
Friday, August 30, 2013

Red Line

"...we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old." --Winston Churchill, June 4, 1940

"...uh. This kind of attack is a challenge to THE WORLD, uh ....uh, so uh I have SAID BEFORE, uh and I MEANT what I SAID, that, uh, TH-THE WORLD has an obligation to make sure that WE maintain the norm against the use of chemical weapons.  Now, I have NOT made a final decision, uh, about, uh, various actions that MIGHT be taken to HELP enforce that norm, uh, but uh as I’ve ALREADY SAID, uh I have had MY military uh ... look at a wide range of options.  ...uh in NO event are we considering uh ANY kind of military ACTION that would involve BOOTS ON THE GROUND, uh that would involve a long-term campaign, uh but we are looking at the POSSIBILITY of a LIMITED, uh NARROW uh ACT....  Uh, buh AGAIN, I REPEAT, uh we’re NOT considering ANY open-ended uh COMMITMENT, we’re NOT considering ANY boots-on-the-ground approach, uh what we will do is CONSIDER uh options that uh meet the NARROW concern around chemical weapons, uh understanding that there's NOT going to be uh a solely MILITARY solution...." --Barack Obama, August 30, 2013
...until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.  It's not that we owe them.  To owe is an element of a contract, where there is mutual benefit and obligation.  We receive from them not even a vague hint of present or future respect or loyalty.  They understand that the purpose of a family or a State or a culture is to promote its own best self-interest.  Governments are not benevolent associations.  They exist as competitive organizations, to advance their own goals over those of some other.  Alliances and loyalties can be a good and noble part of this.  Self-sacrifice is not an element in the calculus of nations.

We do not owe them.  We owe ourselves.  What do we owe to the ingrate?  Only what we actually owe.  Gratitude is insubstantial and not a fungible commodity.  As an element of honor and integrity, it carries profound weight.  But we're talking realpolitik here.  And that's a good thing.  God may, and does, note the falling of sparrows, but he doesn't as a rule keep them from falling.  God cares, but he does not act.  He's acted already, on a Cross.  Job done.  Now it's on us.  That's religious, which is in the same category as gratitude.  Insubstantials.

But because we owe ourselves, to be faithful to our better angels and loyal to our best principals, we must be worthy of our power and might.  Because we must be honorable, we must be generous -- an impractical and costly thing, and very often fruitless and indeed foolish.  It's not that we must be foolish; it's that wisdom is far more complex than a glib mind can see, and its benefit can developed so far into the future that cause and effect cannot be discerned.

The frankly inevitable outcome of Obama's Libyan leading from behind "leadership" can be found in the massacre and murders in Libyan Benghazi.  The Incompetent-in-Chief doesn't even know what the term "shot across the bow" means.  It would be better if the ship of state had no hand at the wheel, rather than the direction our re-elected "captain" (what a joke) is taking us.  It's not that our course is random, but that we are adrift and guided not by stars but by winds, not principles but emotions.

Churchill looked to the United States for salvation, and his faith and hope were not disappointed.  That was another age, and a different New World, peopled here not by the Greatest Generation, but by the last decent generation.  What can we expect from the drug abuser who currently occupies the Oval Office?  The very minimum it will take for him to save face.  Tough talk like 'red line' re the use of Syrian chemical weapons ... well, what are words for?  Manipulating people into having a nice opinion of you?  Dictators may be cowards, may be fools, certainly are "bullies" (murdering monsters), but they are very good at recognizing empty-suit weakling lying pols, and will be excellent at noting the frequency that warnings are not acted on.  You know, Obama's foreign "policy."

Where the innocent cry out for rescue, oh God let us be men.

What should we do, re Syria?  We should identify our own best self-interest, and act on that, with fierce resolve.  I find that I am, still, after all these years, a fool.  We must do what is right.  We must find monsters and slay them.  I wish I were smarter, more prudent, wiser.  But murderous injustice is intolerable.  We can wait forever for God to rain down fire from the sky.  If we want fire from the sky, we have to do the job ourselves.  Kill the Syrian hierarchy.  Target their palaces and their families.  Pick the winners, and back them.

There is no best outcome.  There is only being true to your nature.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Horseman

At first glance it doesn't work, this being the time of the First, of Four, Horsemen.  But the first is Conquest, and we are indeed being conquered.  After all, the necessary counterpart of conquest is capitulation.  And we have capitulated.  War, Famine, and Death, in their turn.

Bradley E Manning, heroic patriot whistleblower, announced Tues that he is now Chelsey E Manning.  Whether or not the E still stands for Edward is unreported.  He is now by self-declaration a female, and per his statement wishes that "you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun (except in official mail to the confinement facility)."

Oh, when I said he was "patriotic" I must have meant to the world, rather than to such an outmoded paternalistic idea as a nation.  So I must have meant he was matriotic.  And when I said "heroic", it would have been one of those different strokes things, what's right for some may not be right for others.  And when I said whistleblower I would not have been referring to penises or oral sex.  And when he says "confinement facility", he means prison.  And when you say she, you mean he.

Wikipedia now redirects "Bradley Manning" to "Chelsey Manning".  The change was made within a few hours of the press release.  Thus,  opening sentence: "Chelsea E. Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning, 17 December 1987)..."  Was there a legal name change?  Well, hasn't Manning demonstrated that there is no need of law?

Here Chelsey is when she was a little boy.
Mmm.  Hot!  I mean, don't get me wrong, she's too young of course, but if she were an adult I'd do her in a heartbeat.
OH! Woo hoo! Happy day!!  I dig a woman with a 5 inch clitoris.

The Wikipedia article has already shifted all the HEs to SHEs.  That was fast.  SLATE knows a dame when it sees one; there, properly, Manning is Womanning.  NPR  avoids pronouns, calling Manning Manning throughout their reportage.  Very cowardly and insensitive of them.  Fascists. They should be killed.

You can change your mind, you can change your name.  You can change your underwear, for panties.  You can't change your sex.

But.  I apologize.  Especially about that clitoris thing.  I should strive to repel rather than embrace vulgarity and the delusion and wantonness around me.  I should resist rather than comply with the abandonment of all former standards of sanity.  But I am unhinged.  We have lost.  I think it's over.  Obama, in his sermons about what America is, making sure to always include in his formula, "no matter the color of our skin, or [insert verbiage] ... or who we love..."  The Wikipresident.  QED.

So, in Oklahoma, two black teens and a white boy shot a jogger in the back.  Death to tourists!

James Francis Edwards, age 15 (second from left), one of the bored boys ... teens, recently tweeted: "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM." Another reads, "Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:)"  Per the Urban Dictionary, "woods" is "a  derogatory term used to portray dumb white boys."  Good to know.  I wish there were some term appropriate to portray murderous racist teens.  And thank you, Media, for making our teens so civic minded, what with their following important current event stories the way this boy must have done, re Zimmerman. "Nigga of chief keef don't drop almighty SOSA or something by #Monday I'ma put hands on every wood I see until they drop lol."  Now, I confess I don't understand the specific meaning intended here (SOSA is perhaps "cocaine that is meant to be snorted from a stripper's buttcrack.").  Just the general tone.
 Go Army.  James also tweeted: "I see death around the Coner".  Well, teens can be a bit macabre.  It's a maturity thing.  Same thing: "Some say ima be dead or in jail by the time I'm 18. But the only problem there is...#i shoot first,and I got bond money!: so sorry to burst your bubble."  A sense of destiny and invulnerability.  I was the same way.  On Aug 13 -- why that's only 3 days before his little outing with his little friends! -- James tweeted: "With my niggas when it's time to start taken life's"  I like to tweet my location too! "In Starbucks sucking a rad joe!"

 James is the one who was dancing and laughing as he was being booked.  So he's got talent and a sense of humor, too. I trust it will serve him well in his confinement facility.  It's not all fun and games, though.  He's broken the heart of Rachel Padilla, his sister (from uhnothuh mothuh?): 
Think, son ... think!  But at least his moms, Brenda M, is a happy person.
The notable and noble thing about women like this (as I have intimate cause to know) is that they balance out their having abortions with having babies ... they are fruitful and multiply!  Drugs and crime and having babies ... how well I remember her.  Brenda should have gone into the Army.  Makes a woman out of you!  

What did Fairness & Justice spokesperson The Reverend Al Sharpton opine on this issue? Quote: *crickets*

Above, among the mug shots, the man on the left -- practically anonymous thrill-kill victim Christopher Lane -- was not available for comment.

 Death is not soon enough for this world.  We just have to plod through War and Famine.  Hasten the way.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Epic Fail

The Discerning Reader of These Pages will have noticed that it has not yet been the policy of FP to reference the current Occupier of the White House in the lower case.  Such has been the practice with clinton, and with carter -- clinton for the disgrace he brought to the office while in power, and carter for his shoddy emeritus conduct.  Obama is too small for the office, and wrong on every issue of importance, but he is not yet a fornicator or a traitor.

Obama: a man of surpassingly minor accomplishments prior to the gifting of his current station.  Fate must always have conspired to ensure that he was the glibbest man in the small room.  Or perhaps he so engineered the situation.  In any case, out of unchallenging circumstances he constructed for himself a prodigious self-regard.  The greatest of his many many failures of judgment, values and perception -- "gay" "marriage", Obama-"Care", "Global" "Warming", etc -- is his high opinion of his own abilities.  It may be that he is as smart as he thinks he is.  Objective evidence to the contrary not withstanding.  His virtue falls short of his ambition.

It is not reasonable that I actually am as smart as I think I am.  I'm smarter than Lisa Simpson, per her published IQ (a lot smarter). But my meager life accomplishments mitigate against the Great State of California's testing of my intelligence, way back in the day when it was legal and mandatory for states to take such measurements.  You know, before we found out that it was racist to measure for differences. Now we measure only for similarities.  You know, to firmly establish equality and fairness.

This pretty interesting blog post uses what objective measurements there are to yield an IQ for Obama of not over 116.  That is perfectly respectable.  "Bright normal".  Obama is bright.  No one would argue that he is not bright.  He's bright.  That means there are likely to be realized talents, perhaps even optimized.  The careful composition of several poetical speeches, and their delivery in sonorous, yea, mellifluous tones.  I'd give him an A minus.  But as with elite marathon running, sometimes there is only one or two truly great performances in a man. Obama shot his wad in his 2004  DNC speech, and in his "Si se pueda" candidate poem. Since then, on occasion he has been bright normal.  Mostly, though, not that bright.

It's not that Icarus flew too close to the sun.  It's that Icarus did not fly at all -- it's just a made-up story, about an impossibility.  Man-sized wings made out of sticks and wax and feathers are not functionally operative in the real world.  How nice it would be, if fantasy could be made real.  But dreams aren't real.  Realistic goals and effective training create excellence.  There are natural prodigies, who excel with little real exhaustion  or development of character.  Just so are there snakes hatched with two heads.  Prodigies, that did not earn their uniqueness.  They were noticed by the gods, and bear the mark.  There is no blessing in having two heads.  Better to diligently develop the intelligence contained within one's own, single head -- the intelligence, and the character.  Rather than getting by with the dog and one-trick pony show -- glib speaking skills honed between tokes during all-night sophomore rap sessions.

My expectation is that Obama labored over his several speeches, in their composition and delivery.  It need not be so, that he sold his soul for them.  Maybe he earned them.  Even a socialist must have some small grasp of the concept of earning what you attain.  But the presidency of the United States should not have been purchased for so cheap a price.  Something about a mess of pottage.

Obama's great failing -- aside from how poorly he has served the best interests of America -- is that he judged himself sufficient to the job.  At some point the possibility arose, to run, and after some thought -- for what man is so trifling that he would not at least pause -- Obama said, Yes, I am the man for this job.  I'm the best man in the field.  No one could do this job better than I.  To so underestimate the task, and overestimate his abilities -- well, you kids nowadays use the word "epic" a fair bit.  Here we have it.  Epic fail.

Were my arrogance altered in such a way as to make me crave a literal spotlight, and I conceived the idea that I had great leadership skills, and party apparatchiks observed my excellence and manipulated the media to present me as a golden boy ... well, even under such a circumstance I might very well demur, knowing myself as I do.  I am amazing, but I'm not up to the presidency.  Under those same circumstances, Obama thrust himself forward.  Fail, re self-evaluation.  Sadly, history will be the judge.  If only Obama had adequately judged himself.  He would have remained a perfectly sufficient Chicago ward politician, sidelining as an associate professor and part-time community organizer.  He would have made some sociology grad student a very nice obscure subject for a research paper -- "An Analysis of 'Present' Voting Patterns in the 2002-2003 Illinois State Assymbly".  Grad student, Pass.  Obama, Epic fail.

Next time, estimates about the size of Obama's dick.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

More Terror

One of the countless reasons everyone admires me so much is that I never have to compromise, because I am so obviously and always right.  If there were every any doubt about this fact, I might have to explain my conclusions to someone, because they were initially incapable of apprehending the inevitable virtue of my clarity.  Since I am the most patient man in the world, of necessity, I would and do not mind or resent such intellectual incompetence, for all that it technically wastes my most-valuable-of-all time.

Anyone else who never has to compromise would be an extremist.  They must get their own way, impose it, by violence if need be, and regardless of cost or the damage it does to others. Compromise is the opposite of fanaticism and extremism.  Thus, the Obaministration, which rephrases "islamist terrorism" as "violent extremism."  This observation, from Krauthammer.  "The word 'extremism' is meaningless. People don’t devote themselves to being extreme. Extremism has no content."

Obama most recently asserts that he will not compromise on the upcoming next-in-line fiscal crisis.  Cuz, like, planning a budget that doesn't always spend disproportionately more is, like, undemocratic.  So, no compromising, like some not-American car company motto.  Dictators do not compromise.  Anyone involved in politics must.  Why must it be, that I and I alone am the only person who has ever pointed this fact out?

Well.  I've said it before.  Admitted it.  Observed, discovered it.  I hold a grudge.  This has come as a big surprise to me.  I had not been aware of that quality in my character.  But I am a hard man, reaping where I did not sow.  It seems that the pattern is, screw me once, well, you may not have meant it.  Do it again and it's malice.  So with the plumber, who turned the neighbor's water off, and mine as well, without warning.  For a couple of days.  Hmm.  Well, you'd think a professional would have noticed that the lines were connected, but never mind.  Then the next week he did it again -- said the water would be off for three hours, and left it off all weekend. I'm easy, I'm polite and accommodating, the first time. The second time, it is an assault on my human worth. He had the phone number, but it didn't occur to him to make the call.  And now again, today, he's effing around with the neighbor's issue and interfering here for incomprehensible and inadequate reasons.  I am immobilized with disgust.  I know it's not reasonable of me.  Roll with the punches.  But I spent my childhood being the victim of scum.  Apparently I don't like it.  I have a spiritual disorder.

The heel pain must be a spur.  I have a podiatrist appointment -- finally got to it.  I've been massaging it etc, to no real effect, and that's supposed to be the fix.  Why doesn't anything ever get better?

I just told a child to run with scissors.

Well, it seems my animadversion of the use of "garnish", as of wages, has been misapplied -- it is not an illiterate usage, in place of "garnishee."  It rings clangorously in my ears, garnish used this way, calling up images of parsley, but it is not only correct but can lay strong claim to being preferred.  Go figure.  It appears that I, even I must very slightly moderate an opinion once in a very great while.  I have betrayed myself.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The Idiot swept by in his motorcade yesterday, to do Leno.  Someone I know got a knock on her door, and a looming giant instructed her to take her trash cans in off the street.  Secret Service -- or, in this case, considering at whose pleasure he serves, SS.  The woman twittered some joke to her significant other, denigratory of the Kenyan, and I told her she was now on a Homeland Security list.

I'm sure that the NSA or Homeland Security or some other Agency  or all of them and certainly the IRS have computer algorithms searching out  phone and web and text disloyalty against Zero, and one of the flagged phrases must be "The Idiot."

In his declamation to Camp Pendleton Marines yesterday, The Idiot joked that "The United States is never going to retreat from the world.  We don't get terrorized."  What?  Huh?  You say he wasn't joking?  Oh.  Well ... um, well, I hardly know what to say then.  We don't get terrorized, cuz 9-11 never happened.  It was a bad acid trip, dude.  Gnarly.  It was not Al Qaeda, but an incredible simulation.  CGI.  Hollywood Lefties did it to show how stupid Bush was.  And now that you mention it I'm sure that I never did see Americans fleeing in terror from the billowing dust clouds sweeping down the canyoned boulevards of NYC.   This, although it will go unnoticed, was an even more inept verbal formulation than Doubleyou's "Bring it on." Bring it on means "try it again".  We don't get terrorized means "do even worse".

Obama's patriotism extends so far that he takes the bother to say "The United States" rather than just "America."  Such dignity and reverence.
 I mean, look at the size of that flag!

Of course, it's the wrong flag.

Ah, that's better.  The Ol' Zeros and Strips.


Saturday, August 3, 2013


I come, belatedly, to Charles Krauthammer's simple and eloquent words.  Belatedly, of course.  My destiny has outpaced me, and I am left floundering.  Simple and eloquent, of course.  More frequently than not, they are paired.  Complexity can be eloquent, and simplicity can be coarse.  But: "The Father of Waters again rolls unvexed to the sea."

Krauthammer is always simple, clear, direct, the most logical of the opinion-writers.  For Zimmerman, justice? -- punishment?  "All we have is the human kind whose only standard in a civilized society is this: A jury has spoken."

You will know by now my opinion.  There is no justice.  Punishment, certainly.  Redress, occasionally ... perhaps half the time?  Injustice, well, always.  Because there is no justice.  That's logic.  I no longer consider myself wise -- it was a long fall with a hard landing.  But I suppose that wisdom is finding, crafting, extracting somehow a sense of joy even in such a world as this.  The most and best that we can expect from life is embedded, like a beetle in amber, within the judgment of others.  The jury continues to speak, dictating our circumstances -- wisdom abides in the choosing of our response.

So Obama got himself reelected.  Some French philosopher said, "Every nation has the government it deserves."  Sounds pretty smart.  And it's right, mostly.  Tweak it a little and it is right: Every nation deserves the government it affirms.  The Cambodians did not deserve the Khmer Rouge.  People don't deserve that.  Nations, perhaps, do.  Why was Cambodia so Third World, that such a thing could happen?  Why did they not have their own wise leader or traditions to establish strong and sane institutions?  Ach.  There it is.  Justice, and no justice.  Failure brings disproportionate punishment.

As for Obamerica, I now think of it not as the Prodigal Son, who left the dignity of his father's household to be a wastrel and then live with pigs.  I think of America as the pigs.  The pig returneth to its vomit.  Perhaps once the Lord was our Shepherd.  Now we have a swineherd.

I didn't eat this week.  A juice fast, kale and chard and dandelion leaf and suchlike.  Blech.  Five days.  Does not seem to have helped.  But I will persevere.  I don't have any extra weight to lose, so I don't want to lose weight.  Haven't been this, um, lean since distant days when I was in deep grief.  Meantime there are bad days, and days that are not quite so bad.  What's that you say?  I should go to the doctor?  But ... I don't know any doctors.  And, uh, I don't want to be spending my very limited resources on inevitable expensive tests that are inevitably unhelpful.  For example, I still do not have AIDS or syphilis or chlamydia, etc.  Not helpful information.  I knew that already.  And, um, I am mentally and spiritually ill, and there's something in me that wants to degrade and destroy myself, and embraces constant pain as a deserved punishment.

Out of such contradictions were the worlds created.

July 3 my son was born.  August 3 I asked my wife to marry me.  September 3 I became Christian.  October 3 I got my divorce decree.  November 3 my son was conceived.  We strive to find order in chaos, and purpose in what is random.  We impose it.  (Pardon my sententiousness.  It's what I do.  But I can't resist: "We impose it.")  Like God imposes life upon ourselves, impresses it into the clay of our nature.  Impressive, such an imposition.

Thank you.  Thank you very much.


Friday, July 26, 2013


I realize that my grasping grabbing groping thrusting tweaking kneading squeezing rubbing honking poking prodding probing of countless subordinate and supplicant succulent submissive women can be viewed by some as somewhat inappropriate, and I am taking a two week vacation slash hiatus from my mayoral duties of San Diego to correct this character issue and lifetime behavior of over fifty years, after which I will return to continue my Progressive Democrat agenda of socially aware policies which focus on gay and reproductive rights. I am indispensable.  I have no plans to resign.  Fuck you very much.

It is true that after the last time I came before you regarding this issue -- and by "came" I do not mean the expulsion of sexual or generative fluid from my prostate and testes along my urethra via the convulsive spasming of my bulbospungiosus muscle enervated by the pundental nerve (Wikipedia video of the ejaculatory event HERE (and this video does not, I repeat does NOT represent me, my own digitized history on the web, to the best of my recollection)) -- I resigned from my Congressional seat -- and by "seat" I do not mean my well-defined glute muscles which through diligent bodybuilding donkey-kick exercises in the gym I have enlarged so that the posterior of my tighty whities, or GRAY or blue, depending on my mood (even red sometimes) demonstrates a hot hot sexy bulgy curve that internet chicks totally dig -- due to my poor judgment that I exercised by being responsible for indulging in embarrassingly for my constituents but most of all my wife and family -- and by "embarrassingly" I do not mean to raise any image of my "bare" "ass", which I did not reveal in my many sexts to the not-more-than-a-dozen women after I had already resigned -- and by "raise" I do not mean to call to mind any existing or known digital image of my semi-erect penis which I took at my office desk with my trousers down at my ankles.  I have no plans to withdraw from the mayoral race of the City of New York because I am indispensable -- and by "withdraw" I do not mean pulling my undoubtedly manscaped penis, whether erect, semi-erect or flaccid, from any possible vagina I might have happened to find myself in, for which I take full responsibility, although how could that happen, just by sexting.  Fuck you very much.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Devil's Island



I could stop there, but insight isn't the only important thing. How do we deal with blood enemies? Understand their childhoods? Well, no. That's not how we deal with them. That's a small part of understanding them, but more important than understanding is what we do about the problem. If the answer is four, I don't care if I get to it by adding one and three, or two and two, or 3.27 and 0.73 -- just get to it. We're not talking about art, here, but about reality. We deal with blood enemies by stopping them. How they are stopped is an incidental.

Gitmo is exile. It's banishment, of someone who is not fit to live among civilized people. An island in the midst of the Lake of Fire is beyond the pale, for some reason. Perhaps a few moments too many passed when summary execution would stand up to the definition of summary. Exigent evidence grew stale, and bureaucracy took over. So be it. Some other, more terrene island will have to do. Gitmo, then.

Obama has come to understand this fact. The lad is teachable? So Charles Krauthammer would have it. "Observers of all political stripes are stunned by how much of the Bush national security agenda is being adopted by this new Democratic government. Victor Davis Hanson ... offers a partial list: 'The Patriot Act, wiretaps, e-mail intercepts, military tribunals, Predator drone attacks, Iraq (i.e. slowing the withdrawal), Afghanistan (i.e. the surge) -- and now Guantanamo.' [Liberal Jack Goldsmith] adds: rendition -- turning over terrorists seized abroad to foreign countries; state secrets -- claiming them in court to quash legal proceedings on rendition and other erstwhile barbarisms; and the denial of habeas corpus..."

Obama's latest flip-flop -- always a good thing for him to do on any of his core issues, if he has core issues -- has to do with the newly recognized efficacy of military commissions and tribunals, "accompanied by the usual Obama three-step: (a) excoriate the Bush policy, (b) ostentatiously unveil cosmetic changes, (c) adopt the Bush policy." Again, it doesn't matter how we get to the right answer. Just get there.

Elsewhere Krauthammer says Obama has a firstclass intellect and a firstclass temperament, and perhaps a thirdclass character. Close paraphrase. K is paraphrasing something said of FDR: great temperament, intellect, not so much. For my part, I remain unconvinced as to Obama's intellect. I think an impressive intellect requires an ability not only to manipulate words into pleasant or portentous-sounding sentence fragments, but to express correct ideas clearly. It's not only about communication, but uncommunicated brilliance might as well be silence. Verbal fireworks is fine around cracker barrels or crowds of adoring fans, but it's glib.

Character shapes intellect. It has to do with the discipline to pursue truth, even if we want to disagree with the conclusion. Character agrees that two plus two equals four, to paraphrase George Orwell. We shouldn't be convinced only after the fact -- after, say, our bridge falls down because someone thought 4 was 390,059,503. Why, there's not even a four anywhere in that number! And, why, it's a prime!  How wrong can you be?  It's like on purpose.

We should weigh evidence according to past experience rather than theory. That's the problem with Obama. It's not just that it's all about theory. It's that his experience is limited.

He's not used to being challenged. Because he has used his firstclass intellect to overawe second-raters, his wrong theories have never been corrected. He was a lawyer, but he wasn't a litigator. See? There was never anyone else in the room to argue him down. That's necessary, for bright guys with theories. That's me, too. The difference between Obama and myself, aside from this little presidency thing, is that my ideas are shaped by evidence. And I suppose I've been shown do be wrong often enough for me to hold onto opinions loosely. There's another difference. My ideas are not my character. Obama's character is all in his ideas.

I was kidding though about being wrong -- have you ever known me to be wrong? I just needed to say that to make a rhetorical point.

How do we decide what's right? WWJD. Jesus talks about turning the other cheek, and about ocean bottoms and millstones tied around necks. Jesus talks about Hell. You don't get an infinite number of chances to be wrong. You get the duration of your lifetime. Then you get your eternity. So how do we deal with terrorists? In a harsh and civilized way. Effectively, and according to rules.

Gitmo? Please. Even Obama's Democrats won't close it now. Embarrassing for them? They are shameless, so embarrassment doesn't apply. They pick the strangest things to be passionate about. Obartionism. Anti-defense. Carbon. Gay and terrorist rights. Um, banana slugs? Whatever. Odd things. But the opposite of defense is not offense; the opposite of defense is defeat. Gitmo is not an offense. There is a Devils Island because there are devils.


Thursday, July 18, 2013


Man. I hadn't seen the dude before.
  I know, seems unlikely, but we all

hate America in our own way.

So anyways, this hot Johar boy is HOT!  Hello, nurse!  He's my new Justin Beeber! The innocent bad boy.  Wake up, sleepy head.  Yum yum!  I would do him til his teeth bled!  I'm gonna see if my public defender can get me transferred to his facility.  This is a MUCH sexier picture that he took of himself

this.  Not a sexy selfie at all -- I don't even know why it's on the internet.  All blurry and cluttered with those ugly burly men.  Yuck.   He's the only one not wearing shades.  That's a statement.  Sassy!

And thank you Rolling Stone, for giving us all these sexy boys

all so very, very talented and hairless ... 

and of course sexy men too

... along with the ugly bad ones of course.

If it weren't for the media, I wouldn't know what to think.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Double Jeopardy

Here's how you know you're dealing with cultists: they use words in abnormal ways, recoding the meaning.  Thus, gay marriage.  It's not a broadening or adapting or evolution of the word.  It's a perversion.  "Ministry of Truth" stuff.  Room 101, as I recall -- 1984.  The PC police will punish you until you agree.  You'll be fired, or prosecuted, or boycotted, or picketed ... whatever.  Freedom of thought is the freedom to agree with them.  There is no free marketplace of ideas, because that smacks of capitalism, which is far too paternalistic and masculine, ie, bad -- the one intolerability.

Thus with Zimmerman.  I of course did not follow the trial.  Justice is an impossibility.   Either the innocent are wrongly prosecuted, or an innocent victim has been harmed and no process can undo that harm.  This is pristine logic, idealistic, and therefore impracticable.  The reality is we have to go through the motions.  My read, fairly uninformed, is that Zimmerman was out looking to protect the neighborhood, Trayvon was out for skittles.  Walking in the rain in a hoodie.  Up against the houses, maybe, for some sort of protection against rain? -- because he was a 16 year old kid and curious enough to want to look into folks' windows?  Not my particular thing when I was that age.  But I did worse.  That is a crazy stupid age to be.  I'm very lucky I got out of it healthy.

I expect that Trayvon  id hide in bushes and jump out, etc.  Hide and cower, run away, or confront.  All three are fair options.  Nothing wrong with any of them.  Given a tough boy who posts images of himself with guns, seems obvious what he'd do.  Maybe I'm wrong.  What seems very much less likely is that George was a mad dog killer out coon hunting.  Which is exactly what our current "protesters" adamantly assert, so much so that they need to set fires and break windows.  It's like when your team wins, or loses, a game.  What's a brother gonna do? Well some of them riot.  It's enough to turn a mild-mannered white man into a racist, nearly.

I know a nice middle-aged straight-married black couple, and tonight I asked them why they weren't out rioting.  Kidding.

The Incompetent in the White House inserted himself into this case, like a penis into a vagina or anus, by saying if he had a son it would look like Trayvon    Gratuitous, arrogant and unstatesmanlike.  Obama acted stupidly.  Now his Justice Department -- "Ministry of Justice" -- is making noise about attacking Zimmerman on a civil rights beef.  Honestly, so much for double jeopardy.  Isn't that in the Constitution?  -- like, um, Right Number Five? I mean, we were explicitly expressly granted by the State ten rights. Ten that we were allowed to have, by the government.  Now it's less than that?  I am shocked.   I guess it all depends upon what the meaning of is is, or in this case, the meaning of offense: no person shall "be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy..."  Offense here must not mean an actual action. It means the particular label a politician or bureaucrat happened to decide to use, and at any later time the same action may be differently described and any suitably arbitrary action taken against the "perp" -- the disapproved person.

Sounds like a recoding to me.  Some cult member must be making the decisions.

So, marriage, no longer between male-female, as even polygamy has it, but between any two adults.  But why two only?  And why not siblings or parent-child, etc.  My mind cannot contend with the permutations.  In our current Looking-Glass world, the Humpty-Dumpty Principle of Lexicography is enforced.  Words mean whatever we wish them to mean.  Narcissism reflected back upon itself, as an infinite regress ad absurdum.

I heard, again as before, a man on the radio, with a black dialect if not himself black, who spent a few moments explaining that he was about to say something, and than rolled out the prematurely hoary trope that it was impossible for any non-White to be racist.  Well statements like that, for all their predictability through familiarity, still thrust a searing dagger of ice through my mind.  How do you correct a cultist of his heretical redefinitions?  Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer, or an Ascended Master, or a wise Essene, or a magician, or an alien from Venus.  Anything but who he said he was.  I AM.  You cannot correct insanity.  At best, you heal it, somehow.

Thus, "racism" is no longer a meaningful word.  When dealing with a liberal, or a black person (same thing, 95% of the time (Democrat Party affiliation (that's a solid A grade! (And what about those poor Uncle Tom wannabe-white non-authentic blacks in the 5%? -- that's, like, not even showing up to class!)))), I hereby resolve to use in any hypothetical discussion not the word racism, but colorism.  It is impossible to define our terms, if the same phonetic sound is used by different parties to mean opposite things.  It's not a double meaning, it's double talk.  Actual racism means judging people by their race rather than their individual conduct.  Liberal racism means being white and having an opinion at odds with liberals.

I hadn't quite realized before, that we were dealing with, literally, a cult.  It's the perversion of language, and therefore meaning, and therefore thought, that finally makes it click.  Thank you, conventional and sincere but enslaved-to-illogic black man on the radio, for clarifying the matter for me.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Great Men

Of course you don’t know any great men. Mostly it’s nice men that we know, and then we get sloppy with the language. Or honest men, or even, rarely, honorable men. But great? Please. We invest the magnitude of our emotion into our judgment. Emotion is only part of judgment; objectivity must have its place as well.

 I say this because I just heard someone say that his father was a great man. He is to be forgiven. It’s one of those relative things, heh, where imprecision of diction is as honest a way of communicating as any. Like saying your wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, yes -- she is. Opinion is not fact, and it can change as a function of self-protection in an instant, and honestly. Sample A tastes better, yes, it is my firm opinion that sample B tastes better. Why not exploit this convenient malleability to conform to real world needs.

 My father, my father is biglongway to one side of the continuum of judgments about fathers. Not violent, but violently emotional. Not bad, but as selfish as duty would allow him to be. Thank God for duty -- what family would survive without it. What, love is supposed to hold things together? What a religious idea you have. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth -- and in the beginning was the Word, and that was the love that held the world together. Then there was sin, and the world fell apart, or started to and continues to this day, via entropy, and what of love then? Love, in the form I expect of the presiding Holy Spirit, fled the universe, and enters only here and there, or lays like a film upon a pond, as surface tension, but penetrates only as a perturbation. Only duty holds the universe together, until that great day in the by and by.

 Selfish I say, in his narscissism. Is it proper for sons to judge their fathers? No it isn’t. The Commandment about honoring your parents comes with a blessing -- memory suggests it’s the only one that does. So it seems that honoring and being honest are in conflict. But no, it’s more of a gravity/aerodynamics thing, two laws, not in conflict, no opposed, simply applying in different conditions. My father could be trusted to be critical, judgmental, harsh and blind -- betraying, frankly -- and then he’d forget about it, and wonder why people acted hurt, and judge them for that. Sexually profligate, as a function of his egotism. Imagine how sneaky you have to be, to be sexually betraying. No baby, I’m not cheating on you, I love you baby, I love you. To utter it soils the soul.  Sex isn’t dirty, it’s the lying that makes it so. Lie with dogs, wake up with crabs.

 My mother is also a sneaky liar, completely untrustworthy, but her compulsion is not ego driven but from weakness, her own, aimed at protecting weak things through sneakiness rather than confrontation. She basically stole all of her husband’s particular savings and gave it away to my brother’s family.  Toward the end, in his near dementia,he’d have some vague awarenesss of what was going on and get all upset and want to drive somewhere and confront someone, and I couldn’t lie to him but I had no details and he was too vague about the problem for me to be honest and there was no where to drive him to, so ask me about futility and I’ll have a few words to say. Where's all my money?  It soils my soul.

Now I’m the one who will be picking up the slack, the shortfall, the lack of savings and the profligate toilet-flush waste, taking care of her financial needs as best I can until she dies, if she dies first. I expect no inheritance, so it’s a balancing act between saving for my own old age and making sure she currently has enough spare cash to pay the phone bill and to buy chew toys for her many untrained dogs, etc.

It is my son’s birthday today. He is a great man.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The only way anyone ever gets close to me is through persistence. That’s how it was with my former wife … she just kept trying. Turned out painful, but my life would be even emptier without even that failed marriage. And the very few friends I have, were persistent. One just kept on inviting me to do jiu jitsu at his home. I wouldn't have done it even if my schedule had allowed it, save for the persistence. It may be that I don’t believe anyone really wants to be around me. I know, effed up. I am deeply weird, ruined really. It’s like it was on purpose. Trust is just another word for faith, and it’s because of faith that the whole world is going to hell.

These past few days I have been very productive, creatively. Many many thousands of words pouring out of me, rough draft. No promises that it will go anywhere. I’ve done it before, a number of times. I am reluctant and sheepish to say, a piece of genre fiction, re a very commercial area I have had no meaningful interest in previously.  Done to death.  It’s just the idea is so good. It’s great fun, crafting, but a massively major undertaking, and my genius does not tend to follow through with any final steps, like presenting my work to others. Part of my lifelong depression is the awareness that I have wasted my talent.

What a world, where second rate people push themselves into dominance with no talent other than a self assured baritonale voce. I would be deeply bothered by today's SC ruling re California gay marriage, Prop 8, where its defenders, of actual real non-gay marriage, were found to have no standing, and Eight is out, play-marriage is in. Not depressed though since I seem to have accepted the fact that there is no more America. The reelection of That One affirmed it, and there’s no going back. It’s one thing to be anally raped, and something entirely different to come back for more. America is a stupid perverted whore.  Amerigay.  The incest lobby isn’t yet quite vocal enough to have sibling marriage, but it’s coming. Polygamy is next.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I have written many things here over the past few months. Haven’t posted it, because it’s all the same, variations on a single theme, and after I write it I just don’t want to be nothing but a whiner. I’ve used these pages to vent, but this is perhaps more real, and certainly more immediate, than most of my snarky little disquisitions. I cannot walk up stairs. Well, one foot, then that same foot, and again. The right. Seems like a problem. I can’t run, can’t jump, can’t twist. Now there’s a pain in my heal, like a bone spur or plantar fasciitis or a deep bruise -- there’s a swelling. Sup the hell with that? Sometimes it takes me four or five seconds to take a step. Clump … clump … clump…. Sunday night it took about a minute to go up two steps. Had to get up the nerve. I have to hold on to things, walls and counters, like an old old man. No more jiu jitsu. Distressing. And so it goes. 

Well isn’t that dire. But it isn’t permanent. I have yet another plan. And perhaps all this will teach me gratitude.

Of course it takes an emotional toll. Have I said that I’m thinking about getting life insurance? Or was that something I didn’t post. Something like this, to a physical guy, can undermine the worldview. Pass or fail, it’s a test. That’s a good thing. I’ve spent most of my life using stubbornness as a replacement for strength. Maybe this will make me stronger.

 I have said -- although I no longer remember what I’ve posted and what I’ve merely written -- that I have good friends, but no close friends. I don’t really have the capacity for it, but I do know that to maintain, nurture friendship you need to make an effort. Social stuff, dinners and entertainments and spending non-structured time together. Like, you have to date your wife. Cuz the mundane can get in the way, and seem like what it’s all about. Cherishing her is what it’s about. Takes effort. I’m not an expert, but I’ve consolidated the painful lessons of my failed marriage, and codified my decades of observation. I’m very wise.

I hatched a scheme for Fathers Day, for a family get-together at my brother’s house, with my son and nephews etc, all to entice my own father out there, you know, so he could meet his grandkids after 20 years. The old man said no, though, so nothing. He despises his daughter-in-law. As he does, I think, all women. Well, I don’t care much for her either, but it’s just a chemistry thing. She’s okay, and good for my brother, and that’s what matters. The old man however wants everything his own way, in his fortress of a house, and I just cannot endure the thought of being trapped there with him again, the dead silence and the delusions and the vitriol. Get out of that place, the castle of doom. Thus, my scheme, which failed. So, no get-together. No matter. I’ll manipulate a Fourth of July thing, and have an invitation extended again. And again, in August, for my birthday. See what I’m willing to sacrifice? All this will be rejected. No matter. Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. To get him out of that house, see? Foolish old psycho. It takes persistence, when dealing with crazy people.

More and more I'm forced to confront what an unforgiving person I am.  It's odd.  That's not what I'm like.  But it is.  It isn't so much holding a grudge, although, petty though that is, I think I do -- it's that when you lose my trust you don't get it back.  Logically I think I'm right.  It's just no way to live.

 There are many things to say, re current events. Oh, it would be good. But I seem to be isolating, and I’m unmotivated to continue as I have been. I have a more serious thing about half done, biblical, the sort of observations I made with poor Eli and the Ark a while back. I like that sort of structured writing, working with source material, building a picture with details. Unmotivated though. Dilatory. We shall see.

 This? This is my effort to stay in touch. I manipulated myself out of my castle of solitude, walking amongst the peasants, that they may admire and be edified. You have been told what it costs me. It hurts to walk. But that’s how I am. All noble and shit.


Thursday, May 30, 2013


Context is everything.  What may be intolerable hoke, some other time can move you to tears.  Consider Ted Lewis, then.  Oh, you know him.  "Is everybody happy!?!"  Old-time band leader.  Al Jolson era.  Guy Lombardo style -- who finished his days, in his old age, and before you were born -- playing the New Year in.  Dick Clark took over those duties upon Lombardo's passing, and after that, uh, Brian Seacrest?  -- whoever ... pardon my disregard in the matter, usually I pay heed to heritage and lineage, but in our debased culture it's like tracking gangleaders or banana republic Generalissimos.  So, yes, context is everything.

Here, then, is Ted Lewis, 1930, speaking, singing rather, to and from another era, Great Depression, so schmaltzy it's hard to suppose it's not a joke.  But people loved it.  In the era that immediately followed, America faced another enemy -- fighting for civilization, no lie, Victory Gardens and scrap rubber drives.  Suggested national speed limit was 35 miles an hour.  Coffee was rationed, and sugar, and meat. At such a time distraction and encouragement was found where it may be.  So, here, at 19:14, the same song again, from the Fred Allen Show -- Texico Star Theater, 1943. You probably don't understand.  When the audience spontaneously burst into applause, at 20:46, well, I was moved.

Of course this was not the Greatest Generation.  Look at what bad parents they were, to produce the trash of the 60s and the vapidity of the 70s.  They did their duty.  That does not make them great.  It is merely what is expected, and demanded, and required.  They were stewards of the past, but not of the future.  They fought a delaying action.  This is the generation that tollerated the normalization of abortionism.  What greater evil could they have opposed?

If only there were easy answers.  If only sentiment could also be profound.  But we have to breathe, and that means staying on the surface, mostly.


Thursday, May 23, 2013


 I told her
     with firm conviction, secure,
     with confident tenderness,
that she was mine.

Had any woman ever said such a thing to me
I would have pulled her into my arms and kissed her
     with manifest sexual desire.  
I would have loved her even more,
for such words.
To be loved,
     asserted as an observation
     of adamant fact --
how comforting.

was offended.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Milk Cows

This is a long story. Eli was High Priest of Israel, at Shiloh where the Ark of the Covenant dwelt.  He had become Israel's judge when Samson died, in the same year that Samuel was born.  Eli had two sons, powerful priests, who by force took for themselves the meat offerings brought for the Lord, and disported themselves with many women who came to the Tabernacle. So it was with the nations and their temples, where all women were made to be prostitutes. Eli knew all this, and used only words to rebuke his sons, of which they took no notice, for the Lord desired to kill them.    

A prophet came to him and said that more than God, Eli honored his sons, making themselves fat with the best of the offerings. “Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house would walk before me forever.’ But now the Lord says: ‘Far be it from me, for those who honor me shall I honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.’” It is good to notice that hardly any promises are without conditions. “Behold the days are coming when I will cut off your arm, so that there will not be an old man in your house, forever.”

 And to the child Samuel, last of Israel’s judges, came the words in the night, loud enough to wake him by the calling of his name, that Eli’s house would be judged forever, not atoned for nor forgiven, forever. When Eli at his own command heard this from the child, he answered, “It is the Lord. Let him do what seems good to him.” It is good to accept the will of God. But had not Eli already been told that God can change his mind? It is hard to know when to be strong, and when to be weak. Curses, too, must have conditions.

 At this time, when revelation from the Lord was rare, Israel went out to war with Philistia, and the Philistines prevailed, killing 4000 men. The elders of Israel called for the Ark to come down from Shiloh, to save them from the enemy. When it arrived a great cry rose up in the camp, the men shouting so that the earth moved. Perhaps some of them thought of Jericho. Perhaps the leaders preached on it: “We shall prevail with the Lord going before us! The Ark and our great cry and the moving of the earth!”

 The Philistine army heard and learned the meaning of the noise, and they were very afraid. “God has come among them! Never has such a thing happened before! Who will deliver us from the hands of these mighty gods? These are the gods who struck the Egyptians with plagues!” Idolaters would not be clear on the details, on the history of Israel, on the theology of monotheism, but even as legend the curses upon Pharaoh were known. God had not ceased, between these times, to harden the hearts of those whom he would destroy. Free will is a matter of timing, after which it is too late.

 But God was on the side of the idolaters, who conducted themselves like men, and Israel lost the battle, 30000 killed. Among the dead were the wicked sons of Eli. The Philistines captured the Ark and removed it to Ashdod. When God has forsaken a cause, victory is the difference between weapons of iron and weapons of bronze. And the Philistines acted like men, while Israel fled, every man, to his tent. A messenger raced straight from the battle to bring the news, and the men of Shiloh wailed. Eli, blind with age, seated by the wayside, heard the cry with dread. The messenger came and told him, “There has been a great slaughter. Your sons are dead. The ark has been captured.”

 And Eli must have thought: a slaughter, but Israel will survive. And he must have thought: my sons, dead, but I have known it would come. But when he heard the Ark was taken it was too much too bear. He was a priest to whom God would not come, but he served God, and was forsaken. Eli fell backwards out of his seat, his arms flailing uselessly. He was a very fat man, and his neck broke, and he died. He was ninety eight years old, and had judged Israel for forty years.

 The victorious Philistines placed the Ark in the Temple of Dagon at Ashdod, next to the idol itself. When the priests came into the temple early the next morning, the Idol was toppled onto its face before the Ark. The priests set it in its place again.

 The Lord God does not push idols over. He does not knock down city walls, nor kill firstborn, nor bring boils and frogs. His angels do such things. There is a great war ongoing in the heavenlies, sometimes hot and violent, sometimes watchful and crafty. Lucifer, called Satan, is the leader of the rebellion, and his army is half that of the Lords. But much or most of the Lord’s army, is hard and ever at work sustaining the world, the turning of the spheres, the light of the stars, the heat of fire, the changing of tides, seasons, the growth of seed and the song of birds and the mind of bees. These things do not tend themselves. Dust is not alive and there is no intelligence in the wind by itself.

 It was the proud and least wise, but powerful, angels who rebelled -- those who by nature could be warlike. What adversary, in the earliest days, was there to contend against? The universe had been built. It was inevitable, part of the plan, that there be a rebellion. Each being has its nature for a reason, that it may be expressed.

 So the celestial and fallen army of Lucifer is more vast. The days of creation are over, and the Lord sees fit not to enhance the number of his host. He recruits soldiers from humanity, a different order than the angels, brief and frail, but God will prevail, and not because his army is larger, and not because he himself intervenes. What is it then that tips the scale? The dead are resting. Only the living can fight.

Dagon, not just an idol but an entity, the angelic Prince of Ashdod, assembled with the gods of the Philistines, all were celebrating the humiliation and devastation of Israel. They would not have expected so soon and sudden an attack. But some great angel of the lord came in the deep night, descended like lightening upon the temple and blasted the idol from its platform. Perhaps a winged cherubim, or perhaps in the form of a man, wingless of course, armored in radiance, terrible in countenance, enraged with righteousness at the affront to God’s symbol and abode on earth. Michael is the Prince of Israel, who battles the gods of the nations -- striding into the House of Dagon, sudden and unopposed, shocking and terrifying, this unvanquished force, and unopposed imposed upon Dagon his humiliation. Bow before the Lord.

 The priests came in the following morning. It was an age of earthquake and hailstones, but they did not expect to find their god fallen. A great wailing and flapping of hands, and the idol was remounted. Offerings, of propitiation and purification, of course, all day.

 That night, Michael came again to Dagon’s throne room, wherein remained captive the Ark of the Lord. This time there was a battle. In war, advantages are won and lost. How angels fight we do not know. It may be there are swords, light and fire and fear and rage, and something of spirit. What wounds these beings can sustain is not known. The nature of their power and force is outside our physical understanding. There will be laws to their metabolism. We know that demons and gods are sustained by blood offerings and by the emotions of worship. These must be a replacement of their first sustenance, and necessary after the Fall -- as parasites do not sow or reap, hunt or graze, but merely and always suck.

Michael prevailed again. He broke off the head and hands of the idol and dropped them at the portal of the sanctuary. Had human eyes seen it, it would have seemed an earthquake, the idol spilling down like Eli, forward though, neck snapping, hands unable to break the fall, snapping as well, rolling or bouncing in what seems randomness but with the inevitability of water flowing in a channel, to the threshold. The wounds symbolic on the statue would be manifest upon Dagon himself. We know such things only through symbols, and how Dagon appeared ever afterwards, bearing what wounds, we leave for his worshipers to know. But in history Ashdod of the Philistines never again prevailed.

Nations are judged through their princes. When spiritual princes are judged, the people suffer, and in Ashdod the Philistines were stricken with tumors. What plague, canker or cancer it was remains dark, but the land was infested with rats, so we may surmise. The elders believed the curse was from the Ark, and sent it out of their city, eastward to Gath. The plague grew even worse in that city, a very great destruction, and they sent the Ark to Ekron. “They have brought us the Ark to destroy us!” cried out the people of that city, and already the destruction was great. What to do, what to do. To Ekron were summoned the leaders of the Philistines, who determined to send it back into Israel. The Ark and its plague had been in Philistia for seven months.

 The Ark, so strange and deadly an object, like gravity, like lightning. The man who put out his hand to prevent it from falling to the dirt was struck down instantly, dead. God is not fair. Holy intentions must be matched by proper ritual. To live in portentous times is to be a pawn and a symbol. Because Moses had struck a rock with a stick, 40 years later he was made to die outside the Promised Land. Because Ham saw his father naked, his house was cursed. God uses men like game pieces. It must be what we are made for. That the God of the universe should dwell between the figures of two cherubim in a space two handspans wide, above a wood and golden box, among a tribal people in the hills, is implausible. Those who deny its possibility most likely go to hell.

 The priests and seers of Philistia determined to return the Ark along with trespass offerings. Their theology was narrow, as it must be, but they knew that the gods of Israel were powerful, untrustworthy, severe. Five golden tumors, and five golden rats, were cast and placed upon a newly made cart; the offerings are very logical -- gods have symbols, and the god of the Hebrews has much to do with plague. Two milk cows would pull the cart, their calves left behind in the fields. “Then watch, and if the cart goes up the road to Israel, then God has done us this great evil. But if not, then we shall know that it is not His hand that struck us, it was by chance that it happened to us.” Milk cows will turn back to their calves, unless driven by some force more powerful than instinct. Some lesson about free will, in this.

 The cows went lowing along the highway, followed by princes, straight to the land of Israel at Beth Shemosh. There the Levites sacrificed those same two cows on a large flat stone. But the people of the city had looked into the Ark. It is an understandable temptation, whereas holiness is hard to understand. Because of this, God killed 50,070 men. Plague, again, or earthquake, or fire from heaven. The times were unsettled.

 And that’s the end of the story, almost. The Ark was moved again, to Kirjath Jearim and the house of Abinadab, which the Lord appears to have found sufficient. We are told of no more slaughters.

 The priests of the Philistines knew that life is largely random, and just as the earth is sometimes but rarely upset with quaking, the lives of men are rarely but catastrophically visited by the will of gods, demons and fallen angels, wicked -- or pure, not gods but angels in direct service to God. The pagan priests determined the case of the Ark with an empirical test, the instinct of nursing cows to turn homeward rather than away. Very wise.

 In every instance we have seen, the greatest peace would seem to come from having no contact with divinities. We are not given a choice, though.  To be noticed by gods is almost never a blessing. Consider how many princes there are, and how many slaves.


Saturday, April 20, 2013


You didn't know
   when you first loved me
   when you opened my heart
      like soft hands pursuading a fist
that I would turn my love back on you
   like a blast of fire
   like pulling a child out of a well
   like a mirror.

You didn't know that after a long life
bright with grace,
I would die in your arms
   with a smile.

Or maybe you did.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


One hundred seven years ago today, the good gray city of San Francisco was destroyed, first by a long harsh moment of great shaking, then by three unrelenting days of firestorm. It couldn’t have come as a surprise. Indian legend remembers the actual creation of the Santa Clara Valley, the Salinas River plain, the Russian River, and even of the Golden Gate itself between the Bay and the Pacific. The Spaniards and Mexicans were endlessly rebuilding their missions -- there was more than one año de los temblors. Mark Twain witnessed the quake of 1865, and wrote “The Great Earthquake in San Francisco.” Another quake struck three years later, also Great. As for fire, the city burned six times during the gold rush days -- Christmas Eve of 1849, three times in 1850 (hardly anything left to burn, in that third fire), and twice the following year. Three “Great Fires” and three not-so-great fires, in as many years.

But, again, just over one hundred years ago, San Francisco was destroyed. This is not news. At the time it was the largest city west of the Mississippi, the commercial hub of the west, and its destruction virtually stopped commerce west of the Rockies. But such a thing is unlikely to occur now -- we survived, after all, the economic blow of 9/11. Most of San Francisco’s deaths -- between three- and five thousand -- were caused by the 7.8 quake, and most damage was the result of the firestorm afterward. All this has little relevance today. Our cities are built to code. Our firefighters are more than competent.

Then again, war is war. During WW II, more than sixty-five Japanese cities were utterly destroyed, including Tokyo and Kobe. Blasted from the skies. Not mere bombs -- incendiary bombs. The weapon was not explosives, but fire. Fire. Or rather, firestorm. Oh, and a couple more cities were destroyed with nukes. As much energy can be released in ten minutes of firestorm, as in the bright sheer moment of a Little Boy or a Fat Man.

When we say the Great San Francisco Earthquake, we mean the Great Earthquake and Firestorm. The Great London Firestorm. The Great Chicago Firestorm. And then all those deliberate firestorms of war -- the calculated destruction of, say, Hamburg (the fire reached a height of 2000 meters), or Dresden (over 200,000 Germans killed in that one). Not an unknown phenomenon, then.

The flames leap from block to block, isolated fires joining like streams into rivers. Temperatures get hot enough to melt glass -- to melt iron. Canals catch fire. Fleeing people sink into boiling asphalt like sloths into tar pits. Winds grow to hurricane forces as cool air is dragged in along the ground to replace the air blasting up with the heat -- trees are knocked over like reeds. Roofs are torn from their joists and combust in midair, to rain down as flaming ash, spreading more havoc. Fire climbs stone walls, crosses tile roofs and pours down chimneys like kerosene down a gopher hole. Most casualties come not from the flames, but from poisonous gases, from asphyxiation, from distant heat.

One obvious conclusion is that there isn’t a city in the world that the US couldn’t utterly destroy at will. Without any recourse to nukes. And with much less political fallout. The precedent is there, after all. Fire is natural, after all. And after all, the really evil thing about nukes is the radiation -- not a problem, with firestorm. Even total warfare need not be nuclear. This should be a comfort to all of us.

As for accidental carnage and its aftermath -- not the war-kind, which is, excuses aside, deliberate, but the Great Earthquake and Firestorm kind -- well, there are no accidents, and everything is politics. Cities change, but people don’t. Institutions change, but human nature is a constant. The fine old institution of vigilantism played its role during the San Fransisco crisis -- looters were hanged from lamp posts -- but all such charges were denied by the authorities. A sort of coup was staged, where the moneyed interests took over government from the elected, graft-driven politicos. Well, is this a bad thing? Greed is less contemptible than corruption.

After, the city boosters downplayed every aspect of the earthquake, and focused on the controllable, the predictable element of fire. Fire was, after all, covered by insurance companies. Earthquake was not. And every effort was made to frame the fire in, um, a good light, somehow. What, a great fire? Well, yes, but we’ve had great fires before. Indeed, the Great Fire of 1868 was claimed at the time to be, uh, greatly “exaggerated,” per the close harmony of SF newspapers -- insurance, don’t you know, even then … and investors. A city report on the ’68 fire was, um, “lost” … just as well -- who needs that kind of publicity?

A propaganda campaign was launched, as before, in 1906. Nothing to see here, folks. Casualties were underreported. Fault lines were no longer represented on new printings of state maps. No history of the quake was published -- a pattern, then. The city grew up again with breathtaking speed, and with virtually no regard to safety standards. Would have slowed things down, don’t you know. Bad for business.

Hm. Well, all this was such a long time ago. Hardly a man is now alive who remembers that famous day and year -- famous the way 1666 is famous, or 1871. It can have no relevance, or only a little, for today, right? After all, ninety percent of the structures of San Francisco were constructed of wood. Wood, for crumb’s sake, like what you make bonfires with -- might as well have been grass huts. And it’s not as if we’re building on sand, or landfill, anymore. Right? All things continue as they were from the beginning. Right? We're safe.

But it is a good thing, to own a raincoat. Because storms come.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bomb Control

Well, no, I suppose there was a reason.  What, another, yet another atrocity?  Some asshole expressing himself via  exothermic physics and the permeability of human flesh?  Happens everyday.  Am I wrong?  7 billion people, gotta expect a few hundred million, at least, to be monsters.  American victims, celebratory and reverencing human excellence.  What better place then such, for monsters to manifest.

As for which particular monster, it hardly matters.  The more specific targeting, via firearms, of little children, or the randomish selection of athletes and spectators -- we are outraged if we let it below the surface.  As we do not let such things enter us, when the victims are African or Asian or somesuch.  Thus do we stay sane, insofar as we are sane.

Didn't I already write something in these pages, called Bomb Control?  No matter.  I await Obama to call for background checks on the purchase of pressure cookers, but that's the extent of it.  Fewer things we can buy.  That's what government is for.  It is the solution.  Freedom is the problem.  Backpack control, that's the ticket.  Nylon bag control.

Yes, I too am, well, rather inhuman.  God is inhuman angels are inhuman, animals, turns out not too many things are human, relatively speaking.  Because I have been, well, not suicidal, but closer to flat than ever before, It's hard to summon up any intensity of emotion.  I'm thinking of getting life insurance.  Must provide for my foolish aged mother, in the event that something untoward should befall me.  I hold this truth to be self-evident, that nothing is promised, or secure, or sure.  You think you are safe.  I've taunted you with this delusion on previous occasions.  But there is no safe place, thing or situation.  She can stop loving you.  They can be snatched away, accident, malice, monster, you just don't know.  Go out to see a display of human fortitude, discipline and excellence, and wake up with a leg amputated.

This is why I write so rarely, here, now.  Every day is a Boston Massacre.  I don't see the point of any of it.  Now you, dear and faithful reader, need not fret over my well-being.  Duty has kept me going, and that's a promise, for sure.  So what if or that I am utterly defeated.  It is my own doing.

Pray?  I simply don't get it, now.  Jesus no longer presents his wounds, to probing fingers.  We must find God, and purpose, and meaning, in the wounds of other victims, less holy, less innocent, but still valuable and loved and capable of raising a great cry of anguish upon their violation.

All night long, last night, I thought about the song, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.  Mark Steyn wrote about it, as the Lefties were celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher.  Gone where the goblins go, below, below.  Brilliant.  Let us celebrate the deaths of wicked monsters.  Trap them, kill them, have moral clarity about it.  For my part, I should hope somehow to find joy not just in grim and belated justice, but in friendship and love and goodfellowship.  Except I've been mutilated in a few explosions, and am no longer recognizable as human.

Self-centered? Yes.


Sunday, April 14, 2013


im tired of loving you

ive waited for you
wait for
awaited your

somewhere theres the word


more gentle than touch more
than loyalty

your love

my patience though
my strength hope
sand has run out

id rather no
i see no

I don't even want to breathe.
It hurts to move.

You can't even
I don't want

im tired of