
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Why I Am in Favor of Genocide

Come on.  You know it's true.  You'd agree with me if ... in fact you do agree, just not openly.  They are nothing but destructive.  Worthless.  You know what I mean.  Subhuman garbage.  Their contribution to history has been completely negative.  Vicious.  Tragic.  I mean look at them.  Weird and sickening.  I find them disgusting.  And what they do to your sense of smell.  Well I won't go on.  They should all be exterminated. Genocide is appropriate. The covid virus.  Or is it viruses.  I guess so, with the different strains, is it?  Omni-cron, per biden.  If Bush had said that, it would have been a strategeristic saturnalia for the party of white supremacy (Democrats).

Maybe genocide wasn't the right word.  Do viruses have genes, alleles?  DNA, yes.  And subhuman maybe wasn't the right word.  Isn't everything subhuman?  Or is that bigoted, speciocentric.  Broader, genus family order class phylum kingdom.  Animal kingdom.  Life itself, inclusive.  After kingdom would come world, seclorum, novus ordo.  Or universe.  

We'd have to narrow it to biological life, what with spirit beings and artificial intelligence, SBs and AIs.  BIAS.  A fair number of people would say human life is not at the top, with everything else being "sub".  Whales and dolphins, and bonobos -- the gigantic mind of hive insects.  All superior, in their unique ways.  

Unpatriotism is the highest form of diversity.  Disloyalty is the highest form of identity.  You may quote me.  I do not like assassins, or men of low character. 

Okay. That virus thing.  You thought it was race, some human 'race'.  Because you are trained that way. Conditioned, like WWII pigeons on an assembly line, pecking out defective-looking torpedo parts.  Honestly.  Why would you think that?  Does this

COVID-19 Isn't Caused by Bacteria -

look like a "race" to you?  Pitiful, the way you were educated.

The word "racism" was invented in the mid 20th century, as a way to cope with Hitler.  (How to cope with Hitler: early intervention.)  It's half the age of "telephone".  The word "genocide" was coined for the Armenian holocaust.  Old wine in new wine skins. 

Who knew — al Sultan, on a par with der Führer.  The Young Turks 

were prior to the Nazis.  

It's like the friendship between Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla: doesn't need to be surprising.  And yes, exactly the same.  

And there you were, your pro-virus offendedness held aloft like a bludgeon, cudgel, knout, you all wound up and ready to judge.  Sheesh.  

That's sheesh in the boomer sense, not genzee.  I just heard about that, yet another flurry of slangisms.  I'm still not comfortable with wack and rad and dis.  I sympathize now with the adults from when I was a kid, the preboomers.  They called our pants "hip huggers", because middle aged men still belted at the waist.  You see old movies, where they use kid slang like it's camel-toe.  Awkward but inevitable.  Can't be unseen, or unheard.  Groovy, daddy-o.  

Every gen needs a name?  Why gen z?  Zombies?  Not gen y, because they have no need to ask why.  They already know all the answers.  That's every sophomore class.  Genexide.  Generzeed.

I remember when I first heard about genex, middish 80s.  Cuz they wanted a distinguisher.  I thought that was moronic. Baby boomer made sense, because there was a boom of babies, what with GIs returning after 4-5 years and starting families.  The so-called greatest generation -- I've had to revise my opinion, given what bad parents they were.  The greatest spoiler generation.  

And they were great only because of historical hardship.  If that's the criterion, every generation in history is the greatest.  The russians would be superhuman.  Africans would be the master "race".  Environmental and sociopolitical hardship require either that you survive, or die.  Nothing great about that.  

 I'd thought mine was the worst generation, but this one, man.  Cancelling?  Is that the millennials?  Worthless.  As for the lost generation, the first named-generation, they were all adults by the time that term was invented, by Fitzgerald or Hemmingway or Toklas was it? whoever.  A literary construct.  Lost in absinthe and Parisian fornications.  A fair degree of inversion.  

Same with redstate bluestate.  Just happenstance.  That year, 2000, the networks just happened to use those colors on the election-returns map.  Almost entirely red.

The Electoral College in the 21st Century – Sabato's Crystal Ball

I had a version like this 

2000 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

on a teeshirt, a few years later -- as a joke because I knew some lefties.  Generally I don't like clothes with words on them.  Especially brand names.  If they want me to advertise their product, they should pay me. 

But red is left.  Blue is patrician.  Ho hum.  Can't fight the tide.  

Anyways, genocide of a virus isn't even a real thing.  Viruses do their own recombinant DNA.  There's evidence that bacteria have a hive mind, and fungus, mushrooms.  There was a news item from England that a beaver extinct for 400 years was ruining someone's garden.  Smallpox is not exterminated, even ignoring those specimens preserved in lab freezers.  It could come back as slightly-smallerpox, or a-little-biggerpox.  As long as rural chinese farmers raise chickens and pigs, there will be new variants of flu -- and something about bats and wet markets too.  

I'm sure our government educators are correct in informing us about how it was not a lab -- they are so certain and so passionate.  Just what we want, from unelected entrenched bureaucrats.  Speaking of infections.  

W Burroughs' fame was very slightly burnished in his line, 'language is a virus'.  Naked Lunch is one of the very few books I just stopped reading.  Threw it spinning into the trash.  My line is better, that words are what we use to tell lies with.  The prepositional ending is okay depending on how you say the line, aloud.  And that thing about prep endings is just made up anyway, like split infinitives.  John Dryden being fussy — but I do like his Plutarch.  It's okay to break the rules, when you know what they're for.  You know what I mean.  

Language as virus always struck me as a purely adolescent sentiment -- appropriate from a heroin addict.  You freeze all emotional development when you become addicted.  All we are is dust in the wind.

So, some genocide is good.  Not all mosquitoes -- not even all of the bad ones.  Males are vegetarian, and females too, except when, um, pregnant.  But they're always pregnant, almost.  Genocide for fleas?  Tapeworms?  I expect the passenger pigeon can be de-extincted, its DNA into the egg of its closest relative, the band-tailed pigeon.  Dodo birds were pigeon-related. I'd like to see the marsupial wolf recovered.  Conservation is good in itself.  Better is human life.

Is all that clear?  


Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 So, political

and religious

Again, political

and religious

In less theoretical terms, 




But maybe it's not less theoretical.  I mean, what people do -- what they fight for, sacrifice for -- is just because of belief.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023


You believe:

  • there is a human spirit;
  • this spirit is sexual in the sense of male or female;
  • it develops, if it develops, independent of biology and genetics, and Evolutionary or physical influence;
  • these spirits tend to inhabit sexual biological bodies that conform to the sex of the spirit;
  • sometimes a spirit inhabits a body that is sexually incongruent, resulting in transgender phenomena.

If the word "sex" is rejected, we will concede "gender" as a synonym and euphemism for sex.  

If you prefer the terms "masculine" and "feminine" or their synonyms or euphemisms, rather than "male" and "female", we will so stipulate.  

If the implication of a clear dualism is too binary for you, we will agree that behaviors, psychology, degrees of brain dimorphism, endocrinal profiles, and what have you -- each may be placed on its relevant "male-female" or "masculine-feminine" continuum.  

If the concepts of male-female is too dualistic, Western, Christian or american for you, we will accept the foundational and enduring tenets of any culture or hypothetical civilization you propose, provided that it meaningfully survived the challenge of contact and engagement with some other actual and viable culture.  

We will accept any reasonable definition of "meaningful" you choose, provided that it [1] did/does not excuse catastrophic population collapse, and [2] did/does not allow survival by parasitism, eg, cannibalism or slavery;

We will accept any definition of "reasonable" you prefer, provided it recognizes the law of the excluded middle, the law of non-contradiction, and the law of identity.

Given all this, we must agree that the tranz worldview, Tranzism,

is fundamentally religious.


Monday, April 10, 2023

* William Thomas, formerly

Another undoubted triumph for humanity, enlightenment, diversity, inclusion and equity.  Women's swimming champion Lia Catherine Thomas. She has dominated her sport like Babe Ruth; she's a virtual Jim Thorpe -- won the 500 freestyle by seven seconds.  That's how long the fall takes off a 68-story building.  You can just about make toast in seven seconds. 

In the picture below, the young woman behind her is crying for some reason.  Probably because she just came in at number two.  So close.  Well, seven seconds, maybe, but what should women expect?  Lia is a champion.

Here in this candid shot  
she's adjusting her penis.  That's a real issue for men, a little embarrassing, or at least self-conscious, at least for me, sometimes, and women have to do it too, obviously.  I won't spell it out, because it's not a part of satire, parody or farce.  Well, the 'women too' was parody, but I mean the, what, hygiene?  Grooming?  Comfort.

A tailor might ask a man how he "dresses", right or left.  (So I am spelling it out.)  That would be a boxer situation, rather than briefs.  Each has its advantages.  Briefs provide some support, but you can ride up on yourself, I suppose that's how it would be said, if it needs saying.  Not quite like trying to telescope-in a vacuum hose.  With boxers, you're a little more on display, draped all along one side.  I'm a briefs guy, but if I had to choose, say commando, I'd slightly favor left.  But I'm generally ambidextrous.

Despite whatever impression I might have accidentally made in these pages, I still maintain that the swimsuit area should be generally discrete.  Take Lia, again.
Exibit A
She is wearing black for a reason.  Women know that black is slimming, but that's not her, Lia's, problem.  Black is more modest.  I've noticed this myself.  It visually mutes the male genital bulge.  Sorry to be so blunt.  Lia knows this.  Her penis certainly makes for an entirely different silhouette than … hm, how shall I put it? -- than your mother would make.  Modesty behooves us all.

Lia may still have some vestigial behaviors left over from her bro days.  Does she still manspread, maybe on the swim-team bus? -- take up both seats?  
"Oh I'm so sorry, sister.  I forgot myself.  Tee hee."  

It's a guy thing.  Maybe, airing out the curtains?  Is this appropriate, in her?  Let's find out.  Using my very minimal graphic skills, I've brightened Exibit A so you can see with your very eyes that which the traditional biological female athletes might enjoy on display while sharing the women's locker room with her, Lia.  

Exibit B
It might take a moment to orient yourself.  Hi, I'm Lia, champion female athlete, and this is my penis bulge, and my nuts too, but they're much smaller than they used to be.  Cuz I'm a woman.  

And here she is again, tall and proud.
Hey, presto chango! 

Well.  My.  My my.  

This isn't really my cuppa, but I'd lay odds that Lia is NOT circumcised.  I don't have an expert eye, and stats favor that she IS circumcised, or "cut" as the gays say.  But I suppose her parents were not very traditional, re this american folkway.

[So, um, Lia.  Lia.  Dude.  I get it.  You want to dress like a woman.  But their clothes have a different cut for a reason.  Women, smooth.  Men, bulge.  Your onesie needs a little tailoring, for a little extra room.  You were probably more of a grower than shower, back when you had enough testosterone to get erections.  But you're like a face being smothered by a plastic bag.  It's like something out of science fiction, 'Alien' maybe, with that thing bursting out of that guy's belly.  Just saying.  We can see your dick.]

What I find unfair is that Lia, here, appears not to have bosoms. That is a distinct and unfair advantage, re swimming hydrodynamics.  She might be just naturally flat-chested, or, and I hope not, she suffered the trauma of mastectomy (men, or rather, here, male bodies can have mastectomies).  The Amazons of Herodotus removed the right breast as an advantage in archery.  But Lia is certainly more streamline, slicing through the water more efficiently.  That would explain how she wins — and she's six foot one.

It's probably for convenience that he kept her two last relics of masculinity -- his patronym, "Thomas", and her penis.  Changing either is a hassle.  


Be fair.  He's an okay-looking guy.
Woman, meh.

Is it rude, that I put this guy on display, literally reveal a physical part of himself that he must loath?  Call it rude justice.  He puts himself on display -- fully, as is reported, in the women's locker room.

This is a big dude. The fact that Riley Gaines, a paleowoman -- but no, I retract that. She deserves respect, and will not be a part of my farce. The fact that Riley Gaines tied this man in competition says everything about her.  What it says about him is that he is an above-average male athlete.  He's nothing at all, as a man.  But he knows that.  

It's not that he has mental or spiritual illness.  It's that he thinks it's right to compete against women. 

Why pick on Lia?  Aside from the obvious?  Because, there are merely personal injustices like, obviously, a man competing against women, in certain sports.  Then there is murder.  It's his murders that are the point.  Six of them. 

Yes, yep, that's right.  Corporate responsibility.  What reparations this Tranz owes, to Nashville Christian Children and Adults, I won't say.  But the case is clear.  The logic is irrefutable.  Simply by being her identity, tranz, Lia is guilty.  And by being a prominent public figure, he is an appropriate target.  He asked for it.  I dominate women's swimming!  I rule!  King of the world, queen of the seas.  So he should learn that with great attention comes great culpability.  

Also, as a woman, he is guilty of the Lizzy Borden ax murders.  Logic.  Woke, woke logic.


Sunday, April 9, 2023


Alright, I have to admit that it wasn't very workable, my insistence on people centering their entire lives and speech patterns around me -- my demand that every-body use my pronouns.  This is still important, but I went too far.  I've matured since then, and I under-stand now that while I wanted my pronouns capitalized, if that's what I wanted -- I forget -- I shouldn't try to change every-one else's pronouns too.  Same thing goes for verbs.  

Just me, what I want for my-self.  That's what america is all about.  And by just me, I mean just you too, from your point of view.  We're all here for just our-selves.  That's clear to me now.  Maturity.  You'd be wrong about that, since it's me who's important, not you.  But I can't make you be right.  And I'm okay with that.  You're not even stupid.  Just human.  

I can only say what I want, and trust that you have the human decency to honor that.  It wouldn't cost you any-thing, to use my pronouns for me.  I'm not making any-thing up, no new words to memorize and learn how to pronounce.  There's no-thing about you calling your-self or other people other things.  What could be more reasonable that that?  Live and let live.  It's all about uniting! -- not dividing.

So here are my pronouns, simplified:
In-stead of he/him/his, please use thhey/to thhis/ours. (Proper usage of the objective case: in-stead of "We want him to come", it is We want to thhis to come; in-stead of "This pronoun applies to him", it is This pronoun applies to to thhis.)

Also, when I am referring to my-self, I/me/my/mine will hence-forth be Usns/you/hher/ours.

And when Usns am included in plural pronouns, please replace we/us/our/ours with wewe/thhe dudes/weuns/i.  (No need for caps.)

Oh, and for my own purposes of personal fulfillment, I will be replacing thhey/thhem/thheir/thheirs, along with it/it/its/its and for simplicity all equivalents, eg, thhat/thhose and thhis/thhese, with fish/fish/fish's/fish's.  Obviously I would not require you to adopt this practice.  It would be unreasonable for me to expect the world to reshape it-self around me and my self-actualization.  

Usns'll have pamphlets printed up to hand out -- you can help -- clarifying this.  And laminated cards, for wallets and to hang from your neck on a lanyard.  The new Harriet Tubman $20 bill will be out in 2030, in Kamala's first term, and Usns'll be lobbying fish hher pronouns be printed on the back.  Discretely of course, because not every-thing is about you.  [Okay.  So "that" etc will not be "fish" unless acting as a sort of pronoun.]

For clarity, Usns won't be lobbying discretely -- Usns'll be very persistent and forceful about fish!  Hher friends at Antifa 
and BLM 
are on-board, and wewe will be loud and proud.  Usns don't have close ties to NARAL
Fight Back for Reproductive Freedom Postcard Party & Luncheon in SF w/ NARAL  CA : Indybay
New England Mountain Bike Association New England Mountain Bike Association
will not be welcome.

Usns'll be wanting hher pronouns to be printed discretely.  Not printed discretely, like by the printing press of a small company that does no advertising.  Usns mean that on the bills, the letters that spell out the words will be discrete, like with a small font-size.  Fish will all be in good taste.

You can see that Usns do not tolerate that typically bad academic writing style Usns mentioned not long ago.  Clarity!  Precision!  Fish is why you return to fish pages ... no, these pages -- you can rely on hher.  Oh, hee hee, I mean you can rely on, uh hher? you? ...  no, Usns mean me no you can rely on you -- or do I mean hher, I mean Usns mean Usns mean...  Well Usns'm confused.  But you know what Usns mean. 

My no dang hher usage here is copy-right but not trade-marked.  Feel free to adopt fish for your-self, and share fish.  Social Media could spread fish like wild-fire!  Wouldn't fish be great!?!

You can see Usns've adopted a pleasing humility.  When would Usns ever have admitted Usns was confused, before.  Fish is the hard-won lessons of maturity.  If there are any other small points of confusion remaining in your mind, please feel free to inquire about fish.  Usns'm only here to help, and you can help too.  Fish is the least wewe can do.


Saturday, April 8, 2023

A Brilliant Plan

Why am I going on so much about this?  I'll just say it.  The Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer.  That's it.  Previous to her spree, if it qualifies as a spree, I had touched it as it arose.  Heh.  Touched on this particular peculiar tranz detail of a generally degenerating culture -- all of a piece with pronouns, riots and cancelled careers.  Just stuff, because life is not supposed to be a smooth road.  But none of that was murder.  

Mass murder takes it to another level.  

The queer apologists, and I think I'm using the term correctly -- formerly it was a slur, but now it's reclaimed, like swampland with condos on it.  Repurposed, like aborted fetus tissue harvested for stemcells, or human skin used for lampshades.  Pragmatic, utilitarian.  Prudent.  

The queer apologists remind us that it's seven, not six but seven victims of this unfortunate occurrence.  Of course it was foreseeable, they remind us, because the real and metatragic victim, of amerikkka's white supremasist patriarchy maga-cis republican ultra toxicity, was driven to her or his ultimate expression of self-assertion by me, Jack H, for obvious reasons of hatred, intolerance, envy, evil, hatefulness, Jesus, penises, and evil.  

The Red Chinese demand an apology for US molesting their perfectly innocent balloon (Go Biden 2024!).  They inform us that we're racists for claiming covid came NOT from Florida but China.  Mao blamed "rightists"; Hitler knew that jews were to blame; Stalin identified the "wreckers"; for Pol Pot it was city-dwellers and anyone who wore glasses.  And from exactly this same playbook, manifesto, the queer lobby identifies the victims as the perps.

Society is to blame. The Establishment, the Man, the magaman, the ultraheteroman, the white male man. Make gay love not proxy war with Russia, but, yes, do. Don't trust anyboomer over thirty. Defund the police. Comrade Napoleon is always right.

It's a brilliant plan.  They deserve to win.  They smart, we dumb. The Killer was a victim.  Seven is our lucky number.  Who are the monsters?  In this our new america, it's anyone who has no difficulty identifying what a woman is.  In Neoamerica, Wokeamerica, to be rational is to be hateful. 

A woman is a human adult who has a paleovagina.  We might say biological vagina, or traditional, or natural, or real, or nontranz.  Very rare genetic anomalies can complicate matters, but untidiness is always the case, everywhere.  If we couldn't count on universal generalities, neither logic nor experience could have validity.  That is satanic: what is perfectly adversarial must end in universal chaos.

Seems like all of a sudden, to speak of pronouns we need to talk about the existential qualities of genitals.  If it's all about vaginas and penises, then it should be either academic or pornographic.  Grammar is the last place we'd expect to find gender.  

English is the only European language that is NOT gendered.  We use figurative language -- Father Time, Mother Nature.  But time and nature are its.  The only gendered nouns are those that identify which of two types of genitals are at issue.  Man/woman, actor/actress, bull/cow.  "Earth" is not masc, the "moon" is not fem.  These things do not have genitals, or gender.  In other languages, nouns do not have genitals, but they have gender: der Mond is NOT male, but it is masc; la terre is NOT female, but it is fem.  

A "tranzman" is NOT a man or male, or feminine, and she is fem.  A "tranzwoman" is NOT a woman or female, or masculine, and he is masc.  Because in English, paleopenises or paleovaginas determine our very few gendered pronouns, exclusively. Those individuals who have had transsexual surgery no longer have genitals, strictly speaking, but they still have a grammatical gender -- they were born with it.

What are genitals then, strictly speaking?  A prosthetic limb is not an actual arm or leg, but it is good to have.  A transplanted arm is an arm, as a transplanted liver is a liver -- good to have.  So, I'm honing in on something that is biological in character.  

Reshaped vaginal tissue, supplemented with additional skin and tendon and cartilage, is not a penis.  A transplanted penis is a penis.  In transexual cases, such a transplant-recipient would be a woman who now has an actual penis, thanks to a donor.  

This would be something like a mouse having a human ear growing from its back.  

Science progressing as it is, a penis might be grown de novo.  I'd expect that transplanted testicles will someday be an option -- rather than the cosmetic, prosthetic ovoids currently provided.  

Again, because this seems to be difficult, a woman with a transplanted penis is a woman.  The way a horse with a transplanted horn is a horse with a horn.  Not a unicorn. It's not that unicorns have horns -- it's that they are magical.  If there were magic, a magical horse might be a unicorn.  But there is no magic.  Science does not transform the nature of a thing.  Unnatural results may accrue, but they are unnatural because they are not authentic.

If gene therapy were to became so sophisticated that all XX chromosomes were changed to authentic XY, and ovaries became or were somehow replaced by testes, and the Skeen glands became and took up the functionality of a prostate, and the feminized brain became testosteronic in its compartmentalization ... etc, well, that would be a male body.  

Male authenticity would become merely philosophical speculation, or a question of theology: is spirit "binary".  Thank you, critical gender theorists, for that term in this context. It is apt.

But for reality as it is, genitals are those organs genetically designed for procreation. They are biologically generative.

For men, soldiers, who have been catastrophically wounded, it is altogether fitting and proper that every surgical means be used, to restore them.  They will never be lessened, by their tragedy.  Such losses, in the performance of duty, can never be repaid.  All we can do is honor what is noble.  

That is the opposite of what I'm talking about. 

I'm talking about what is ignoble.  Their brilliant plan.  The tranz takeover of pronouns is so bizarre that it has normalized gay marriage. Brilliant.  Being white is racist, having a penis is violence, outside-in penises are vaginas. Woke politics is so much more an attack on common sense, let alone on civilization itself, that former extremes wither in comparison.  Genius.

It works because conservatives think there are rules, but we want to be polite, so we are silent.  That's what "acquiesce" means -- "to become quiet".   We were silent until we were unable to speak. 

And we are grateful for what we get.  The sop that the Most Supreme Court has tossed our way re abortionism might have made some of us do backflips of glee, but all that August Body really did was allow some hydrogen peroxide for an open wound.  Ouch, but thanks -- master.

Logic.  Logic logic logic.  Penis penis penis.  Wherever there is a NEO, there must be a PALEO.  Thus, there are no more vaginas, only paleovaginas and neovaginas.  No more "women" -- only prefix-woman, either traditional or tranz.  Tradwomen or tranzwomen.

I must have said it already, years ago by now.  I said we will have no more marriages!  Tranzmarriage hath made me mad.

I'm not done yet.  It's not the words weener or peachie, tee hee, that bring me back like a dog to its vomit.  It's the murders.  

Their plan is brilliant.  The murders were a bit much.  But we are, most of us, too polite to bring them up.  And anyway, the new news is that Trump was indicted.  He's the real criminal.  


Friday, April 7, 2023



You know, like blackface.  Tranz.  Could be Zface.  But X.  X it out.  How is it different.  Let's say it's a white guy, in blackface.  He's NOT black, but he's attempting to represent, if not simulate, the appearance.  How is it different?  You're not black, not a woman, not a black woman.

Well, there's a surgery, if there is, so not as temporary as blackface.  Although the previously completely obscure hiphop beebop doowop boop boop bedoop, um, artist? performer? personality? bandwagoneer has partway tattooed himself toward his aspirational race.  

Vaudevillians like Al Jolson used burnt cork, easy to remove.  Bert Williams was a black performer who wore blackface.  He wasn't black enough, otherwise.  That's a problem nowadays too, not being sufficiently authentically black, not all BLM and Reparational and Democrat.  There are chemical ways to darken, but that would fade, slough off the skin, or the pill or shot would wear off.  Melanin wouldn't be permanently ramped up in cells.  Like the guy who turned himself blue by supersaturating himself with colloidal silver; he's dead now.  

Whereas amputated organs do not grow back.  We're not lizards, most of us, to regrow tails.  Cal Gov Gavin Newsom, 

The Nightmare of California (now streaming on Peacock), might, as he reportedly said, "creep out of my skin for you like the snake that I am.  That's right, sssstupid, I'm coming for you.  Sssscum."  But non-Silurians (or does he identify as Sleestak?) can't regrow penises.  Penis penis penis.  I enjoy my penis, but I depend on my balls -- like the girl you'd party with, or the woman you'd marry.  

So it's not quite the same.  But that is the nature of all analogies.  If there weren't differences, they'd be the same thing.  Blackface, and tranz surgery.

But they're pretending. They've x'ed out their birth genitals, excised, ex-size, and they're passing as something else -- as the other.  I won't bother to inform you about passing.  The difference is that race-passing was for social advantage in a repressive state, and sex-passing is about dysphoria, a dysfunctional emotional state.  

We should have compassion for those who are sick.  It's a christian and jewish virtue.  But to believe the deluded is to follow them into destruction.  We know what male and female is because we have eyes and hands.  It's not belief, it's fact.  A fact is something that can be demonstrated.  Otherwise it's theory, or opinion, or deception, or delusion, or etc.  As they say, someone with an experience is never at the mercy of someone with a theory. 

So, xface.  Latinx, hispanix, whatever.  Larynx, phalanx, manx, minx, lynx, jinx, latinx.  Latino, ex out the o, O-face.

Xface, a sexual blackface, a pretending to hate the male or female that you are, or actually hating what you are and pretending you're the other thing, or you're something that you just made up, or that you feel, or that you overheard and believed.  We'll hammer out the specifics later maybe, over a sun-dappled brunch of brie and Chardonnay, from Gavin's vineyard.

The Genderfix Bible - all "binary" gender errors corrected! Sample (copyright): "For Gox so loved the world that xe gave xers only begotten donx..."

We haven't been asked to participate in a mass hysteria before ... well, the Salem witch trials ... and the Civil War ... and Covidism.  Stalinist Russia, aside from Stalinism, had Lysenkoism.  The Dutch had tulip-mania.  St Vitus' Dance.  Examples are easy.  Ours now is particularly toxic, because wokism is sexual in nature, down past the genetic level, to spirit itself.  Wrong chromosome, wrong sex, wrong race, wrong god. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Knout of Servility

First of all, I'm sorry.  Sorry for that last one.  It was ridiculous.  Did you even bother to read it?  Long.  Loooooonnnnng.  Just about unintelligible.  What's with this flow-of-consciousness crap?  Rambling on and on.  Could I possibly think that's interesting to anyone but myself?  What a narcissist.  So, sorry.


But it took about an hour to write.  So it didn't seem long.  

But long.


I'm restricting my Fox News watching to Gutfeld.  !  It's not that he's all that funny, but it's light, and there are various contributors, mostly from the right but they have their own take, sometimes.  So it's an echo chamber, but not a megaphone.  The other shows are too polarizing, in too serious a way.  I'm already polarized.  I'm seeking balance, and civility.  Which brings me, skillfully, to my point.

Civility.  Gutfeld mentioned an NPR situation, wherein civility was said to be racist.  Well, NPR.  So, of course.  Everything and everybody.  Even them, against themselves, and the coloreds (did you know that Larry Elder, black talk-radio guy, was a White Supremacist?).  Coloreds, that's right, right?  I'm sure I just read it.  Colored.  Yes, here it is, from NPR dot org, "When Civility Is Used As A Cudgel Against People Of Color". 

"***!"  What.  What?  "***!!!"  What are you talking about.  "***!  ***!"  And you think there's a difference?  "****!  ******!!!"  You're an idiot.  "******************!!!!"  [expletive deleted] and your mother too.  She must be a complete moral imbecile to have produced something like you.  Moron.  "***!"  Well that's too bad.  But it doesn't excuse how bad your judgment is.  Anyway, you're done.  And you're an idiot.

Apparently the Label Politzei imagine there's a difference between being a person who is colored, and a person who has color. The only linguistic distinction I can find is that you're a person who is either colored, or a color.  Being nothing but a color is about as dehumanizing as you can get.  An optical concept, perhaps not even on the visible spectrum.  Is this what Ellision meant by The Invisible Man?  

(Hint: adjectives are not nouns.  The Elephant Man is not a man who is an elephant.)

Anyways.  All I wanted to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, is that the morons in that NPR article failed to distinguish between (among) civilization, civilizing, and civility.  You know, because they all start with civili, and there ain't no pulling out, once you're that far in.  

Here's why they're morons, the committee, the commissariat that contributed to the production of that article and philosophy.  Also, their professors are morons.  And as I already said, the mothers.  I doubt that anything that could rightly be called a father was involved.  Maybe two daddies?  No healthy masculinity.  Just toxic femininity.  

Ah well.  We can only aspire to our ideals.

They are morons because they confused civility for servility.  Servility was, metaphorically, most certainly a "cudgel".  Except the word is not cudgel.  In riffling through their online thesaurus (as their creative-writing teachers urged), searching for an alternative to "club", they chanced upon this picture-painting word.  

They might have learned the correct word, had they ever attended an American History course, if such a course was ever actually available to them.  The correct word is knout.  Lincoln used it, in referencing one aspect of the Democrat Party's major social contribution to mid-nineteenth century American civilization.  Slavery, their Peculiar Institution, for which the Democrats most certainly should pay reparations.  Any American black who has allied herself with the Democrat Party is complicit, and owes reparations. 

Likewise, and again after Lincoln, lash might have been used.  You know, from the Second Inaugural Address?  If they ever heard of it.  

Yet, if God wills that [the war] continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, “the judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous, altogether."

It is a pleasure for those words to pass my lips.  Justice.  That's my point.  We always need grace, but there's been too much mercy in our decadent society — getting away with it, the opposite of justice.  Let's try to earn our blessings for a while.  Be worthy of them.  

That way, when we lose them, as we are losing them, we will be right when we complain that we tried.  Yes, finally, at the end, we tried.  There is merit in not being stupid right to the very end.  We waited until too late, but we did not despair.  That's a theme you could write an epic about.  No epics about those who never even try, even if too late.  


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

I'm Sorry (thing, trigram, opugnia, xher)

I don't know why I did it.  It was wrong.  That thing about my "thing".  It wasn't a typo, like I said — I lied about that.  I did it on purpose.  I'm sorry.  It was thoughtless.  It might even have been cruel.  Toying with you that way.  Low, it was low.  I'm ashamed.  It's bothering my conscience.  But I was weak.  I knew what it would feel like, your hope, all that hope, dashed.  And I did it on purpose, that's what's really so bad.  We all make mistakes.  But this was an "on purpose".  I did it with full awareness.  You must know by now how I am, how I examine things.  You know I will have done that here.  I calculated how you'd be tricked, anticipated your disappointment, and I went ahead and did it anyway.  Inexcusable.

That's how temptation works.  Desire is conceived in the heart.  It should be aborted.  Does the Supreme Court still allow us to get our abortions?  Cuz man oh man do I need one, I mean I needed one.  Too late now.  The monster was born, my thing the monster.  Heh heh.  Gittit?  Cuz my thing is so big.  Huge.  Yeah.  I mean really huge.  Frankly, freakish.  Disgusting and non-functional.  Ugly.  Some sort of genetic mutation like that canadian Gutfeld guy with the gigantic bosoms, is that how you spell bosoms? it's an under-used word.  Boobies, titties, you'd think I'd learn how to censor myself, cuz this is just getting ridiculous, I mean beyond that, pathetic.  Not even close to funny.  What's the matter with me.  Really sick.  Just such bad judgment, and I clearly have some objective gifts, but this is how I use them?  What a waste.  And I'm not even really sorry, what I said before.  Not at all.  I was being insincere.  Yanking your chain, again.  So I deserve what I get, cuz I am incorrigible, unteachable.  Just lying, that's what I was doing.  Like Biden or AOC.

What's with that, "AOC".  Is she important? — this shrill mouth-flapping handwaver?  Another example of Republican incompetence.  "AOC."  Hey, stupid.  Do not use their language.  They do not choose the terms.  We do.  We're the deciders, we control our own language.  Marriage is marriage.  Woman is woman.  Pride is pride.  Choice is choice.  Even gay is happy, although it's too late for that one, if not for all those others.  

Now we need to include adjectives for simple clarity.  Traditional marriage, biological woman, pride of achievement, happy gay, choice to kill a baby...

So, those three-initials of significance, MLK, JFK, BO, BLM, HIV, KKK, etc.  Really, "aoc"?   Her?  It elevates her beyond flattery, given her minimal accomplishments and talents.  Well, Congress is an accomplishment, albeit of party machines and toxic egoism.  And shamelessness is a talent, give her that.  Sometimes it's a skill, perfected by dint of diligent practice.  There may have been a time when she had shame.  Long ago, or really not so long, given her callow age.  

She would not be receptive now to the fact that shame is a virtue.  Shame is the emotion that registers what is socially repulsive, revulsive.  Repugnant, like pugilist or impugn — Latin: repugnare "fight back, oppose; disagree"; from pugnare, "to fight".

So there's a suffix which I may just now be inventing that is more apposite than "ophobia."  Homophobia, islamophobia, etc.  There's a need for the suffix that means to feel not fear, but repugnance.  Something like -opugnia, "to fight, to be willing to oppose".  So, not islamophobia, not a fear of that terrorist cult of Islam.  A repugnance for it — islamopugnia.  

And (yes, I'm going there) not homophobia — homopugnia.  If they're going to label those straights in squaresville, at least be accurate.  Name-calling is sleazy enough.  Lying about it is bidenesque.  And it's not about being homosexual — it's not even a human-normal visceral rejection of the lack of hygiene re sodomy.  Homopugnia is about the public, and successful, attacks on foundational institutions of Judeo-Christian civilization. 

So, not everything they like that we dislike is a phobia

And (by the way), not every scandal is a "hyphen-gate", after Watergate. Most would be -aquiddicks, commemorating the cowardice and moral turpitude of young Senator EMK's youthful homocidal Chappaquiddick antics.  Balloonaquiddick, Trans-Nashville-Christian-Children-Killerquiddick, etc.

Aside from partaking more of the virtue of accuracy, this neosuffix also comes equipped with a handy-dandy conjoining vowel, Chapp a quiddick.  Not all suffixes require a conjoining vowel.  So while it's "islam o pugnia", it's not "trans o phobia" or "-Killer a quiddick".  I'd imagine that's because transogender is such an innovated concept.  (If a prefix can become a noun, a noun can be a suffix.  Politics, baby, it's all words.)  

Transophobia just sounds like Bozophobia (more properly coulrophobia, fear of clowns, although more properly, a fear of stilt-walkers).  But with the shared requirement for makeup, bozophobia cuts too close to the ... pubic bone.  Heh.


For those of you whose business it is to observe politics and to comment, from now on "aoc" will be "AO Cortez", like PT Barnum or DB Cooper — hucksters and thieves.  You are Republican, but you don't have to be stupid.  FDR, LBJ — these abbreviations are not mere conveniences.  Franklin or Lyndon would be clear enough as unique identifiers.  The triple monogram ... the trigram is a spotlight, for a virtuoso performer.  Virtuosx.  But it's for a star with real ability, not for the degraded celebrity of social media.  

I point out these issues because it's so basic: the Rectification of Names.  Defining, and defending, the terms. Meaning is real, but it's also rhetorical, with only the reality we give it.  The Constitution for example is either a leaving I mean living breathing document, or it changes not by the corruption of mutation and degeneration, but by the formal process of Amendment.

The Blob is a movie monster of, just, whatever.  That's no way to go through life — as a fat, drunk and stupid language, or government.  Because both, inherently, have vast power.  

The word definition, then.  It means finite.  Finished.  It has a limit, beyond which it is no longer the thing it was.  Language, unlike the Constitution, IS a living breathing thing.  But even new words have their new meanings.  Can you grok it?  Give the oldest syllables the newest kind of meanings.  New vocalizations, either as homophones, or as, um, neophonemes.  Neophoneme is apparently a word that has never been used before.  It is everything it is, a hologram, a YHWH (tetragram[maton]).

It would be easier, but neither does the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer get her own abbreviation, a ... pentagram.  Unless it's branded into her forehead, in hell.  They won't be speaking much of her anymore, this murdering Tennessee girl and young woman.  It's in poor taste to remind us — opening the wound, or grave, or graves.  We should ignore the fact that she killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed, bloodier than Coriolanus.  Coriolpenis, Coriolpeeneo.  

But, point of order.  I just said "this murdering Tennessee girl and young woman..."  Would "this" be correct, politically correct usage?  Genderically received usage?  Or should it be 'these girl and young woman...'  Was she a plural? — they/them, these/those?  No, I remember — she was He/Him.  Pretty conventional.  

Obviously I'm not solid on the newly revealed nuances of biology, or is it sex, or rather gender.  What's the diff between gay and queer, and fag for that matter.  They used to all mean the the same thing.  Gay was the polite word, like Negro used to be.  

It's these invented "pronouns" — first time in recorded history that a pronoun has been invented.  While we're at it, let's invent oxygen and bandersnatches.  Things that are either elementally immutable, or impossibly fantastical.  In this universe, you might have one or the other, but not both, given that universes have laws.  

Is it xe/xher, currently?  Like Pinyin chinese?  I'm more of a Wade-Giles guy, myself.  Mao Tse-tung, not Mao Zedong.  If it's good enough for The Little Red Book, it's good enough for me.  Gimme that old time religion...  Chiang Kai-shek, not Jiǎng Jièshí; Teng Hsiao-p'ing, not Deng Xiaoping ... well, I might be wrong about that one.  But I still haven't given up about the Peking-Beijing controversy.
You can't just go changing the rules.  That's cheating.  Debate and vote.  But that's like wanting that old time religion.  Hidebound.  Don't you know?  You can change your spots, your g-spot, reposition it so it's part of a penis, I guess.  I'm a little vague about g-spots.  I don't even have a relationship with my prostate. The gays tell me it's quite the target. It's just getting there that puts me off.

Have I gone too far?  People have to let me know.  But I sure have used a lot of italics.  Must be a record for me.  Like my gigantic thing.  And, bandersnatch.  Another word for sacgina?  Andro-snatch.  

So, as I was saying before, you deserve what you get. You deserve to be tricked and betrayed, because you let it happen. You didn't bother to think it through. You know how I am, but you know that I have limits, as we were just discussing. I will occasionally resort to vulgar language, but it has been considered, used as a part of a persona I have donned for the moment. A guise of my disguise.  You have every reason to know that I would not be showing you my thing ((talk about it, sure, all the time.  It's hideous).  Email me privately.)

I apologize for any misunderstandings.  Mistakes were made.  I hope we can all learn and *move on from this unfortunate matter.  I will be taking some time off to spend with my family.  Thank you, and God bless America. 


*For more information, or to offer help, contact JackH@MoveOn.Org

Monday, April 3, 2023

Another N-Word

Given the potential extinction of women's sports, due to participation by chemically or surgically castrated males, we need a third category.  Men's sports, women's sports, and nontrans-women's sports.  For clarity.  The grabbag of "women's" sports is now a sort of middle ground, equal in theory to what "men's" sports should be.  

"Men's sports" is something in which reconfigured (biological or born) women (who are allowed to be presumed to be New Men (hominus novi, like Cicero in Classical Rome)) literally NEVER compete.  Trans um men NEVER compete against biological men.  But they could, they could, if they didn't mind being beaten like a rug in competition.  Losing like Custer at Little Bighorn.

Maybe they'd win at billiards, or archery?  Maybe they'd dominate.  Maybe individuals who are given 10 times their biologically normal baseline of testosterone are given an extraordinary, one might say abnormal, boost in accuracy.  Food for thought.  An area for post-graduate investigation.

I recently heard vagina-women proposed as a sports-category option, but this won't do.  The pubic sac that surgeons construct, for castrated men of a certain identity, is popularly called a "vagina".  Any man (or even woman, whatever that is), who's had intimate contact with an actual, evolutionarily-designed vagina would be surprised that this modern surgical artifact is identified as a vagina.  

Likewise, ovary-women wouldn't do, first because the trauma of a hysterectomy doesn't make a woman stop being a woman.  As for the men, at this point having an ovary transplant or implant is not reportedly a thing.  Tranz is about appearances -- silhouettes and superficialities, skin deep.  

I'd think of the constructed "vagina" in question as analogous to the way a mucous fistula (the opening for a colostomy bag) is like an anus.  It takes the place and does the job, sort of.  Operative difference being, a mucous fistula has a metabolic function, whereas the sac vagina, sacgina, is entirely cosmetic.  Cosmetic surgery can be absolutely vital, as with catastrophic disfiguration.  But the catastrophe should not have been voluntary.  

But look at me, there I go again, with my values-laden language and my presumptive morality.    

Yes, I am too graphic and offensive, for those who would be offended.  Is truth a defense?  No, it is an absolute defense.  But not an operative one.  We modern americans do not have the right to be offensive.   

Offendedness is the real point of the First Amendment, as interpreted from the penumbrae of the emanations of the vapor of the supposition of the presumption of the intimation of the miasma of the excrescence of the constitution, by the Court Most Holy and Supreme, more formally known as the Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición.  (Hyperbole is also an absolute right.)

Like the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, such emanations are religious.  Who knew.  The Kabballah and the Constitution are practically the same thing.  Just goes to show ya.  Ya learn something new everyday.  Woman, Constitution, and other debatable theories. 

As established in the precedent laid down in Humpty Dumpty v Connecticut, words mean whatever we, or rather, whatever they want them to mean ... whether here in Wonderland, or beyond the looking glass.  As I observed not long ago, some sexual identities are entirely dependent on looking-glasses and the hours spent applying makeup.  

It is these glass-gazers who know true reality — it is these seers who foretell our future, our destiny.  We are Evolving into that sort of sexless bacteria that exchanges packets of genetic material, like a handshake.  Yuck.  Wash your hands.  What's that goo?  Hair gel?

"Normal" used to be a word we were allowed to used in polite company.  Now it's another N-word.  I hope sacgina is acceptable.  It lets real women avoid having to describe themselves as non-trans woman.  Seems like people should be able to call themselves what they have always called themselves, without contradiction.  

Then again that's the problem — men claiming they've always been women.  They would be sacgina men, or women ... it's confusing — men with sacginas calling themselves women.   

What should the women who call themselves (non-competitor) "men" be called? — I mean, not for name-calling, rudeness, but for accuracy rather than emotion?  What clear descriptor might there be for the full-blown post-surgical counterpart — women with neopenises calling themselves men?  Maybe ... neopenis-women.  

At least neopenis is widespread online ... oh, only 39k on google.  "Transwoman" has almost 40 million.  Anyways, I completely made up sacgina.  

Peen-neo?  Sacgina men and peeneo women?  We'll take a survey.  Whatever the majority wants.  Popularity is what democracy and truth and reality are all about.  

It's The New Adventures of Sacgina and Peeneo!  Streaming now on Disney+!!!

Why do I return, in recent months, so frequently to this tranny topic?  I repeat myself, but in new ways.  Aside from the power of its symbolism for the decay of our civilization, it is a sad fact that sex is a constantly salient topic, and an urge and a compulsion.  An appetite, albeit not, reportedly, for everyone — one of the alphabet sexualities is a-sexual.  Asexual.  We ignore the inherent contradiction of the diction ... oh! dickshun, giddit?!?  Heh heh...  But sex itself is an urge for most of us.  

It's not that it's sex.  It's that it's so basic to society and to biology.  As hard as the deluded and disturbed are fighting and killing for their version of change, we need to mount a defense, and my sarcastic and potentially painful paragraphs are part of it. 

We will be instructed, as soon as some Lefty thinks of it, that "most" is a racist term, as indicating and supporting a non-minority. Regardless, there is still some statistical power in numbers.  Measurement is a great deal of what science is (even the Covid Religionists acknowledge this, with words).  Objectivity, enumeration, measurement, consistency and stability and reliability, these are, really they are, how we establish what is normal.  

The thing about knowledge is that it can be known.  Identify things as what they are, illusions dismissed, and we arrive at reality. A sacgina is not a vagina.  A peeneo is not a penis.  However improbable, this must be the truth, Sherlock.  Because it is impossible that a thing is what it is not. 

How many ways do I have to say a man is not a woman, and vice versa.  I keep circling back.  My problem is that I insist on truth over feeling.  If the physical universe were theistic it would respect this in me.  Society, at the moment, if it knew of me, would hate me.

Me and Jesus.  Ah. 


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sexual Lobotomies

As it were.  The permanent removal of metabolic function, for the sake of emotion or convenience or expedience.  Unmanageable behavior, so lobotomy!  A societal cure for a personal issue.  Likewise genital glands — testes, ovaries.  Superficial characteristics as well — breasts, penes.  

Lobotomies, well, that was long ago, like, the 1950s in its heyday.  Here we are in '23 skidoo, and we're so past that.  Now we've got meds to handle emotions!  Tune in, turn on!  Enlightenment Now!

And people, generally young, who are confused about that very most basic of emotional issues, sex?  And confused about who they are ... "identity"?  Every teenager is moody, or questioning, or unsure.  Not every option in this existential questing is a solution.  Maturity is a solution.  That takes time, which a precipitous lobotomy precludes.  Robbed.  Likewise, orchiectomy — testicle removal.  

Sounds like something the mafia would be involved in.  Tony Soprano's Medical Waste & Bio-hazardous Material Removal Services — 'No refuse refused!'  Unwanted breasts are an Emotio-hazard, per conventional psychological politics.  Fetuses, testicles — remove whatever it is that the "healthcare" of wokism mandates.

The Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer was reportedly on meds.  Didn't help her emotions (in this case I would have supported a lobotomy).  What meds?  Well, first, "meds" should have the function of curing, or at least helping.  So, fail.  It was some variant of TESTOSTERONE.  

And there we have it, the mystery of the mysterious motive, solved.  Motive was only secondary.  Testosterone was the motivator.  

The news informs us of this Tennessee girl and young woman who never ever had to learn how to cope with male levels of male hormones.  No puberty or adolescence or adulthood of having to deal with the chemical instincts of masculinity — a man's hormones.  

Then, she was injected with massive doses of such conduct-altering ... drugs.  For which she had zero experience controlling.  Presumably she was dosed with T levels to match (or exceed) those of a young man in his mid-twenties.  That, if you do not know, is still a very dangerous age for young men.  That was me, once.  I was more stupid than dangerous, but stupid is dangerous.

Maybe they should have started her off at 80-year-old man levels.  Benjamin Button her into the tranz version of the man she aspired to be.  Weaning her off the, as it were, female whey, slowly introducing male solids.  But, bitesize, and mooshy.

Every man, and young man, and boy, and very little boy, has his lifetime of having to deal with levels of testosterone ten times higher than in females.  It varies with age, but ten is an order of magnitude.  We learn how to handle it.  It's very difficult.  That's why men are physically violent, so much more than women.  Our androgenic hormones are hard to deal with.  We deal with them as much as our character allows.  Practice.

This week's news has educated us as to how at least one female dealt with her male hormones.  

'Roid rage is a thing.  It is surpassingly ugly in men.  Now we've seen how it looks when it is made to be a female thing.  Beyond horror.

Alas, the noble and liberating cause of Transgenderism has been very slightly set back, by this unfortunate and unforeseeable occurrence.  This has also been a week notable for several tornadoes.  Christian school murders ... extreme weather phenomena — we can't ever really know the causes of such things.  Climate Change of course, and patriarchy...

Then again, the killer was under some "psychological" "professional" "caregiver".  That person is responsible for the "medications", and for the murders.  

Maybe some courageous DA will mount a case against him or her or they or them.  Maybe NY City will provide legal expertise.  Perhaps George Soros will contribute to the cause.  Cuz, no justice, no peace.  No justice!  No penis!  How dare those Christians exist, to tell us how to live.  

I seem to have lost my train of thought.  

Death to the intollerant.  Pass the ammunition, and the makeup.  


Saturday, April 1, 2023

My Thing

I am at last bowing to this unreasonable and completely overwhelming popular demand. I just don't want to handle the constant requests -- pleading, weedling, harassing. People are always making promises, and I'm tired of driving all over town to, uh, collect, and it always turns into a surreal nightmare. Lies lies lies.

So below, per your demands, I have posted some pix of my penis. Don't peek, because first I have some things to say, about specifically male beauty, and aging.  

 Errol Flynn.
Really, an Adonis.  

But then... 


Well yeah, sure, of course everyone ages. But he died at age 50. This is not aging, it's degeneration.

And Peter Lorre. As we'd expect, he played his character roles, 

but we look beyond that. 

You know, he's really quite handsome. 

But age 55

It must have been a hard 20 years. 

In Flynn's case his catastrophic aging was certainly due to alcohol abuse. Lorre had various health issues due to improper diet. Which is my point. Nutrition 

In terms of my personal life, nutrition is quite important. I've made jokes about it over the years, my health and fitness. The discerning reader will have seen the performance art of it, but behind the parody, it really is about health, which really is about nutrition. 

Very much of the craping and creasing of skin is that it's not getting the nutrients it needs to repair and maintain. Same with all the organs. There are no guarantees, no promises against tragedy. I should know. I got an autoimmune chronic pain issue some years ago. Incurable. It lasted six or eight years, but it's gone now.  I cured it. With lifestyle.  Stole my joy, changed my personality, but the pain I have now is not from that. 

That's meant to be inspirational. No joking, here. Eat for nutrition. So I'll give you one simple thing, and then add a few easy complications.  I have my berry smoothie, daily.  A pound of frozen blue black rasp straw berries. A scoop of protein powder.  A fair bit of flaxseed oil.  Water.  This is literally perfect nutrition.  Sip it, don't drink or guzzle.  It's not for thirst. 

To complicate it a bit -- and you should never start a new thing, complicated — I have, well, it's quite a list. Dried apple pear nectarine peach prune cherry coconut banana pineapple kiwi mango papaya date fig *deep inhale* goji mulberry gooseberry raisin currant … and a few things you haven't heard of. I've mixed these together into various containers, sort of by categories, and I add a scoopful from one of the "buckets" to the smoothie. I do a few other things with it, re probiotic/culturing and digestion, but we'll skip that.

A few years ago I noticed that I've finally started to age.  Some "fine lines" in the mirror. Again, despite my humorous persona, I'm not more vain than average. So I take my delayed aging as confirmation of lifestyle, a proof of concept, a validation of a theory. 

Skin is the largest organ of the body, and old-time, competent, doctors used it as an aid to diagnosis. The implication is that it's, oh, an early warning system about the rest of your organs. My cholesterol and bone density and hormone levels etc are youthful. My BP is the same as a hunter-gatherer's -- at the very low, and healthiest, end of "normal".  Again, these are not boasts. It's cause and effect. I operate from the "cause" side of things, and get a satisfactory effect. 

As I say, nutrition, and therefore health, and therefore fitness, is my thing. 

But, as I promised, and I know how much you want it, below are those pix you all have been begging for.  To be frank, I've never understood why there's been such a clamor for this. All the time, on and on, harping about how you all want to see these pix. It's just ridiculous. But   HERE   they are. Hope you're finally satisfied. 


Thursday, March 30, 2023


In the '90s public values were forbidden, as with noticing clinton's character — lying slut that he was, they just ignored his molestations and asserted somehow that he was somehow competent somehow.  Somehow they did the same thing with BO — although his character was corrupt not personally, that I know of, but in terms of his judgment.  Our first anti-american president. 

Now values are mandatory, as in, you will conform and love drag queens teaching kindergarten.  

Stare into the face of the horror, disguised by blue and green makeup though it be.

It's not the face behind the pancake that's horrible.  It's the spirit, and I suppose I mean this in the theological sense.  No need to revile this particular individual.  Maybe he's a really sweet guy.  Just twisted in his self-image and values.  We cannot know the horror of his childhood.  Mine, I'm coming to realize, increasingly with age, mine was a nightmare.  I hadn't really known that.  So compassion is not inappropriate.  

But we cannot let the abused become abusers.  Reading to children is good.  Teaching them to deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non- ... oh, what's that math property? — transitive ... deny what is indisputable, as the reality of two non-transitive sexes?  This is indefensible, because children must be defended.  Not every smile means a pure heart. 

It is soon to be forbidden, submerged into the Abyss, to notice the trans woman or man school Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer, his or her relationship with nine-year-olds.  

How young did the Hitler Youth start?  As the Jesuits say, get em when they're young.  I paraphrase.  

No, I will not drop the matter, nor use less-ugly examples.  

Small children of course will see only a clown, in this character.  But we pierce the veil, and recognize the point.  The pathetic guy is so given over to moral insanity that there is nothing to say.  The homeless guy screaming at cars from the sidewalk — there's nothing to say to him, or hear from him.  But what he himself is saying is that your little children are his — they should follow his example, if they have the feeling to do so.  

If he lost his makeup kit he wouldn't know who he was, or couldn't be who he was.  He'd have no proof of his identity, and no identity.  He paints on his identity every day, hours in front of the mirror.  I barely even comb my hair.  

It's not hate.  I don't have any feeling about it, because I don't have small children that he could be around.  If I did, I would have very big emotions.  It's on me, but it's on parents infinitely more, to protect their innocent ones.  

If it's not a joke, "they" have announced "their" Trans Day of Vengeance, for April First.  I'm not fooling. What vengeance do nine-year-olds merit?  I seem to have heard it's three days.  Does last Monday count?  A warmup? dry run? dress rehearsal?  Day One of Los Días de Venganza de los Niños Muertos?  Sponsored by the TransRadicalActivistNetwork dot Org (TRAN, giddit?) — Orphanizer and Mistress of Ceremonies: the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer -- who lived up to the name.  Radical, dude.

NPR had an item about trannies arming themselves.  That's "themselves" in the plural.  I am conflicted.  Is it giving chainsaws to zombies?  Or is it at long last an appreciation of at least some part of the Constitution.  They're against free speech and the free exercise of religion, but maybe they'll start to love guns?  Not, I hope, yet again in conjunction with "Vengeance".  If they (plural) want vengeance, they need to deal with their idiot parents, who screwed them up so much.  

I know.  Not just simplistic, but unfair.  Sometimes there's a bad seed, and sometimes good kids get twisted in ways we could not have prevented.  I'm a much softer guy in person than in these pages.  So I know that kids, and young people, need love, real love along with objective honesty.  

That's why I raised my son to know there was no Santa Claus.  It's okay to pretend — it's a fun game, but when playtime ends so does pretend time.  The reality is not that Santa brings presents.  It's that I love you.  

None of this would be my business, or news worthy, except that it degrades the culture.  The old and now obsolete idea of patriotism served a vital function.  It energized not just capitalism or the military — many countries share in these things.  Our patriotism was justified because it supported rule of law.  

American Exceptionalism wasn't about Manifest Destiny, to push to the Pacific — Russia had a manifest destiny to take over Siberia, to the Pacific.  Exceptionalism wasn't about the frontier, or ingenuity or hard work.  Parts of northern Europe have similar values, and east Asia too.  Our exceptionalism was the Constitution, which more than any significant human document, incorporated an awareness of human nature as it is.  

We may not have lost our last and final chance.  There may be time and opportunity.  But our institutions are so very corrupt now that it's scary.  I'm not actually old, just old enough, but very healthy indeed, and I'm going to live to over a hundred if I'm not somehow killed.  But life in a world without the naive yet beneficent power and blundering of the United States — well we see that world all around us.  Narco-Mexico.  Genocidal China.  Militaristic Russia.  I don't want to have to think up more adjectives.  

Regardless, I think we have, well, sold our birthright for ... not a mess of pottage — uh, pancake batter?

I had thought it would be islamism and dirty bombs, our downfall.  It's our own corrupt government, corrupt media and entertainment, corrupt education (now down into elementary and pre-schools), corrupt military leadership — corrupt culture.  

But, really, it isn't trannies, or the corrupt media etc.  It's the cowardice of people who know better, but do not act.  Lazy, complacent, unrealistic, take your pick or add your own.  I don't understand why people who see the problems don't act.  Soros-funded DAs are so destructive?  Why can't there be a similar surge, from the right?  

If asked, I will bring my skills, such as they are, to the fight.  I'm pretty good with words, and I do, really I do, have an idea about how to edit myself, in writing that's not just this, indulgent solipsism.  I think I'm funny, but I know it's only a reasonable percentage who'd agree about that.  

I could go on and on.  And probably will, next time, or whenever.  This is the positive thing that I think I'm doing — my contribution to sanity, odd though it be.  What are you doing?  


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Now That She's Dead

It's a state religion, this transsexual cult.  Because it is entirely about the spirit, or, if you will, the soul.  But since they do not allow it to be a psychological issue, they can't have it be soul, that conjunction and construct of metabolism and higher brain function.  So it's about the spirit.  

The government is telling us that there is a human spirit.  This spirit, somehow, was born into the wrong body.  So spirit has a sex, or, as they insist, a gender — which is of course a grammatical and arbitrary social construct.  Clothes are for genders, to meet cultural expectations so that individuals may play their proper roles.  Bodies do not have a gender, they have a sex. 

A spirit in the wrong body is called a demon.  There are demons that have sex.  Perhaps all of them do, but in particular, incubus and succubus.  (I'm ignoring the plural, as pedantic.  Also, their pronouns would not be they/them.)  Very religious youths, and older, would have supposed they encountered such entities, late of a night, but we have the phrase nocturnal emission to explain such matters.  Too bad we can't come up with another such likely explanation, for the misgendered.  (Which, my spellchecker informs me, is a real word.)

A spirit in the wrong body is a simple variation on gnosticism — divine spirit trapped in evil matter, and by denying this inappropriate flesh, one's true self is liberated.  Wow.  Religious.  

No animal is transgender.  Same-sex mounting behavior is observed, but it is a display of social heirarchy, the alpha baboon dominating a subordinate.  Know your place.  Female monkeys (Harlow's rhesus), when raised to be insane by neglect and isolation, if somehow inseminated will kill their babies.  Virtually all other females will raise their babies normally.  A specific, supporting the general fact that there are no transphenomena in the animal kingdom.

These are general observations.  The specific is the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer.  It's all in there, right?  Because having given it less than one second of thought, "shooter" isn't the preferred noun. The emphasis is misplaced, like a demonic spirit in a human body.  Murderer is the term.  How the murders were committed is ancillary — irrelevant in fact.  

Guns probably make it easier.  But 10 or 20 gallons of gasoline, or aviation fuel, tactically placed would take out a neighborhood.  That's a little less personal though, a distance thing, so her needs wouldn't have been fully met. (I hope I haven't given anyone ideas.)

The most salient adjective for this Killer is "Trans".  First — and I say this in ignorance and mere speculation — I would suppose that the level of rage and self-hatred of whatever percentage of these people so far exceeds the bounds of sanity that violence, against self or others, is absolutely unavoidable, given our current depravity.  

It won't be widely reported, but it is my expectation there will be an epidemic — no, a pandemic of trans violence — I mean violence by trans ... transes, tranzes ... trannies.  We hear the literal hate speak, from the White House.  An encouragement and incitement to, well, I guess we'll see.  Death to the Christian haters.  I mean haters who are Christians.  

But here's the point.  Now that she's dead, what will they call her?  Her body is undeniably female.  Even such a person as Caitlyn Jenner has a male body, mutilated they seem to be implying, castrated and somewhat reconfigured, and I'd supposed saline implants in his chest.  Any autopsy would show male hips and shoulders, etc.  No anthropologist digging up his bones would be confused.  Maybe the surgical-grade plastic for the implants would cause some puzzlement. 

So the Trans Nashville Christian Children Killer has/had (her verbs) a body that, when dead, is female.  Did it revert?  Like Dracula dissolving into dust, or the Wolfman returning to his humanity?  The vivifying male spirit which required six human sacrifices has fled or been exorcized from this young woman, leaving a hated female husk like a spider-drained wasp?

We all must agree that it was only her thoughts that made her male, or suppose she was.  She is currently non-existent, or in hell.  It would be for Satan to tell her what she is now, and indeed what she was when yet in her body.  Yes, my sweet, you really were and are male.  Or contrariwise.  There are only two choices, given the biological fact of sex, and therefore of the facts of life.  

This leaves a dilemma for the coroner and mortician and city registrar and perhaps the guy who carves any potential headstone.  What is she now?  Do her pronouns survive her demise?  Was it only her spirit that required the world to label her as him?  

This is going to be happening much more frequently.  Confused and lost kids in previous decades dressed up like commandos to commit their school murders.  Trans is a new-again cult that affirms those who are self-loathing, and entitles them to elevated status, victim and hero.  It is instant celebrity, based on wardrobe selection and a flawed understanding of so elementary a thing as grammar.  

It entitles them to outrage when other people's reality conflicts with their self-image.  It creates a sense of being invalidated that goes beyond the old-fashioned and now forbidden idea, fighting words.  It justifies violence as an act of self preservation.  Self-identity is, as the gays say, who I am.  

Speech is foremost among the earliest and most basic of human accomplishments.  Sort of the same way that unambiguous sexual organs are literally universal in all viable vertebrates.  Everything with a backbone manifests a sexual nature, and only one at a time.  None of them are out of synch, in terms of behavior consonant with its organs.  

Only a religion could get sex so screwed up.