
Showing posts with label pronouns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pronouns. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

Another N-Word

Given the potential extinction of women's sports, due to participation by chemically or surgically castrated males, we need a third category.  Men's sports, women's sports, and nontrans-women's sports.  For clarity.  The grabbag of "women's" sports is now a sort of middle ground, equal in theory to what "men's" sports should be.  

"Men's sports" is something in which reconfigured (biological or born) women (who are allowed to be presumed to be New Men (hominus novi, like Cicero in Classical Rome)) literally NEVER compete.  Trans um men NEVER compete against biological men.  But they could, they could, if they didn't mind being beaten like a rug in competition.  Losing like Custer at Little Bighorn.

Maybe they'd win at billiards, or archery?  Maybe they'd dominate.  Maybe individuals who are given 10 times their biologically normal baseline of testosterone are given an extraordinary, one might say abnormal, boost in accuracy.  Food for thought.  An area for post-graduate investigation.

I recently heard vagina-women proposed as a sports-category option, but this won't do.  The pubic sac that surgeons construct, for castrated men of a certain identity, is popularly called a "vagina".  Any man (or even woman, whatever that is), who's had intimate contact with an actual, evolutionarily-designed vagina would be surprised that this modern surgical artifact is identified as a vagina.  

Likewise, ovary-women wouldn't do, first because the trauma of a hysterectomy doesn't make a woman stop being a woman.  As for the men, at this point having an ovary transplant or implant is not reportedly a thing.  Tranz is about appearances -- silhouettes and superficialities, skin deep.  

I'd think of the constructed "vagina" in question as analogous to the way a mucous fistula (the opening for a colostomy bag) is like an anus.  It takes the place and does the job, sort of.  Operative difference being, a mucous fistula has a metabolic function, whereas the sac vagina, sacgina, is entirely cosmetic.  Cosmetic surgery can be absolutely vital, as with catastrophic disfiguration.  But the catastrophe should not have been voluntary.  

But look at me, there I go again, with my values-laden language and my presumptive morality.    

Yes, I am too graphic and offensive, for those who would be offended.  Is truth a defense?  No, it is an absolute defense.  But not an operative one.  We modern americans do not have the right to be offensive.   

Offendedness is the real point of the First Amendment, as interpreted from the penumbrae of the emanations of the vapor of the supposition of the presumption of the intimation of the miasma of the excrescence of the constitution, by the Court Most Holy and Supreme, more formally known as the Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición.  (Hyperbole is also an absolute right.)

Like the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, such emanations are religious.  Who knew.  The Kabballah and the Constitution are practically the same thing.  Just goes to show ya.  Ya learn something new everyday.  Woman, Constitution, and other debatable theories. 

As established in the precedent laid down in Humpty Dumpty v Connecticut, words mean whatever we, or rather, whatever they want them to mean ... whether here in Wonderland, or beyond the looking glass.  As I observed not long ago, some sexual identities are entirely dependent on looking-glasses and the hours spent applying makeup.  

It is these glass-gazers who know true reality — it is these seers who foretell our future, our destiny.  We are Evolving into that sort of sexless bacteria that exchanges packets of genetic material, like a handshake.  Yuck.  Wash your hands.  What's that goo?  Hair gel?

"Normal" used to be a word we were allowed to used in polite company.  Now it's another N-word.  I hope sacgina is acceptable.  It lets real women avoid having to describe themselves as non-trans woman.  Seems like people should be able to call themselves what they have always called themselves, without contradiction.  

Then again that's the problem — men claiming they've always been women.  They would be sacgina men, or women ... it's confusing — men with sacginas calling themselves women.   

What should the women who call themselves (non-competitor) "men" be called? — I mean, not for name-calling, rudeness, but for accuracy rather than emotion?  What clear descriptor might there be for the full-blown post-surgical counterpart — women with neopenises calling themselves men?  Maybe ... neopenis-women.  

At least neopenis is widespread online ... oh, only 39k on google.  "Transwoman" has almost 40 million.  Anyways, I completely made up sacgina.  

Peen-neo?  Sacgina men and peeneo women?  We'll take a survey.  Whatever the majority wants.  Popularity is what democracy and truth and reality are all about.  

It's The New Adventures of Sacgina and Peeneo!  Streaming now on Disney+!!!

Why do I return, in recent months, so frequently to this tranny topic?  I repeat myself, but in new ways.  Aside from the power of its symbolism for the decay of our civilization, it is a sad fact that sex is a constantly salient topic, and an urge and a compulsion.  An appetite, albeit not, reportedly, for everyone — one of the alphabet sexualities is a-sexual.  Asexual.  We ignore the inherent contradiction of the diction ... oh! dickshun, giddit?!?  Heh heh...  But sex itself is an urge for most of us.  

It's not that it's sex.  It's that it's so basic to society and to biology.  As hard as the deluded and disturbed are fighting and killing for their version of change, we need to mount a defense, and my sarcastic and potentially painful paragraphs are part of it. 

We will be instructed, as soon as some Lefty thinks of it, that "most" is a racist term, as indicating and supporting a non-minority. Regardless, there is still some statistical power in numbers.  Measurement is a great deal of what science is (even the Covid Religionists acknowledge this, with words).  Objectivity, enumeration, measurement, consistency and stability and reliability, these are, really they are, how we establish what is normal.  

The thing about knowledge is that it can be known.  Identify things as what they are, illusions dismissed, and we arrive at reality. A sacgina is not a vagina.  A peeneo is not a penis.  However improbable, this must be the truth, Sherlock.  Because it is impossible that a thing is what it is not. 

How many ways do I have to say a man is not a woman, and vice versa.  I keep circling back.  My problem is that I insist on truth over feeling.  If the physical universe were theistic it would respect this in me.  Society, at the moment, if it knew of me, would hate me.

Me and Jesus.  Ah. 


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sexual Lobotomies

As it were.  The permanent removal of metabolic function, for the sake of emotion or convenience or expedience.  Unmanageable behavior, so lobotomy!  A societal cure for a personal issue.  Likewise genital glands — testes, ovaries.  Superficial characteristics as well — breasts, penes.  

Lobotomies, well, that was long ago, like, the 1950s in its heyday.  Here we are in '23 skidoo, and we're so past that.  Now we've got meds to handle emotions!  Tune in, turn on!  Enlightenment Now!

And people, generally young, who are confused about that very most basic of emotional issues, sex?  And confused about who they are ... "identity"?  Every teenager is moody, or questioning, or unsure.  Not every option in this existential questing is a solution.  Maturity is a solution.  That takes time, which a precipitous lobotomy precludes.  Robbed.  Likewise, orchiectomy — testicle removal.  

Sounds like something the mafia would be involved in.  Tony Soprano's Medical Waste & Bio-hazardous Material Removal Services — 'No refuse refused!'  Unwanted breasts are an Emotio-hazard, per conventional psychological politics.  Fetuses, testicles — remove whatever it is that the "healthcare" of wokism mandates.

The Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer was reportedly on meds.  Didn't help her emotions (in this case I would have supported a lobotomy).  What meds?  Well, first, "meds" should have the function of curing, or at least helping.  So, fail.  It was some variant of TESTOSTERONE.  

And there we have it, the mystery of the mysterious motive, solved.  Motive was only secondary.  Testosterone was the motivator.  

The news informs us of this Tennessee girl and young woman who never ever had to learn how to cope with male levels of male hormones.  No puberty or adolescence or adulthood of having to deal with the chemical instincts of masculinity — a man's hormones.  

Then, she was injected with massive doses of such conduct-altering ... drugs.  For which she had zero experience controlling.  Presumably she was dosed with T levels to match (or exceed) those of a young man in his mid-twenties.  That, if you do not know, is still a very dangerous age for young men.  That was me, once.  I was more stupid than dangerous, but stupid is dangerous.

Maybe they should have started her off at 80-year-old man levels.  Benjamin Button her into the tranz version of the man she aspired to be.  Weaning her off the, as it were, female whey, slowly introducing male solids.  But, bitesize, and mooshy.

Every man, and young man, and boy, and very little boy, has his lifetime of having to deal with levels of testosterone ten times higher than in females.  It varies with age, but ten is an order of magnitude.  We learn how to handle it.  It's very difficult.  That's why men are physically violent, so much more than women.  Our androgenic hormones are hard to deal with.  We deal with them as much as our character allows.  Practice.

This week's news has educated us as to how at least one female dealt with her male hormones.  

'Roid rage is a thing.  It is surpassingly ugly in men.  Now we've seen how it looks when it is made to be a female thing.  Beyond horror.

Alas, the noble and liberating cause of Transgenderism has been very slightly set back, by this unfortunate and unforeseeable occurrence.  This has also been a week notable for several tornadoes.  Christian school murders ... extreme weather phenomena — we can't ever really know the causes of such things.  Climate Change of course, and patriarchy...

Then again, the killer was under some "psychological" "professional" "caregiver".  That person is responsible for the "medications", and for the murders.  

Maybe some courageous DA will mount a case against him or her or they or them.  Maybe NY City will provide legal expertise.  Perhaps George Soros will contribute to the cause.  Cuz, no justice, no peace.  No justice!  No penis!  How dare those Christians exist, to tell us how to live.  

I seem to have lost my train of thought.  

Death to the intollerant.  Pass the ammunition, and the makeup.  


Thursday, March 30, 2023


In the '90s public values were forbidden, as with noticing clinton's character — lying slut that he was, they just ignored his molestations and asserted somehow that he was somehow competent somehow.  Somehow they did the same thing with BO — although his character was corrupt not personally, that I know of, but in terms of his judgment.  Our first anti-american president. 

Now values are mandatory, as in, you will conform and love drag queens teaching kindergarten.  

Stare into the face of the horror, disguised by blue and green makeup though it be.

It's not the face behind the pancake that's horrible.  It's the spirit, and I suppose I mean this in the theological sense.  No need to revile this particular individual.  Maybe he's a really sweet guy.  Just twisted in his self-image and values.  We cannot know the horror of his childhood.  Mine, I'm coming to realize, increasingly with age, mine was a nightmare.  I hadn't really known that.  So compassion is not inappropriate.  

But we cannot let the abused become abusers.  Reading to children is good.  Teaching them to deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non- ... oh, what's that math property? — transitive ... deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non-transitive sexes?  This is indefensible, because children must be defended.  Not every smile means a pure heart. 

It is soon to be forbidden, submerged into the Abyss, to notice the trans woman or man school Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer, his or her relationship with nine-year-olds.  

How young did the Hitler Youth start?  As the Jesuits say, get em when they're young.  I paraphrase.  

No, I will not drop the matter, nor use less-ugly examples.  

Small children of course will see only a clown, in this character.  But we pierce the veil, and recognize the point.  The pathetic guy is so given over to moral insanity that there is nothing to say.  The homeless guy screaming at cars from the sidewalk — there's nothing to say to him, or hear from him.  But what he himself is saying is that your little children are his — they should follow his example, if they have the feeling to do so.  

If he lost his makeup kit he wouldn't know who he was, or couldn't be who he was.  He'd have no proof of his identity, and no identity.  He paints on his identity every day, hours in front of the mirror.  I barely even comb my hair.  

It's not hate.  I don't have any feeling about it, because I don't have small children that he could be around.  If I did, I would have very big emotions.  It's on me, but it's on parents infinitely more, to protect their innocent ones.  

If it's not a joke, "they" have announced "their" Trans Day of Vengeance, for April First.  I'm not fooling. What vengeance do nine-year-olds merit?  I seem to have heard it's three days.  Does last Monday count?  A warmup? dry run? dress rehearsal?  Day One of Los Días de Venganza de los Niños Muertos?  Sponsored by the TransRadicalActivistNetwork dot Org (TRAN, giddit?) — Orphanizer and Mistress of Ceremonies: the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer -- who lived up to the name.  Radical, dude.

NPR had an item about trannies arming themselves.  That's "themselves" in the plural.  I am conflicted.  Is it giving chainsaws to zombies?  Or is it at long last an appreciation of at least some part of the Constitution.  They're against free speech and the free exercise of religion, but maybe they'll start to love guns?  Not, I hope, yet again in conjunction with "Vengeance".  If they (plural) want vengeance, they need to deal with their idiot parents, who screwed them up so much.  

I know.  Not just simplistic, but unfair.  Sometimes there's a bad seed, and sometimes good kids get twisted in ways we could not have prevented.  I'm a much softer guy in person than in these pages.  So I know that kids, and young people, need love, real love along with objective honesty.  

That's why I raised my son to know there was no Santa Claus.  It's okay to pretend — it's a fun game, but when playtime ends so does pretend time.  The reality is not that Santa brings presents.  It's that I love you.  

None of this would be my business, or news worthy, except that it degrades the culture.  The old and now obsolete idea of patriotism served a vital function.  It energized not just capitalism or the military — many countries share in these things.  Our patriotism was justified because it supported rule of law.  

American Exceptionalism wasn't about Manifest Destiny, to push to the Pacific — Russia had a manifest destiny to take over Siberia, to the Pacific.  Exceptionalism wasn't about the frontier, or ingenuity or hard work.  Parts of northern Europe have similar values, and east Asia too.  Our exceptionalism was the Constitution, which more than any significant human document, incorporated an awareness of human nature as it is.  

We may not have lost our last and final chance.  There may be time and opportunity.  But our institutions are so very corrupt now that it's scary.  I'm not actually old, just old enough, but very healthy indeed, and I'm going to live to over a hundred if I'm not somehow killed.  But life in a world without the naive yet beneficent power and blundering of the United States — well we see that world all around us.  Narco-Mexico.  Genocidal China.  Militaristic Russia.  I don't want to have to think up more adjectives.  

Regardless, I think we have, well, sold our birthright for ... not a mess of pottage — uh, pancake batter?

I had thought it would be islamism and dirty bombs, our downfall.  It's our own corrupt government, corrupt media and entertainment, corrupt education (now down into elementary and pre-schools), corrupt military leadership — corrupt culture.  

But, really, it isn't trannies, or the corrupt media etc.  It's the cowardice of people who know better, but do not act.  Lazy, complacent, unrealistic, take your pick or add your own.  I don't understand why people who see the problems don't act.  Soros-funded DAs are so destructive?  Why can't there be a similar surge, from the right?  

If asked, I will bring my skills, such as they are, to the fight.  I'm pretty good with words, and I do, really I do, have an idea about how to edit myself, in writing that's not just this, indulgent solipsism.  I think I'm funny, but I know it's only a reasonable percentage who'd agree about that.  

I could go on and on.  And probably will, next time, or whenever.  This is the positive thing that I think I'm doing — my contribution to sanity, odd though it be.  What are you doing?  


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Now That She's Dead

It's a state religion, this transsexual cult.  Because it is entirely about the spirit, or, if you will, the soul.  But since they do not allow it to be a psychological issue, they can't have it be soul, that conjunction and construct of metabolism and higher brain function.  So it's about the spirit.  

The government is telling us that there is a human spirit.  This spirit, somehow, was born into the wrong body.  So spirit has a sex, or, as they insist, a gender — which is of course a grammatical and arbitrary social construct.  Clothes are for genders, to meet cultural expectations so that individuals may play their proper roles.  Bodies do not have a gender, they have a sex. 

A spirit in the wrong body is called a demon.  There are demons that have sex.  Perhaps all of them do, but in particular, incubus and succubus.  (I'm ignoring the plural, as pedantic.  Also, their pronouns would not be they/them.)  Very religious youths, and older, would have supposed they encountered such entities, late of a night, but we have the phrase nocturnal emission to explain such matters.  Too bad we can't come up with another such likely explanation, for the misgendered.  (Which, my spellchecker informs me, is a real word.)

A spirit in the wrong body is a simple variation on gnosticism — divine spirit trapped in evil matter, and by denying this inappropriate flesh, one's true self is liberated.  Wow.  Religious.  

No animal is transgender.  Same-sex mounting behavior is observed, but it is a display of social heirarchy, the alpha baboon dominating a subordinate.  Know your place.  Female monkeys (Harlow's rhesus), when raised to be insane by neglect and isolation, if somehow inseminated will kill their babies.  Virtually all other females will raise their babies normally.  A specific, supporting the general fact that there are no transphenomena in the animal kingdom.

These are general observations.  The specific is the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer.  It's all in there, right?  Because having given it less than one second of thought, "shooter" isn't the preferred noun. The emphasis is misplaced, like a demonic spirit in a human body.  Murderer is the term.  How the murders were committed is ancillary — irrelevant in fact.  

Guns probably make it easier.  But 10 or 20 gallons of gasoline, or aviation fuel, tactically placed would take out a neighborhood.  That's a little less personal though, a distance thing, so her needs wouldn't have been fully met. (I hope I haven't given anyone ideas.)

The most salient adjective for this Killer is "Trans".  First — and I say this in ignorance and mere speculation — I would suppose that the level of rage and self-hatred of whatever percentage of these people so far exceeds the bounds of sanity that violence, against self or others, is absolutely unavoidable, given our current depravity.  

It won't be widely reported, but it is my expectation there will be an epidemic — no, a pandemic of trans violence — I mean violence by trans ... transes, tranzes ... trannies.  We hear the literal hate speak, from the White House.  An encouragement and incitement to, well, I guess we'll see.  Death to the Christian haters.  I mean haters who are Christians.  

But here's the point.  Now that she's dead, what will they call her?  Her body is undeniably female.  Even such a person as Caitlyn Jenner has a male body, mutilated they seem to be implying, castrated and somewhat reconfigured, and I'd supposed saline implants in his chest.  Any autopsy would show male hips and shoulders, etc.  No anthropologist digging up his bones would be confused.  Maybe the surgical-grade plastic for the implants would cause some puzzlement. 

So the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer has/had (her verbs) a body that, when dead, is female.  Did it revert?  Like Dracula dissolving into dust, or the Wolfman returning to his humanity?  The vivifying male spirit which required six human sacrifices has fled or been exorcized from this young woman, leaving a hated female husk like a spider-drained wasp?

We all must agree that it was only her thoughts that made her male, or suppose she was.  She is currently non-existent, or in hell.  It would be for Satan to tell her what she is now, and indeed what she was when yet in her body.  Yes, my sweet, you really were and are male.  Or contrariwise.  There are only two choices, given the biological fact of sex, and therefore of the facts of life.  

This leaves a dilemma for the coroner and mortician and city registrar and perhaps the guy who carves any potential headstone.  What is she now?  Do her pronouns survive her demise?  Was it only her spirit that required the world to label her as him?  

This is going to be happening much more frequently.  Confused and lost kids in previous decades dressed up like commandos to commit their school murders.  Trans is a new-again cult that affirms those who are self-loathing, and entitles them to elevated status, victim and hero.  It is instant celebrity, based on wardrobe selection and a flawed understanding of so elementary a thing as grammar.  

It entitles them to outrage when other people's reality conflicts with their self-image.  It creates a sense of being invalidated that goes beyond the old-fashioned and now forbidden idea, fighting words.  It justifies violence as an act of self preservation.  Self-identity is, as the gays say, who I am.  

Speech is foremost among the earliest and most basic of human accomplishments.  Sort of the same way that unambiguous sexual organs are literally universal in all viable vertebrates.  Everything with a backbone manifests a sexual nature, and only one at a time.  None of them are out of synch, in terms of behavior consonant with its organs.  

Only a religion could get sex so screwed up.  


Monday, March 27, 2023

Too Soon

Ho hum.  It's that time of the year again, or of the month, or of the news cycle.  What's old is new again.  Seems like I've covered this ground before.  Oh, yeah, yes, I have.  Virginia Tech, and this, which I don't even remember.  You're too young to remember.  

Now this girl -- Nashville, Christian school, nine-year-olds.  Very unusual, a girl being a school shooter.  And with our new awokeness about identity and shit, it's truly very confusing.  First, it seems like there should be a distinction between student school shooters, and adult school shooters.  They're totally different.  

And I just added to the confusion by calling her a girl.  She's 28, and a man.  But maybe I'm wrong about that.  Maybe she identifies ... identified as a nine-year-old boy?  I think she did -- that was the manifest focus of her interest. Michael Jackson would have been a healthier role model.  Peter Pan wasn't homocidal.

But even more confusing is that here I was, thinking I'd finally mastered the jargon.  When we say, say, trans women, "trans" means the thing they are not.  In reality they'd be men.  They want to be, they think they are, they're insisting with fierce vehemence and pretending with great vigor to be womenTrans is aspirational.  

So the preferred and required usage, the neo-orthodoxy (certainly not heterodoxy), the government-established religion, has it that she be identityified as "he" etc.  

But she's NOT being identityified that way!  They're not being inclusive and equityable, our leaders, rulers and overlords (pardon my gendered language -- I just did it with "mastered" too.  I am incorrigibly deplorable).  It's always "she", in the reportage.  This is outrageous.  So disrespectful.   After all the hard-fought battles we've fought -- yes, I've converted -- the blood, sweat and tears we've spilled, to be treated so insensitively by the ultra white extremist supremacist republican genocidal maga moslemophobic cacofemistic cisphallic fetophile equitimachist Jesus-lovers who should all be killed and exterminated like the evil haters they all are (point of order: they don't hate evil.  They are evil and haters).

See, stupid?  


It's right there, online, easy to find.  HE.  HIM.  Is that so incredibly hard for you to understand?  

He is NOT a trans "woman".  Idiots.  He IS a woman.  He is a trans MAN.  "Trans" means the thing you WANT to be.  Is that too hard for you to comprehend, in your pathetic peabrain?  Nothing to do with so-called biology.  A complete repudiation and negation of that pseudoscientific myth. 

See?  Are you blind?  Look!  Use your eyes, those jelly balls in the middle of your stupid face.  (Bonus: Beauty is found in symmetry of breadth, and not of depth or height (I've been reading Pascal). The top of a face should not match the bottom.  Unlike starfish, we favor bilateral symmetry.) 

Clearly, clearly she is a man.  She's not dressing like this for the fashion of it.  It's who she is(I have that same tie.)

But I jest.  

I have nothing to say about the grief.  I'm not even thinking about it.  There's no one for me to hold, and words, well they are why we're in this mess as it is.  Words are what we use to tell lies with.  

I'm somebody who makes jokes too soon.  It's what I do because I cannot throw my body between children and monsters.  I hate this goddamned world so much.


Friday, March 17, 2023

*Pronoun Rules for Radicals


I now identify as plural. Of course I am Thhey and Thhem, always in capitals, because orthography is part of my identity, including hyphens.  I will, no, um, I shall accept the pronoun "you",  capitalized, "You", as in Usted.  I shall correct Spanish later.  I believe English also capitalizes some pronoun, but I don't remember which.  

Hmm.  Let's see. Have I left anything out?  Oh.  Oh!  Heh heh.  We.  Of course I am We.  

But it's really the verbs We am talking about.  Not just pronouns -- all thheir verbs.  No, all verbs, We shall get to all verbs, but all pronoun verbs for now.

When u refer to Us, u shall use only the verbs We lists at some point in OUr future.  Yes, OUR -- I accidentally pressed the caps lock and I like what I see.  We possibly mean verb cases, but We am getting confused.  We hasn't workouted OUR identity yet about that.  

We shall refer to OURselves ... or rather, but ... We did forgotted what We was goed to say.

When We includes other people in OUR Self references, We shall say Wewe.  Wewe is to be used exclusively by Us.  You, when not referring to Us, is never to be capitalized, and is replaced by u ... so it doesn't even exist.  Except historically, which Wewe will no shall correct later -- history, that is.  "u" no longer refers to the plural -- there is now only singular in this regard.  There is no need for Us to distinguish between people. sentences shall no longer start with capitals, to avoid confusion with regard to OUR pronouns.

u may use i/me and my/mine, but we/our and ours/ours are no longer permissible.  u shall replace "them", when plural -- them singular is also to be replaced -- with "those people excluding the person who is speaking".  excluding people is no longer permitted.  "who" is permissible, as it is unnecessary in reference to OURselves.  it is impossible that anyone (permitted) should ask "who is that?" when referring to OURselves.  

We doesn't need to be comprehensive here.  people should just know what We wants. 

later We shall inform u as to what We has decided about Time.  


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


I was going to compare it to islamism.  Back in the day, that was one of my things.  Then BO solved the problem, along with the boiling and rising oceans and those other things he hoped and changed.  Talk about a couple of meaningless catchwords.  Hope is insubstantial, and change is open-ended.  No hope to change it to discipline and goals.  

BO saved us from islamism, you remember, when he led Seal Team Six on that mission to neutralize OBL.  I've seen the video -- but who hasn't.  BO kicking in the door, diving in, machine guns in each hand, full autofire, airborne 360 as he mows em down.  They live-streamed it in slo-mo with a soundtrack.  Yeah.  Saddam Hussain was there too.  And Putin.  The current Putin is a body double.  And anyway, Putin is a title now, like Caesar, or rather Tzar.  And the Dixie Chicks were there, all cowering and naked, yeah.  Oh, save us Obama, you're our hero, and he's like, that's right bitches, now shut up and sing.  He writes his own dialogue, as good as Stallone.  

But it's not like islamism.  It's like the pandemic of Satanic rituals that were always happening to little children in the 80s and 90s. The prosecutors would say, and what else did the bad people do to you.  They touched you in your bathing suit area didn't they.  Yes they did.  And they did xxx, and yyy and zzz too, it's okay to tell the truth, they can't hurt you anymore because I'm saving you, because parents are bad but you must always trust the government.  

When I was in second grade I spent my recesses pretending to be a dog.  I had a little fiberglass bone that slightly older kids would throw and I'd fetch it.  Being me, I never broke character, and I never would have.  

Those McMartin preschoolers are in their forties now.  Mostly, they won't even remember, and their lives, really, were not ruined.  Same with Falcon Heene, balloon boy.  He hardly remembers.  His parents of course do, but it's only right to suffer for one's unrepented sins.  As for the McMartins, well, absolutely devastated.  Ruined.  I know something about that.  May the evil-doers be anathema.  Or, in Anglo-Saxon, god damn them.  

So it's not like islamism. Wokism is castrating children, or its female equivalent.  Sterilizing them.  The Ayatoola only wanted oral sex with them -- his own satanic rituals, but as a religious leader he got to make the rules.  Same thing here, I guess.  Hysterectomies and double mastectomies, and sort of a Play-Doh reshaping of labia and whatever other tissue is manipulatable, to assume a dissemblance of, in this example, a female's external genitalia (or should I say 'a semblance of male' etc.) -- external perhaps in the same way a glans is external even when covered by a prepuce -- female but who could never ever menstruate -- female by declaration rather than birth, like citizenship, not natural born but naturalized.  Nature natal nativity.  Well, literally, manipulate means to handle with the hand, so that's not as precise a word as I should use. Scissorhand.  (Manipulate is just a pun, and we know how hateful puns are.)  Transmogrify, a word of utterly uncertain origin ... well that's perfect.  Precise is a good word in this context: -cise, concise incisor incision.  To cut.  Tranz operations are precise transmogrifications.  (And please note that these are not puns.)  Testectomy.  Testictomy.  Ectomists.  Like Mencken's neologism for strip-tease.  Ecteasiast ecdysiast.  (I continue to maintain that these are not puns.) 

Children were exploited to fulfill agendas.  Lawyers and politician and hystericists and cultists.  And now, three, no, almost four decades later, wokists.  

I did not see it coming, in the early years of this blog.  I thought islamism was the enemy -- and of course it was, what with all those bombed children, but since it did not prevail, it subsided, for the time being, and takes on the semblance of irrelevance.  But traitors and haters must have their voice, so here it is again.  America is still bad, as it must be, but tolerance and diversity and equity and castration will save (no) redeem (most certainly not) destroy, yes destroy it.  Finish destroying it, coup de grace.

When you think about it, castration and abortion are virtual synonyms.  Just different points on the same line segment.  Point is, any point on that line is about no more babies.  Life is a dead end, like an artificial vagina.  Even an anus goes somewhere.  


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

*Tractatus Logico Geneticus


The terms woman and biological woman are linguistically identical.

The phrase people who menstruate describes women who menstruate.  Not all women menstruate.  All people who menstruate are women.

The phrase people who have uteruses describes women who have uteruses.  Not all women have uteruses.  All people who have uteruses are women.

Every mother is a woman.  Not every woman is a mother.  Nobody who is not a woman is a mother.  

Some syllogisms:

All mothers are women.  XX is a mother, therefore XX is a woman.  

All men are not mothers.  XY is a man, therefore XY is not a mother.

Almost all adult humans with XY chromosomes are men; rarely they are Swyer syndrome women; therefore no absolute conclusion can be generalized regarding XY genotype in the absence of phenotypical presentation of sex as a dyad.

Almost all adult humans with XX chromosomes are women; rarely they are de la Chapelle syndrome men; therefore no absolute conclusion can be generalized regarding XX genotype in the absence of phenotypical presentation of sex as a dyad.

All adult humans with XX (or X not-Y) chromosomes where an X is effectively absent, or sufficiently damaged to approximate a Y, are women suffering Turner syndrome.

All humans with XXX (trysomy) or XXY (Klinefelter syndrome) or XYY (Jacobs syndrome) or XYYY (XYYY syndrome - there is no identified 'YYY' or 'YY' syndrome) chromosomes are suffering atypical genetic expressions of sexual genotype (geno-atypical), some of whom may identify or be identified, currently, as intersex.

Intersex is always the product of genetic or endocrinal abnormality.

Abnormal is not a pejorative.

Hermaphrodite is a meaningful biological term, describing organisms capable of fulfilling both male and female reproductive functions.  With reference to humans it is an obsolete term, more precise but less desirable than intersex.

In cases if true hermaphroditism, the female reproductive function takes precedence.

Gender is a term specific to grammar, classifying pronouns (eg, he/she) and animals (eg, man/woman) (and in English, rarely, inanimate nouns -- eg, a ship as female). 

Gender is to grammar as genus is to taxonomy.  Genus is based on quantifiable genetic or cladistic distinguishers.  Gender in English is based on genitals.

Gender is never a descriptor in biology, only in grammar. No vertebrate has a gender; all vertebrates have a sex.  Thus, man or woman are gendered linguistic terms for biologically male or female homo sapiens (ie,  humans or people).   

Gendered nouns describing innate biological characteristics are artifacts not of grammar but of linguistics.  Thus, bull/cow, dog/bitch, cock/hen, boar/sow, ram/ewe, actor/actress -- man/woman -- all identify non-arbitrary heritable traits, independent and regardless of phonologic, syntactic and semantical abstractions.

Best practice starts with what is clear, direct and normal, then confronts what is statistically and phenomenologically abnormal.  


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Phobophilia: a tone poem, or maybe un rêve

When someone uses "-phobia" as a politico-culturio suffix, he [s/hy [pron. SHUH-ee (as in 'cheesy' or 'creamy'), but with a glottal stop, but this is not cultural appropriation as of Hawai'iian, or Khoisan [which racists call a so-called "click" language], for example]] casts himself [hermself, pron. HER-mzelph] as a bigot and must redeem or at best justify himself [thhymzylph [pron. self-evident (well, no, not self-evident. Is that "pron." meant to be pronounced or pronoun?  Nowadays context is not enough. (And why both 'hermself' and 'thhymzylph'?  Seems awfully binary, these two choices.))]].  "‑phobia" surely has legitimate applications, some descriptive power of the phenomenological [binario-gendio*-patriarchicio] world [*not to be confused with Gen D (the sumpbucket term for LGBTTQQIAAP (briefly, Legbutt Kyap) -- the D standing for, well, whatever (And there it is, binary again.  Appropriate, really, this astounding over-complication of what is obvious and simple -- sex, two.  It's not an abstruse principle, male and female, that needs to be corrected with a cantorian infinitude of genders. They oppose 'binary' with what, plenitudinary? (That's just valetudinary.  (I couldn't resist.)) - superfluitinary? (I have decided to rescue the Gender Theorists, by proposing G-theory: analogous to the 11 dimensions of M-theory in physics, there are 11 genders (predictively already identified (or identitiified) as LGBTTQQIAAP); all ultimately unified (or eunuchified) (And observe that leggbutt-etc (qlipt qatbag) excludes heterosexual -- the dialectics, or, here, hendecalogics of G-theory requires and tolerates only 11 genders [is anyone following this?  Jack H is an idiot. WTF is Mtheory?  (It's like mzelph, sir or madam, or whatever.)]). I could go on, infinitely, or in this context, indefinitely.  G-theory is much easier than physics, of course.  There's no need for evidence or testing.)) [note the sexismistic dogwhistle embedded in patriarchic [and the D stands for ... Defiers against Defamation and Dogwhistlers ... and, also, Desirable Defenders of Diversity. Oh. Oh! Yeah, no, the D stands for Diversity. Generation Diversity [also note the meticulous correctness of the correct usage of the italicized close-brackets [as well as close-parenthesis [ed. by Ed.]]]])]. But overwhelmingly it is the instrument of laziness, ignorance and prejudice, as in islamophobe or homophobe [and also tranzophobe, um, gynophobe ... pedophobe, uh ... um ... etc]

In any case, ‑phobe should always be paired with its counterpart, ‑phile, as fattyphilia, trancephilistx, syphilisiphilic, hemophiliac -- as phobosophy should also be recognized and given its own department in universities (but it's there already, what with gender studies and critical race theory). People who resort to the ‑ophobo-slur owe it to self-actualization to identify themselves in like-terms. (Identity is now a Hegelian application of pure will, or pure feel.) You're a lover not a fighter, or hater, or fearer. You are whatever you say you are. You believe you can fly -- you believe you can touch the sky. Imagine all the people, living in conformity. Death to the toleranciophobes (which contains all the letters of cooperation (and which my spellchecker recognizes)). 

 I would continue with this, but I'm bored now. I'll just observe that there is nothing you cannot prove with prudent and/or imprudent, not to say impudent and/or pudent, usage and/or over-usage of suffixes and/or hyphens and/or italics and/or antonyms, and slashes. 


This article has been reviewed and corrected by Helmut Crisp, ed., cenc. (who really didn't understand what this was about, but instead reacted to the mere words. It's all about words with these people -- saying something makes it so.  Like a small child, or rather, being sexualized, an adolescent.  That's what I've been doing, making fun of made-up words.  And calling himself an editor is ridiculous. He just butted in and basically ruined it. Incomprehensible. This is what comes of leaving my password where he could find it. What was I thinking. As soon as I regain sole access, it will no longer be 'wordpass' - JH [That's just ignorant and hateful.  Jack H, if that is his real name, is a Nazio-megaMAGA-racistic closet-case who's worse than Hitler and a total loser - HC (I am whatever you say I am. But how odd, him calling me a closet-case. You'd think he'd try to facilitate my transition into my true, if perhaps temporary, identity - J [Shut the fuck up, you climate-denying racismistical asshole. You and everyone like you should be exterminated - H (we'll just leave it there. Answer not a fool according to his folly. Except, for made-up words, how about racistismalic? That '-mistical' adds an aspect of meta that can only be unintentional - J [Set you on fire and while you're still burning suffocate you with shit. God I hate you so much, except there is no god an anda arqhwaaa grlg prrrriu qwhhh (that was HC, not me. I found him foaming on the floor curled into a ball, only backwards. Dude has the most flexible spine in the world -- like a bicycle chain. It must be a metaphor for something - J)])])]).

PS - Well I've regained a fair bit of control here.  What a nightmare.  He got some hacker gang, Anonamorus, to hardwire or whatever, permanently embed this text so I've had only partial and highly idiosyncratic access.  I called the FBI, but, well, seems they're actively working for the woke agenda. Now the IRS is auditing me. - J

Thursday, August 12, 2021

*MoveOn dot MeToo


They're too young to remember it, mostly.  Or in fading early middle age, old people puberty, decline combined with self-righteousness.  They've always been self-righteous, entitled, empowered, esteemed.  Proud heirs to the participation trophy, the triumph of will, ascendant upon the mountain of the universe -- vast in the equality of poppies, their vaginas are powerful, their penises a handy leash.  The decline was from birth, born into twilight, and hell is murky.  

The Left wanted us to move along, forget about it, that clinton thing.  Get over it.  Move on.  So what if the male president groped a boob or grabbed a mons pubis.  Trump, clinton -- well it mattered with Trump, but that was different.  Vulgarian.  Cigars, blue dresses, semen stains, flowers, troopers. Who can remember.  Class. 

Like a glimpse of stocking.  Something shocking, from a long-ago generation.  Passé. We have evolved.  This is what maturity looks like.  Virtue signals and cancel culture.  Signal cancels -- a failure to communicate.  What you are allowed to do, say, think, feel.  

Best watch yourself.  

It's never been okay.  And if women finally get the courtesy they were, several generations ago, nominally due -- holding a door open, standing when she enters -- well such formalities didn't prevent scum from abusing the power of position.  

And abortionism had its price.  Women stopped being female.  They are men with breasts, as men are women with back hair.  What they are pleased to call 'gender' is all about, and nothing but, bulges.  Everything is entirely superficial and phenomenological.  Shave down an adams apple, remove breast tissue -- presto change-o.  Déclassé.  

It's an idea I may go into, sometime.  But transgenderism is an anti-abortion argument.  There is a spirit, they suppose, male or female, in the wrong body.  So, there is a spirit in a body.  A human spirit, in a human body. Thus, abortion is homicide.  

Don't blame me.  My position is consistent.  I've changed in hardly anything.  There is no longer an America -- that was hard to accept.  My brazen serpent, Nehushtan, a useful thing that became an idol.  Nun sheath -- ashen hunt.  Now it's not even useful, america.  Nothing but the richest slave.  A fun fact known from ancient Rome (and everywhere else): slaves make the cruelest masters.  It's all they know.

What is the first human emotion?  You'd think hunger, but that's just biology.  Hot or cold or itchy, or boredom, the same.  The first human emotion is the need for connection.  Intimacy.  It's why babies stare.  They look at everything.  They stare at mommy.  As I have said, it is the nature of a personality to want to be known -- to reveal itself.  Human life is about contact.  Sartre is mistranslated: hell is [needing] other people.

This explains it all.  

Move On.  Me Too.  They're almost anagrams.  Move onto me.  Like OJ, there's just too much love.  


Friday, July 16, 2021

Trans Tranny Trany Trannie Traney Tranie

"...these be her very C's, her U's, 'n' her T's, and thus makes she her great P's."
                                                      --Twelfth Night, Act 2, scene 5        .

[Trigger Warning: for the triggerable, andor for those 
with old-fashioned andor obsolete sensibilities who 
wish not to see disturbing andor vulgar images.]

It's just impossible to make up my mind.  But spelling is about mere incidentals, like whether or not you dot an 'i', or a 'j'.  J is one of those questionable letters, not useless, like male nipples (except I'm given to understand that some men enjoy their nipples (I have found them utterly ignorable, except when very slightly irritating)) -- redundant, rather, like 'x' or 'q', or even 'c'.  

'W' is useful; how could one reasonably get that sound, otherwise? Oouman.  Oouhmuhn, Ooihmehn.  You can get the idea, but it doesn't really work.  And when it's 'w' 'h', where what why, but not who -- that blowing doubleyou sound.  The dialect of American English I was brought up in ... in which I was brought up ... up in which I was brought -- it didn't acknowledge this particular phoneme.  Not that it's difficult to produce, like that Arabic 'D' that we can't even hear, or the Japanese sound between 'r' and 'l' that makes them confuse our 'r' and 'l'.  But, really, there's the vexing and intractable question, what is a doubleyou?  Even the Supreme Court doesn't know.  Doubleyou is so binary.

You just have to understand that some folks expect words to be pronounced the way they like it.  Like 'often' -- there's no 't' sound, except if that's how you were raised.  It's a back-formation, from 'oft'.  It's how you deduce extinct words from the root and grammatical forms.  Listen fasten wastrel scalpel castle whistle wrestle.  Dullard, drunkard, coward, bastard. 

And this nipple thing -- I understand it, embryologically. Women, after all, have an analogue, a homologue of the prostate.  Whale pelvises are used during the birthing process.  These things have reasons.  I seem to recall that humans have the capacity for, say, eight nipples, two rows of four.  This explains the supernumerary expression that sometimes occurs.  My son had a third nipple.  It never grew.  I was almost proud of it, but I think he probably got tired of my mentioning it, when he got a bit older.  So I stopped.  I am capable of learning.  

If I use the search capacity of my smartphone it volunteers  a list of suggestions.  Completely irrelevant and random.  I suppose they're 'trending', as the kids say.  Elliot Page was showing his first shirtless picture. My mind boggled.  Who is Elliot Page, and why would this be of interest?  Is he beautiful and mysterious?  Well, no.

Low bodyfat, nice enough abs if you like that sort of thing, but an example of failed puberty, youngish but not aging well -- a wizened pixie. Wizard.  He managed to achieve armpit hair -- bucking the manscaping trend, rather daringly I should think.  Transgressive.  Except, looking as he does as of northerly European extraction, he should have at least some chest hair. So he is untrue to his most authentic hairitage.  

What is it with these last 20 years.  Men actually shave their pubic hair.  And women too.  You realize what this is, right?  Body hair is a tertiary sexual characteristic, indicating adulthood.  No such hair means hands off.  It is unattractive to the point of being grotesque -- not in even an aesthetic sense, but biologically.  It's a gateway behavior, into a perversion that is common historically and culturally -- just not in our history or culture.  

But these things are relative.  Who's to say what an age of consent is.  Yes after all means yes.  Two year olds like to say NO, but, well, I don't know how to finish this sentence.  Ancient Egyptian royalty married their siblings, Mohammad married a nine-year-old, PBUH.  The flow of actual human behavior is against us, and who can fight the tide?  

American men marry American men.  No, I'm sorry, I made a grave error.  American men marry american men.  There is no America -- those capitalized 'Americas' I just used, they are purely orthographical, upper case because that's how sentences start, unless that too is a custom to be phased out, by enlightened practice and the Supreme Court.   There is no 'America' -- just a geographical expression, like the holy roman empire, or Metternich's italy.
And I'm doubly wrong, at least -- there are no american "men".  Because there are no men.  I just learned this, just now, when I looked a bit further into Elliot Page.  He is a man, per assertion and common report.  But some few months ago he was a woman -- I should say, he "presented" as a woman, the way a female dog presents her posterior when in heat -- 'mount me'.  Presuming of course the case is different with dogs, than with humans.  Dogs have male and female, as far as the Supreme Court currently allows us to suppose.  And it goes without saying, we are told, our understanding re the existence of "marriage" was fatally flawed.  Exploded myths: america, manhood, marriage.

Ellen Page, then.  A talented former actress, now actor -- actress actrex actranz. Such obsolete terms, like Jewess or Negress.  My grandfather said 'coons' -- it's just how Montanans born in the 1800s spoke.  People should get reasonable courtesy about what they call themselves. But they do not have the right to eliminate capital letters at the start of proper nouns.  They don't have the right to require that someone else dot an 'i' with a pretty little heart.  When very small children are potty trained, they enjoy the power of holding back, or producing.  It's something to outgrow. 

She spent all those post-puberty years (that explains it: it was a female puberty) hating her breasts. My desultory search did not uncover any info regarding her pubic area -- it's all about the "top surgery" -- radical bilateral mastectomy.  Nothing about "bottom surgery" -- vagina, labia, clitoris.  A lesbian, she will have had no affinity for penises -- yet presumably a fascination, and (in a rare instance where Freud would be correct) envy.  

But the info is incomplete.  Like Caitlyn Jenner (we all have a right to change our names) -- does he still have his junk?  Unknown to all but a few.  This must be the difference between these neologisms, "transgender" and "transsexual" -- the -sexual, I'm supposing, would try to more convincingly effect the illusion, of metamorphosing, of, um, transmogrifying thheir sex.

I should have thought Eliot truly committed herself -- removing not just the "dangerous", deadly and disgusting breast tissue the very thought of which so tormented her.  I had thought she'd had a little penis constructed out of maybe tendons or cartilage, and thigh skin, and perhaps they repurposed her clitoris.  Gristle.  Hanging or flopping or bobbing about inside those "swimming trunks" she's wearing for the first time.  Maybe it was a big penis -- is that a choice?  Can they transplant some dead man's penis -- the "organ donor" box benevolently ticked on his drivers license?  But they don't always go more than skin deep.  Like that pregnant man from a few decades ago.  Another exploded myth: motherhood.

I have to admit, I'm curious.  Bi-curious, is that the term?  No, the internet informs me.  It must be trans-curious.  Is that a thing?  Everything is a thing.  LGBTTQQIAAP-curious (I looked it up -- Legbutt Kyap I am Yippee Kiyay Yellow Curious.  Why does thheir Q come before my A?  That's discrimination.).  

I have below-zero interest in a prurient or titillated way, in transsexual penises.  But that's not clear: no interest in the removed or repurposed actual penises of body-dysphoric men who have themselves castrated and mutilated to counterfeit the appearance, sometimes extremely convincing, of actual women.  And no interest in a neopenis, or the penis-like construct that is assembled for the type or direction of transsexualism that moves from dysmorphic female to plausibly presented "male".  

(I've found some images of the surgical artifact in question.  

From Wikipedia

Alien, and very sad.  That second one seems misproportioned, although I've never been good at that sort of trigonometry.  But, not plausible at all.  A baby's arm not holding an apple.  Flesh-tones are off.  Looks plastic, or like a koteka, the tribal penis sheath that preserves Amazonian modesty.  An inexperienced lesbian might be fooled, as from Renaissance art, or the bas reliefs of Khajuraho.)  

I hope that's clear: no interest in either women with a constructed penis-like anatomical modification, or in the amputated organs of men who opt for this elective surgery.  Rather, my interest is like that in a medical picture of a prolapsed anus -- this can happen.  My curiosity is operational ... maybe that's not the best word -- but, might the doctors provide one of these "penises" with a foreskin, or alternatively with a circumcision scar?  Can it achieve an actual nitric oxide-induced erection?  Does viagra work on it?  (Seeing those images, the non-functionality is clear.)  Would it retract, as when it's cold -- would the "scrotum"? -- would the "testicles" retract in a fear-response?  I'd assume they put two little surgical-grade rubber ovoids in a little manufactured sac, as they do with castrated German shepherds.  So many open queries, for the questing mind.

Sup, I'm Chaz.  I used to be a cute little girl,
but I hated that.  So now I'm a man. 
I got my insurance to pay surgeons to make some junk for me, and now I have this tube of skin between my legs, like a thumb with no bone in it, and sort of behind it there's this hairless skin sac that used to be my vulva or whatever, with two silicone balls I call my balls.  They're huge.  They're held in place with mesh so they haven't caused a fistula yet, and you could hardly tell the difference, if you were a dude, but I wouldn't let you, cuz I don't let dudes near my balls.  I'm straight, see, and I dig chicks. And chicks dig me, at least the ones I git with, who don't really know what balls are like -- I mean the balls of other dudes.  

It's not hatred.  Befuddlement to a degree.  But it's disgust not with her, them, thhem, but with a depraved society that so utterly encourages a mutilation that briefly ameliorates the catastrophic mental illness of gender dysphoria or sexual dysmorphia.  There are cases where it's not about genitals, but, say, an arm.  The tranz solution would be to amputate the arm at the shoulder.  For all that it cuts as deep as can be, it's such a superficial response.  But lobotomies are still practiced -- I'm guessing mostly in, say, North Korea. 

With or without a dot, it's a 'j'.

Elliot is pro-abortion ... I think that's their locution -- oh, poor-choice. No, a typo, pro-chaz, d'oh, chew, well that was spellcheck ... but I clearly have a glitch in my brain about this. What's the matter with me.  She loves abortion is my point.  No, dang, HE loves abortion.  Well, I've lost my train of thought.  Why was I talking about abortion?  Something about uteruses, maybe.  Yes, that's it.  

She thinks that scalpels are the solution to unwanted organs and organisms, and feelings.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Horseman

At first glance it doesn't work, this being the time of the First, of Four, Horsemen.  But the first is Conquest, and we are indeed being conquered.  After all, the necessary counterpart of conquest is capitulation.  And we have capitulated.  War, Famine, and Death, in their turn.

Bradley E Manning, heroic patriot whistleblower, announced Tues that he is now Chelsey E Manning.  Whether or not the E still stands for Edward is unreported.  He is now by self-declaration a female, and per his statement wishes that "you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun (except in official mail to the confinement facility)."

Oh, when I said he was "patriotic" I must have meant to the world, rather than to such an outmoded paternalistic idea as a nation.  So I must have meant he was matriotic.  And when I said "heroic", it would have been one of those different strokes things, what's right for some may not be right for others.  And when I said whistleblower I would not have been referring to penises or oral sex.  And when he says "confinement facility", he means prison.  And when you say she, you mean he.

Wikipedia now redirects "Bradley Manning" to "Chelsey Manning".  The change was made within a few hours of the press release.  Thus,  opening sentence: "Chelsea E. Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning, 17 December 1987)..."  Was there a legal name change?  Well, hasn't Manning demonstrated that there is no need of law?

Here Chelsey is when she was a little boy.
Mmm.  Hot!  I mean, don't get me wrong, she's too young of course, but if she were an adult I'd do her in a heartbeat.
OH! Woo hoo! Happy day!!  I dig a woman with a 5 inch clitoris.

The Wikipedia article has already shifted all the HEs to SHEs.  That was fast.  SLATE knows a dame when it sees one; there, properly, Manning is Womanning.  NPR  avoids pronouns, calling Manning Manning throughout their reportage.  Very cowardly and insensitive of them.  Fascists. They should be killed.

You can change your mind, you can change your name.  You can change your underwear, for panties.  You can't change your sex.

But.  I apologize.  Especially about that clitoris thing.  I should strive to repel rather than embrace vulgarity and the delusion and wantonness around me.  I should resist rather than comply with the abandonment of all former standards of sanity.  But I am unhinged.  We have lost.  I think it's over.  Obama, in his sermons about what America is, making sure to always include in his formula, "no matter the color of our skin, or [insert verbiage] ... or who we love..."  The Wikipresident.  QED.

So, in Oklahoma, two black teens and a white boy shot a jogger in the back.  Death to tourists!

James Francis Edwards, age 15 (second from left), one of the bored boys ... teens, recently tweeted: "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM." Another reads, "Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:)"  Per the Urban Dictionary, "woods" is "a  derogatory term used to portray dumb white boys."  Good to know.  I wish there were some term appropriate to portray murderous racist teens.  And thank you, Media, for making our teens so civic minded, what with their following important current event stories the way this boy must have done, re Zimmerman. "Nigga of chief keef don't drop almighty SOSA or something by #Monday I'ma put hands on every wood I see until they drop lol."  Now, I confess I don't understand the specific meaning intended here (SOSA is perhaps "cocaine that is meant to be snorted from a stripper's buttcrack.").  Just the general tone.
 Go Army.  James also tweeted: "I see death around the Coner".  Well, teens can be a bit macabre.  It's a maturity thing.  Same thing: "Some say ima be dead or in jail by the time I'm 18. But the only problem there is...#i shoot first,and I got bond money!: so sorry to burst your bubble."  A sense of destiny and invulnerability.  I was the same way.  On Aug 13 -- why that's only 3 days before his little outing with his little friends! -- James tweeted: "With my niggas when it's time to start taken life's"  I like to tweet my location too! "In Starbucks sucking a rad joe!"

 James is the one who was dancing and laughing as he was being booked.  So he's got talent and a sense of humor, too. I trust it will serve him well in his confinement facility.  It's not all fun and games, though.  He's broken the heart of Rachel Padilla, his sister (from uhnothuh mothuh?): 
Think, son ... think!  But at least his moms, Brenda M, is a happy person.
The notable and noble thing about women like this (as I have intimate cause to know) is that they balance out their having abortions with having babies ... they are fruitful and multiply!  Drugs and crime and having babies ... how well I remember her.  Brenda should have gone into the Army.  Makes a woman out of you!  

What did Fairness & Justice spokesperson The Reverend Al Sharpton opine on this issue? Quote: *crickets*

Above, among the mug shots, the man on the left -- practically anonymous thrill-kill victim Christopher Lane -- was not available for comment.

 Death is not soon enough for this world.  We just have to plod through War and Famine.  Hasten the way.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This post was held as a draft for almost 12 years.  I finally published it in 2023 as a companion piece, as it were, to Vicious, Cruel and Clueless, re Caitlyn Jenner.  There, I apologize for this post here.  This post, 'Chazztitty', is in very poor taste.  Maybe that's why I called it that -- as a tipoff about what follows.

You don't know who Caitlyn Jenner is.  It's Bruce Jenner, of the Kardashians (I still haven't seen there show, or maybe there's more than one, if they're still on), but I know him as the '76 Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist.  He was breathtaking.  In the mid Twenty-teens he declared himself to be a tranz woman ('tranz' means the sex they are NOT -- took me a while to figure that out.  It's aspirational.  Tranz is how I spell trans in the future, as in transsexual.  Nowadays I believe the politically preferred term is transgender, but that no doubt will shortly change, the way 'gender' changes, in the future, moment by moment.  They say gender is 'fluid'.  By the way, there's a guy, penis and all, who's competing in women's swimming, and of course dominating), and he actually had himself castrated, etc.  Talk about yer "tipoff", heh heh.

In your future, in 2023, things are very different.  After BO, Donald Trump became president, very much hated by the left, but actually quite good, given that he is Donald Trump.  Then in 2020 BO's VP, biden, got himself elected, and he is hands down the very very worst president in american history.  That includes Buchanan and Andrew Johnson.  And by the way, BO gets reelected -- "gay marriage" is the Supreme law now, and obamacare is a thing, I guess.  But Roe v Wade has been overturned.

To the point, in the future we have this term, trigger.  Triggerable, trigger warning.  The next generation after yours is called gen z, for no good reason.  But they do have identifiable characteristics.  The term 'snowflake' is apt.  

There's this thing called 'cancelling', which is just a blacklist, for if you use a slur.  There's a new political cult, called 'Woke', which is anti-men, anti-white stalinism -- so a sort of feminized Nazism.  Woke is one of the things that makes biden as bad as he is (he seems to be senile).  "Climate" is an even bigger thing now, but there's no "Change" -- it's just that this is the religion the kids were raised in.

I don't suppose it's permissible to reveal too much.  Chalk this up to my usual headgames and flights of fancy. Point is, I'm giving you a 


here.  This post cannot be anything other than offensive, unless you are like me, and that is unlikely.  It has very graphic and closeup images of neopenises and actual vaginas.  Be triggerwarned.

So, it's really only 2011, and I'm just playun, and I just wrote this:


It's creepy and a little nauseating, and strangely fascinating, like a snake. The mental contortions, the self-loathing, the profound embracing of delusion, that Chaz Bono and her enablers are engaging in.
I would generally just ignore it -- it's so obvious, and cheap. But as I say ... snake.

Chaz of course has the right to change her name. I can go along with that. Everyone gets one, maybe two name changes. PuffDiddyCombesDaddy. PrincetheArtistSymbolRogersNelson. Well, maybe they've exceeded the limit, but cut a brother some slack, homes. So that Chastity, the cute shy sad little girl I remember clinging to her daddy on his Comedy Hour back in the day --
and I do remember these images, prime time -- that she should be reduced to the masquerade she currently enjoys ... dressup, elective mastectomy, imminent viganil mutilation, hormonal interference, casual neglect of an injection-induced need to shave, is, frankly, surreal. 

Let's be clear. She is choosing this:
over this:

Her dysmorphia is lamentable. We may have compassion for it. I am ignorant of her specifics, to know if willful perversion led her to her plight, or if it was some unbending fate, the dire Moirae aligned against her before she was knit together in the womb. How are we to know? Not our business anyway. 

I could be glib and sarcastic about it:

--but it's unfair, and for all the bitterness on my tongue, when it comes to parental follies I feel the need to mourn rather than scorn.

What we do with our tragedies, however, or with the calamitous psychoses that torment us -- well, if there isn't free will, there should be. Even if we have no choice, we should act as if we do. 

Indeed, choices have been made.

Chaz Bono is a surgically mutilated woman. She entered into a collusion with malpracticing surgeons -- perhaps barbers is a more apt term -- and is attempting the Frankensteinian transgression of making a man. 

Well, it's a free country, and I'm not sure if suicide is legal or not, but we don't live in a theocracy, and self-desecration most assuredly is permissible. The crime is that it's encouraged.

A man who through some catastrophic accident looses his genitals ... does not become a woman. It is neither pines nor tisteclis that engender us. Just as humanity is not defined as having been born, justifying abortion, so gender is not determined by the presence or reconstructed shape of our organs, nor by self-declaration neither. Location does not define our nature, human when out of the womb.  Mutilation does not determine our sex.

We are what we are, regardless of feelings.  There are hard cases, ambiguities. Hermaphroditism. We do not determine general principles by hard cases. They are taken on their merits, and do not dictate the overwhelming norm.

But, he?  "He"?  Chaz is called "him"?  On TV, on radio, online, in articles, in conversation?  Really?  Is that what a man is?  Male by, of all things, feelings?  Nothing to do with Y chromosomes or an aimable free-wheeling birth-urethra? 

Back when there used to be lunatic asylums, populated by Napoleons, right-thinking doctors did not humor the madman, madwoman, madperson. Because reality has definitions, criteria, and these do not depend on opinion only, when there are objective references available. Science tests. Wisdom discerns. So we cannot be dealing with science, wisdom, reality, regarding this conspiracy against, say, the law of the excluded middle.

Ah well. Ah hell. This is what female to "male" surgical gender "reassignment" is:
In the above instance, skin from the relatively hairless forearm is lifted and wrapped around a tube inside the arm, to create a genuine skin-covered penis-like object. This would then be harvested and relocated above and perhaps upon the labia, the two sides of which I suppose are conjoined to simulate a scrotum.

I'll forgo the even bloodier and more viganil details. The immediate result looks like this:

Sorry. But you asked. That's what happens when you construct a fleshy phallus out of kneecaps and armpits and nose cartilage and earlobes and other offal.  

But that's unkind, and inaccurate.  This 
is probably arm skin and labia, and a clotiris maybe?

Less convincing:

No, not convincing.  But if you, like Chaz or her girlfriend, have never seen closeup an actual adult human pines, it may suffice. These constructs are pneumatically equipped to attain turgidity, and there's a matched pair of medical-grade rubber ovoids to simulate tisteclis, so, all in all, easy squeezy cheesy peezy.

To attain a tad more verisimilitude, some select females, possessed of an exceptionally large clotiris, have that appurtenance reconfigured into a sort of micro pines. I do apologize for the graphic nature of these following, since they represent actual genitalia, however mutilated -- and my tone may not so far have been entirely appropriate for the gravity of the topic, but honesty tells the truth, and sometimes shows it.

Thus, a vigani:


A different individual:

Remember what I said? Nauseating? I'm not disgusted by the human body. I'm not authentically homophobic, not prurient, not sniggering or tittering. But what we're seeing is psychopathy, supported by political correctness. Psychotic correctness. It's a crime against nature.

But, not my problem.  Dance, Chaz, dance, and go in peace. May the harm you do accrue only to those who love you. May those who have abetted your mutilations, answer for it.  May the society that your example even further corrupts be chastened and corrected, as gently as possible, as thoroughly as needed.