Subject: RE: nutri
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010
This is a 20 year old lecture, with 20 year old science backing its validity.
Hmm … so we need to eat far more potatoes and wheat, and reduce all that coronary-artery clogging fat and cholesterol?
Fast Food is bad, of course. Abundant dairy is also dangerous, no argument there. This was produced in the heart of the low-fat dogma horseshot. Clear vegetarian agenda. ADM and Monsanto would be thrilled at the further distribution of this material.
People should eat plants as the basis of their nutritional program, agreed. However, this is still “fat is bad,” in an old lecture. PUFA are NOT healthy—they cause heart disease. Remember margarine? It still makes people sick, butter does not.
This lecture tells us that PUFA is healthy—and that linoleic acid is healthy. This MD makes no correlation between increase of grain and sugar and heart disease—a calculated oversight? He also tells us we need more low and non-fat options on our school cafeteria menus. That sounds like GREAT advice! Replace naturally occurring fat with sugar, cornstarch, and other manufactured carbohydrate product. Grain patties? Give me a break. Pastas are healthy for us? No, they are not. Corn is a good grain? Wheat is a good grain? No, they are not. They are empty calories filled with anti-nutrients that make our guts leak, and our immune systems go bonkers. Soy protein is very good for us? No, it’s not. Tofu is not a healthy substance, either. It’s not good to increase estrogen and fill ourselves with incomplete low-quality protein, any more than it is to fill out bodies to excess with factory-farmed beef and lamb and chicken.
Grain is Good to keep people from starving—YES! But not good food for people to eat. Nor is it food for cows and pigs to eat. It’s food for grain seeds to eat.
I will also argue that grains are NOT plant foods. They are the seeds of those foods, which are fundamentally different from non-starchy vegetables. They are designed to feed the nucleus of the seed, in order to allow it to germinate. They are not designed for human consumption. They make people inflamed and sick. See all the Crohn’s disease patients that attempt to follow a low-fat, high-carb nutritional program, with bleeding guts as their fantastic result.
Lower fat, more seed oils, more grain. This does not make healthy people. This is more Vegetarian Myth.
Given what I know of your diet (Jack), you do not follow this doctor’s advice or recommendations.
Someone said this, and it is a great rule of thumb: “Eat food. Not much, mostly plants.”
From: jh (
Sent: Sun 6/13/10
Son, you miss the point.
You see the case he makes. It's compelling, as far as it goes. Look at his biometrics, and aside from his rather gaunt appearance, you can't argue with the improvement of the measurements. You've missed the idea of moderation in his presentation. Some whole rice. No more than 4 slices of whole bread. Honestly, that sounds very reasonable. It sounds almost ... well, not Paleo, but Meso. I eat less than that. No bread at all, to speak of. A handful of rice, maybe, once in a while.
Given a real-food diet, linoleic and linolenic acids are each benevolent and necessary. It's the imbalance. You did not know this until just now. Without omega 6, you have AIDS. No, not really, but a capacity for inflammation is at the heart of the immune response. Duh. The on-switch is at least as important as the off-switch. It's just you Americans with your idiot diet, who do everything to the extreme. You should be more like me.
(I don't recall his mentioning margarine as a food.)
Yes they are too. Corn. Wheat. Good grains. You have drunk the Kool Aid. Was it yummy?
And how you amuse me, with your "grains are not plant foods." You, with your offal and lard deathcicle pemmican confection. Carrion comfort food.
The point is, don't be dogmatic. A not-entirely-right point of view is not necessarily entirely wrong.
And his point about what we are designed for is correct. Meat is for famines. Grains are for inventing civilization. Somewhere in between, there is wisdom. I, of course, have found it. You, sadly, are still on the path. Godspeed.
Subject: RE: nutri
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010
It’s not difficult to get ALL of the n-6 you need—as it is present in so many of the n-3 rich foods we tout as being important. Almonds, raw pepitas, etc. Sure, stay in balance—but it’s not as if many of us are in danger of getting to little n-6. 4 slices of bread a day? That sounds excessive to me. That’s 4 servings of bread, before one eats their pasta and rice and bagels and other essential starches.
I liked the info on the blood vials and fat, at the beginning of the lecture. Grains ARE for beginning civilization. However, they are NOT good for human animals to eat and use to nourish themselves, as the largest part of our diet. Just because we (humans) have been eating them for a long time, does not make them good or smart.
I never drink Kool-Aid. Except for some of the Crossfit stuff. And that’s only because they are RIGHT.
Black and White—that’s all we need.
From: jh (
Sent: Sun 6/13/10
I agree with you more than you agree with me, which is precisely the opposite of how it should be.
It's a moot point that his specific approach is outdated. Paleo is even more outdated. He was on the path to getting it right -- which is to move away from the SAD. How it's better to move to the other extreme escapes me, however.
1. We are not carnivors.
2. We can tolerate some carnivorous activity, provided that it is not our bodies that are being eaten.
3. All vitality is based on a plant-based diet -- whether directly or indirectly.
4. Paracites are at the top of the food chain -- they eat carnivors.
5. Radient health is achieved neither by eating a grain-based diet nor a animal-based diet.
6, The advantages that meat diets give are the result of limiting the disadvantages of a poor plant-based diet.
7. A balanced vegetarian diet is vastly superior to a diet that contains any significant animal products.
One hundred dollars, please.