I'm so old, because I look so young. Like I'm a lost child of the supersecret Atlantean megarace that disappeared into a dead icevolcano in the Gobi Desert and I'm the product of ten thousand years of selective breeding to be the Lord of Time, and it was prophesied that I'd be called Dzhaaq-haietshe, which translates from the ancient tongue as He of the Piercing Blue Eyes Like Lightning in the Clear Sky, and this is the sign by which all shall recognize me
and I'm just now coming into my heritage, and I have to decide whether I'll be good or evil.

Or maybe I slipped into a parallel universe where everything is exactly the same only it's an hour off. And I'll have to find my way back to EARTHprime or the entire multiverse will be destroyed because of the imbalance in virtual metareality. And I have to invent an android that will take my place in this other universe so that the newly created vibronic cascade won't collapse in on itself before I rescue Laura. It's a plausible possibility.

Or maybe I'm being attacked by the demon Azraequoleon and he has this giant bloodruby talisman that was the third eye of Nebuchadnezzar's giant golden idol and it's a timelaser and generates chaosrays aimed at me, but I'm too powerful and can't be destroyed but there's this side effect of my power which is that the whole world is being thrown out of harmony with the spacetime continuum and I have to solve the problem or Satan will rule all the souls of creation eternally from Hell.

Or maybe the paragovernment of the Luminous Shadow League -- a cabal of multinational bankers, military historians, one-world globalists and islamo-tranz-industrialists -- have developed a giganto-666-computer that has become self-aware and heuristic and can manipulate the mass of the solar system so that time flows at variable rates because it was programmed to maximize profits and calculated that compound interest yields optimal results when time is regionally accelerated. But I noticed a slight anomaly when I was analyzing a bunch of data and deduced the whole scheme and how to thwart it, and now I'm being targeted with maximum prejudice and I have to form an underground Resistance and lead the world into the glorious sunshine of freedom once more.

Well, I could go on. But you see my dilemma. When confronted with the impossible we must answer with the inexplicable. If only there were some simple explanation, in which the whole world wasn't being threatened. But somehow, I do like the drama of it all. I think that even if there were some easy answer, I'd reject it. I feel so important, right now. Like I matter. Like I have a purpose. Like people care about me, and need me. Yes, all things considered, I will limit the choices to those I've listed here. Any other would make me feel small. I'm not small. I'm large. I matter.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


I was going to compare it to islamism.  Back in the day, that was one of my things.  Then BO solved the problem, along with the boiling and rising oceans and those other things he hoped and changed.  Talk about a couple of meaningless catchwords.  Hope is insubstantial, and change is open-ended.  No hope to change it to discipline and goals.  

BO saved us from islamism, you remember, when he led Seal Team Six on that mission to neutralize OBL.  I've seen the video -- but who hasn't.  BO kicking in the door, diving in, machine guns in each hand, full autofire, airborne 360 as he mows em down.  They live-streamed it in slo-mo with a soundtrack.  Yeah.  Saddam Hussain was there too.  And Putin.  The current Putin is a body double.  And anyway, Putin is a title now, like Caesar, or rather Tzar.  And the Dixie Chicks were there, all cowering and naked, yeah.  Oh, save us Obama, you're our hero, and he's like, that's right bitches, now shut up and sing.  He writes his own dialogue, as good as Stallone.  

But it's not like islamism.  It's like the pandemic of Satanic rituals that were always happening to little children in the 80s and 90s. The prosecutors would say, and what else did the bad people do to you.  They touched you in your bathing suit area didn't they.  Yes they did.  And they did xxx, and yyy and zzz too, it's okay to tell the truth, they can't hurt you anymore because I'm saving you, because parents are bad but you must always trust the government.  

When I was in second grade I spent my recesses pretending to be a dog.  I had a little fiberglass bone that slightly older kids would throw and I'd fetch it.  Being me, I never broke character, and I never would have.  

Those McMartin preschoolers are in their forties now.  Mostly, they won't even remember, and their lives, really, were not ruined.  Same with Falcon Heene, balloon boy.  He hardly remembers.  His parents of course do, but it's only right to suffer for one's unrepented sins.  As for the McMartins, well, absolutely devastated.  Ruined.  I know something about that.  May the evil-doers be anathema.  Or, in Anglo-Saxon, god damn them.  

So it's not like islamism. Wokism is castrating children, or its female equivalent.  Sterilizing them.  The Ayatoola only wanted oral sex with them -- his own satanic rituals, but as a religious leader he got to make the rules.  Same thing here, I guess.  Hysterectomies and double mastectomies, and sort of a Play-Doh reshaping of labia and whatever other tissue is manipulatable, to assume a dissemblance of, in this example, a female's external genitalia (or should I say 'a semblance of male' etc.) -- external perhaps in the same way a glans is external even when covered by a prepuce -- female but who could never ever menstruate -- female by declaration rather than birth, like citizenship, not natural born but naturalized.  Nature natal nativity.  Well, literally, manipulate means to handle with the hand, so that's not as precise a word as I should use. Scissorhand.  (Manipulate is just a pun, and we know how hateful puns are.)  Transmogrify, a word of utterly uncertain origin ... well that's perfect.  Precise is a good word in this context: -cise, concise incisor incision.  To cut.  Tranz operations are precise transmogrifications.  (And please note that these are not puns.)  Testectomy.  Testictomy.  Ectomists.  Like Mencken's neologism for strip-tease.  Ecteasiast ecdysiast.  (I continue to maintain that these are not puns.) 

Children were exploited to fulfill agendas.  Lawyers and politician and hystericists and cultists.  And now, three, no, almost four decades later, wokists.  

I did not see it coming, in the early years of this blog.  I thought islamism was the enemy -- and of course it was, what with all those bombed children, but since it did not prevail, it subsided, for the time being, and takes on the semblance of irrelevance.  But traitors and haters must have their voice, so here it is again.  America is still bad, as it must be, but tolerance and diversity and equity and castration will save (no) redeem (most certainly not) destroy, yes destroy it.  Finish destroying it, coup de grace.

When you think about it, castration and abortion are virtual synonyms.  Just different points on the same line segment.  Point is, any point on that line is about no more babies.  Life is a dead end, like an artificial vagina.  Even an anus goes somewhere.  


Sunday, March 5, 2023

*Killing Baby Hitler

It's not even a question.  Duh.  Moronic.  What kind of a monster would do that.  No, not monster.   Idiot.  But maybe that's you.  For shame.  Let me explain it to you.  I would go back, in my magically scientific time machine, kidnap baby Hitler, and raise him properly.  

If anyone needs killing, it's Alois Hitler, the father.  

What's that, you complain?  Well first, don't complain.  It's just whining about something you don't intend to change.  But you say, for the purposes of your thought experiment ... yeah, thought experiment, like what Einstein did to come up with the Special Theory of Relativity.  But anyway you say the only choice allowed is to kill baby Hitler -- not anyone else, and no kidnapping.  Because it would catastrophically disrupt the space-time continuum or something.  Reverse the polarity of the Big Bang, so it's a Little Squeak, is that really how you spell it, squeak?  Why not squeek?  Weak week, so I guess it works.  And I just spelled it quess.  What's that about.  

Alcohol is another word I have trouble spelling.  I just wrote smelling.  Then jut.  Then rot.  At least they're words.  And I did spell alocolhol correctly.  Well not that time, but you know what I mean. 

So here's baby Hitler.  

How about just somehow make him bald?  If we have time travel technology, then bald should be easy.  

But that's pretty shallow.  Hitlers can be bald.  

Mini hitlers.

(For comparison purposes only.  Eisenhower was great.)

Of course, something like this

is not meant to be serious.  And when you think about it, every baby is Hitler.  Absolute will, utterly unreasonable.  Able to be comforted.  Wanting to feel loved.  

Hitler as a tween

This is a boy with stupid parents. 

 And not one smile in the lot -- maybe a few smirks.

This one

-- you can read too much into it.  Many of the kids had their arms crossed.  

What a murderer's row. And him in the middle. But it was the adults who posed them, and no smiling.  We don't hear much about that teacher.  Talk about missed opportunities.  My fourth-grade teacher was Mr Larson.  Turned out he was super gay.  But we didn't have a clue about that.

It's just the angle of his chin, and that doesn't have to mean anything.  But maybe it does

Death to all Baby Hitlers?  Being an American, if there is such a thing anymore, and such a place, what other babies should be killed?  

Baby Woodrow Wilson?

I don't suppose this baby needs killing.  As for

well...  No.  No, of course not.  What were you thinking!  It's always the adults.  Remember?  Am I wasting my time here?

If this were actually baby Wilson, the woman would have been enslaved.

John C Calhoun?

(Regrettably, no baby pix available.)

Roger B Taney

Harry A Blackmun

Ruth B Ginsburg

Slavery and abortion.  Oh, and anti-Constitutionalism, so FDR and LBJ, and BO, and Jerbjer.  But only one is specifically about killing babies.  Well, the Holocaust ... but not specifically.

So then, just as Black Lives Matter, and Never Again, well, um ... hmm.  Um, death to all babies who might grow up to be Hitlers.  Yeah, that works.  Proposed motto for Planned Parenthood™ (the world's largest abortion-services provider): No More Hitlers!  Talk about pro-life!

But I didn't answer the question.  Obliquely, it's about Julius Caesar.  His assassination is one of the greatest crimes in history.  Because he might have wanted to be a king, they got 500 years of military dictatorship.  Ironic, isn't it.  Tsk tsk.  That's your answer.  Kill babies for what they have done, not what they might do.  

All of these people, these destructive people (excluding Eisenhower) thought they were right.

I rarely know how these things are going to end.  


Monday, February 27, 2023

Last Adam

Adam was created naked.  And he lived naked.  Then he sinned, and sin requires covering.  So he lived the rest of his life, covered.  And he died covered.  Covering is a kind of forgiveness. 

I expect he was hardly ever naked, after his experiment with fig leaves. A fig leaf, I expect, because it would cover pubic hair as well.  For some reason, knowledge of good and evil called attention to the generative organs in their maturity.  They weren't guilty of being naked -- they were ashamed of it.  Shame is a social emotion, and stems from fear of what someone else might think.  No, not fear -- not of judgment or disappointment.  Some sort of weight, a very heavy burden.  It makes us shrink.  

Foolishness aside, that's why Adam could cover himself with a fig leaf.  

Testicles retract -- the fear response of the cremasteric reflex.  The penis shrinks because stress inhibits blood-flow, or, here, -volume.  

Afterwards Adam was covered in leather, the skin of animal sacrifices.  Naked leather, preferred perhaps because it looked like human skin.  Not so much not-quite-naked, as naked without shame -- almost, innocent again.  

This is why Jesus was crucified naked.  Stripped, and beaten all the way to Golgotha, then lifted and on display.  Love of cruelty aside -- it was after all Satan's best chance at satisfaction -- crucifixion was the most public Roman method of crime prevention.  Obey, or this will happen to you.  Some punishment is about justice, and some is about prevention.  No one being crucified was allowed the petty mercy of modesty.  Dehumanization was the whole point.  

It has bothered me, that it's taking 2000 years for Jesus to return.  What, 100 generations?  80?  Talk about tarrying.  Then I realized.  It's only one generation.  Ours.  Yours, mine, theirs, everyone's, from early AD to Century Twenty-one.  Everyone dies, and then the judgment.  We think we have authority because we can count the decades.  But our memory doesn't even extend the length of our own lifespan.  

It has bothered me, really, what Abraham said on the climb up Mount Mariah.  "Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Isaac asked.  "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering."  But it wasn't a lamb -- it was a ram, caught by the horns in a snarl of thorns.  A ram is not a lamb.  Then I was reminded, John the Baptist, seeing Jesus walking past, points and says, "Behold, the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world."  Both the ram, and the Lamb, trapped in thorns.  It's just that it took two thousand years for God to provide himself, a lamb for a burnt offering, on a mountaintop. 

So when was sin, finally, uncovered?  We're only told of Adam's shame, covered almost from the moment it was conceived.  But when was guilt stripped, paraded, staked out, lifted up -- mocked, scorned, hated?  Adam, the first Adam, was spared this.  It was reserved for Jesus.  


Saturday, February 18, 2023


Well, that's about enough of that.  Balloons.  We can only hope it's out of my system.  But I did get into it, these past three photo-essays, one two three.  I like doing those.  And believe it or not, I've gone back and made some quite interesting additions.  People wouldn't notice -- but I do.  (I do expect many of the pictures to be copyrighted; I am exercising the legal principle of "fair use".)

Obviously I've been watching Fox.  Online, without commercials, at double speed.  So it doesn't take long.  It is my news funnel, one-sided of course, but I'd have to say the right side.  Of course it's biased.  I'm fine with that.  It's bigotry that's the problem -- I'll argue no matter what the evidence is

You may have discerned that I am a student of history. My BA. Wide-ranging interests, but Greek-Roman and US history most specifically.  Renaissance Italy.  Chinese. Ancient (which is pre Classical, which is Greek and Roman). Some very interesting "new" understandings of pre-Columbian history, nowadays -- or rather, mostly, archeology.  Well, I guess almost all history is interesting.  Social and economic and military history not so much -- important in its way, but not moving.  Details like the effect of the English longbow at Agincourt, or the role of silver in the Spanish empire, or, or ... well there's nothing interesting in social history -- but details are valuable in their capacity to explain. 

And psychology is interesting -- my MSci ... and logic (but once you've learned that it's just application).  Philosophy bores me, except that it's part of our cultural heritage and necessary to a classically liberal education.  But what Hume or Descartes made up about what they think reality is like, well, it's made up.  I like the way Samuel Johnson refuted Bishop Berkeley, who imagined that nothing was real. Bishop Berkley was a 'buddhist', which is a 'christian' Hindoo.  All is illusion, maya.  Johnson kicked a stone -- "I refute him thus!"  

Perfect.  Empirical evidence.  It's not superficial or a misunderstanding.  It's Alexander cutting the Gordian knot.  Get to it.  Everything is always more complicated.  But God is love.  And, God so love world that he gave his only begotten son.  And, you are saved by grace through faith unto good works.  And, rejoice always.  And, Jesus wept.  Worlds are contained in these, and they are over-simple.

I've had a biz association with someone who has some significant emotional difficulties.  I've terminated that relationship, and I'm being cheated -- bluntly, robbed.  A few thousand dollars.  I'd have liked the chance to offer it as a gift, a wedding gift.  But part of the illness is a refusal, now, to communicate at all with me.  It was a scenario I accounted for.  But I'd wished for something healthier.  I'd suppose he's projected some nastiness onto me.  Father issues or whatever.  

The situation was quite abusive.  Unprofessional, demanding, inconsistent, egregious double standard -- threats and ultimatums -- with a refusal to discuss issues face to face.  Texting only.  So, toxic.  It was a workspace sublet situation, and the place was left in, let's call it an unhygienic condition on a daily basis. There was a spy camera -- yes, in this case not a balloon.  I won't go into how I figured it out -- went looking, which I'm not good at, and sure enough, a spy camera.  Well, I have nothing to hide.  But it was a betrayal -- creepy and sad.  

I put up with the weirdness because of obligations and commitments to third parties.  But Monday morning a couple of weeks ago I got a text -- Hey Jack!  I had a repair on the door and so I had the guy change the locks!  I'll take care of the key from now on!  

Given a situation of zero trust, I really had no choice.  So I made other arrangements.  I didn't give any warning at all.  Bugged out in an hour, last Saturday afternoon.  Then I sent a text, saying I wanted to have a face to face conversation.  Sat and waited.  I had some reason to believe he was immediately available -- but no reply.  A few hours later a response, and I said I'd send an email.  Laid it all out.  

It's overwhelmingly likely that he never read my several but few emails.  And I have yet another, and final, email written for him.  It's pure business, my sort of commonsense and (if you'll allow) intelligence about actionable items to help him succeed. You might say, why bother sending another.  Very true.  Pointless.  But we should do what we can.  Not more, and not less.  I can do this.  Would there be benefit?  Harm, when he ignores it and so digs deeper into such neurotic behavior.  Yet another drink by the alcoholic, as it were.  So should I do it.  

All week I've thought about how I left, and I feel uneasy, a sort of guilt.  I think it's the sympathy we feel for our abuser.  And of course it's hurtful, the way telling someone they are not trusted is hurtful. The poor guy.  On the ropes financially, I'd expect -- wouldn't know, because of the toxic communication.  In that case, however, he should have valued me, because my contribution was not insignificant.  Instead, well, I won't go into details.  Not respectful.  

It's not inappropriate that I certainly have lost the respect etc of his young new bride -- whom I mentioned once in these pages.  The complaint will be that I left without any notice.  But I had no key, and I felt complete distrust and insecurity re the situation.  He could lock me out, deny entry, call the police, claim what was mine, as his own.  Was that likely?  He was bizarre, so how could I know.  I have commitments and obligations.

My question is, should I send that advisory biz email to her.  The optics would be that I'm going behind his back, trying to win her over, justify myself etc.  Motive, like cocaine, is a hell of a thing.  But she wants to help him, and what I have to say -- strictly impersonal -- is highly valuable if acted on.  Just, unwelcome, coming from me.

I have the guilt an abused girlfriend feels when she finally leaves the abuser.  Uncomfortable metaphor, but it has been my joke.  Barring, frankly, a miracle, my young former friend, the new bride, will be having similar feelings in, as I have said, the middle-distance future.  Months or a few years.  (Now I understand how my then parents-in-law would have felt about me -- pretty crazy and very immature as I was.  But I was saner than the place I came from.)

It's why older people should advise younger people.  The advice won't be taken, but it acts as permission when, finally, the time comes.  

If it's not obvious, that's why I study history.  Human nature never changes.  Every generation is born knowing nothing at all.  We can invent reality as if it were an idealistic theory, like Marxism, with argumentation but no testing.  Or we can combine the suffering we endure because of our own mistakes, with the infinitude of examples that reaches us through history and lore and legend, and, recognizing the common theme and screamingly obvious lessons, we can start to act prudently. 

I feel some guilt, and I feel vulnerable to the accusation of cruel or cowardly action.  Upon reflection, and given the situation as it was, I would not have done it any other way. The reality is that for once I have acted for self-protection.  People will resent this.  When we stop sacrificing ourselves, we sacrifice someone else.  



Thursday, February 16, 2023

President Phido

Who says spy balloon?  Why does it always have to be balloons? -- let alone spy balloons -- not to say Chinese spy balloons.  

Why not kites?

Box kites?

Chinese box kites

...Butt Biden loves the Chinese, though.  So Japanese kites?

Maybe a paper airplane contest

or a migration of monarch butterflies

or a flock of seagulls

or Jonathan Livingston Seagull

or a stork

or Socrates in a basket

or not-a-friend of Dorothy

or a game of quidditch

or a flying city

or a floating island

or a little planet

or Cloud Cuckoo Land.

It could be so many things:


In memoriam, 9/5/40 - 2/15/23

But surely it could not be an utterly incompetent administration overreacting to and overcompensating for its cowardice and indecision and conflicted self-interests and bewilderment as to where its sworn duty lies.

I used to have a dog that would bark at its own farts. Now we all have that dog.  

Phido barks at farts! 

Phido seen [a] BJ!